

úåñ' ã"ä ä÷ãù çîõ åùçøåø îô÷éòéï îéãé ùéòáåã

(Summary: Tosfos clarifies the statement and elaborates.)

àí òùä ùåøå àôåúé÷é åä÷ãéùå ìîæáç.


Clarification #1: If one designated one's ox an Apotiki (a security against a loan) and then declared it Hekdesh to go on the Mizbe'ach.

åìàå ãå÷à ä÷ãù, ãä"ä ëì àéñåøéï ùäï øàåééí ìäô÷éò ...


Clarification #2: And Hekdesh is La'av Davka, because the same will apply with any Isur that can remove (the claim) ...

ëâåï 'àéöèìà ãîéìúà ãôøñåä àîéúðà' ãéáîåú (ã' ñå: åùí), åëâåï ÷åðîåú ãôø÷ àò"ô (ëúåáåú ã' ðè: åùí)...


Examples: ... such as a woolen coat that one spreads over a dead person (in Yevamos, Daf 66b [See Tosfos there, DH 'Avdei']), and in Perek Af-al-Pi (Kesuvos, Daf 59b, [Tosfos, DH 'Konamos']).

ëéåï ùéù ìàéñåø ëç ìçåì ùòä àçú.


Reason: ... since the Isur is able to take effect for one moment.

ãøáà ìèòîéä, ãàîø áôø÷ ëì ùòä (ôñçéí ã' ìà.) 'á"ç îëàï åìäáà äåà âåáä, ' åùôéø î÷ãéù [äìåä], åúå ìà ô÷ò áèøéôú á"ç.


Source: Because Rava follows his reasoning, when he said in Perek Kol Sha'ah (Pesachim, Daf 31a) that a creditor claims from now onwards, in which case the debtor rightfully declares the article Hekdesh, which does not simply depart when the creditor claims it.

àáì ÷ãåùú ãîéí- ëé äéëé ãô÷òä òì éãé ôãéåï, ô÷ò ðîé áèøéôú á"ç...


Exception: Kedushas Damim, on the other hand, just as it departs vie redemption, so too, does it depart when the creditor claims it ...

ëãàùëçï áùãä [î÷ðä] ëùä÷ãéùä ìå÷ç, çåæøú ìáòìéí áéåáì...


Precedent: ... as we find by a purchased field which the purchaser declared Hekdesh, and which reverts to the owner in the Yovel ...

ùàéï ëç ìä÷ãù á÷ãåùú ãîéí éåúø îï äî÷ãéù, åëé ô÷ò ëç î÷ãéù, ô÷ò ëç ä÷ãù.


Reason: ... seeing as Hekdesh does not have more rights in Kedushas Damim than the person who is Makdish it, and when the rights of the Makdish fall away, so do the rights of Hekdesh.

åäééðå èòîà ãçîõ, åäééðå èòîà ãùçøåø.


Chametz and to Shichrur: And the same reasoning applies both to Chametz and to Shichrur.

åøéá"à îáéà øàéä îéøåùìîé ã÷àîø 'ìà îöéðå òáã îùúçøø åçåæø åîùúòáã ... '


Proof: And the Riva supports this explanation with a Yerushalmi (Pesachim, Perek 2, end of Halachah 2), which states that we do not find an Eved who is set free and who reverts to slavery.

åáùòú àéñåø çîõ åùçøåø ìà äéä äçîõ åäòáã áøùåú áòìéí, åúå ìà ô÷ò.


Proof: (cont.): ... and at the time of the Isur Chametz and the Shichrur, the Chametz and the Eved, respectively, were no longer under the jurisdiction of the owner. Consequently, it (the Isur Chametz and the Shichrur) cannot be removed.

åáëìì ä÷ãù äåé ÷åðîåú åãáø äî÷öä ìîú.


Clarification #2 (cont.): Also included in Hekdesh are Konamos and something that one designated for a corpse.

åëï òùä áéúå àôåúé÷é åäùúçåä ìå, áëìì 'ä÷ãù' äåà.


Clarification #2 (concl.): And so too is where someone made his house an Apotiki and who then bowed down to it, included in 'Hekdesh' ...

åäà ãìà çùéá øáà îëø -ùîô÷éò îéãé ùéòáåã, áòùä ùåøå àôåúé÷é åîëøå...


