

úåñ' ã"ä äà úí îéçééá

(Summary: Tosfos clarifies the Sugya.)

ìà áòé ìîéîø úí ùîçåéá, îîä ùäîåòã ôèåø ...


Implied Question: Rav Ula ... does not mean to extrapolate that a Tam is Chayav from the fact that a Mu'ad is Patur ...

ãàèå îùåí ãàééòã éäéä ôèåø éåúø?


Answer: Because it is not logical to say that because it became a Mu'ad, it is more Patur than before.

àìà ä"÷ - ãîåòã éäéä ôèåø, ùìà ìçééáå áäòãàä éåúø îúí.


Clarification: What he therefore means when he says that a Mu'ad is Patur is - that via the warning it does not become more Chayav than the Tam.

åäà ã÷àîø 'éöéáà áàøòà ... ' ...


Implied Question: And when Rava asks 'Yetziva be'Ar'a ... ' ...

îùåí öã úîåú ä÷ì ùàéï îùìí àìà îâåôå çééá, öã îåòãåú ìà ë"ù.


Answer: ... he means to ask that if the Tzad Tamus which is lenient (in that it only pays mi'Gufo) is Chayav, how much more so the Tzad Mu'adus ought to be Chayav (full damages).



úåñ' ã"ä ëúá øçîðà áòì äùåø ð÷é ãôèåø

(Summary: Tosfos clarifies the Sugya.)

åàöèøéê ìîéëúá "àðùéí", ãàé ìà ëúá àìà "áòì äùåø ð÷é", äåä îå÷îéðï 'ð÷é îçöé ëåôø', åäåä îçééáéðï áéï úí áéï îåòã áãîé åìãåú.


Clarification: The Torah needs to write "Anashim", because had it only written "Ba'al ha'Shor Naki", we would have Darshened 'Naki me'Chatzi Kofer' (like Rebbi Eliezer), and we would have rendered both a Tam and a Mu'ad Chayav to pay D'mei V'lados.

àáì äùúà ãëúéá "àðùéí" ìîòåèé îåòã, àéú ìï ìàå÷îé ôèåø ã"ð÷é" à'úí, ãìà ìäåé 'éöéáà áàøòà ... '.


Clarification (cont.): But now that the Torah writes "Anashim" to preclude a Mu'ad (from D'mei V'lados), we need to learn the P'tur of "Naki" with regard to a Tam, on order that it should not be 'Yetziva be'Ar'a ... '.



úåñ' ã"ä ëúá øçîðà áòì äùåø ð÷é úí ôèåø åîåòã çééá

(Summary: Tosfos clarifies the Sugya and reconciles it with the Sugya in 'ha'Chovel.)

å'ð÷é îãîé åìãåú' ã÷úðé ìàå ìôåèøå îãîé åìãåú àöèøéê, àìà ëìåîø ãå÷à úí ôèåø îãîé åìãåú.


Clarification: When the Beraisa states 'Naki mi'Demei V'lados', it does not need to exempt him from D'mei V'lados, but rather to extrapolate that Davka a Tam is Patur (but that a Mu'ad is Chayav).

åàé ìà ëúá 'àðùéí' ëìì, äåé ôèøéðï ðîé áîåòã, ãìà îçééá äëúåá áîåòã àìà áî÷åí ùçééá áúí, ëãôéøùúé ìòéì (ìç.).


Clarification (cont.): Had the Pasuk not mentioned "Anashim" at all, we would have declared even a Mu'ad Patur, since otherwise the Torah only obligates a Mu'ad where the Tam is Chayav, as Tosfos explained above (Daf 39a DH 'Im Kein').

åìäëé ëúá "àðùéí" ãìéúé "ð÷é" ìâìåéé òìéä ãìà îùúòé 'àðùéí åìà ùååøéí' àìà áúí.


Clarification (concl.): So the Torah therefore inserts "Anashim" to teach us that "Naki" should now indicate that "Anashim" 've'Lo Sh'varim' is confined to Tam.

åäà ãúðéà áäçåáì (ì÷îï ãó ôæ.) 'ùåø àéï îùìí àìà ðæ÷, åôèåø îãîé åìãåú' - îùîò ãàééøé áîåòã ãîùìí ð"ù ...


