
USING MAASER SHENI AS A SHELAMIM OFFERING (Yerushalmi Ma'aser Sheni Perek 1 Halachah 2 Daf 5a)

äúîã òã ùìà äçîéõ àéðå ðé÷ç áëñó îòùø åôåñì àú äî÷åä îùäçîéõ ðé÷ç áëñó îòùø åàéðå ôåñì àú äî÷åä:


(Mishnah in Maseches Chulin 1:8): Before Tamad has fermented, it may not be bought with Ma'aser Sheni money (see earlier Bechoros 23 (d)) and it disqualifies a Mikveh (as drawn water). After it has fermented, it may be bought with Maaser money and it does not disqualify a Mikveh.

îúðé' ãøáé éåãä [äéà] [ãó æ òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] ãúðéðï úîï äîúîã åðúï îéí áîéãä åîöà ëãé îéãúå ôèåø åøáé éåãä îçééá.


This Mishnah is the opinion of R. Yehuda, as it's taught (in a Mishnah in Ma'asros 5:6), "One who makes Tamad wine by pouring a measured amount of water (on un-tithed grape sediment) and then found the same measure as he had added, it is exempt (as it's water rather than wine) R. Yehuda obligates it.

à''ø àáäå æéîðéï àîø ìä áùí øáé ìòæø åæéîðéï àîø ìä áùí øáé éåñé áé øáé çðéðà åäåà ùäçîéõ.


(R. Abahu, sometimes in R. Elazar's name and sometimes in R. Yosi bei R. Chanina's name): This ruling of R. Yehuda is only when the Tamad had fermented.

àîø øáé éåñé ãáøé äëì äéà ùëï àôéìå îé îìç ðé÷çéï áëñó îòùø.


(R. Yosi): (Disagreeing with the statement that the Mishnah in Chulin is the opinion of R. Yehuda) All agree (to the Mishnah in Chulin), as even salt water may be acquired with Ma'aser Sheni money (since it can be used as a dip). (So too for fermented Tamad, even if it's not considered wine, it can be acquired with Maaser money since it can be used as a dip).

àîø øáé ìòæø ìà ÷ðä îòùø.


(R. Elazar): (The Mishnah taught that if one buys an animal for its flesh, the skin does not become Chulin.) This in fact means that the Ma'aser Sheni is not transferred at all to the animal (and the money still retains its Kedushah).

à''ø éåñé á÷ãîééúà äåéðï îøéï äìå÷ç áäîä ìáùø úàåä òì ëøçå [ãó ä òîåã á] ðúôñ äùí ìùìîéí åìà äåéðï àîøéï ëìåí îï äãà ãàîø øáé ìòæø ìà ÷ðä îòùø.


(R. Yosi): Originally we said that if one buys an animal for its flesh, even if he didn't consecrate it as a Shelamim, it automatically becomes Shelamim (because of a decree of Chazal) and the skin would not become Chulin. However, our words were proved worthless, from the teaching of R. Elazar that the Ma'aser Sheni money didn't acquire it at all (so the money still has Kedushah).

øáé éåñä áùí øáé éåçðï áäîú îòùø ùðé áéøåùìéí ëøáé îàéø ôèåøä îï äáëåøä ëøáé éäåãä çééáú ááëåøä.


(R. Yosa citing R. Yochanan): An animal of Ma'aser Sheni in Yerushalayim, according to R. Meir (that Ma'aser Sheni is 'elevated money' - meaning that it belongs to Hash-m), if it gave birth, it is exempt from the laws of Bechor. According to R. Yehuda (that Ma'aser Sheni is 'regular money' - meaning that it belongs to the owner), if it gave birth, it would be obligated in the laws of Bechor.

øáé éøîéä áòé ÷åîé øáé æòéøà éìãä áëåø àéîåøéå îäå ùé÷øáå ìâáé îæáç.


Question (R. Yirmiyah to R. Zeira): (According to R. Yehuda) if it gave birth, must its parts (Eimurim) be brought on the altar?

[ãó ç òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] åìà çì îòùø ùðé òì àéîåøéå åìà ðîöà îáøéçå îï äàëéìä.


Answer: (R. Zeira to R. Yirmiyah): Doesn't the Kedushah of Ma'aser Sheni fall on the limbs and now their burning prevents them from being eaten!

à''ì åëé äìå÷ç áùø áäîä ìáùø úàåä ìà çì îòùø ùðé òì àéîåøéä åìà ðîöà îáøéçä îï äàëéìä.


Question (R. Yirmiyah to R. Zeira): And if one buys animal flesh to consume, doesn't the Kedushah of Ma'aser Sheni fall on its Eimorim, thereby also preventing it from being eaten?

àîø ìéä áì÷éçúä ô÷òä îîðä ÷ãåùú îòùø.


Answer (R. Zeira to R. Yirmiyah): That's different, because when he buys it, when the Kedushah of Shelamim comes, the Kedushah of Maaser comes off of it (so the Eimorim can therefore be brought up on the altar).

àîø øáé éåñé åàðï ìà äåéðï àîøéï ëï àìà ìà äúéøä äúåøä ìé÷ç áëñó îòùø àìà ùìîéí áìáã.


Answer #2 (R. Yosi): We ourselves didn't say that. Rather, the Torah specifically permitted buying a Shelamim with Ma'aser Sheni money (thereby requiring the Eimorim to be burned).

îä ðô÷ä îáéðéäåï


Question: What's the practical difference between these two answers?

éìãä áëåø åä÷ãéùä ùìîéí îàï ãàîø ìà äúéøä äúåøä ìé÷ç áëñó îòùø àìà ùìîéí áìáã ÷øéáä îàï ãàîø áì÷éçúä ô÷òä îîðä ÷ãåùú îòùø àéðä ÷øéáä.


Answer: If it gave birth to a firstborn and he consecrated it as a Shelamim. According to R. Yosi, it should be sacrificed; according to R. Zeira, it should not (since there was no acquisition done that would have removed the Kedushah of Ma'aser Sheni).

àîø øáé éåñé ëì àéìéï îéìééà àðï îøéï åîúðé' îñééòà ìø' æòéøà [ãó ç òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] ìà éáéà îçéèé îòùø [ùðé] àìà îîòåú îòùø ùðé.


(R. Yosi): Despite all of my words, the Mishnah (in Maseches Menachos 7:5) supports R. Zeira - '(If a person vows to bring both a Todah sacrifice and its breads from Ma'aser Sheni, he should do so, but) he should bring the breads from Ma'aser Sheni money but not Ma'aser Sheni wheat.'...

îä áéï çéèéï îä áéï îòåú àìà áì÷éçúä ô÷òä îîðä ÷ãåùú îòùø.


What's the difference between wheat and money? Through buying the breads with Ma'aser Sheni money, the Kedushah of Ma'aser Sheni is removed. (This supports R. Zeira's explanation.)

àîø øáé çéððà ÷åîé øáé îðà åéáéà îï äçéèéï äúøåîä ìëäï åäùàø ìáòìéí îôðé îä àéðå îáéà.


Question (R. Chinana to R. Mana): Let him use Ma'aser Sheni wheat since all of the breads are consumed, including those that are given to the Kohen as Terumas Lachmei Todah...?

àîø ìéä äâò òöîê ùðùôê äãí ìà ðôñì äìçí.


Answer (R. Mana to R. Chinana): They might be disqualified from eating if the blood of the sacrifice was accidently spilled rather than thrown on the altar.