

úåñ' ã"ä àîø ìéä àáéé ìà ãàôëéðäå åàæîéðäå îîàé îãñéôà ëå'

(Summary: Tosfos continues to clarify Abaye's statement.)

åàí úàîø, àé áá' ëúåú îå÷îú ìä ìøéùà, àîàé îùìîé ãîé òéï ìòáã?


Question: If one establishes the Reisha by two pairs of witnesses, why should they pay the value of the eye to the Eved? ...

ú÷ùä ìéä ëãôøëéðï ìòéì ' -áúø ãîô÷é ìéä ìçéøåú, ãîé òéï áòé ìùìåîé ìéä'?


Reason: ... Why can we not ask what we asked earlier 'After sending him out to freedom, do they also have to pay him for the eye!'?

åéëåìéï ìåîø 'ìèåáúå áàðå... '


Question (cont.): Why can't they say 'We came for his good (to set him free)!' ...

ëãàîø áô' äéå áåã÷éï (ñðäãøéï îà.) ãéëåìéï ìåîø 'ìàåñøä òì áòìä áàðå'


Precedent: ... as the Gemara says in Perek Hayu Bodkin (Sanhedrin, Daf 41a), that they are able to say 'We came to forbid her on her husband' (and not to have her sentenced to death).

åé"ì, ãìîàé ãîå÷é ìä äùúà áîéôê åäæîä îñ÷éðï ãàééøé ëùòîã ëáø áãéï, åîñúîà ëáø ðúôøñí äãáø ùéöà äòáã ìçéøåú...


Answer: According to how we now establish the Reisha - by Meipach and Hazamah, we conclude that it speaks where the Eved has already appeared in Beis-Din, in which case it is presumably already public knowledge that he has been set free ...

åäøá áòöîå îåãä, ëã÷úðé 'ùäøá àåîø ëê' - ùîåãä ùòîã áãéï ...


Answer (cont.): Moreover, the master himself admits to that, as the Tana states 'she'ha'Rav Omer kein' - that he confesses that he appeared in Beis-Din ...

åëì òé÷ø ùáàéï ìãéï òëùéå, ìôé ùäòáã úåáò ãîé òéðå åîæîéï àú äøá ìãéï, åøáå îåãä ìå ãîé ùéðå.


Answer (cont.): ... and the whole point of their coming to Beis-Din now is because the Eved claims the value of his eye, for which he invites his master (who admits that he owes him the value of his tooth) to a Din Torah.

ìëê ëé àúå ñäãé, ìà àúå àìà ìâøò ëçå ùì òáã, ùàí éáàå òãéí òì ãîé òéðå, ìà éäéä îîù áãáøéäí, åéåãòéí äí ùéáàå òãéí.


Answer (cont.): Consequently, when the witnesses arrive, they arrive to detract from the claims of the Eved, since, if they came because of the value of his eye, they would have nothing to say, since they know that other witnesses will come for that.

àáì îòé÷øà, ãìà äåä éãòéðï ãîééøé ëùòîã áãéï, àôé' äøá îåãä ëîä ôòîéí, öøéê äòáã ìòãéí...


Conclusion: Initially however, before we knew that he had appeared in Beis-Din, even if the master were to admit many times over, the Eved would require witnesses ...

ã'îåãä á÷ðñ ôèåø... '


Reason: ... due to the principle 'Modeh bi'Kenas, Patur'.

åîùåí äëé ôøéê ùôéø 'áúø ãîô÷é ìéä ìçéøåú... ? '


Conclusion (cont.): That is why there the Gemara is justified in asking 'After sending him out to freedom, do they also have to pay him for the eye!'?

åà"ú, ìîä ãç÷ àáéé ìàå÷îé ìñéôà á'îéôê åäæîä'...


Question: Why does Abaye push to establish the Seifa by 'Meipach ve'Hazamah' ...