Implied Question: And as for the Beraisa in ha'Chovel (later, on Daf 87a) 'Shor Ein Meshalem ela Nezek, u'Patur mi'Demei V'lados' - implying that a Mu'ad does not pay D'mei V'lados ...

åòåã ãåîéà ãàãí, åàôéìå äëé ôèåø îãîé åìãåú?


Implied Question (cont.): ... Moreover, it is similar to 'Adam' (who is a Mu'ad), yet it is Patur from D'mei V'lados ...

ääéà ëø"ò àúéà.


Answer: ... that goes according to Rebbi Akiva (but not Rebbi Yossi ha'Gellili).



úåñ' ã"ä âáé áåùú ðîé ðéîà äëé àðùéí ëå'

(Summary: Tosfos explains why we cannot learn Boshes from the same sources as we learn Tza'ar, Ripuy and Sheves, according to both the Rabanan and Rebbi Akiva, and elaborates.)

ãâáé áåùú ëúéá "ëé éðöå àðùéí éçãå àéù åàçéå".


Clarification: Because in connection with Boshes the Torah writes "Ki Yinatzu Anashim Yachdav Ish ve'Achiv" ...

ãî"àéù áòîéúå" ìà ðô÷à àìà öòø ìçåãéä, åøéôåé åùáú ðô÷à î"äæä", ëãàîøéðï áäîðéç (ìòéì ãó ìâ.).


Reason: Because from "Ish ba'Amiso" we only learn Tza'ar, and Ripuy and Sheves from "ha'Zeh", as the Gemara explains in 'ha'Meni'ach' (on Daf 33a).

åàôéìå ìø"ò ãî"àéù áòîéúå" ðô÷é ëåìäå ...


Implied Question: And even Rebbi Akiva, who learns them all from "Ish ba'Amiso" ...

îåãä äåà ãáåùú ìà ðôé÷ îéðéä àìà öòø åøéôåé åùáú, ùøâéìéï ìäéåú ò"é çáìä ãåîéà ãðúéðú îåí ...


Answer: ... concedes that we do not learn Boshes from there, only Tza'ar Ripuy and Sheves, which generally result from a wound, which is similar to a blemish (about which the Pasuk is speaking) ...

àáì áåùú ãøâéì ìäéåú øåá ôòîéí áìà çáìä, ìà ðôé÷ î"àéù" àìà î"àðùéí".


Answer (cont.): ... whereas Boshes, which usually occurs without a wound, we will learn, not from "Ish", but from "Anashim".

åà"ú, åøéôåé åùáú áéï ìø"ò åáéï ìøáðï ìéìó î"àðùéí" ãëúéá âáé øéôåé åùáú - "åëé éøéáåï àðùéí"?


Question: According to both Rebbi Akiva and the Rabanan, why do we not learn Ripuy and Sheves from "Anashim" ("ve'Chi Yerivun Anashim") in connection with them (Ripuy and Sheves)?

åé"ì, ã÷éí ìéä ìâîøà ãääåà "àðùéí" àúà ìãøùä àçøéðà.


Answer: The Gemara knows traditionally, that "Anashim" comes for another D'rashah.

åîäàé èòîà ðîé à"ù ãìà ôøéê 'âáé øéôåé åùáú ðîé ðéîà äëé'.


Extension: And the same answer will serve to explain why the Gemara does not ask why we do not make the same D'rashah with regard to Ripuy and Sheves ...

àáì ääåà ãáåùú ÷éí ìï ãìîòåèé ùååøéí àúà.


Extension (cont.): ...whereas on the other hand, we know that the "Anashim" written by Boshes comes to preclude Shevarim.

åäà ãìà ôøéê 'âáé öòø ðîé ðéîà äëé', ãëúéá "àéù áòîéúå", 'åìà ùåø áòîéúå' - ùåø ãåîéà ãàéù ... '?


Implied Question: ... and the reason that the Gemara does not ask why we do not Darshen the same with regard to Tza'ar, where the Torah writes "Ish ba'Amiso", from which we extrapolate 've'Lo Shor ba'Amiso' - 'Shor Dumya de'Ish ... ' ...

