(a)The Mishnah in Pe'ah includes Pe'ah, Bikurim and Ra'ayon among the things that have no Shi'ur. Which two items still need to be added to the list?
(b)This statement is confined to Din Torah. What minimum Shi'ur did the Rabanan fix for Pe'ah and Bikurim?
(c)What did Rebbi Yochanan initially maintain with regard to a silver Ma'ah, the Shi'ur of Ra'yon (stated in our Mishnah)?
(d)He retracted however, when he heard what Rebbi Oshaya (Berivi [the great man]) had to say? What did Rebbi Oshaya say about the Shi'ur of Ra'yon and Chagigah?
(a)The Mishnah in Pe'ah includes Pe'ah, Bikurim and Ra'ayon among the things that have no Shi'ur. Gemilus Chasadim and Talmud-Torah - still need to be added to the list.
(b)This statement is confined to Din Torah. The Rabanan however, fixed a minimum Shi'ur - of one sixtieth for Pe'ah and Bikurim.
(c)Rebbi Yochanan initially maintained that the silver Ma'ah, the Shi'ur of Ra'yon stated in our Mishnah - is mid'Oraisa (though he conceded that it has no maximum Shi'ur mid'Oraisa).
(d)He retracted however, when he heard, Rebbi Oshaya (B'rivi [the great man]), who said - that Ra'yon has no minimum Shi'ur min ha'Torah either, and that the Shi'ur Ma'ah Kesef of Ra'yon and Shtei Kesef of Chagigah are both mid'Rabanan.
(a)According to Resh Lakish, Ra'yon means appearing in the Azarah with a Korban. What does Rebbi Yochanan say?
(b)What prompts Rebbi Yochanan to say that?
(c)In which case does Rebbi Yochanan agree with Resh Lakish?
(d)What does he say about bringing an Olas Re'iyah on the subsequent days of Yom Tov?
(e)Then in which point do Rebbi Yochanan and Resh Lakish argue?
(a)According to Resh Lakish, Ra'ayon means appearing in the Azarah with a Korban - according to Rebbi Yochanan, it means just appearing in the Azarah ...
(b)... because otherwise, the Tana ought to have said 'Re'iyah' (which would refer to the Korban), rather than 'Ra'yon'.
(c)Rebbi Yochanan agrees with Resh Lakish - on the first day, when one is definitely obligated to appear in the Azarah with a Korban.
(d)He agrees with Resh Lakish - that someone who wishes to bring an Olas Re'iyah on the subsequent days of Yom Tov may do so.
(e)He argues with him however - in that in his opinion, one is not obligated to do so (even when he appears in the Azarah on subsequent days of Yom Tov); whereas according to Resh Lakish, whenever one appears in the Azarah during the subsequent days of Chol-ha'Mo'ed, he must bring with him an Olas Re'iyah.
(a)How does Rebbi Yochanan establish the Pasuk in Mishpatim "v'Lo Yera'u Panai Reikam"?
(b)How does the Tana of the Beraisa know that the above Pasuk refers to ...
1. ... animals and not to birds and flour-offerings?
2. ... Olos and not Shelamim?
(c)Why is that the correct thing to do?
(a)Rebbi Yochanan establishes the Pasuk in Mishpatim "v'Lo Yeira'u Panai Reikam" - on the first day exclusively.
(b)The Tana of the Beraisa knows that the above Pasuk refers to ...
1. ... animals and not to birds and flour-offerings - from Chagigah which has to be an animal, a. from the Pasuk in Mishpatim "v'Lo Yalin Chelev Chagi ad Boker" (and a bird does not have Chelev); and b. because logically, the Re'iyah for Hash-m must be similar to the Chagigah for the owner.
2. ... Olos and not Shelamim - because, just as the flesh of the Chagigah goes to the owner, so too, must the flesh of the Re'iyah go to Hash-m.
(c)This is the correct thing to do - because it would not be right for the table of the owner to be full, and that of his Master to be empty.
(a)What Derashah does the Tana of another Beraisa make from "Yera'eh" "Yir'eh" that disproves our original interpretation of Resh Lakish's opinion (that Ra'yon means appearing in the Azarah specifically with a Korban)?
(b)We now retract from our original interpretation of the Machlokes. In fact, even Resh Lakish agrees that someone who comes without an Olas Re'iyah still performs a Mitzvah. What then, is the Machlokes between Rebbi Yochanan and Resh Lakish?
(c)Resh Lakish explains the Pasuk in Mishlei "Hokar Raglecha mi'Beis Re'echa" (which seems to suggest that one should rather bring less Korbanos than more) like Levi. How does Levi resolve the apparent discrepancy between this Pasuk and the Pasuk in Tehilim "Avo Beisecha b'Olos"?
(d)Whom does the Beraisa support, Rebbi Yochanan or Resh Lakish?
