

úåñ' ã"ä àøáòä àáåú ðæé÷éï

(Summary: Tosfos discusses the fact that the Tana omits the word 'Hein'.)

àéú ãåëúà ãìà úðé 'äï' ëîå äëà åáâîøà âáé 'ùìù òùøä àáåú ðæé÷éï' å'áàøáòä îçåñøé ëôøä' (ëøéúåú ãó ç:) ...


Comment: There are some places where the Tana does not insert the word 'Hein', such as here, in the Sugya of 'Sheloshah-Esrei Avos Nezikin' (later on Daf 4:) and in that of 'Arba'ah Mechusrei Kaparah' (Kerisus, Daf 8:).

åàéú ãåëúà ã÷úðé 'äï' - ëã÷úðé 'àøáòä ùåîøéï äï' (ùáåòåú ã' îè.) å'àøáòä øàùé ùðéí äï' (ø"ä ã' á. åùí).


Comment (cont.): And there are other places where it does insert the word 'Hein' - as it says Arba'ah Shomrim Hein' (Shevu'os, Daf 49.) and Arba'ab Roshei Shanim Hein' ( Rosh ha'Shanah, Daf 2. & 2:).

(âìéåï: åà"ú, àîàé ìà ÷àîø 'àøáòä àáåú ðæé÷éï äï', ëã÷úðé 'ã' øàùé ùðéí äï'?


Question: (Addendum: Why indeed, does the Tana not say 'Arba'ah Avos Nezikin Hein'?)

åé"ì, ùìà áà àìà ìäâéã àøáò àáåú äììå ìà øàé æä ëøàé æä.


Answer: Because the objective of the Mishnah is to teach us that these four Avos are not like one another (not how many there are).

å÷öú ÷ùä, ãáâîøà îåëç ãðçéú úðà ìîðééðà, îãôøéê 'åúðà ãéãï îàé èòîà ìà úðé äðé?'?


Question: From the Gemara it is clear that the Tana is coming to teach us how many there are, seeing as it asks why our Mishnah does not mention those that are mentioned in the Beraisa later?

ìëê é"ì ãéù î÷åîåú ãìà úðé 'äï'.


Answer: One therefore needs to explain that there are simply places where he does not insert 'Hein'.

ëãàùëçï á'àøáòä îçåñøé ëôøä'. ò"ë).


Precedent: As we find BY 'Arba'ah Mechusrei Kaparah. The note ends here).



úåñ' ã"ä äùåø åäáåø

(Summary: Tosfos discusses the order in which the Tana presents the Avos.)

ôé' á÷åðèøñ 'ëñãø ùðëúáå áôøùä ñãøï áîùðä'.


Clarification: Rashi explains that Rebbi arranged them in the Mishnah in the same order as they appear in the Torah.

åàò"â ãìî"ã úðà 'ùåø' ìøâìå, ìà äåé ëñãø äôøùä ...


Implied Question: And even though according to the opinion that the Mishnah mentions 'Shor' on account of Regel, it does not follow the order of the Torah?

ãøâì ðô÷à ìï î"åùìç àú áòéøä" ãëúéá áúø áåø?


Implied Question (cont.): Since we learn 'Regel' from "ve'Shilach es Be'eiro", which is written after 'Bor'?

î"î ùí ùåø ëúéá ÷åãí áôøùä ãäééðå ðâéçä ã÷øï.


Answer: Nevertheless the concept of 'Shor' is written earlier in the Parshah in the form of 'Negichah' (goring) of 'Keren'.

åìî"ã 'îáòä' æä àãí, àò"â ãìáúø äáòøä ëúéá áôøùú àîåø "îëä áäîä éùìîðä" ãäééðå àãí ãàæé÷ ùåø?


Implied Question: And according to the opinion that 'Mav'eh' is Adam, in which case it is written after Havarah, in Parshas Emor when it writes "Makeh Beheimah Yeshalmenah", with reference to Adam that wounds an animal?

ìà çù ìùðåúå ëñãø äôøùä, ìôé ùøçå÷ ëì ëê, åùðàå ëñãø 'ìà äøé' ãñéôà, ùîáòä ÷åãí ìäáòø.


