Mishnah 1
Hear the Mishnah


(a)The Mishnah discusses fruit or produce that the owner spread out on the roof. Why does he do that?

(b)What does the Tana permit him to do on Yom-Tov but not on Shabbos if it is about to rain?

(c)Why does he mention a skylight and not a window?


(a)The Mishnah discusses fruit or produce that the owner spread out on the roof - to dry.

(b)If it is about to rain - the Tana permits him to throw it into the house via a skylight on Yom-Tov, but not on Shabbos.

(c)He mentions a skylight and not a window - because throwing it downwards does not entail much Tircha, whereas Throwing it horizontally through a window does, and is therefore forbidden even on Yom-Tov.


(a)The Mishnah permits covering fruit with vessels (even on Shabbos) to stop water from dripping on them. Why would we otherwise have thought that it is forbidden?

(b)So why is it permitted here?

(c)And what does the Tana finally say about ...

1. ... covering barrels of wine or of oil?

2. ... placing a bucket under a dripping roof on Yom-Tov or on Shabbos?


(a)The Mishnah permits covering fruit with vessels (even on Shabbos) to stop water from dripping on them, which we would otherwise have thought is forbidden - because it involves Tircha not for the sake of Yom-Tov (See Tos. Yom-Tov), which is generally forbidden.

(b)It is permitted here - to prevent a financial loss.

(c)The Tana finally permits ...

1. ... covering barrels of wine or of oil (See Tos. Yom-Tov) and ...

2. ... placing a bucket under a dripping roof on Yom-Tov or on Shabbos (even if it means emptying it and re-placing it over and over again [See also Tos. Yom-Tov]).

Mishnah 2
Hear the Mishnah


(a)The Mishnah discusses things that are forbidden because of Sh'vus, R'shus and Mitzvah on Yom-Tov. If 'Sh'vus' means something that contains no element of Mitzvah, what is the definition of ...

1. ... 'R'shus'?

2. ... 'Mitzvah'?

(b)What does the Tana say about them with reference to Yom-Tov?

(c)He lists six things that are Asur because of Sh'vus, which can be divided into two sections. What does it forbid besides ...

1. ... climbing a tree and riding an animal?

2. ... clapping one's hands together and clapping them on one's thigh?


(a)The Mishnah discusses things that are forbidden because of Sh'vus (something which the Chachamim forbade on Shabbos or Yom-Tov that contains no element of Mitzvah) ...

1. ... 'R'shus' - (something that contains a slight element of Mitzvah), and

2. ... 'Mitzvah' - (something that is a real Mitzvah).

(b)The Tana says - that any of these three that the Chachamim forbade on Shabbos they also forbade on Yom-Tov.

(c)He lists six things that are Asur because of Sh'vus, which can be divided into two sections. It also forbids, besides ...

1. ... climbing a tree and riding an animal - swimming in the water.

2. ... clapping one's hands together and clapping them on one's thigh - dancing (See Tos. Yom-Tov).


(a)Why did the Chachamim forbid ...

1. ... climbing a tree?

2. ... riding an animal?

3. ... swimming?

(b)And why did they forbid clapping one's hands together, clapping them on one's thigh or dancing?

(c)The four things that they forbade because of R'shus include judging and betrothal. What are the other two?

(d)On what condition is ...

1. ... judging only a slight Mitzvah?

2. ... betrothing a woman only a slight Mitzvah?

3. ... Chalitzah or Yibum only a slight Mitzvah?

(e)On what grounds did the Chachamim forbid all of these?


(a)The Chachamim forbade ...

1. ... climbing a tree - in case one(deliberately) breaks off a branch (which interferes with one's climbing).

2. ... riding an animal - in case one cuts off a branch from a tree with which to strike the animal).

3. ... swimming - in case one fabricates a 'swimmer's barrel' (to learn to swim).

(b)And they forbade clapping one's hands together, clapping them on one's thigh or dancing - in case one comes to manufacture a musical instrument.

(c)The four things that they forbade because of R'shus constitute judging, betrothal - Chalitzah and Yibum.

(d)The condition on which ...

1. ... judging is only a slight Mitzvah is - if there is somebody in town who is more qualified to judge than oneself.

2. ... betrothing a woman is only a slight Mitzvah is - if one already has a wife and children.

3. ... Chalitzah or Yibum is only a slight Mitzvah is - where there is an older brother, who takes precedence.

(e)The Chachamim forbade all of these - in case one comes to write down the details.


(a)Three of the four things in the Tana's list of 'Mitzvah' are 'Lo Makdishin, Lo Ma'arichin, Lo Machrimin. If 'Lo Makdishin' means not to declare an object or an animal Hekdesh (See Tiferes Yisrael), what is the definition of ...

1. ... 'Lo Ma'arichin'?

2. ... 'Lo Machrimin'?

(b)On what grounds did the Chachamim forbid them?

(c)The fourth thing is 'Lo Magbihin T'rumos u'Ma'asros'. Why did they forbid it?