ëéåï ãáòîã áãéï îå÷îéðï ìä, éàîø ùäòáã úåáòå ãîé òéðå åäøá îåãä ìå ãîé ùéðå, åäáéà òáã òãéí ãäôéì àú ùéðå åñéîà àú òéðå, åáàå òãéí åäæéîåí?


Question (cont.): ... seeing as we establish the case by 'Amad be'Din', why can we not say that the Eved is claming the value of his eye, the master admits to the value of his tooth, and the Eved brings witnesses that he knocked out his tooth and blinded his eye, whom the current witnesses are now Mazim?

åé"ì, ãåãàé ä"ä ëê ùåä àí îéôê, äåä ò"é äåãàú äøá ëîå òì ôé òãéí...


Answer: To be sure, there is no difference between where the witnesses switch the cases following the admission of the master or following the testimony of other witnesses ...

àìà àåøçà ãîéìúà ð÷è, ùàéï øâéìåú äøá ìäåãåú ëìì àìà ëùéù òãéí áãáø.


Answer (cont.): .. only the Tana mentions the normal case, since it is unusual for the master to admit anything unless there are witnesses in the matter.



úåñ' ã"ä ãàëúé âáøà ìà îçééá

(Summary: Tosfos rejects the suggestion that the reason for this is because he could have confessed in Beis-Din.)

àéï äèòí îùåí ãàé äåä áòé, äåä àúé ìá"ã åîåãä åîéôèø ...


Refuted Reason: The reason for this is not because, had he so wished, he could have come to Beis-Din and confessed - and been declared Patur ...

ãàôé' ìùîåàì ãàîø ì÷îï (ãó òä.) 'îåãä á÷ðñ åàç"ë áàå òãéí, çééá' ...


Refutation: ... since even according to Shmuel, who says later (on Daf 75a) that if somebody confesses to a K'nas and then witnessess arrive, he is Chayav ...

äëà, ëéåï ãìà òîã áãéï, ìà çùáéðï ìâáøà áø çéåáà ìòðéï ÷ðñ ...


Reason: ,,, here, since he had not yet appeared in Beis-Din, he is not considered a bar Chiyuva with regard to K'nas ...

ëãôøéùéú áñåó äîðéç (ìòéì ìâ. åùí: ã"ä àéëà) áùîòúéï ã'äåçìè äùåø'.


Source: ... as Tosfos explained at the end of 'ha'Meni'ach' (above, Daf 33a & there 33b, Tosfos DH 'Ika'), in the Sugya of 'Huchlat ha'Shor' (See HagahosTziyunim').



úåñ' ã"ä åðîöàå æåîîéí ÷îàé

(Summary: Tosfos explains why, specifically in the Seifa, it is necessary to mention that they were the first to become Zom'min.)

áäê ñéôà äåöøê ìåîø ùäòãéí ùäåæëøå ááøééúà ùäåæîå, äí äéå øàùåðéí ...


Clarification: In the Seifa we must say that the witnesses about whom the Beraisa says that they were Huzam were the first ones ...

îùåí ãöøéê ìåîø ãôñ÷éðï ìãéðà à'ôåîééäå, ãàéï äòãéí æåîîéí îùìîéí òã ùéâîø äãéï òì ôéäí; åàí ìà ùáàå úçéìä, ìà ä"î ìîôñ÷ ãéðà à'ôåîééäå.


Reason: ... since, because Eidim Zom'min are not obligated to pay unless the Din is concluded through them (See Hagahos ve'Tziyunim), it needs to say that we Pasken according to their words, and had they not come first, we would not have been able to Pasken like them.

àáì áøéùà àò"ô ùáàå ìñåó, ôñ÷éðï ãéðà à'ôåîééäå.


Clarification (cont.): However in the Reisha, even though they came at the end, we rule based on their testimony.



úåñ' ã"ä òáã ëì ãäå îéîø àîø

(Summary: Tosfos queries the Lashon 'Kol D'hu'.)

äøáä éù ìúîåä àîàé ÷àîø 'ëì ãäå' ,ãìâîøé áàéï ìñéåòéä.