Answer #1: He doesn't bother to follow the order of the Torah (in this case), since it is so far away. So he follows the order of the 'Lo Harei in the Seifa, where 'Mav'eh' precedes 'Hav'er'.

åø"ú ôé' ãùí àãí ëúéá áôøùä ÷åãí "ëé éâðåá àéù ùåø". åäåà àçã îàáåú ðæé÷éï ã÷úðé ìä ááøééúà áâîøà.


Answer #2: Rabeinu Tam answers that the concept of Adam is written in the Parshah before, when it says "ki Yignov Ish Shor", which in fact, is one of the Avos Nezikin that is cited in the Beraisa later.



úåñ' ã"ä ìà äøé äùåø ëäøé äîáòä

(Summary: Tosfos explains why this 'Lo Harei' is different than other cases of 'Lo Harei' throughout Shas.)

ôéøåù àéï ÷åìúå ùì ùåø ë÷åìúå ùì îáòä, ëãîôøù ì÷îï áâî' ......


Explanation: The Tana means that the leniency of 'Shor' is not like that of 'Mav'eh', as the Gemara will explain later ...

ìî"ã 'úðà ùåø ì÷øðå åîáòä ìùéðå' - îùåí ã'ùåø' ëååðúå ìäæé÷ å'îáòä' àéï ëååðúå ìäæé÷.


Explanation (cont.): According to the opinion that the Tana mentions 'Shor' on account of its Keren and 'Mav'eh' on account of its tooth - since 'Shor' damages with intent, whereas 'Mav'eh' does not.

åìôéëê àé ëúá øçîðà 'ùåø', ìà àúé îáòä îéðéä ùäåà ÷ì îéðéä


Explanation (concl.): Therefore, had the Torah written 'Shor', we would not have been able to learn Mav'eh from it since it is more lenient than it.

åàéï ôéøåùå ëùàø î÷åîåú ùáúìîåã 'ìà øàé æä', ãäúí ôéøåùå àéï çåîøà ùì æä ëçåîøà ùì æä, åìëê àéï äçåîøåú âåøîåú æä äãéï, àìà äöã äùåä ùáäï âåøí äãéï.


Different than Usual: The explanation does not conform to that of other places throughout Shas where we find 'Lo Re'i Zeh ki'Re'i Zeh'. What the Gemara means there is that 'Since the Chumra of the one is not the same as the Chumra of the other, it cannot be the Chumros that are the cause of that particular Din, but what they have in common'.

åùéðä ëàï äúìîåã ôéøåùå îáùàø î÷åîåú îùåí ãäæëéø äçîåø úçéìä á'ìà æä åæä ùéù áäï øåç çééí'.


Reason: And the reason that the Gemara explains it differently here is because it mentions the more stringent case when it explains 'neither of them which have a spirit of life ... '.



úåñ' ã"ä åìà æä åæä ùéù áäï øåç çééí ëäøé äàù

(Summary: Tosfos elaborates on the ins and outs of the Sugya.)

âáé ùåø åîáòä ìà äåöøê ìôøù äçåîøà ëé äëà ...


Implied Question: Regarding Shor and Mav'eh, the Tana did not need to mention the Chumra like it does here ...

îùåí ãçã îçã ÷ì ìîöåà çåîø áàçã îä ùàéï áçáéøå.


Answer: Because it is easy to find a Chumra by one that does not pertain to the other.

åäà ãìà úðé äëà ‘ìà äøé äàù ëäøé äùåø åîáòä’, ëã÷úðé ìòéì ‘ìà äøé äîáòä ëäøé äùåø’?


Implied Question: And the reason that it does not mention here 'Lo harei ha'Eish ke'harei ha'Shor ve'ha'Mav'eh, as it mentions above 'Lo harei ha'Mav'eh ke'harei ha'Shor' ...

îùåí ùìà äéä éëåì ìîöåà çåîøà îä ùàéï áùðéäí ...


Answer: Is because it could not find a Chumra by Eish that does not pertain to both of them.

ãàé îùåí ã'ëç àçø îòåøá áå åàéï äåìê ìãòúå' ëîå ùåøå ...


Refuted Suggestion: Because if it is because there is another force that makes it move and it does not go on its own like Shor does ...