(d)What if one intends to give them to a Kohen or a Levi to fulfill the Mitzvah of Simchas Yom-Tov?


(a)Three four things in the Tana's list of 'Mitzvah' are 'Lo Makdishin (not to declare an object or an animal Hekdesh [See Tiferes Yisrael]) ...

1. ... 'Lo Ma'arichin' - (not to undertake to pay one's own 'value' or that of somebody else to Hekdesh (depending one's gender and age-bracket), and ...

2. ... 'Lo Machrimin' - not to declare one's animal or other articles 'Cherem' (which then go to Hekdesh Bedek ha'Bayis [See Tos. Yom-Tov]).

(b)The Chachamim forbade them - because it resembles a business deal (since one takes the object out of the domain of a Yisrael into the domain of Hekdesh.

(c)The fourth thing is 'Lo Magbihin T'rumos u'Ma'asros' on Yom-Tov, which the chachamim forbade - because it is Mesaken (making something) on Yom-Tov, and is therefore forbidden ...

(d)... even if one intends to give them to a Kohen or a Levi to fulfill the Mitzvah of Simchas Yom-Tov.


(a)What of the Matnos Kehunah is one permitted to separate and give to the Kohen on Yom-Tov?

(b)Who is the author of the Mishnah's final statement 'Ein bein Yom-Tov le'Shabbos Ela Ochel Nefesh Bil'vad?

(c)But we hold like Beis Hillel. Besides the principle of 'Mitoch', to which other ruling that we learned recently does this Mishnah not conform?


(a)One is permitted to separate - Chalah from a dough that is kneaded on Yom-Tov and give it to the Kohen on Yom-Tov.

(b)The author of the Mishnah's final statement 'Ein bein Yom-Tov le'Shabbos Ela Ochel Nefesh Bil'vad' (See Tos. Yom-Tov) is - Beis Shamai.

(c)But we hold like Beis Hillel. Besides the principle of 'Mitoch', the other ruling that we learned recently to which this Mishnah does not conform is - that of 'Mashilin Peiros' that we learned at the beginning of the Perek (See also Tos. Yom-Tov), which is permitted on Yom-Tov.

Mishnah 3
Hear the Mishnah


(a)What does the Tana mean when he says that animals and vessels may only go where their owner can go?

(b)What does he say about someone who hands his sheep to his son or to a shepherd?

(c)On what condition is he speaking? When will this ruling not apply?

(d)Whatever belongs exclusively to one of the brothers who live together in the same house may 'go' wherever he may. What about animals or vessels that are jointly owned?


(a)When the Tana says that animals and vessels may only go where their owner can go, he means that - they may only be taken to a location that lies within his Eiruv ...

(b)... and the same will apply, even if he hands his sheep to his son or to a shepherd ...

(c)... provided that the town has two local shepherds. It will not apply in a case - where there is only one shepherd, to whom all locals hand their sheep, in which case the sheep follow the Eiruv of the shepherd.

(d)Whatever belongs exclusively to one of the brothers who live together in the same house may 'go' wherever he may. Animals or vessels that are jointly owned however - may only 'go' within the area that all the owners are permitted to go.

Mishnah 4
Hear the Mishnah


(a)On what condition may a borrowed vessel 'go' wherever the owner may go, and on what condition may it go with the borrower?

(b)What exactly is the criterion that decides where they are to 'go' on Yom-Tov?

(c)What if the owner agreed to lend the article on Erev Yom-Tov, but the latter only received it on Yom-Tov?

(d)And what if the owner tends to lend the borrower these vessels every Yom-Tov?


(a)A borrowed vessel 'go' wherever the owner may go - if the borrower borrowed it on Yom-Tov, and it may go with the borrower - of he borrowed it before Yom-Tov ...

(b)... (i.e. before Bein-ha'Shemashos [dusk], which is the moment that acquires) ...

(c)... even if the borrower only received it on Yom-Tov (as long as the owner agreed to lend him the article before Yom-Tov).

(d)This ruling applies - even if the owner tends to lend the borrower these vessels every Yom-Tov (See Tos. Yom-Tov).


(a)What does the Tana Kama hold regarding a woman who borrows from her friend spices, water or salt to make a dough on Yom-Tov? How far may this dough now 'go'?

(b)What does Rebbi Yehudah say about water?

(c)On what condition will Rebbi Yehudah ...

1. ... concede that the water counts?

2. ... argue with the Tana Kama even with regard to salt?

(d)Like whom is the Halachah?


(a)The Tana Kama rules that if a woman borrows from her friend spices, water or salt to make a dough or to cook a dish on Yom-Tov - the dough or dish may only 'go' within the area where both women are permitted to 'go' (See Tos. Yom-Tov).

(b)According to Rebbi Yehudah the water, which is not discernable in either the dough or the dish - is not taken into account.

(c)Rebbi Yehudah will ...

1. ... concede that the water counts - if the dough or the dish is liquidy, so that the water is discernable.

2. ... argue with the Tana Kama even with regard to salt - if the salt is fine and therefore not recognizable, like the water.

