[52a - 40 lines; 52b - 48 lines]

1)[line 1]çåì äã÷CHOL HA'DAK- fine sand

2)[line 2]çåì äâñCHOL HA'GAS- coarse sand

3)[line 1]àá÷ ãøëéíAVAK DERACHIM- dust of the road (which is compacted and hard)

4)[line 2]úéáðàTIVNA- (O.F. estraim) straw

5)[line 2]åòáéã áæâàV'AVID BIZGA- straw made into a bale (which is compact and hard)

6)[line 3]çéèé åëì ãîéðééäåCHITEI V'CHOL D'MINAIHU- wheat or any of its type (such as rye, which is hard)

7)[line 4]ùòøé åëì ãîéðééäåSA'AREI V'CHOL D'MINAIHU- barley or any of its type

8)[line 5]÷èðéåúKITNIYOS- legumes

9)[line 6]øåáéàRUBYA- black-eyed peas

10)[line 6]çéîöéCHIMTZEI- (O.F. pesels) peas

11)[line 7]çôöéCHIFTZEI- (O.F. cedres) chickpeas

12)[line 8]ëì îéãé ãîùøé÷KOL MIDI D'MISHRIK- anything that slips

13)[line 10]ãáå÷DAVUK- (O.F. glud) glue

14)[line 10]âôàGAPA- the wing of a bird

15)[line 12]äéëé ðé÷åíHEICHI NEIKUM- how shall it lift itself [upon impact if both wings are stuck]?

16)[line 13]àòé÷áé ãâôéA'IKVEI D'GAPEI- on the stumps of the wings (where its feathers are trimmed)

17)[line 21]åîçöééï ëìôé ùãøäU'ME'CHETZYAN KELAPEI SHIDRAH- [a rib is considered broken only if it is broken] from the half closer to the spine

18)[line 22]îåçMO'ACH- marrow

19)[line 26]âéñèøà ÷àîøéúåGISTERA KA'AMRISU- are you speaking in a case where the animal is cut into two?

20)[line 31]áåëðàBUCHNA- pestle

21)[line 31]àñéúàASISA- mortar

22)[line 40]ðò÷øä öìò îòé÷øäNE'EKRAH TZELA ME'IKARAH- one of the ribs was dislocated from its base (along with half of the vertebra to which it was attached; some opinions rule that a majority of the ribs (of one or two sides) must be dislocated)

23)[line 40]åâåìâåìú ùðçáñä áøåáäV'GULGOLES SHE'NECHBESAH B'RUBAH- (O.F. demaciede - bruised, crushed) and a skull that was bruised in its greater part

24)[line 40]åáùø äçåôä àú øåá äëøñ áøåáåU'VASAR HA'CHOFEH ES ROV HA'KERES B'RUBO- if the flesh that covers most of the paunch was flawed in its greater part


25)[line 1]ëîä çñøåï áùãøä?KAMAH CHISARON BA'SHIDRAH? - how much must be missing in the spine? (TUM'AS MES: SHIDRAH V'GULGOLES)

(a)A k'Zayis of the flesh of a Mes (corpse) is an "Avi Avos ha'Tumah" and is Metamei through Maga (contact), Masa (carrying), and Ohel (being in the same room (lit. tent). An Ohel is defined as a covered space that is at least one Tefach in length, width and height. If a person becomes Tamei with Tum'as Mes, he must wait seven days to go to the Mikvah. Furthermore, on the third and seventh days he must have Mei Chatas (water mixed with ashes of the Parah Adumah - see Background to Chulin 29:15) sprinkled on him.

(b)In an Ohel ha'Mes, the house or room becomes Tamei even if the Mes is passing through it and does not stop moving. A person who enters an Ohel ha'Mes becomes Tamei even if only a bit of his body enters, even when entering backwards. A Mechitzah (partition) in an Ohel ha'Mes only prevents the spread of Tum'ah if it reaches the ceiling. (RASH to Kelim 1:4)

(c)The bones of a Mes are only Metamei through Ohel under one of three conditions: 1. They constitute a quarter of a Kav (Rova ha'Kav); 2. They are the majority of the human body (whether they are the majority of the build (Rov Binyano) of the body or the majority of the number (Rov Minyano) of 248 bones; 3. The bone is a complete skull or a complete spinal column. In order to be Metamei through Maga and Masa, it is enough for the bone to be the size of a Se'orah (a grain of barley). An incomplete spine or skull are therefore Metamei through Maga and Masa. Beis Shamai and Beis Hilel disagree as to the amount missing at which point they are no longer Metamei through Ohel. (For a further discussion of Tum'as Ohel, as to objects that prevent or spread Tum'ah, see Background to Chulin 36:11:d-e.)