(a)The Tana of another Beraisa learns from "Yera'eh" "Yir'eh" - that, just as Hash-m sees us free of charge, so too, does He expect us to be seen free of charge (from which we see that it is not obligatory to appear before Hash-m each time with a Korban).
(b)We now retract from our original interpretation of the Machlokes. In fact, even Resh Lakish agrees that someone who comes without an Olas Re'iyah still performs a Mitzvah, and their Machlokes is whether one is even permitted to bring an Olas Re'iyah on the subsequent days of Yom Tov - Rebbi Yochanan holds that Re'iyas Panim has no Shi'ur, but the Korban Re'iyah does (i.e. only on the first day); whereas according to Resh Lakish, the Korban Re'iyah has no Shi'ur either.
(c)Resh Lakish explains the Pasuk in Mishlei "Hokar Ragl'cha mi'Beis Rei'echa" (which seems to suggest that one should rather bring less Korbanos than more) like Levi, who resolves the apparent discrepancy between this Pasuk and the Pasuk in Tehilim "Avo Beisecha b'Olos" - by establishing the former by a Chatas and an Asham (in other words, it is better not to sin and not to have to come to the Beis ha'Mikdash in order to bring one's sin-offering), and the latter by Olos (and Shelamim [which are gifts for Hash-m]).
(d)The Beraisa, which encourages us to come to the Beis ha'Mikdash with Olos - clearly supports Resh Lakish.
(a)Rav Yosef initially explains the Beraisa, which says 've'Ein Nir'in la'Chatza'in' to mean that someone who has ten sons, should not bring five of them to the Azarah on one day of Yom Tov, and the other five on another day. What objection does Abaye raise to that?
(b)Abaye therefore establishes the Derashah like Acheirim. What does Acheirim learn from "Kol Zechurcha"?
(a)Rav Yosef initially explains the Beraisa, which says 've'Ein Nir'in la'Chatza'in' to mean that someone who has ten sons, should not bring five of them to the Azarah on one day of Yom Tov, and the other five on another day - Abaye objects to this on the grounds that this is obvious, since, how can a father make half his sons 'keen', and half of them 'lax'?!
(b)Abaye therefore establishes the Derashah like Acheirim - who learns from "Kol Zechurcha" - that someone who collects dog's manure, who purifies silver and a tanner are Patur from Re'iyah, because they cannot go to Yerushalayim together with the other people.
(a)Our Mishnah writes that the Olas Re'iyah must be bought with Chulin money. Is this peculiar to the Olas Re'iyah?
(b)To which Shelamim is the Tana referring when he says 've'ha'Shelamim min ha'Ma'aser'?
(c)Beis Shamai require the Chagigah of the first day of Pesach to be purchased from Chulin money. What do Beis Hillel say?
(a)Our Mishnah writes that the Olas Re'iyah must be bought with Chulin money. In fact - this Din is not peculiar to the Olas Re'iyah, but is applicable to all obligatory Korbanos.
(b)When the Tana says 've'ha'Shelamim min ha'Ma'aser' - he is referring to Shalmei Simchah, which do not require a specific animal to be Shechted (as we shall see shortly).
(c)Beis Shamai require the Chagigah of the first day of Pesach to be purchased from Chulin money. According to Beis Hillel - it may even be purchased with Ma'aser money (as we shall see in the Sugya).
(a)Which Korban is the Tana referring to when he permits a Yisrael to fulfill his obligation with Nedarim, Nedavos and with an animal of Ma'asar Behemah?
(b)And what does he say about a Kohen fulfilling his obligation with the Chata'os and Ashamos or the Chazeh v'Shok that they receive from a Yisrael?
(c)Is one Yotzei Simchah on Yom Tov ...
1. ... with the meat of birds?
2. ... with Menachos?
(a)When the Tana permits a Yisrael to fulfill his obligation with Nedarim, Nedavos and with an animal of Ma'asar Behemah - he is referring to Shalmei Simchah.
(b)He also permits a Kohen to fulfill his obligation with the Chata'os and Ashamos or the Chazeh v'Shok that they have received from a Yisrael.
(c)One is not Yotzei Simchah on Yom Tov ...
1. ... with the meat of birds, or ...
2. ... with Menachos.
(a)What problem do we have with the Lashon of our Mishnah 'Olos b'Mo'ed Ba'os min ha'Chulin'?
(b)On what grounds do we refute the suggestion that the Tana says 'b'Mo'ed', because bringing Olos (even Olos Re'iyah) on Yom Tov is prohibited altogether?
(a)We answer the initial Kashya from 'Olos b'Mo'ed Ba'os min ha'Chulin' (implying that on Yom Tov, they can be purchased even with Ma'aser money) with the classical answer 'Chasurei Mechsera, v'Hachi ka'Tani'. The problem with the Lashon of our Mishnah 'Olos b'Mo'ed Ba'os min ha'Chulin' is - with the implication that on Yom Tov they can be purchased even with Ma'aser money, whereas we just learned that they cannot!?