Question: It is very surprising that the Gemara says 'even a little', seeing as they (the witnesses) are coming to help him completely (to receive the value of his eye).




úåñ' ã"ä äåä ìéä ìàå ùðéúï ìàæäøú îéúú á"ã

(Summary: Tosfos reconciles the implication (that if the witnesses are not sentenced to death, they are subject to Malkos with other Sugyos in Shas, and elaborates.)

àáì àé àéï ðäøâéï, ìà çùéá ìàå ùðéúï ìàæäøú îéúú á"ã.


Clarification: But if they are not sentenced to death, it is not considered a 'La'av she'Niten le'Azharas Misas Beis-Din'.

åúéîä ìø"é, ãáëì úìîåãà îùîò àôé' äúøå áå ìîì÷åú åìà ìîéúä, ãàò"â ùìòåìí ìà éáà ìéãé çéåá îéúä, ëéåï ùìà äúøå áå ìîéúä, çùéá 'ìàå ùðéúï ìàæäøú îéúú á"ã? '


Question: Throughout Shas, it is implied that even if they warn him only for Malkos and not for Misah, in which case it will never come to a Chiyuv Misah (seeing as they did not warn him for Misah), it is nevertheless considered a 'La'av she'Niten le'Azharas Misas Beis-Din'?

åáôø÷ îé ùäçùéê (ùáú ãó ÷ðã. åùí ã"ä áìàå) àîø ã'àéï ìå÷éï òì ìàå ãîçîø îùåí ãäåé ìàå ùðéúï ìàæäøú îéúú á"ã ìùàø îìàëåú, àò"â ãáîçîø àéï áå çéåá îéúä?


Example #1: In Perek Mi she'Hichshich (Shabbos, Daf 154a & 154b, DH 'be'La'av') the Gemara states that the La'av of Mechamer is not subject to Malkos, because it is a 'La'av she'Niten le'Azharas Misas Beis-Din' with regard to other Melachos, even though, regarding Mechamer, there is no Chiyuv Malkos.

åáô"÷ ãòéøåáéï (ãó éæ:) àîø ã'àéï ìå÷éï áúçåîéï ãäåé àæäøä ðîé ìäåöàä...


Example #2: And in the first Perek of Eruvin (Daf 17b) the Gemara says that 'Techumin is not subject to Malkos, seeing as it (the same Pasuk) is also warning for carrying ...

åàôé' îàï ãôìéâ ðîé ìà ÷àîø àìà îùåí ã'îé ëúéá "àì éåöéà" ? "àì éöà" ëúéá'? -àò"ô ùàéï îéúä áúçåîéï, àôéìå ìî"ã ãàåøééúà?


Example #2 (cont.): ... and even the opinion that disagrees (and holds that he is subject to Malkos), that is only because the Torah writes "Al Yeitzei" and not 'Al Yotzi'? - even though Techumin is not subject to Misah, even according to the opinion that holds that it is d'Oraysa?

åúé' ø"é, ãùàðé ìàå ã"ìà úòðä" -ãâìé áéä ÷øà ãì÷é î"åäéä àí áï äëåú äøùò" ,ëãàîøéðï áøéù îëåú (ãó á: åùí) åáô"÷ ãñðäãøéï (ãó é. åùí)...


Answer: The Ri answers that the La'av of Lo Sa'aneh is different, in that the Torah reveals that it is subject to Malkos, when it writes "ve'Hayah Im bin Hakos ha'Rasha", as the Gemara explains at the beginning of Makos (Daf 2b & 4a [See Tosfos there DH 've'Rabanan') ...

åëéåï ãâìé ÷øà, îå÷îéðï ìéä ì÷øà áî÷åí ùàéï éëåìéï ìáà ìéãé çéåá îéúä...


Answer (cont.): ... and now that the Torah has made the revelation, we establish it in a place where it cannot come to a Chiyuv Misah ...

ëé ääéà ãäúí ã'îòéãéï ùäåà áï âøåùä àå áï çìåöä...