Implied Question: ... and the reason that Rava did not include a sale - which also takes out of the Shibud, where a person makes his ox an Apotiki and then sells it ...

ëãàîø ìòéì áô"÷ (ãó éà:)...


Source: ... as the Gemara said above in the first Perek (on Daf 11b) ...

îùåí ãìà äåé ëèòîà ãàçøéðé, ãîï äãéï ìà îô÷ò...


Answer #1: ... because the reason is not the same as the other cases, because min ha'Din, it does not remove the Shibud ...

àìà ú÷ðúà ãøáðï äåà îùåí ôñéãà ãì÷åçåú, ãìéú ìéä ÷ìà ...


Answer #1 (cont.): ... and it is merely a Takanah de'Rabanan, due to the loss of the purchasers, since it (the sale) is not widely-known ...

ãäà 'òùä òáãå àôåúé÷é, ãàéú ìéú ÷ìà, àí îëøå, á"ç âåáä îîðå.


Proof: ... because if someone made his Eved an Apotiki, a fact which is widely-known, and then sells him, the creditor can indeed, claim him.

àé ðîé, ìà çùéá øáà àìà äðé úìú ãùðåééí áîúðé' àå ááøééúà...


Answer #2: Alternatively, Rava only lists the three things because they are mentioned either in a Mishnah or in a Beraisa ...

ãä÷ãù àéúîø à'áøééúà ã÷åðîåú á'àó òì ôé; ' åùéçøåø à'îúðéúéï ã'äùåìç - ' ãùåøú äãéï, àéï äòáã çééá ëìåí ìøáå...


Answer #2 (cont.): ... since we learned Hekdeh in the Beraisa of Konamos, in 'Af-al'Pi' (in Kesuvos, 59b), Shichrur in connection with the Mishnah in 'ha'Shole'ach' (in Gitin, Daf 40b) - because strictly speaking, the Eved owes his master nothing ...

åçîõ à'îúðé' ã'ëì ùòä' -ã'ðëøé ùäìåä àú éùøàì òì çîöå, àçø äôñç îåúø áäðàä' ,ãîäàé èòîà îå÷îéðï ìä 'áùäøäéðå àöìå' .


Answer #2 (cont.): ... and Chametz in connection with the Mishnah in 'Kol Sha'ah' (Pesachim, Daf 30b) - in connection with a Nochri who lends a Yisrael on his Chametz, which is Mutar be'Hana'ah after Pesach, for which reason we establish it where he (the Yisrael) placed it in his (the Nochri's) domain.

äìëê ìà çù ìîðåú ìà àéñåø îú, åìà àéñåø ò"æ, åìà àéñåø àçø.


Answer #2 (concl.): And that explains why he did not care to list the Isur of a Meis, of Avodah-Zarah or of any other Isur.



úåñ' ã"ä àìîåä øáðï ìùéòáåãéä ãáòì

(Summary: Tosfos explains the contradictory rulings that appear in Shas over this issue.)

äëà äåé ôìåâúà áäëé...


Statement: Here, this is a Machlokes ...

åáôø÷ àò"ô (ëúåáåú ãó ðè: åùí) àîø ã'àéï ÷åðîåú îô÷éòéï îéãé ùéòáåã ãáòì' ,ãàìîåä.


Question #1: ... whereas in Perek Af-al-Pi (Kesuvos, Daf 59b [See Tosfos there, DH 'Konamos']), the Gemara states that 'Konamos do not take away from the Shibud of the husband, which the Rabanan reinforced.

åëï áøéù äîãéø (ùí ãó ò.) 'àìîåä øáðï ìùéòáåãä ãàùä, åàéï éëåì ìäãéøä; ãôøéê 'åëéåï ãîùåòáã ìä, äéëé îöé îãéø ìä- åäúðï "÷åðí ùàðé òåùä ìôéê ... " ?'


Question #2: Similarly, at the beginning of 'ha'Madir' (Ibid., Daf 70a), the Gemara states that the Rabanan reinforced the Shibud of the woman, and he cannot be Madir her - when the Gemara asks that, since he is Meshubad to her, how can he be Madir her (Hana'ah), since we learned in the Mishnah 'Konem she'Ani Oseh le'Ficha ... ?' ...

åáéáîåú ôø÷ àìîðä (ãó ñå:) âáé 'àéöèìà ãîéìúà- ' ìà àìîåä øáðï ìùéòáåãä ãàùä ,àìà àîøéðï ãðàñø ëé ôøñåä àîéúðà?