îùåí ãðéçà ìéä ìîôøê î÷øà ã"àðùéí", ãåîéà ãääéà ãàééøé áä.


Answer: ... because the Gemara prefers to ask specifically from the Pasuk "Anashim", which is similar to the Pasuk with which Rava is dealing.



úåñ' ã"ä áëååðä úìéà îéìúà

(Summary: Tosfos disagrees with Rashi's explanation of this statement, and elaborates.)

ô"ä ãñ"ì ëø"ù ãàîø á'àìå äï äðùøôéï' (ñðäãøéï ãó òè. åùí) 'ðúëååï ìäøåâ àú æä åäøâ àú æä, ôèåø îîéúä' ...


Explanation #1: Rashi explains that he holds like Rebbi Shimon, who says in 'Eilu hein ha'Nisrafin' (Sanhedrin, 79a & 79b) 'Niskaven Laharog es Zeh ve'Harag es Zeh, Patur mi'Misah' ...

åëéåï ãôèåø îîéúä, çééá áãîé åìãåú, ãìéú ìéä ãúðà ãáé çæ÷éä.


Explanation #1 (cont.): ... and since he is Patur from Misah, he is Chayav to pay for D'mei V'lados, seeing as he does not hold of Tana de'bei Chizkiyah.

å÷ùä ìø"é, åëé äéä úîä øá àãà áø àäáä òì àáéé åøáà àí ñáåøéï ëøáðï?


Question #1: The Ri queries this however, in that why should Rav Ada bar Ahavah take Abaye and Rava to task because they hold like the Rabanan?

åòåã, ãöøéëà ìîéîø ãøá àãà åáøééúà ãøá çâé ãøåîàä ôìéâé à'úðà ãáé çæ÷éä ...


Question #2: Moreover we will then have to say that Rav Ada and the Beraisa of Rav Chagi D'ruma'a argue with Tana de'bei Chizkiyah ...

åä"ì ìîôøê äëà ëãôøéê øáà òìéä ãøá ãéîé ôø÷ àìå ðòøåú (ëúåáåú ãó ìä. åùí) 'åîé àéëà îàï ãìéú ìéä ãúðà ãáé çæ÷éä?'?


Question #2 (cont.): ... in which case the Gemara ought to have asked here, just like Rava asked on Rav Dimi in Perek Eilu Na'aros (Kesuvos, Daf 35a, Tosfos, DH 'u'Mi') 'Since when does anybody not hold like Tana de'bei Chizkiyah?'

åðøàä ìø"é, ãøáà åàáéé ìà äéå ôåèøéï ùååøéí îãîé åìãåú î"ð÷é" àìà ãå÷à äéëà ãìà ðúëååðå ìàùä, ãåîéà ã"àðùéí" ãîùúòé áäå ÷øà.


Explanation #2: The Ri therefore explains that Rava and Abaye do not exempt oxen from D'mei V'lados from the word "Naki" if they did not aim at the woman, similar to "Anashim" about which the Pasuk is speaking.

àáì ðúëååï ìàùä òöîä, çééá.


Explanation #2 (cont.): ... but if they did, then they are Chayav.

îãìà ÷àîøé 'àðùéí àéï àñåï, éòðù, äà éù àñåï, ìà éòðù, áéï ðúëååðå æä ìæä áéï ìà ðúëååðå æä ìæä àìà ìàùä òöîä ...


Proof: Since they did not say 'If no accident occurs to the men, he will be punished, but if it does, then he will not, irrespective as to whether they aimed at each other or at the woman herself ...

åìà ùååøéí, ãáéï äëé åáéï äëé éòðù, ëúá øçîðà "áòì äùåø ð÷é" - ãôèåø, åäåä îùîò ùôéø ãôèåø áëì òðéï.


Proof (cont.): ... but not oxen, where either way, they will be punished; therefore the Torah writes "Ba'al ha'Shor Naki" - that he is Patur', which would have implied that he is Patur in all cases.

àìà åãàé áðúëååðå ìàùä òöîä, çééáéï ìàáéé åøáà.