àéï æä çåîøà, îãìà çùéá ìä âáé 'çåîø áàù îáùåø'.


Refutation: This is not a Chumra, since the Mishnah does not mention it with regard to 'Chomer ba'Eish mi'ba'Shor'.

åäà ãàîøéðï ì÷îï (ãó â: åãó å.) âáé àáðå åñëéðå 'îàé ùðà àù ãëç àçø îòåøá áå åàéï äåìê ìãòúå'?


Implied Question: And when later (on Daf 3: and Daf 6.) the Gemara will say, in connection with Avno and Sakino ... , 'What is the difference between Eish, which moves by means of another force and does not go in its own'?

ä"÷ - îàé ùðà àù, ùàò"ô ùëç àçø îòåøá áå, øàåé ìäúçééá áå îùåí ùäåà îîåðê åùîéøúå ... '.


Answer: What it means is 'What is the difference between Eish, which', even though it moves by means of another force, 'is worthy of being Chayav, since it is your money and you are obligated to guard it'.

åáñéôà âáé áåø, äåä îöé ìîéîø 'ìà äøé äáåø ùúçéìú òùééúå ìðæ÷ ëäøé àìå' ...


Implied Question: In the Seifa in connection with Bor, it could have said 'Lo harei ha'Bor, she'Techilas Asiyaso le'Nezek ke'harei Eilu' ...

åìà çù, ìôé ùäôñé÷ áàù, åáåø ìà øöä ìùðåú ÷åãí àù, ãà"ë äåé àúé àù îéðéä.


Answer: It did not bother to do so however, since it interrupted with Eish, and it did not want to learn Bor before Eish, because then we would learn Eish from it ...

ãëåìäå àúé îáåø åçã îäðê, ëãàîøéðï áâî' (ã' ä:), åäúðà äàøéê ìäâãéì úåøä åéàãéø.


Reason & Source: This is because we could in fact, learn all the cases from Bor and one of the others, as the Gemara will say (on Daf 5:), only the Tana elaborates in order 'to aggrandize the Torah and to glorify it'.

å÷öú ÷ùä, ãîùîò ã'òåðùéï îîåï îï äãéï', åáîëìúà úðéà "ëé éôúç ... åëé éëøä", 'àí òì äôúéçä çééá, òì äëøééä ìà ëì ùëï?'


Question: It seemingly implies that one can learn a Kal va'Chomer even in the realm of Mamon ('Onshin min ha'Din'), whereas in the Mechilta, commenting on the two Pesukim "When a person opens a pit .. " and "When a person digs a pit ...", asks 'If one is Chayav for opening a pit, how much more so is one Chayav for digging one?'

àìà ììîãê ùàéï òåðùéï îîåï îï äãéï'?


Question (cont.): And it answers that the Pasuk is coming to teach us that 'Ein Onshin min ha'Din'?

åîéäå áôø÷ äôøä (ì÷îï îè: åùí) ãøéù ìéä ìãøùä àçøéðà ...


Answer: In Perek ha'Parah (later on Daf 49: & 50.) the Gemara Darshens something else from the Pasuk .

'ùòì òñ÷é ôúéçä åëøééä áàä ìå', àå ìäáéà ëåøä àçø ëåøä, ùñéì÷ îòùä øàùåï (ì÷îï ðà.) [åò' úåñ' ì÷îï ã: ã"ä åòãéí].


Answer (cont.): Namely, either that he is Chayav for opening or digging a pit', or 'to include someone who adds to a pit that somebody else has already dug, where the work of the first digger has been removed (Ibid. Daf 51.). See also Tosfos Daf 4: DH 've'Eidim').



úåñ' ã"ä åìøáé àìéòæø àîàé ÷øé ìéä àá

(Summary: Tosfos raises the question that maybe it calls it an Av because the witnesses are obligated to warn by the Av.)

åà"ú, åðéîà ãðô÷à îéðä ìòðéï äúøàä - ùöøéê ìäúøåú à'úåìãä îùåí àá ãéãä ...


Question: Why does the Gemara not answer that the difference is regarding the warning - that one needs to warn on the Toldah via its Av?

ëãàîøéðï áôø÷ úåìéï (ùáú ãó ÷ìç.) 'îùîø îùåí îàé îúøéï áéä? øáä àîø îùåí áåøø, øáé æéøà àîø îùåí îø÷ã'.


