BERACHOS 61 (8 Adar) - This Daf has been sponsored in honor of the Yahrzeit of Sarah bas Baruch Hersh Rosenbaum, who passed away on 8 Adar I 5776. Dedicated by her loving husband, Zev Dov Rosenbaum.

[61a - 55 lines; 61b - 59 lines]

*********************GIRSA SECTION*********************

We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach and the marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is devoted to any other important corrections that Acharonim have pointed out in the Gemara, Rashi and Tosfos.

[1] Gemara 61b [line 13]:

"v'Amar Rava, Lo Ivri Alma... l'Tzadikei Gemurei" ואמר רבא לא עברי עלמא ... לצדיקי גמורי

The Maharsha points out that these words do not appear in the Yalkut or in Ein Yakov. Accordingly, the next line in the Gemara, "Amar Rava, Leida Inish b'Nafshei Im ..." אמר רבא לידע אינש בנפשיה אם ... is Rava's answer to Abaye's question. (In Dikdukei Sofrim #200 the Girsa is "Yode'a Inish....")


1)[line 7]מאי דכתיב "וייצר"MAI DI'CHSIV "VA'YITZER..."- This appears to have been brought in reference to the end of the Mishnah, "b'Shnei Yitzrecha..."

2)[line 8]שני יצריםSHNEI YETZARIM- two inclinations

3)[line 34]מלמד שקלעהMELAMED SHE'KAL'AH- A braid comes out nicely only when another person does it for the woman (Shabbos 95a). HaSh-m made Chava's braids so that they should look pretty, and then Adam would be attracted to her. (M. KORNFELD)

4)[line 39]שושביןSHOSHVIN- best man (the bridegroom's friend who arranges the wedding)

5)[line 49]לא דרי מידיLO DARI MIDI- he is not carrying anything

6)[line 52]שני מפתחי הלבSHNEI MIFTECHAI HA'LEV- two openings/valves of the heart

7)[line 52]"זבובי מות יבאיש יביע שמן רוקח""ZEVUVEI MAVES YAV'ISH YABI'A SHEMEN ROKE'ACH."- "Dead flies cause the perfumer's oil to putrefy and spoil" (Koheles 10:1)


8)[line 2]מרהMARAH- gallbladder

9)[line 2]טחולTECHOL- spleen

10a)[line 3]קרקבןKURKEVAN- usually the gizzard (the second stomach of a bird; ventriculus). In this context it appears to refer to the stomach.

b)[line 3]קיבהKEIVAH- usually the stomach. In this context it appears to refer to either the small intestine or the duodenum.

11)[line 3]אף נעורAF NEI'OR- the nose awakens him from his sleep

12)[line 3]נעור הישן, ישן הנעורNEI'OR HA'YASHEN, YASHEN HA'NEI'OR- (a) when the nose causes him to sleep, and the stomach (see above, entry #10b) awakens him; (b) when the nose, along with the stomach, cause him to sleep, or the stomach, along with the nose, awaken him

13)[line 4]נמוק והולך לוNIMOK V'HOLECH LO- the person dies due to a slow and debilitating illness

14)[line 15]לידע אינש בנפשיהLEIDA INISH B'NAFSHEI- a person should know himself

15)[line 36]רשתותRESHASOS- nets

16)[line 37]כשם שדרו אבותיK'SHEM SHE'DARU AVOSAI- These words have allegorical meaning only. They were added in the parable to preserve the consistency of the allegory.

17)[line 41]?מי הביאך לכאןMI HEVI'ACHA L'KAN?- Rebbi Akiva asked Papus, "Who brought you here?" i.e., Why are you in prison?

18)[line 42]שנתפס על דברים בטליםSHE'NITPAS AL DEVARIM BETEILIM- According to the Vilna Ga'on, he was the same Papus who was imprisoned and martyred in a successful attempt to save the Jews of Eretz Yisrael from a blood libel (Ta'anis 18b).

19)[line 43]מסרקות של ברזלMASREKOS SHEL BARZEL- iron combs [for flaying]

20)[line 48]לא יקל אדם את ראשוLO YAKEL ADAM ES ROSHO- (a) a person should not act with lightheadedness, flippancy (RASHI); (b) a person should not stand undressed (RITVA); (c) a person should not walk haughtily, with an erect stance. He should rather walk humbly, with his head slightly bowed (RABEINU CHANANEL)

21)[line 49]הצופיםHA'TZOFIM- (a) the name of a village on a mountain from where the Beis ha'Mikdash can be seen (RASHI to Berachos 49b), and further from which the Beis ha'Mikdash cannot be seen (RASHI to Pesachim 81b); (b) (lit. scouts, lookout) the points from which Yerushalayim is still visible. A person who walks outwards from these points in any direction can no longer see Yerushalayim. (TOSFOS to Berachos 49b DH Im)

22)[line 53]צדדיןTZEDADIN- the areas of Yehudah that are not directly east or west of the Beis ha'Mikdash and the areas of the Galil that are not directly north of the Beis ha'Mikdash

23)[line 57]הוו שדיין ליה לבניHAVU SHADYAN LEI LIVNEI- bricks were arranged for him

24)[line 58]תרצנהוTARTZANHU- he put them back in their original position