Question #2: ... whereas in Yevamos, Perek Almanah (Daf 66b), in connection with a woolen coat, the Gemara states that the Rabanan did not strengthen the woman's Shibud, but that the coat becomes forbidden when it is spread over the corpse?

åö"ì, ãéù î÷åîåú ùöøéê ìàìí ëç äáòì åëç äàùä éåúø îî÷åí àçø.


Answer: We must therefore say that there are some places where one needs to strengthen the Shibud of the husband and of the wife more than others.



úåñ' ã"ä øáé îàéø àåîø øàùåï éùðå áãéï éåí àå éåîéí ÷ñáø ÷ðéï ôéøåú ë÷ðéï äâåó ãîé

(Summary: Tosfos discusses the difference between 'Shen ve'Ayin' and 'Yom O Yomaym' - regarding whether an Eved Cana'ani of Nichsei Milug is considered the husband's or not .)

åàò"â ãâáé ùï åòéï àéï éåöà ìà ìàéù åìà ìàùä ...


Implied Question: Even though with regard to 'Shen ve'Ayin' he goes out neither for the man nor for the woman ...

îùåí ãàéï ìå ëç ìùçøø ÷ðéï äâåó ùì àùä...


Answer #1: ... that is because the man does not have the power to free the woman's Kinyan ha'Guf ...

àáì áãéï éåí àå éåîéí ùäåà úçúéå åéù ìå ëç ìøãåúå ìòùåú îìàëúå, ñáøà äåà ùéäà áãéï éåí àå éåîéí, îàçø ã'÷ðéï ôéøåú ë÷ðéï äâåó ãîé.'


Answer #1 (cont.): ... but as far as the Din of 'Yom O Yomayim is concerned, where he is under his jurisdiction and where he has the power to force him to do his work, it is logical to say that, since 'Kinyan Peiros is like Kinyan ha'Guf', he should also be considered his with regard to the Din of 'Yom O Yomayim'.

åäø"ø éöç÷ áø' áøåê îôøù ãìø"î ðîé éåöà áùï åòéï ìàéù.


Answer #2: ha'Rav R. Yitzchak b'Rebbi Baruch answers that, according to Rebbi Meir too, the Eved goes out with Shen ve'Ayin for the husband ...

åìòéì âøñé' 'åàéáòéú àéîà ãë"ò ìéú ìäå ú÷ðúà ãàåùà åáôìåâúà ãäðé úðàé ...'. åìà âøñ 'åäëà á÷ðéï ôéøåú ... . '


Explanation of Sugya: ... and earlier the text reads 've'Iba'is Eima de'Kula Alma Leis l'hu Takanta de'Usha (this is also the Text of Rashi), u'bi'Pelugta de'Hani Tana'i ... ', and not 've'Hacha be'inyan Peiros ... '.

åääéà ã÷úðé 'ìàùä åìà ìàéù' ëø' éäåãä.


'le'Ishah ve'Lo le'Ish': ... whereaas the Beraisa that states 'le'Ishah ve'Lo le'Ish' holds like Rebbi Yehudah ...

åääéà ã÷úðé 'ìà ìàéù åìà ìàùä' ëø"à ãàîø 'ùðéäí àéðï áãéï éåí àå éåîéí, ' ããøéù 'ëñôå äîéåçã ìå' .


'Lo le'Ish ve'Lo le'Ishah': Whereas the Beraisa which says 'Lo le'Ishah ve'Lo le'Ish holds like Rebbi Eliezer, who says that neither is subject to the Din of 'Yom or Yomayim', since he Darshens 'Kaspo ha'Meyuchad lo'.

åä"ð òáã äîéåçã ìå- åòáã îìåâ àéï îéåçã ìùðéäí...


'Lo le'Ish ve'Lo le'Ishah' (cont.): And the same applies to 'Eved ha'Meyuchad lo', since an Eved Milug belongs to neither of them exclusively ...

ùìæä éù ôéøåú åìæä éù âåó, åàéï æä ÷øåé áòìéí...


Reason: ... seeing as one of them owns the Guf and the other, the Peiros, in which case neither is called the owner ...

åàôéìå ùðéäí éçã àéðí éëåìéï ìîåëøå; åëîå ëï àéï éëåìéï ìùçøøå...