Precedence: Like we say in Perek Tolin (Shabbos Daf 138.) 'How must one warn someone who performs Meshamer (straining) on Shabbos?' Rabah says 'because of Borer (selecting), Rebbi Zeira, 'because of Meraked (sifting)'.

åé"ì, ãäëé ôéøåùå - îùåí îàé îúøéðï áéä ùäåà çééá? øáä àîø 'îùåí áåøø', àáì äúøå áå îùåí îø÷ã, ôèåø ...


Answer #1: What the Gemara there means is how must one warn him to render him Chayav? Rabah says 'Because of 'Borer', (not because one needs to warn him via the Av, but) because were one to warn him via 'Meraked', he would be Patur ...

ãëéåï ùäåà îúøä áãáø ùàéï ãåîä, ñáø ùîìòéâ áå, åôèåø. àáì àí äúøå áå åàîø 'àì úùîø', çééá.


Answer #1 (cont.): Because, since one would then be warning him via something that is not similar, he would think that one is making fun of him and he would be Patur. But if one were to warn him and say 'Don;t perform 'Meahmer', he would be Chayav.

åòé"ì, ãæäå ùîúøõ 'äê ãäåàé áîùëï ÷øé ìéä àá', åöøéê ìäúøåú äúåìãä áùîä.


Answer #2: Alternatively, that is precisely what the Gemara means when it answers that 'Whatever took place in the Mishkan is called an Av, and one therefore needs to warn him via its Toldos via it.

åòåã ãðåèò åîáùì àéï öøéê ìäúøåúå îùåí àá, åàí äúøä îùåí äúåìãä, çééá.


Answer #3: Moreover, one does not need to warn Note'a (planting a tree) and cooking (which are Toldos) via their respective Av, and if one warns them via the Toldah, the perpetrator is Chayav ... (See Tiferes Sh'muel for detailed explanation).

åàô"ä ìà çùéá ìéä áôø÷ ëìì âãåì.


Answer #3 (cont.): Nevertheless they are not listed in Perek K'lal Gadol



úåñ' ã"ä ä"â äê ãäåàé áîùëï çùéáà ÷øé ìéä àá äê ãìà äåàé áîùëï çùéáà ÷øé ìéä úåìãä

(Summary: Tosfos discusses the current text and an alternative text that he cites.)

åìôé äê âéøñà áà ìàôå÷é ëîä îìàëåú ùìà äéå çùåáéï åäéå áîùëï, ãúåìãåú ðéðäå åìà àáåú îìàëåú ...


Clarification: According to this text, it comes to preclude many Melachos that were not Chashuv, even they were performed in the Mishkan, which are Toldos and not Avos ...

ëãàîøéðï áôø÷ áîä èåîðéï (ùáú ãó îè:) 'äí äòìå ä÷øùéí î÷ø÷ò ìòâìä' - ãäééðå äëðñä åîåùéè áãéåèà àçú.


Proof: As the Gemara says in Perek Bameh Tomnin (Shabbos, Daf 49:) 'They raised the planks from the floor to the wagon' - which is Hachnasah and handing over on the same level.

åàéú ãâøñé 'äê ãäåä áîùëï åçùéáà ÷øé ìä àá, äê ãìà äåä áîùëï åìà çùéáà ÷øé ìä úåìãä'.


Alternative Text: Some have the text 'That what was in the Mishkan and was Chashuv is called an Av, the what was in the Mishkan but what was not Chashuv is called a Toldah'.

åìôé âéøñà æå, öøéê ìåîø ãáòé úøúé, àáì çùéáà åìà äåé áîùëï àå àéôëà, äåé úåìãä.


Clarification: According to this text, one requires both things (See Maharam). Consequently, if it was Chashuv but was not performed in the Mishkan or vice-versa, it is a Toldah.




úåñ' ã"ä ãàéìå àá îèîà àãí åëìéí

(Summary: Tosfos first clarifies the text, then justifies the Gemara's She'eilah.)

âøñ, åìà âøñéðï 'àãí åáâãéí', ùìùåï æä îùîò îèîà àãí ìèîà áâãéí.