Example #1: ... such as the case where they testify that he is a ben Gerushah or a ben Chalutzah ...

àå ëîå 'òãéí ùäåëçùå áðôù' ìî"ã àéï ðäøâéï ëùäåæîå ìáñåó.


Example #2: ... or such as the case where witnesses who testified that a person is Chayav Misah are disproved, according to the opinion that exempts them from the death penalty even if they subsequently become Zom'min ...

àáì ìî"ã ðäøâéï, àéï ñáøà ìäòîéã áå äôñå÷, ëéåï ùéëåì ìáà ìéãé çéåá îéúä.


Answer (concl.): But it is illogical to establish the Pasuk according to those who hold that they are subject to the death-penalty, seeing as it can lead to a Chyuv Misah.

åëé ôøéê äúí ã'ú"ì î"ìà úòðä" ... '


Introduction to Question: And when the Gemara asks there why he is not Chayav (Malkos) on account of "ve'Lo Sa'aneh" ...

ôé' åìî"ì ÷øà ã"åäéä àí áï äëåú äøùò" ?åîùðé' 'îùåí ãä"ì ìàå ùàéï áå îòùä' ...


Introduction to Question (cont.): .... it means to ask why we need the Pasuk of "ve'Hayah Im bin Hakos ha'Rasha", and it replies 'Because it is a La'av she'Ein bo Ma'aseh' ...

äåä îöé ìùðåéé ãäåä 'ìàå ùðéúï ìàæäøú îéúú á"ã, ' ãëä"â áòìîà ìà ì÷é...


Question: It could just as well have answered that it is because it is a 'La'av she'Niten le'Azharas Misas Beis-Din', which, under similar circumstances, is not generally subject to Malkos ...

àìà ãáòé ìùðåéé ìë"ò - àôé' àìéáà ãø"î, ãðô÷à ìéä àæäøä ìòãéí æåîîéí î÷øà àçøéðà áô"÷ ãîëåú (ã' ã:).


Answer: ... only it wants to answer according to all opinions - even that of Rebbi Meir, who learns the warning of Eidim Zom'min from a different Pasuk, in the first Perek of Makos (Daf 4b).

åà"ú, åäùúà ãîùðé îùåí ãä"ì 'ìàå ùàéï áå îòùä' ,ìà àúé àìéáà ãø' éäåãä, ãàîø (ùí) 'ìàå ùàéï áå îòùä, ìå÷éï òìéå?


Question: Now that it answers that it is a 'La'av she'Ein bo Ma'aseh', it does not go according to Rebbi Yehudah, who says there that a La'av she'Ein bo Ma'aseh is subject to Malkos?

åé"ì, ããçé÷ èôé ìùðåéé ëø"î, îùåí ãàééøé äúí (ùí.) áñéôà, âáé îàúéí æåæ åâáé îì÷åú, îùîò ãááï âøåùä àå áï çìåöä îåãä.


Answer #1: The Gemara is more concerned to answer like Rebbi Meir, since he speaks there in the Seifa, in connection with 'Two hundred Zuz' and with 'Malkos', and it is implied there that by a ben Gerushsh uben Chalutzah he concedes (to the Chachamim).

à"ð, àúé ääåà ùéðåéà ëøáé éäåãä...


Answer #2: Alternatively, that answer goes even according to Rebbi Yehudah ...

ãäà èòîà ãøáé éäåãä ãàîø 'ìàå ùàéï áå îòùä, ìå÷éï òìéå' îùåí ãâîø îîåöéà ù"ø åîòãéí æåîîéï ááðéï àá...


Reason: ... whose reason for saying 'La'av she'Ein bo Ma'aseh Lokin alav' is because he learns it from "Motzi-Shem-Ra and Eidim Zom'min via a Binyan Av ...

åàé ìàå ãâìé áòãéí æåîîéï î"åäéä àí áï äëåú äøùò" ,äåä àîøé' áëì ãåëúé ã'ìàå ùàéï áå îòùä, àéï ìå÷éï òìéå' .