. 'Lo le'Ish ve'Lo le'Ishah' (cont.): ... and even jointly they are not able to sell him, and similarly, they are not able to set him free.

åîùåí äëé ÷àîøéðï ã'ìéú ìäå ú÷ðä ãàåùà' -ãàôé' îëøå ùðéäí éçã àéï îëéøä ëìì.


Conclusion: And that is why the Gemara states that they do not hold of Takanas Usha - because even if they sell him jointly, he simply cannot be sold at all (See Mesores ha'Shas).

åàí îëøä äàùä åðúâøùä, àò"ô ùäëì ìàùä, àéï ììå÷ç ëìåí áä...


'Lo le'Ish ve'Lo le'Ishah' (cont.): So if the woman sells the Nechsei Milug and is subsequently divorced, even though it now belongs entirely to her, the purchsaser received nothing of it ...

ùäøé ëùîëøä äåé ëàãí äîåëø ãáø ùàéï ùìå.


Reason: ... because when she sold it, it was like a person selling something that is not his.

äìëê ìà ùééê àìéáà ãø"à ëìì ú÷ðä ãàåùà, ãìø"à ìà öøéëà ìú÷ðä ãàåùà...


Conclusion: Consequently, according to Rebbi Eliezer, Takanas Usha is not applicable at all, since according to him, there is no need for it ...

ãìà ùééê ú÷ðú àåùà àìà äéëà ùàí îëøä åðúâøùä äåä ììå÷ç.


Conclusion (cont.): ... seeing as Takanas Usha is only necessary where, if the woman sells it and is then divorced, it belongs to the purchaser ...

åàí îúä, äáòì îåöéà, ãùåéðäå ÷åãí ììå÷çéí, ëãàéúà áéù ðåçìéï (á"á ãó ÷ìè: åùí).


Conclusion (concl.): ... and if she dies, the husband takes it, because the Rabanan give him precedence over the purchasers, as the Gemara explains in 'Yesh Nochlin' (Bava Basra, Daf 139: [See Tosfos there, DH 'Hasam' & Tosfos there 50a, DH 'Kasavar']).



úåñ' ã"ä ëîàï àæìà äà ãàîø àîéîø ëå'

(Summary: Tosfos discusses the source of 'Mechirah'.)

ðøàä ãîëéøä éìéó îùçøåø, ãùçøåø äåà ëòéï îëéøä...


Clarification: It seems that we learn selling from Shichrur, since Shichrur is a form of sale ...

ãàé îãéï 'éåí àå éåîéí' éìéó, àîàé àöèøéê áñîåê âáé ùçøåø 'òáãå äîéåçã ìå ? '


Proof: ... because if we would learn it from the Din of 'Yom O Yomayim', why would we shortly need the D'rashah of 'Avdo ha'Meyuchad lo' (See Tosfos, Bava Basra, Daf 59b, DH 'Rebbi Elazar)?



úåñ' ã"ä àéù åàùä ùîëøå áðëñé îìåâ

(Summary: Tosfos clarifies the difference between Nechsei Milug and a regular case of Shutfus (partnership).)

ôéøù á÷åðèøñ ãìà ãîé ìùåúôåú ãòìîà...


Clarification: Rashi explains that it is not comparable to a regular partnership ...

ãäúí éù ìæä çì÷ áëåìå ìéèåì çöé, åëï ìæä...


Reason: ... where each one has a portion in the whole article to take half ...

àáì äëà, ëåìï ÷ðåééï ìä ìâåó, åëåìï ÷ðåééï ìå ìôéøåú, åìéëà îéåçã ìà ìå åìà ìä.


Reason (cont.): ... whereas here, one of them has acquired the entire Eved vis-a-vis the Guf, and the other one, the Peiros (the usage), in which case, he belongs neither to one exclusively, nor to the other ...

åáòðéï æä é"ì 'òáã ùì ùðé ùåúôéï' ãáñîåê - ùìæä äâåó åìæä äôéøåú.


Clarification (cont.): ... and in the same way we will explain the case that is cited shortly of an Eved belonging to two partners' - where one owns the body, and the other, the Peiros.

åëï 'çöéå òáã åçöéå áï çåøéï ðîé -ëâåï ùðúï ìå ëì ãîéå åàéï îòåëá àìà âè ùçøåø ìäéåú îåúø ááú çåøéï.