Clarifying Text: This is the correct text, and not 'Adam u'Begadim', which implies that it renders Tamei the person, who, in turn renders his clothes Tamei.

åà"ú, åäøé èîà îú òåùä ëìé îúëú ëéåöà áå, ã'çøá äøé äåà ëçìì'.


Question: But a Tamei Meis renders Tamei a metal vessel like itself. Based on the principle that 'A sword is like the corpse that it slayed'?

àìîà éù îäï ëéåöà áäï?


Question (cont.): So we see that there is a Toldah that is like its Av?

åé"ì, ãàëúé àéðå òåùä ëéåöà áå, ùàåúå ëìé îúëú àéï òåùä ëìé îúëú àçø ëéåöà áå, ëîå ùîã÷ã÷ ø"ú áøéù îúðé' ãàäìåú.


Answer: It does not quite render it Tamei like itself, seeing as that metal vessel does not render Tamei another metal vessel that it touches like itself, in the way that the Av did.



úåñ' ã"ä úðå øáðï ùìùä àáåú

(Summary: Tosfos explains why the Gemara interrupts the Sugya with this Beraisa.)

äôñé÷ ááøééúà æå ìôøù 'úåìãåúéäï ìàå ëéåöà áäï' ã÷àîø øá ôôà à'äééà.


Clarification: The Gemara interrupts the Sugya with this Beraisa in order to explain the case of 'Toldoseihen La'av ke'Yotzei bahen', to which Rav Papa is referring.



úåñ' ã"ä àáì áîçåáøú àéîà ëåìä îåòãú äéà

(Summary: Tosfos Tosfos discusses the source for the Havah Amina.)

ìùìí ðæ÷ ùìí àôéìå áôòí øàùåðä.


Clarification: To pay full damages even the first time.

åà"ú, åîäé úéúé, àé îúìåùä, ãééä ëúìåùä?


Question: What is the source for this? If it is from a detached horn, then it ought to have the same Din as the detached horn?

àé îùàø àáåú, äúéðç ìî"ã (ì÷îï ã' ä:) '÷øï òãéôà ãëååðúå ìäæé÷', åàôéìå ÷øï àúé ...


Question (cont.): Whereas to learn it from the other Avos is fine according to the opinion later (on Daf 5:) that 'Keren is more stringent because the animal damages with intent', in which case we will learn even Keren from the other Nezikin ...

åëãîôøù ø"ú ì÷îï - ãäééðå ìî"ã 'ôìâà ðæ÷à îîåðà', ãàéú ìéä 'ñúí ùååøéí ìàå áçæ÷ú ùéîåø ÷ééîé'.


Reason: As Rabeinu Tam explains there 'that this is the opinion that considers half-damage Mamon, because he holds that 'S'tam oxen are not considered guarded'.

àáì ìî"ã ôìâà ðæ÷à ÷ðñà, ãàéú ìéä 'ñúí ùååøéí áçæ÷ú ùéîåø ÷ééîé', ìà àúéà ÷øï îëåìäå, ëãàîøéðï ì÷îï (ùí) 'ëé ùãéú áåø áéðééäå àúé ëåìäå ìáø î÷øï' ...


Precedent (cont.): But according to the opinion that considers Palga de'Nizka (half-damages) to be a K'nas, because he holds that S'tam oxen are considered guarded, and we do not learn Keren from the other Nezikin, as the Gemara says there 'If one adds bor to any of the Nezikin, one can learn from it all the other Nezikin, with the exception of Keren' ...

ãàéëà ìîéôøê 'ùëï îåòãéï îúçéìúï', ôé' ãøëï ìäæé÷, îùà"ë á÷øï ãáçæ÷ú ùéîåø ÷ééîé?.


Precedent (concl.): Since one can ask that 'They (other Nezikin) are all Mu'adin at the outset' - i.e. it is their way to damage, which is not the case with Keren, which has a Chazakah of being guarded.

åé"ì, ãìî"ã 'ôìâà ãðæ÷à ÷ðñà', äà ã÷àîø 'àáì áîçåáøú àéîà ëåìä îåòãú äéà åéùìí ðæ÷ ùìí áôòí øàùåðä', ìàå îùåí ãàéöèøéê ÷øà ìàùîåòéðï ãàéï îåòãú ...


