[60a - 56 lines; 60b - 56 lines]
*********************GIRSA SECTION*********************
We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach and the marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is devoted to any other important corrections that Acharonim have pointed out in the Gemara, Rashi and Tosfos.
[1] Gemara 60a [line 34]:
"Kol Heicha d'Darshas l'Hai Kra, me'Reishei l'Seifei ..." כל היכא דדרשת להאי קרא מרישיה לסיפיה
(a) This Gemara should read "Hai Kra, me'Reishei l'Seifei ..." האי קרא מרישיה לסיפיה (this is the Girsa of the first printing of the Ein Yakov)
(b) Rashi's Girsa is "Kol Heicha d'Darshas l'Hai Kra Midrish, me'Reishei l'Seifei ..." כל היכא דדרשת להאי קרא מדריש מרישיה לסיפיה
1)[line 20]שקל בדקא בארעיהSHAKAL BIDKA B'AR'EI- floodwaters covered his field
2)[line 20]מסקא ארעא שירטוןMASKA AR'A SEIRATON- the land is covered with silt (which will fertilize his field in the future)
3)[line 29]סנדלSANDAL- an aborted fetus with flatted features
4)[line 34]מרישיה לסיפיה מדרישME'REISHEI L'SEIFEI MIDRISH- this verse can be understood in its proper order (the end being the reason for the beginning)
5)[line 40]"ויאתיני""VA'YE'ESAYEINI"- "and it came upon me" (Iyov 3:25)
6)[line 46]אינש דיליף ליה זכותאINISH D'YALIF LEI ZECHUSA- a person who will plead in his favor
7)[line 52]בי בניBEI BANEI- a bathhouse
8)[line 52]שזיבSHAZIV- he saved
9)[line 53]בחד אבריהB'CHAD EIVAREI- with one arm
10)[last line]כי קאיKI KA'I- when he gets well (lit. gets up [from his sick-bed])
11)[line 3]הרפו ממניHARPU MIMENI- leave me
12)[line 14]קציריKETZIREI- sick people
13)[line 27]כי מתערKI MIS'AR- when one wakes up
14)[line 32]שכויSECHVI- (a) a rooster (RASHI); (b) "Sechvi" refers both to a person's heart/mind and to a rooster (TALMIDEI RABEINU YONAH)
15)[line 33]כי תריץ ויתיבKI TARITZ V'YASIV- when one straightens out and sits up
16)[line 35]מסגיMASGI- walks
17)[line 36]כי סיים מסאניהKI SAYEIM MESA'ANEI- when one puts on his shoes
18)[line 36]אסר המייניהASAR HEMYENEI- when one ties his sash (or puts on a belt)
19)[line 39]אדרעיהA'DERA'EI- on his arm
20)[line 41]מעפעפיME'AF'APAI- from my eyelids
21)[line 54]בת בדבראBAS B'DABRA- and he slept in the field
22)[last line]אתא גייסאASA GAISA- a battalion came
23)[last line]שבייה למתאSHAVYEI L'MASA- they took the people of the city into captivity