Clarification (concl.): ... and likewise that of a 'Chatzi Eved ve'Chatzi ben Chorin' - where he (the Eved) paid him his full value and is lacking only a document of freedom that will permit him to marry a regular woman (Ibid.).




úåñ' ã"ä ëâåï ùøàåä áìéìä

(Summary: Tosfos clarifies the statement and discusses the source of 'Ein Eid Na'aseh Dayan'.)

àí øàåä áéåí ãðéï ò"ô øàéä, ã'ìà úäà ùîéòä âãåìä îøàééä;' àáì øàå áìéìä, àéï éëåìéï ìãåï ò"ô øàééú ìéìä...


Clarification: If they saw it in the daytime, they may judge according to what they saw, due to the principle 'Hearing cannot be better than seeing!' (Rosh ha'Shanah, 25b); But if they saw it at nighttime, they cannot judge based on what they saw ...

ãøàééä ë÷áìú òãåú, å÷áìú òãåú ëúçéìú ãéï, ëãîåëç áø"ä (ã' ëä: åùí ã"ä ëâåï), åúçéìú ãéï áéåí àôé' áãéðé îîåðåú...


Reason: ... because seeing is like the acceptance of the witnesses, which in turn, is like the commencement of the litigation, as is evident in Rosh ha'Shanah (Daf 28b [See Tosfos there, DH K'gon']), which must take place by day, even with regards to Dinei Mamonos ...

ëãàîø áô' àçã ãéðé îîåðåú (ñðäãøéï ã' ìã:).


Source: ... as the Gemara states in Perek 'Echad Dinei Mamonos (Sanhedrin, Daf 34b).

äìëê öøéëéï ìçæåø åìäòéã áéåí- åëéåï ùöøéëéï ìäòéã, àéï äîòéã ðòùä ãééï.


Clarification (cont.): That is why they need to testify again in the day - and since they need to testify, the witness cannot become a Dayan.

àáì òã äøåàä ùàéï îòéã ëâåï ùéù òãéí àçøéí îòéãéï ìôðéäí, ðòùä ãééï, àôé' áãéðé ðôùåú ìøáðï.


Explanation #1: A witness who merely saw however, but who is not testifying - where for example, there are other witnesses testifying before Beis-Din, can become a Dayan, even by Dinei Nefashos, according to the Rabanan.

åãìà ëøùá"í ùôéøù áéù ðåçìéï (á"á ã' ÷éâ: åùí) 'â' ùðëðñå ìá÷ø' - 'ãå÷à ìá÷ø, àáì àí ðúëååðå ìäòéã, ëåúáéï åàéï òåùéï ãéï, ãäåå ìéä òãéí, åàéï òã ðòùä ãééï... '


Explanation #2 (Refuted): ... not like the Rashbam, who explains in 'Yesh Nochlin', in the case of - 'Three people who entered Beis-Din to visit' - specifically to visit, but if they came to testify, they may write but not litigate, seeing as they are witnesses, and 'A witness cannot become a Dayan' ...

åìø"ò àôé' òã äøåàä àéï ðòùä ãééï áãéðé ðôùåú, ëãîùîò äëà.


Explanation #1 (cont.): ... whereas according to Rebbi Akiva, even a witness who merely saw what happened cannot become a Dayan in Dinei Nefashos, as is implied here.

åèòîà ëãîôøù áô"á ãîëåú (ã' éá.) 'ø"ò àåîø, îðéï ìñðäãøéï ùøàå áàçã ùäøâ àú äðôù, ùàéï îîéúéï àåúå îéã òã ùéòîåã áá"ã? ú"ì "òã òîãå ìôðé äòãä ìîùôè- " 'òã ùéòîåã áá"ã àçø' .


Reason: And the reason for this is as the Gemara in the second Perek of Makos (Daf 12a) citing Rebbi Akiva himself 'From where do we know that if someone who witnesses a murder, they cannot sentence the murderer to death until he stands in Beis-Din (and testifies)? Because the Torah writes " ... until he stands before the Sanhedrin for judgement" - 'until he stands before another Beis-Din' (but he cannot be the Dayan).

åà"ú, åäà áôø÷ øàåäå (ø"ä ã' ëå. åùí) îôøù èòîà 'îùåí ãëúéá "åùôèå äòãä åäöéìå äòãä, " åëéåï ãçæå ìéä ã÷èìéä, ìà çæå ìéä æëåúà' ?