Answer: The opinion that considers Palga de'Nizka to be a K'nas, when the Gemara says that 'When it is attached, we would have thought that it is entirely Mu'ad, and that one must pay full damages already the first time', this is (not because we need a Pasuk to teach us it is not Mu'ad ...

àìà äúðà äåöøê ìàùîåòéðï ìäáéà øàéä îï äôñå÷ ãîçåáøú ðîé äåé áëìì ðâéçä ...


Answer (cont.): (But) rather the Tana needs to bring a proof from the Pasuk that attached is also included in Negichah ...

ùìà úèòä ìåîø ãðâéçä äééðå áúìåùä, ãåîéà ã÷øðé áøæì ãöã÷éä.


Answer (cont.): That one should not make the mistake of saying that Negichah refers to a detached horn exclusively, similar to the iron horns of Tzidkiyah.

àáì áîçåáøú ãøëå ìäæé÷ îúçéìúå, åðìîåã îáåø åîçã îàáåú ìçééáå ìëúçìä ðæ÷ ùìí.


Answer (concl.): Whereas regarding an attached horn, it is the way of the animal to damage at the outset, and that we will therefore learn from Bor and any one of the other Nezikin that one pays full damages the first time.



úåñ' ã"ä åîìúà àâá àåøçéä ÷î"ì

(Summary: Tosfos exlains how this will go even according to Rav Papa, who holds that 'Mu'ad le'Adam S'tama Lo havi Mu'ad li'Beheimah'.)

åàôéìå ìøá ôôà ãàîø ì÷îï áùåø ùðâç ã' åä' (ãó ìæ.) ã'îåòã ìàãí ñúîà ìà äåé îåòã ìáäîä' ...


Implied Question: And even Ra Papa, who holds later in Perek Shor she'Nagach Arba va'Chamishah (on Daf 37.) that 'Mu'ad le'Adam S'tama Lo havi Mu'ad li'Beheimah' ...

äééðå ãå÷à ùðâç â' áðé àãí, ãáäëé ìà äåé îåòã ìáäîä, àáì ðâç àãí åùåø åçîåø, ãäåé îâ' îéðéí, äåé îåòã ìëì - àáì ðâç ùåø åçîåø åâîì ìà äåé îåòã ìàãí.


Answer #1: That is only where it gored three people; but where it gored a perrson, an ox and a donkey, which are three different species, it is Mu'ad for everything. Where however, it gored an ox, a donkey and a camel, it is not a Mu'ad for Adam ...

åàò"â ãìëì áäîä äåé îåòã, àôéìå ìøá ôôà, ëãàéúà äúí.


Answer #1 (cont.): Even though it is Mu'ad for all kinds of animals, even according to Rav Papa, as the Gemara explains there.

åä"ø îðçí ôé' ãä"÷ 'îåòã ìàãí' - ùäéä îåòã ìëì åçæø áå îáäîä åðùàø îåòã ìàãí 'äåé îåòã ìáäîä' - ãçæøä ãáäîä ìàå çæøä äéà.


Answer #2: Whereas R. Menachem explains the Gemara as follows: 'Mu'ad le'Adam' (that was initially Mu'ad for everything and retracted from Beheimah but remained Mu'ad for Adam) is (still) Mu'ad li'Beheimah', since retraction from animals only is not considered a retraction.

àáì îåòã ìëì åçæøä îàãí ìà äåé îåòã ìàãí, ãçæøä ãàãí çæøä äéà.


Answer #2 (cont.): But if it is 'Mu'ad for Beheimah (which was initially Mu'ad for everything, and retracted from Adam) it is not (anymore) Mu'ad for Adam', because retraction from Adam only is considered a retraction.



úåñ' ã"ä ëàùø éáòø äâìì

(Summary: Tosfos, citing Rabeinu Chanan'el, defines the 'Galal' in this context.

ôé' ø"ç ëîå "ðãáëéï ãé àáï âìì" (òæøà å) - ùäùï ãåîä ìàáï ùééù.


Clarification: Rabeinu Chananel explains 'Galal' as in the Pasuk in Ezra (6) "Nidbachin di Even Galal (where it means 'marble')", since a tooth is similar to marble.