Proof (concl.): It is therefore clear that if they (the animals) aimed at the woman herself, they are Chayav.

åàò"â ãáàðùéí ôèéøé èôé ëùîúëååðéí ìàùä ...


Implied Question: ... even though men are more Patur when they aimed at the woman ...

äééðå îùåí ãùééê áäå '÷í ìéä áãøáä îéðéä', àáì áùåø ìà ùééê.


Answer: That is because 'Kam leih be'de'Rabah mineih applies to them (which it does not to an ox).

åôøéê øá àãà áø àäáä 'åäà ò"ë áëååðä úìéà îìúà' - ìøáé ããøéù áäðùøôéï (ñðäãøéï ãó òè. åùí) "åðúúä ðôù úçú ðôù", 'îîåï' ...


Explanation: Rav Ada bar Ahavah now asks that it must depend on Kavanah - according to Rebbi, who Darshens in 'ha'Nisrafin (Sanhedrin, Daf 79a & 79b) "ve'Nasatah Nefesh Tachas Nafesh", 'Mamon' ...

åìéú ìéä 'ìà çì÷ú áéï îúëåéï ìùàéï îúëåéï ìòðéï ãîé äðäøâ.


Explanation (cont.): And he does not hold like Tana de'Bei Chizkiyah, who does not differentiate between Miskaven and Ein Miskaven with regard to the value of the one that was killed

åñåáø øá àãà ãäåà äãéï ìòðéï ãîé åìãåú


Explanation (cont.): And Rav Ada maintains that the same will apply to D'mei V'lados ...

ãëéåï ãâìé ÷øà ùéù ìçì÷ áéï îúëåéï ìùàéï îúëåéï ìòðéï ãîé äðäøâ, ìà ðìîåã òåã ùåí ôèåø îîåï ëùàéï îúëåéï îëç ä÷éùà.


Reason: ... because, since the Pasuk indicates that there is a distinction between Miskaven and Eino Miskaven regarding the value of the one that was killed, we will not be able to learn any P'tur Mamon by Ein Miskaven from the Hekesh ...

åàò"â ãàéú ìéä ä÷éùà ìòðéï ùàø ãáøéí.


Implied Question: ... even though he holds of the Hekesh in connection with other issues.

åà"ë ìãéãéä àðùéí àôéìå éù àñåï áàùä éòðùå.


Explanation (cont.): In that case, according to him (in the opinion of Rebbi), Anashim will be obligated to pay (D'mei V'lados) even if an accident occurs to the woman.

åìãéãéä éù ìðå ìôèåø áùååøéí àôéìå ðúëååðå ìàùä ...


Explanation (cont.): And according to him, we will declare oxen Patur even if they aimed at the woman ...

ùàé àôùø ìøáé ìãøåù àìà ëîå ùãåøù àçøé ëï.


Explanation (concl.): ... since Rebbi can only explain ("Anashim", 've'Lo Shevarim') like he (Rav Ada) explains it later.

åîãøáé ðùîò ìëåìäå úðàé, ùìà îöéðå îçìå÷ú æä áéðéäí.


Conclusion: And from Rebbi we will take our cue in interpreting all the Tana'im, seeing as we do not find a Machlokes between them regarding this point.

åàáéé åøáà ñáéøé ìäå ããå÷à ìîàé ãâìé ÷øà - ëâåï ìãîé äðäøâ ìøáé, âìé, àáì áùàø îîåï ìà âìé.


Explanation: Whereas Abaye and Rava hold that, wherever the Torah reveals - such as regarding the value of the one that was killed according to Rebbi, it reveals, but by other Mamon, it does not reveal.

åëï îåëç áäôøä (ì÷îï ãó îè.) ãàáéé åøáà ñáéøé ìäå ùäåà çééá áùååøéí ëùðúëåéï ìàùä òöîä ...


Proof: And this is evident in 'ha'Parah' (on Daf 49a) where Abaye and Rava hold that he is Chayav if it intended to strike the woman herself ...

ãúðï 'ùåø ùäéä îúëåéï ìçáéøå åäëä àùä åéöàå éìãéä, ôèåø îãîé åìãåú'.