Question: In Perek Ra'uhu (Rosh ha'Shanah, Daf 26a & 26b) the Gemara attributes the reason (that 'Ein Eid Na'aseh Dayan') to the Pasuk "ve'Shaftu ha'Eidah, ve'Hitzilu ha'Eidah", 'and since they witnessed the murder, they will no longer be able to find a merit on his behalf'?

åé"ì, ãääéà ãîëåú òé÷ø...


Answer: The reason given in Makos is the authentic one ...

àáì áø"ä áà ìôøù ãìà âîøéðï îéðä, ãùàðé ãéðé ðôùåú ãáòéðï "åäöéìå äòãä" .


Answer (cont.): ... and the Gemara in Rosh ha'Shanah is only coming to explain why we cannot learn from it, since Dinei Nefashos are different, inasmuch as they require "ve'Hitzilu ha'Eidah" ...

åáãøáðï àôéìå òã äîòéã ðòùä ãééï, ëãîåëç áô"÷ ãâéèéï (ã' ä:) åáôø÷ ùðé ãëúåáåú (ã' ëà: åùí).


Explanation #1 (cont.): ... and in de'Rabanans, even a witness who testifies can become a judge , as is evident in the first Perek of Gitin (Daf 5b) and in the second Perek of Kesuvos (Daf 21b [See Tosfos there, DH 'Hanach']).

åèòí ãàéï äîòéã ðòùä ãééï éù îôøùéí îùåí ãä"ì òãåú ùàéï àúä éëåì ìäæéîä, ãëéåï ùäåà òöîå òã åãééï, ìà é÷áì äæîä òì òöîå.


Reason #1: There are some commentaries who explain that a witness who testifies cannot litigate, since it is a testimony which is not subject to Hazamah, because, seing he is both the witness and the judge, he will never accept testimony against himself.

åòì èòí æä ÷ùä ìäø"é ãàåøìééðù -ãàìà îòúä òãéí ä÷øåáéí ìãééðéí ìà éòéãå áôðéäí, ãä"ì 'òãåú ùàé àúä éëåì ìäæéîä?'


Question: However the Ri from Orleans poses a Kashya on this reason - in that, by the same token, witnesses who are related to the Dayanim should not be alllowed to testify before them either, since there too, it is a testimony which is not subject to Hazamah?

àìà ò"ë éëåìéï ìäæéîí áá"ã àçø, ä"ð áðé äæîä ðéðäå áá"ã àçø.


Question (cont.): Only just as there one can declare them Zomemin in another Beis-Din, so too, is that possible in our case.

åøùá"í îôøù îùåí ãëúéá "åòîãå ùðé äàðùéí" ,ãàîøéðï ùáåòåú (ã' ì.) 'àìå äòãéí' " ;ìôðé ä'" ' ,àìå ãééðéï' ...


Reason #2: The Rashbam therefore explains that it is because the Pasuk writes "And the two men shall stand", and as the Gemara in Shavu'os (Daf 30a) explains, this refers to the two witnesses, and "lifnei Hash-m", to the Dayanim ...

îùîò ùéòîãå äòãéí ìôðé äãééðéï, åìà ùéäéå òãéí áòöîï éåùáéï åãðéï.


Reason #2 (cont.): ... implying that the witnesses must stand before the judges and not that the witnesses themselves should sit and litigate.

åòåã ôé' ø"é èòí àçø -ã'àéï òã ðòùä ãééï' -îùåí ãðô÷à ìï î"áéåí äðçéìå àú áðéå... "


Reason #3: And another reason the Ri gives to explain why 'Ein Eid Na'aseh Dayan' is based on the Pasuk "be'Yom Hanchilo es Banav" ...

ãò"ô äðçìúå áéåí ùùîòå îá÷øé äçåìä ùðúï ìëì àçã îáðéå, éòîéãå ëì àçã áçì÷å...


Reason #3 (cont.): ... which implies that it is through his bequeathing by day that the visitors heard from the sick man, who distributed his property to all his sons, that they alot each one his portion ...

àáì ò"ô ùîåòúï áìéìä, ìà éòîéãå ëì àçã áçì÷å...


Reason #3 (cont.): . but not via what they heard at nighttime ...