Reason (cont.): ... and had the Torah not revealed by Eidim Zom'min from the Pasuk "ve'Hayah Im bin Hakos ha'Rasha" (that he is subject to Malkos), we would have said in all cases, that 'La'av she'Ein bo Ma'aseh Ein Lokin alav'.

åà"ú, ãääéà ùéðåéà äéëé àúé àìéáà ãø"î, åäà ìø"î áìà "åäéä àí áéï äëåú äøùò" éãòéðï ãì÷å òãéí æåîîéï, àò"ô ùàéï áå îòùä, ãâîøéðï îîåöéà ù"ø ...


Question: How can the above answer go like Rebbi Meir, seeing as according to him, we know that Eidim Zom'min are subject to Malkos even without the Pasuk of "ve'Hayah Im bin Hakos ha'Rasha", since, even though there is no Ma'aseh attached to it, we learn it from Motzi-Shem-Ra ...

ëé äéëé ãâîø áô"÷ ãîëåú (ùí:) îîåöéà ù"ø, ã'òãéí æåîîéï ìå÷éï åîùìîéï? '


Precedent: ... in the same way as we learn in the first Perek of Makos (Ibid., Amud Beis) from Motzi-Shem-Ra that 'Eidim Zom'min are subject to both Malkos and Mamon?

åé"ì, ãàò"â ãâîø îîåöéà ù"ø, äééðå ãå÷à ìòðéï ùìå÷éï åîùìîéï- îùåí ãàéëà ìàå÷îé "ëãé øùòúå" ìãøùä àçøéúé, ëãàéúà áàìå ðòøåú (ëúåáåú ãó ìá.)...


Answer #1: We only learn from Motzi-Shem-Ra that 'Lokin u'Meshalmin' - since one can establish "K'dei Rish'aso" for a different D'rashah, as the the Gemara explains in 'Eilu Na'aros' (Kesuvos, Daf 32a [See Hagahos ve'Tziyunim]) ...

àáì 'ìòðéï ìàå ùàéï áå îòùä', ãéìôéðï î"ìòùåú" áàìå äï äìå÷éï (îëåú ã' éâ:), ãáòéðï ìàå ùéù áå îòùä, ìà äåä âîøéðï îîåöéà ù"ø, àé ìàå ãâìé ÷øà áäãéà.


Answer #1 (cont.): ... but regarding La'av she'Ein bo Ma'aseh, which we learn in 'Eilu Hein ha'Lokin' (Makos, Daf 13b) from "La'asos" that we need a La'av she'Yesh bo Ma'aseh, we would not learn from Motzi-Shem-Ra, had the Torah not written it explicitly.

åòåã é"ì, ãîåöéà ù"ø âåôéä ìà ðô÷à ìï ãì÷é àìà î"åäéä àí áï äëåú äøùò... "


Answer #2: Alternatively, Motzi-Shem-Ra itself we learn from "ve'Hayah Im bin Hakos ha'Rasha" that it is it subject to Malkos

ëãàîø áëúåáåú ôø÷ ðòøä (ã' îå.) - ãâîø "åéñøå" î"åéñøå" .


Source: ... as the Gemara states in Perek Na'arah (Kesuvos, Daf 46a), where it learns ' "ve'Yisru" from "ve'Yisru" '.

åäà ãàîø áô"÷ ãîëåú (ã' ã:) 'åøáðï äàé "ìà úòðä" îàé ãøùé áéä? ääåà îéáòé ìéä ìàæäøú òãéí æåîîéï ...


Introduction to Question: And when the Gemara in Makos (Daf 4b) asks 'What the Rabanan learn from "Lo Sa'aneh" and it answers that they need it for an Azharah for Eidim Zom'min ...

ôé' åìäëé ìà ì÷é àìà àøáòéí á'îòéãéí òì ôìåðé ùçééá îì÷åú ... '


Introduction to Question (cont.): ... meaning that that is why, in the case of 'Me'idin al P'loni she'Chayav Malkos', he only receives one set of Malkos ...