Proof (cont.): ... where the Mishnah rules that if the ox aimed at another ox but it struck a woman and her babies came out, it is Patur from paying the value of the babies.

åãéé÷éðï áâîøà 'èòîà ãðúëåéï ìçáéøå, àáì ðúëåéï ìàùä, îùìí'.


Proof (cont.): And the Gemara extrapolates that 'It is Patur because it aimed at the other ox, but if it aimed at the woman, it is Chayav ...

ðéîà úäåé úéåáúà ãøá àãà áø àäáä?'


Proof (cont.): ... 'Let us say that this a Kashya on Rav Ada bar Ahavah?'

îùîò ãìøáà åàáéé ðéçà ãîçééáé.


Proof (concl.): This implies that it is in order for Abaye and Rava to declare it Chayav ...

åîúðéúéï ãäçåáì (ì÷îï ãó ôæ.) ãôèø ùåø îãîé åìãåú?


Implied Question: ... whereas the Mishnah in 'ha'Chovel' (later, Daf 87a), which declares an ox Patur from D'mei V'lados ...

ãå÷à ëùìà ðúëåéï ìàùä, ãåîéà ã"àðùéí" ã÷øà.


Answer: ... speaks specifically where it did not aim at the woman, similar to the "Anashim" in the Pasuk.




úåñ' ã"ä åðéîà øáé ò÷éáà ìðôùéä

(Summary: Tosfos clarifies Rebbi Akiva's opinion.)

åìà áòé ìîéîø ùìà äéä éåãò àåúí úéøåöéí, åëùàîøí ìå øáé àìéòæø ÷áìí ...


Refuted Answer: The Gemara does not want to say that he did not know of those answers, and when Rebbi Eliezer told them to him, he accepted them ...

ãôùåè ìå ìâîøà ãîñúîà äéä éåãò ...


Refutation: ... since the Gemara takes for granted that he probably knew them ...

åîä ùìà äéä çåùù îùåí ãàéú ìéä ãøáä - ã'àé àéï äùåø áñ÷éìä àéï äáòìéí îùìîéí ëåôø'.


Refutation (cont.): ... and the reason that he did not accept them is because he holds like Rabah (on Daf 43a) - that if the ox is not stoned, the owner does not need to pay Kofer'.

åà"ú, åãìîà "àí ëåôø" ìà ãøéù, å"àí òáã" ãøéù?


Question: Perhaps he does not Darshen "Im Kofer", but does Darshen "Im Eved"?

åé"ì, ëéåï ãìà ãøéù "àí ëåôø", ë"ù ãìà ãøéù "àí òáã", ëãîåëç ì÷îï.


Answer: If he does not Darshen "Im Kofer", he certainly does not Darshen "Im Eved", as is evident later (on Daf 43b)



úåñ' ã"ä àìà àîø øá àñé ëå'

(Summary: Tosfos reconciles Rav Asi with the Gemara earlier.)

åà"ú, åîä ãåç÷å ìúøõ, ðéîà ãâí ø"ò äéä éåãò, åñåáø àåúå úéøåõ ùäùéá ìå ø"à, åñáø ãìîà àéú ìéä èòîà àçøéðà, ëãàîø ìòéì à'÷ãí åùçèå?


Question: What pushes him to answer? Why can we not say that also Rebbi Akiva knew the answer (of Rebbi Eliezer), only he thought that perhaps Rebbi Eliezer has a better answer, as the Gemara stated earlier in connection with 'Kadam ve'Shochto'?

åé"ì, ãâáé èòí ã'÷ãí åùçèå' ùééê ìåîø äëé, ùàéðå èòí èåá ëãôøéùéú ìòéì ...


Answer: It is appropriate to say that regarding 'Kadam ve'Shochto', which is not a good answer, as the Gemara explained there.

àáì à'èòí ã'äîéú òì ôé òã àçã' åâáé èòîà ã'ðúëåéï' ìà ùééê ìîéîø 'ãìîà àéú ìéä èòîà àçøéðà', ãèòîéí çùåáéï äï åìéëà ìîôøê òìéäå îéãé.


Answer (cont.): But as far as the answer 'Heimis al-Pi Eid Echad' and that of 'Niskaven'' is concerned, it is not possible to say that perhaps he has a better answer, since these are sound answers, on which there is nothing to ask.



