[19a - 46 lines; 19b - 47 lines]

1)[line 3]הא משונה הואHA MESHUNAH HU!- it is an unusual act [for an animal to crow in a vessel]!

2)[line 3]דאית ביה בזרניD'IS BEI BIZRANEI- (the Gemara answers) [the case in one] in which there were seeds [in the vessel, and as it is therefore normal for the animal to stick its head in the vessel, it is also normal for it to crow while there]

3)[line 4]יש שנוי לצרורות לרביע נזקYESH SHINUY LI'TZEROROS LI'REVI'A NEZEK- is one responsible for no more than one-quarter of the damage for Tzeroros that result from an unusual action? (i.e., are the factors of Chatzi Nezek that result from that which it is a Tam and that which it has caused Tzeroros multipliable by each other?)

4)[line 7]מכלל דאין שנויMI'CHELAL D'EIN SHINUY- this implies one is responsible for half of the damage [caused by Tzeroros that result from an unusual action, since otherwise Rava would have wondered whether one's responsibility for established Tzeroros increases from one-quarter to one-half]

5)[line 10]תיקוTEIKU - An Unanswered Question

(a)The Gemara often leaves a question unanswered with the word "Teiku". The PRI MEGADIM (Igeres preceding his introduction to Orach Chaim, #9) cites three explanations for this term:

1.[this question shall remain] sealed in its container (ARUCH, Erech Tik)

2.let [the question] stand ("Tehei Ka'I"; MUSAF HA'ARUCH)

3.Tishbi Yetaretz Kushyos v'Ibayos - Eliyahu ha'Navi will answer difficulties and questions (TOSFOS YOM TOV, end of Eduyos)

6)[line 11]מי גמיר הלכה ומוקי לה בכח כחוMI GAMIR HALACHAH U'MOKI LAH B'CHO'ACH KOCHO?- does he agree that a Halachah l'Moshe mi'Sinai was taught and establishes it in [a case in which the Tzeroros themselves were generated by his animal's] indirect force? (See Insights)

7)[line 16]כאורחייהוK'ORCHAIHU- that result from a normal action

8)[line 24]ראשון ראשון להתזה, ושני שני להתזהRISHON, RISHON L'HATAZAH; V'SHENI, SHENI L'HATAZAH- the "first" [vessel referred to in our Mishnah] is the first one broken by the shards [that shot out from the vessel broken by the animal directly], and the "second" [vessel referred to in our Mishnah] is the second one broken by the shards [that shot out from the first vessel to be broken by shards]

9)[line 29]ובעי לה הכיU'VA'I LAH HACHI- and he asks the question as follows. There was a tradition in which Talmudists of an earlier generation had wondered whether the Mishnah discusses a case of regular Tzeroros or those produced by an unusual action (TOSFOS DH Rav).

10)[line 33]במקום שאי אפשר לה אלא אם כן מנתזתMAKOM SHE'IY EFSHAR LAH ELA IM KEN MENATEZES- in a place [belonging to the Nizak] in which [there are so many Tzeroros] that it is impossible for it not to spray them

11)[line 36]ובעטה(U'VA'ATAH)- (and it kicked in an unusual manner). See Insights for the explanation of this question according to those Rishonim who are Gores this word; according to the Girsa of RASHI, this word does not appear and the question of the Gemara concerns Tzeroros that result from a normal action.

12)[line 37]לקרן מדמינן ליהL'KEREN MEDAMINAN LEI?- do we compare it to Keren [since one must pay only Chatzi Nezek, similar to a Tam]?

13)[line 37]תולדה דרגל הואTOLDAH D'REGEL HU- it is a subdivision of Regel [since the animal has not acted in an unusual manner]

14)[line 38]עקירה אין כאן הנחה יש כאןAKIRAH EIN KAN; HANACHAH YESH KAN?- there is no uprooting [of the Tzeroros] here [in the Reshus ha'Nizak, which is the only place that one is responsible for Tzeroros]; can there then be placement [of Tzeroros in a manner that obligates the owner to pay]?

15)[line 41]הדרי ביHADRI BI- I have retracted my opinion


16)[line 1]אין חצי נזק חלוקEIN CHATZI NEZEK CHALUK- there is no differentiation with regards to paying half damages

17)[line 6]אקרןA'KEREN- [only] with regard to [a Tam of] Keren

18)[line 7]רבי יהודה נשיאהREBBI YEHUDAH NESI'AH- Rebbi Yehudah the spiritual leader of the Jews in Eretz Yisrael, grandson of Rebbi Yehudah ha'Nasi (also known as Rebbi)

19)[line 7]אקילעא דרבי יהודהA'KIL'A D'REBBI YEHUDAH [NESI'AH]- on the porch of Rebbi Yehudah [Nesi'ah] (DIKDUKEI SOFRIM; see YA'AVETZ)

20)[line 8]נפק מילתא מבינייהוNAFAK MILSA MI'BEINAIHU- a [Halachic] discussion arose between them

21)[line 8]כשכשה בזנבהKISHKESHAH BI'ZENAVAH- if [an animal] wagged its tail [and thereby caused damage]

22)[line 9]וכי יאחזנה בקרן וילך הכיV'CHI YOCHEZENAH BI'ZENAVAH V'YELACH?- must he grab hold of its tail and walk [with it to prevent from damaging]?