ìà áòé ìîéîø ãìà ì÷é à"ìà úòðä" îùåí ãäåé 'ìàå ùðéúï ìàæäøú îéúú á"ã' ...


Refuted Explanation: ... it does not mean that "Lo Sa'aneh" is not subject to Malkos, because it is a La'av she'Niten le'Azharas Misas Beis-Din' ...

ãäà á'îòéãéí òìéå ùäåà áï âøåùä' àîøé øáðï ãì÷é...


Refutation #1: ... since in the case of 'Me'idin alav she'Hu ben Gerushah' (in Makos, 2a) the Rabanan hold that he does receive Malkos.

åá'îòéãéí ùçééá ìôìåðé îàúéí æåæ' ,àé ìàå "ëãé øùòúå" äéå ìå÷éï åîùìîéï.


Refutation #2: ... and in the case of 'Me'idin she'Chayav li'Peloni Masayim Zuz' (Ibid. 4a), were it not for the Pasuk "K'dei Rish'aso", they would be subject to both Malkos and Mamon.

àìà ä"ô 'ääåà îáòé ìéä ìàæäøú òãéí æåîîéï' ,ãîùåí "ëàùø æîí" ìà ì÷å, ëùîòéãéí òì ôìåðé ùçééá îì÷åú àìà îùåí "ìà úòðä" -ãìà òðù äëúåá àà"ë äæäéø...


Authentic Explanation: What the Gemara therefore means is - that we need that Pasuk for a warning for Eidim Zom'min, since "Ka'asher Zamam" is only subject to Malkos where they testify on P'loni that he is Chayav Malkos, on account of "Lo Sa'aneh", because the Torah does not punish without a warning ...

äìëê à'ìàå ã"ìà úòðä" ìà ì÷é ùîåðéí, ôé' ùéì÷å îùåí òãåú ù÷ø ùäòéãå åîùåí "ëàùø æîí" ,ãúøåééäå îùåí ìàå àçã.


Authentic Explanation (cont.): Consequently, on the La'av of "Lo Sa'aneh" they will not receive two sets of Malkos - 1. due to the false testimony that they presented, and 2. because of "Ka'asher Zamam", seeing as they are both one and the same La'av.

àáì á'îòéãéí ùçééá îàúéí æåæ', ãáìàå ÷øà ã"ìà úòðä" äéä îúçééá ìùìí îùåí "ëàùø æîí" -ãîîåï ìà áòé àæäøä ...


Conclusion: But in the case of 'Me'idin she'Chayav Masayim Zuz' (Ibid 4a), where, without the Pasuk of "Lo Sa'aneh" they are Chayav to pay because of "Ka'asher Zamam" - since Mamon does not require a warning ...

äúí åãàé àé ìàå "ëãé øùòúå, " äåä ì÷é î"ìà úòðä... "


Conclusion (cont.): There for sure, without K'dei Rish'aso, they would receive Malkos because of "Lo Sa'aneh" ...

åëï á'îòéãéí ùäåà áï âøåùä àå áï çìåöä'.


Conclusion (concl.): And similarly, in the case of "Meidin she'Hu ben Gerushah O ben Chalutzah' (they are subject to Malkos because of "Lo Sa'aneh").



úåñ' ã"ä ëé àúà òã àçã îöèøó áäãéä

(Summary: Tosfos reconciles this statement with an opinion in Sanhedrin.)

ìî"ã ñðäãøéï (ã' ì.) 'àéï òãåúï îöèøôú òã ùéòéãå ùðéäí ëàçã , ' äåé äëà 'äùðé îöèøó áäãéä... '


Implied Question: According to the opinion in Sanhedrin (Daf 30a) that the testimony (of two witnesses) does not combine unless they testify simultaneously, when the Gemara says here that 'the second one combines with him' ...

äééðå ëùéòéãå ùðéäí áá"ã.


Answer: ... it speaks when they testify together in Beis-Din.