26)[line 6]áùéìäé ëôìéB'SHILHI KAFLEI- the vertebrae at the end of the spine (i.e. in the lumbar region)

27)[line 9]àéúùéìITSHIL- [when] he was asked

28)[line 11]øåá âåáääROV GOVHAH- the majority of its height

29)[line 11]øåá äé÷éôäROV HEKEIFAH- the majority of its circumference

30)[line 13]áøåá ÷øåòB'ROV KARU'A- the majority of it was torn

31)[line 13]áøåá ðèåìB'ROV NATUL- the majority of it was removed

32)[line 14]ëøñ äôðéîéú ùðé÷áä àå ùð÷øò øåá äçéöåðäKERES HA'PENIMIS SHE'NIKVAH O SHE'NIKRA ROV HA'CHITZONAH- the Keres ha'Penimis (the inner stomach) that most of the circumference of its outer Keres punctured or torn. There is a Machlokes (Chulin 50b) as to the identification of the inner and outer parts of the Keres. The most strict opinion (which is the ruling of the SHULCHAN ARUCH YD 48:2) is that the entire Keres is the Keres ha'Penimis and the surrounding flesh is what the Mishnah terms the Keres ha'Chitzonah)

33)[line 19]îéãé äåà èòîà àìà ìùîåàì?MIDI HU TAIMA ELA LI'SHMUEL?- are we not trying to explain the reasoning of Shmuel?

34)[line 20]î÷åí ùàéï áå îéìúMAKOM SHE'EIN BO MILAS- the place (the inner paunch) that does not have wool

35)[line 22]ááäîä îï äæàá åìîòìäBI'VEHEMAH MIN HA'ZE'EV ULE'MAILAH- in the case of animals that were clawed by a predator, from the size of a wolf and larger it is a Tereifah

36)[line 23]äðõHA'NETZ- hawk (O.F. osproir); some sources question this definition (see TOSFOS to 63a DH Hanetz) and identify the Netz with the gosshawk (ARUCH, RADAK)

37)[line 33]ðîééäNEMIYAH- (O.F. martrine) marten, a flesh-eating, tree-dwelling animal, similar to the weasel and with valuable fur

38)[line 34]çåìãäCHULDAH- a rat, weasel or marten

39)[line 35]òã ùúéð÷á ìçììAD SHE'TINAKEV L'CHALAL- until it is punctured all the way to the abdominal cavity, the victim will not be rendered a Tereifah unless the claws of the attacking animal penetrated the abdominal cavity and punctured the intestines

40)[line 36]àáì ãøåñä ìéú ìäåAVAL DERUSAH LEIS LEHU- they do not have the ability to render their victim one that was clawed (which contradicts Rav Chisda)

41)[line 38]áøéáéBERIBI- Chizkiyah, one of the greatest sages of his generation ("Beribi" is a descriptive title such as "the Great," used to refer to a sage)

42)[line 40]ãøäè çúåì áúøäD'RAHAT CHATUL BASRAH- that a cat was chasing after it

43)[line 41]åòì ìàéãøåðàV'AL L'IDRONA- and it went into a room

44)[line 41]åàéúçéã ãùà áàôéäV'ISCHID DASHA B'APEI- and the hen ran into a room and the door slammed shut in the cat's face

45)[line 41]åîçééä ìãùà áñéçåôéäU'MACHYEI L'DASHA B'SICHUFEI- and the cat swiped the door with its paw

46)[line 43]æéäøà àéú ìéäZIHARA IS LEI- it (a cat) has toxin [in its claws]

47)[line 43]åìà ÷ìé æéäøéäV'LO KALEI ZIHAREI- but its toxin does not burn [to be lethal even for kids and lambs]