úåñ' ã"ä åòáã éôä ñìò ðåúï ì'

(Summary: Tosfos explains Rava's statement in light of the fact that sometimes the payment for the Eved is more lenient.)

àò"â ãùåä ÷', àéï ðåúï àìà ùìùéí ...


Implied Question: Even though if he is worth a hundred Sela'im, he only pays thirty ...

î"î ëéåï ùðåúï ÷öáä ùì ùìùéí àò"ô ùàéï ùåä àìà ñìò àå éåúø, ùìòåìí ä÷öáä òåîãú, à"ë âí ëùäùåø àéï ùåä ëìåí, ÷ééîú.


Answer: Nevertheless, since the Torah gives a fixed amount of thirty Sela, even if he is worth only a Sela or more, an amount that is constant, it transpires that it is payable even if the ox is worth nothing.



úåñ' ã"ä îä ëùçééá áï çåøéï çì÷ú áéï úí ìîåòã

(Summary: Tosfos explains how one can extrapolate from the Beraisa that Rebbi Akiva did not accept Rebbi Eliezer's answer.)

áøééúà æå îåëçà ãø"ò ìà ÷áì úùåáä ãø"à ...


Statement: This Beraisa proves that Rebbi Akiva did not accept Rebbi Eliezer's answer ...

ãäà ìà ãøéù ø"ò 'ð÷é îçöé ëåôø', åàôéìå äëé ôåèø ëàï áúí


Proof: Since even though Rebbi Akiva does not Darshen 'Naki me'Chatzi Kofer', he nevertheless declares a Tam Patur ...

åäééðå îùåí ãëé ìà îéçééá ñ÷éìä, ôùéèà ãôèåø îëåôø.


Reason: This is because since the ox is not Chayav Sekilah, it is obvious that it is Patur from Kofer.



úåñ' ã"ä ð÷é îãîé òáã

(Summary: Tosfos discusses the Lashon 'D'mei'Eved'.)

ôéøåù îùìùéí ùì òáã.


Clarification: This means from the thirty Sela'im (K'nas) of an Eved.

åéù îôøùéí ãàôéìå ãîéí ìà îùìí, åë"ù ÷ðñ.


Opinion: Some commentaries however explain that one is even Patur from paying the regular value of the Eved, how much more so, the K'nas.



úåñ' ã"ä åäåä ìéä øàåé

(Summary: Tosfos explains why we need two Pesukim for Ra'uy, one cited here and one in 'Yesh Nochlin'.)

àó òì âá ãáéù ðåçìéï (á"á ãó ÷éâ.) ãøéù ã'àéï äáòì ðåèì áøàåé ëáîåçæ÷' î÷øà àçøéðà ...


Implied Question: Even though the Gemara in 'Yesh Nochlin' (Bava Basra, Daf 113.) learns that 'A husband does not take Ra'uy like he takes Muchzak' from a different Pasuk ...

îäëà ìà ðô÷à, ãäåä àîéðà ãùàðé ëåôø ãìòåìí äåé øàåé åìà àúé îéðéä ùàø øàåé.


Answer: It does not learn it from here, since we would have thought that Kofer is different, in that it is always Ra'uy, and that we cannot therefore learn other cases of Ra'uy from it.

åëåôø ðîé ìà ðôé÷ îäúí - ãäúí áéøåùä ùðôìä ìàçø îéúú äàùä àéï äáòì ðåèì áøàåé, àáì ëåôø ãîçééí ðòùä äçáìä ùäëåôø áà òì éãä, äåä àîéðà ãðåèì.


Answer (cont.): Nor can we learn Kofer from there - since there the husband cannot take from the inheritance that fell only after his wife died, whereas the wound for which the Kofer falls due, took place during the lifetime of the woman, and we would have therefore thought that the husband does receive it.



úåñ' ã"ä ðåúï ðæ÷ åöòø ìàùä

(Summary: Tosfos explains why the Tana mentions specifically Nezek and Tza'ar.)

ð÷è ðæ÷ åöòø ....