ìôé ùùîéòúï áìéìä àéï øàåéä ìãåï òì ôéä, ëãôé'...


Reason #3 (cont.): ... because what they heard at night-time is not subject to litigation, as Tosfos explained a little earlier

åëéåï ãàéï ìãåï ò"ô øàééú ìéìä òã ùéòéãå òìéä áéåí, ä"ì òãéí, åìëê àéï éëåì ìãåï, ã'àéï òã ðòùä ãééï... '


Reason #3 (concl.): And since one cannot litigate on the basis of what they saw at night-time, until they testify by day, they become witnesses, and they cannot testify because 'Ein Eid Na'aseh Dayan' ...

àìîà îäëà äåà ãùîòéðï ã'àéï òã ðòùä ãééï'


Conclusion: ... So we see that it is from here that we learn that 'Ein Eid Na'aseh Dayan'.

åäééðå ã÷àîø áôø÷ àçã ãéðé îîåðåú (ñðäãøéï ã' ìã:) 'åø"î ãðô÷à ìéä ùàéï ãðéï àôé' âîø ãéï àìà áéåí, îãàéú÷ù ãéðéï ìðâòéí...


Explanation of Gemara in Sanhedrin: With this we can understand the Gemara in Perek Echad Dinei Mamonos (Sanhedrin, Daf 34b) - 'And Rebbi Meir, who learns that even the conclusion of the Din can only be performed by day, because Dinim are compared to Nega'im' ...

áéåí äðçéìå" îàé òáéã áéä? åîå÷é ìéä 'áéåí àúä îôéì ðçìåú, åàé àúä îôéì ðçìåú áìéìä,' ãáìéìä ëåúáéï åàéï òåùéï ãéï.


Explanation of Gemara in Sanhedrin (cont.): ... what does he learn from "be'Yom Hanchilo"? And the Gemara learns from it that one can only divide up inheritances by day, but not by night', since at night-time one can write but not litigate'.

åîñé÷ åàæéì ëåìä ñåâéà òã 'ä"ì òãéí åàéï òã ðòùä ãééï. '


Explanation of Gemara in Sanhedrin (cont.): The Gemara goes through the Sugya there, concluding with (Rav Chisda's statement) 'Havah leih Eidim, ve'Ein Eid Na'aseh Dayan'.

åìäëé àéöèøéê ìàúåéé òìä 'àîø øá çñãà' , ãëì òé÷ø ìà îééúé ãøùä ã"áéåí äðçéìå" àìà îùåí ãáòé ìàôå÷é îéðä ã'àéï òã ðòùä ãééï, ' ëãîôøù øá çñãà...


Conclusion: And the reason that it finds it necessary to cite Rav Chisda there is because the main purpose of the D'rashah "be'Yom Hanchilo" is in order to learn from it 'Ein Eid Na'aseh Dayan', as Rav Chisda explains ...

ãàé ìàå ãìäëé àúà, àîàé àéöèøéê ëìì ["áéåí äðçéìå"] ìø"î?


Conclusion (cont.): ... because otherwise, why would Rebbi Meir need "be'Yom Hanchilo" at all?

åà"ù äà ãîééúé òìä 'åàîø øá çñãà' ,åìà ÷àîø 'àîø øá çñãà' áìà åé"å.


Conclusion (concl.): And that also explains why the Gemara cites Rav Chisda using the words 've'Amar Rav Chisda', and not 'Amar Rav Chisda', without a 'Vav'.



úåñ' ã"ä ëâåï ùøàåä áìéìä

(Summary: Tosfos disagrees with Rashi, who equates Rebbi Yehudah Nesi'ah with Rebbi Tarfon.)

ôé' á÷åðèøñ, åøáé éäåãä ðùéàä ëøáé èøôåï ñ"ì.


Explanation #1: Rashi explains that Rebbi Yehudah Nesi'ah holds like Rebbi Tarfon.

åáçðí ôéøù ëï...


Refutation: This is unnecessary however (See Hagahos ve'Tziyunim) ...

ãàôéìå ëøáé ò÷éáà ðéçà...


Explanation #2: ... since he can hold even like Rebbi Akiva ...

ãìà âîø îãéðé ðôùåú, ëãôéøùúé ìòéì.


Reason: ... who does not learn from Dinei Nefashos, as Tosfos explained earlier (See Mesores ha'Shas)..