(b)We refute the suggestion that the Tana says 'b'Mo'ed', because bringing Olos (even Olos Re'iyah) on Yom Tov is prohibited altogether - on the grounds that this is the opinion of Beis Shamai, and we always try to establish a Stam Mishnah like Beis Hillel.
(a)Which of the Korbanos discussed in this Perek do Beis Shamai permit on Yom Tov?
(b)What do they learn from the Pasuk ...
1. ... in Bo "Lachem"?
2. ... in Pinchas "b'Mo'ado"?
(c)Beis Shamai prohibit Semichah on Shalmei Chagigah and Simchah. Why is that?
(d)Beis Hillel permit all three Korbenos Yachid of Yom Tov to be brought on Yom Tov (but not Nedarim and Nedavos). In view of what we just said, why do they permit Semichah? Why could it not have been performed before Tom-Tov, like Beis Shamai?
(a)Beis Shamai permit - the Shalmei Chagigah and the Shalmei Simchah to be brought on Yom Tov.
(b)They learn from ...
1. ... "Lachem" - "Lachem" 've'Lo li'Gevo'a' (the prohibition of bringing an Olas Re'iyah on Yom Tov).
2. ... "b'Mo'ado" - that anything (even Olos - such as the Korban Tamid), whose time is fixed, and that has no Tashlumin (i.e. that cannot be brought later) may be brought on Yom Tov.
(c)Beis Shamai prohibit Semichah on both Shalmei Chagigah and Simchah - since leaning on an animal with force is always forbidden (because Chazal forbade using an animal, as we learned in Beitzah), nor did Chazal find it necessary to waive this prohibition by Korbanos, since (according to Beis Shamai) it is possible to perform Semichah before Yom Tov.
(d)Beis Hillel permit all three Korbenos Yachid of Yom Tov to be brought on Yom Tov. In spite of what we just said, they permit Semichah - because, in their opinion, Semichah must be performed immediately prior to the bringing of the Korban (Consequently, seeing as the Korban may be brought on Yom Tov, it is necessary to permit Semichah to be performed then).
(a)We answer the initial Kashya from 'Olos b'Mo'ed Ba'os min ha'Chulin' (implying that on Yom Tov, they can be purchased even with Ma'aser money) with the classical answer 'Chasurei Mechsera, v'Hachi ka'Tani'. According to the new text, which Korban can be brought ...
1. ... on Chol ha'Mo'ed (but forbidden on Yom Tov)?
2. ... even on Yom Tov, but only from Chulin?
3. ... on Yom Tov, even from Ma'aser money?
(b)Why does the Tana not permit some Ma'aser money to be mixed with Chulin money ('Toflin' [as we shall see later with regard to the Chagigah])?
(c)Beis Shamai maintain that one may only purchase the Chagigah of the fifteenth (the first day of Pesach) with Chulin money. What do Beis Hillel say?
(d)What does the Tana in another Beraisa say about all the above cases?
(a)We answer the initial Kashya from 'Olos b'Mo'ed Ba'os min ha'Chulin' (implying that on Yom Tov, they can be purchased even with Ma'aser money) with the classical answer 'Chasurei Mechsera, v'Hachi ka'Tani'. According to the new text, the Korban that can be brought ...
1. ... on Chol ha'Mo'ed (but forbidden on Yom Tov) is - Olas Nedarim and Nedavos.
2. ... even on Yom Tov, but only from Chulin is - the Olas Re'iyah.
3. ... on Yom Tov, even from Ma'aser money - is Shalmei Simchah.
(b)The Tana does not permit some Ma'aser money to be mixed with Chulin money ('Toflin' [as we shall see later with regard to the Chagigah]) - because whereas a Chagigah may require a large amount of money, depending on the number of people who are sharing it, an Olah can be purchased for a Ma'ah Kesef (in which, the Chulin money will suffice).
(c)Beis Shamai maintain that one may only purchase the Chagigah of the fifteenth (the first day of Pesach) with Chulin money. According to Beis Hillel - Ma'aser money is permitted.
(d)The Tana in another Beraisa corroborates all that we just learned in the previous one.
(a)What do we extrapolate from Beis Shamai in the previous Beraisa, who permits the Chagigah of the fifteenth to be purchased with Ma'aser money?
(b)What prompts us to make this inference?
(c)What does Rav Ashi learn from Beis Shamai's distinction between the Chagigah of the fifteenth and that of the fourteenth?
(d)Why us that?
(a)We extrapolate from the fact that Beis Shamai, in the previous Beraisa, requires the Chagigah of the fifteenth to be purchased with Chulin money - that the Chagigah of the fourteenth may be purchased with Ma'aser money.
(b)What prompts us to make this inference is - the fact that the Tana refers specifically to the Chagigah of the first day of Pesach and not just to that of Yom Tov.
(c)Rav Ashi learns from there - that, according to Beis Shamai, the Chagigah of the fourteenth is only mid'Rabanan ...
(d)Otherwise - they would require it too, to be purchased with Chulin money.