Implied Question: He mentions Nezek and Tza'ar ...

ìôé ùøâéìåú äåà ùîöèòøú éåúø.


Answer: Because they (pregnant women) generally feel more pain ...

åâí ðôçúéï ãîéä ëùîôìú ò"é äëàä îëùéåìãú áæîðä.


Answer (cont.): And their value drops when they miscarry through a stroke more than when they give birth naturally.

àáì øéôåé åùáú àåøçà ãîéìúà äåà ùàéï öøéëä øéôåé, åâí àéðä îúáèìú éåúø îîìàëä îùàø éåìãú, åëæä äéä ñåôä ëùúìã.


Answer (concl.): Whereas generally speaking, she does not require special medical treatment, nor is she prevented from working any more than any other woman who gives birth. In effect, the effects are the same as they would have been had she given birth at the end of her pregnancy.

åà"ú, åáåùú î"è ìà çùéá?


Question: But why does the Tana not mention Boshes?

åé"ì, ðúëåéï ìáééù æä åáééù æä ôèåø ìø"ù áäçåáì (ì÷îï ãó ôå.) - åîééøé ãðúëååï ìäëåú çáéøå åäëä äàùä, ëôùèéä ã÷øà.


Answer: Because someone who intends to embarrass Reuven and embarrasses Shimon is Patur according to Rebbi Shimon in 'ha'Chovel' (later, Daf 86a), and the Beraisa is speaking where he aimed at his friend and struck the woman, as is the simple case in the Torah.



úåñ' ã"ä äéúä ùôçä åðùúçøøä àå âéåøú æëä

(Summary: Tosfos accepts Rashi's explanation.)

ô"ä, ðúòáøä îï äâø åîï äîùåçøø.


Explanation #1: Rashi explains that she conceived from the Ger or from the Mehuchrar.

åëï îùîò áäôøä (ì÷îï ãó îè.) ã÷àîø 'ìà ùðå àìà ùçáì áä áçéé äâø'.


Support: And this is implied in the Gemara in 'ha'Parah' (on Daf 49a) when it states 'They only learned that where he wounded her in the life-time of the Ger'..

åàéï ìåîø ëøéá"à ùðúòáøä áòåãä ùôçä, ãàéï ìáòì ëìåí áäí, ãùì àãåï ðéðäå, åòëùéå ðùúçøøä ...


Refuted Explanation #2: And we cannot learn like the Riva, that she conceived when she was still a Shifchah, in which case the husband is not entitled to anything of the V'lados, seeing as they belong to the master, and now (before she is struck) she is set free ...

ëãîùîò ìéùðà ã'äéúä ùôçä ... '.


Support of Explanation #2: ... as is implied by the words 'She was a Shifchah ... ' ...

ãäà áäôøä (ùí) îùîò ëãô"ä.


Refutation: ... since the implication of the Gemara in 'ha'Parah' supports Rashi's explanation.

åäà ãð÷è 'äéúä ùôçä åðùúçøøä', åìà ð÷è 'äéúä îùåçøøú'?


Implied Question: And the reason that it states 'She was a Shifchah and was set free, and not 'She was a Meshuchreres' is ...

îùåí ãò"ë ëùàéï ìä áðéí ÷àîø, åìäëé ð÷è 'åðùúçøøä' ãîùîò òúä î÷øåá.


Answer: ... because, since it must be speaking where she had no children (who would inherit her), it says 've'Nishtachrerah', which implies just recently.

åä"ä ìéùøàìéú ðùåàä ìâø åîú äâø ãôèåø, ãäà ãîé åìãåú ìáòìä.


Answer (cont.): And the same will apply to a Yisre'elis who is married to a Ger, where the Mazik is Patur, seeing as the value of the V'lados goes to the husband.

åäà ãð÷è 'ùôçä' å'âéåøú' ...


Implied Question: And the reason that it mentions specifically a Shifchah and a Giyores is ...

îùåí ãàåøçà ãîéìúà ëê, ãñúí îùåçøøú ðùåàä ìîùåçøø åñúîà âéåøú ìâø.


Answer: ... because it is the norm. for a Meshuchreres to marry a Meshuchrar and a Giyores, a Ger.