(d)The Halachah is - like the Tana Kama.

Mishnah 5
Hear the Mishnah


(a)A coal may 'go' wherever the owner may go. What does the Mishnah say about a flame?

(b)What does the Tana mean? How can one carry a flame

(c)What does the Tana say about being Mo'el on a Hekdesh ...

1. ... coal?

2. ... flame?

(d)And what does he say about carrying ...

1. ... a coal on Shabbos?

2. ... a flame on Shabbos? How does one do this?

(e)What is the reason for all the current rulings regarding a flame?


(a)A coal may 'go' wherever the owner may go. A flame, says the Mishnah - may go anywhere (i.e. it does not prevent the owner from taking it wherever he is permitted to go.

(b)The Tana is referring to - where Reuven takes a flame from Shimon's candle.

(c)The Tana rules that - one is Mo'el on a Hekdesh ...

1. ... coal, but - not on a Hekdesh ...

2. ... flame.

(d)Likewise, he rules that - one is Chayav for carrying ...

1. ... a coal on Shabbos, but ...

2. ... not for carrying a flame (if he fans it from his house into the street).

(e)The reason for all the current rulings regarding a flame is - because a flame is not a concrete object.


(a)If the water in a private water-pit can 'go' wherever the owner can go, what does the Mishnah say about the water in a water-pit belonging to ...

1. ... the town?

2. ... Olei Bavel? What exactly is the definition of a water-pit belonging to the Olei Bavel?

(b)What is the reason for the latter ruling?

(c)What does the former ruling mean in practical terms?


(a)The Mishnah rules that, whereas the water in a private water-pit can 'go' wherever the owner can go, the water in a water-pit belonging to ...

1. ... the town can only 'go' - in an area where all the residents can go.

2. ... Olei Bavel - public water-pits that are dug along the way, which the pilgrims dug for their use when traveling to Yerushalayim for Yom-Tov, can go - wherever the person who filled it can ...

(b)... because the water is Hefker.

(c)The former ruling in practical terms, is - two thousand Amos plus the Ibur (seventy Amos [See Tiferes Yisrael]) of the town (See Tos. Yom-Tov).


(a)In the latter case, what will be the Din if the person who fills the water then gives it to somebody else?

(b)Why is that?

(c)Our Mishnah does not go like Rebbi Yochanan ben Nuri. What does he say about Cheftzei (articles of) Hefker?


(a)In the latter case, if the person who fills the water then gives it to somebody else - the water can only go where the former is permitted to go ...

(b)... because we hold 'Yesh B'reirah Lehachmir' (See Tos. Yom-Tov) and, when he drew the water it became established retroactively that the water belonged to him from the moment that Yom-Tov entered.

(c)Our Mishnah does not go like Rebbi Yochanan ben Nuri who holds -Cheftzei (articles of) Hefker acquire Shevisah for themselves when Yom-Tov enters.

Mishnah 6
Hear the Mishnah


(a)What does the Mishnah say about someone whose fruit is in another town, where they made an Eiruv with the intention of bringing him his fruit on Yom-Tov?

(b)Why is that?

(c)On what condition are they permitted to bring him his fruit?


(a)The Mishnah rules that someone whose fruit is in another town, even though they made an Eiruv with the intention of bringing him his fruit on Yom-Tov - they are forbidden to do so ...

(b)... because his fruit is only permitted to go wherever he is permitted to go.

(c)They are permitted to bring him his fruit however - if he too, made an Eiruv that permits him to go to their town.

Mishnah 7
Hear the Mishnah


(a)Why does the Mishnah forbid out of town guests to take portions that the host gives them back home (even though they made an Eiruv)?

(b)On what condition is it permitted?

(c)Seeing as they were not present, how does this help?


(a)The Mishnah forbids out of town guests to take portions that the host gives them back home (even though they made an Eiruv) - because he did not make an Eiruv, and his food may only 'go' where he is allowed to go).

(b)It is permitted however - if he was Mezakeh them (through a third person [See Tos. Yom-Tov]) their portions before Yom-Tov ...

(c)... even though they were not present, based on the principle 'Mezakin le'Adam she'Lo be'Fanav'.


(a)The Mishnah discusses animals that it refers to as 'Midbari'os', and 'Baysos'. What is the definition of ...

1. ... 'Midbari'os'?

2. ... 'Baysos'?

(b)What distinction does the Tana draw between watering and Shechting 'Midbari'os', and watering and Shechting 'Baysos'?

(c)Why the difference (See Tos. Yom-Tov)?


(a)The Mishnah discusses animals that it refers to as ...

1. ... 'Midbari'os' - animals that remain in the meadow - far from the town for long periods of time.

2. ... 'Baysos' - animals that come back to town each night (See Tos. Yom-Tov).

(b)The Tana - forbids watering (See Tos. Yom-Tov) and Shechting 'Midbari'os', but - permits watering and Shechting 'Baysos' ...

(c)... since the latter are Muchan (prepared), whereas the former are not (See Tos. Yom-Tov).

Hadran alach Maseches Beitzah