23)[line 12]כשכוש יתירא מבעיא ליהKISHKUCH YESEIRAH MIBAYA LEI- he asked him regarding especially strong wagging

24)[line 13]כשכשה באמתהKISHKESHAH B'AMASAH- if [a male animal] wagged its phallus [and thereby caused damage (which is only possible if it has an erection)]

25a)[line 14]מידי דהוה אקרןMIDI D'HAVAH A'KEREN- similar to Keren

b)[line 14]קרן לאו יצרא קתקיף ליהKEREN LAV YITZRA KATAKIF LEI?- does an animal not intentionally cause damage due to that which it was seized by an urge?

26)[line 18]לא שנוLO SHANU- we did not learn [that one is responsible for damage caused by that which is tied to the leg of his chicken]

27)[line 19]שנקשר מאליוNIKSHAR ME'ELAV- it became attached on its own

28)[line 21]אי דאצנעיהIY D'ATZNE'EI- if he hid it away

29)[line 22]פושע הואPOSHE'A HU!- he has acted in a negligent manner [and he should be fully responsible]!

30)[line 23]"כי יפתח איש בור..." ולא שור בור"(V')CHI YIFTACH ISH BOR..." V'LO SHOR BOR- "(And) if a man shall uncover a pit..." (Shemos 21:33) [he is responsible, which implies] and not if one's ox (or any other animal) [created] a pit

31)[line 25]בדאדייה אדוייBED'ADYEI ADUYEI- [in a case] in which [the chicken] threw [the Delil, resulting in a case of Tzeroros]

32)[line 26]בעלמא אתמרB'ALMA ITMAR- was taught regarding a different case

33)[line 29]בורו המתגלגל ברגלי אדם וברגלי בהמהBORO HA'MISGALGEL B'RAGLEI ADAM UV'RAGLEI VEHEMAH- his obstacle [that he placed in a public domain] (such as a stone) that is rolled [from place to place] by the feet of people and animals [that was then tripped upon in its new location] (see 6a)

34)[line 32]כסותKESUS- an article of clothing

35)[line 32]משלם חצי נזקMESHALEM CHATZI NEZEK- he need only pay half-damages [since it is an unusual act and is therefore a subcategory of Keren]

36)[line 33]אם נהנית משלמת מה שנהניתIM NEHENES, MESHALEM MAH SHE'NEHENIS- if he derived benefit, he must pay for the benefit that he derived (see 20a)

37a)[line 34]הרחבהRECHAVAH- lit. square; a public area

b)[line 34]מצדי הרחבהTZIDEI HA'RECHAVAH- the sides of the public area [that are privately owned (TSOFOS to 21a DH uv'Machzeres)]

38)[line 35]החנותCHANUS- a store

39a)[line 37]בהמהBEHEMAH- a domesticated animal (i.e., a cow or sheep)

b)[line 38]חיהCHAYAH- a non-domesticated animal (in this case, for example, a lion or wolf)

40)[line 38]וטרפהTARFAH- lit. ripped; killed violently

41a)[line 39]ופרה שאכלה שעוריןPARAH SHE'ACHLAH SE'ORIN- a cow that ate barley (which is normally donkey food)

b)[line 39]וחמור שאכל כרשינןCHAMOR SHE'ACHAL KARSHININ- a donkey that ate a certain species of bean (prob. horse-bean) (which is normally cow food)

42a)[line 40]וכלב שליקק את השמןKELEV SHE'LIKEK ES HA'SHEMEN- a dog that lapped up oil (which is normally lapped by pigs)

b)[line 40]וחזיר שאכל חתיכה של בשרCHAZIR SHE'ACHEL CHATICHAH SHEL BASAR- a pig that ate a cut of meat (which is normally dog food)

43)[line 41]ע"י הדחקAL YEDEI HA'DECHAK- in extenuating circumstances (i.e., when it was extremely hungry)

44)[line 42]שונראSHUNRA- a cat

45)[line 42]תמריTAMREI- dates

46)[line 42]וחמראCHAMRA- a donkey

47)[line 42]ביניתאBINISA- a fish

48)[line 43]דאכל נהמא ופלסיה לסלאD'ACHAL NAHAMA U'PALSEI L'SALA- that ate bread and a) chewed; b) split the basket [that had been holding the bread]

49)[line 45]דאכל והדר פליסD'ACHAL V'HADAR PALIS- [the case was one] in which it ate [the bread] and subsequently chewed [the basket]

50)[line 46]ותבשילTAVSHIL- a cooked dish

51)[last line]דמטויD'MITVI- (the Gemara answers) [the Beraisa was referring to a case] in which [the meat] was roasted

52)[last line]בטביאB'TAVYA- [the Beraisa was referring] to a deer [which is a herbivore]

53)[last line]ובפתוראB'PESORA- [the Beraisa was referring to a case] in which [the food items] were on a table [in which case it is unusual for an animal to take them]