BECHOROS 19 (1 Iyar) - Dedicated by Ari Friedman and family of Lawrence, N.Y., l'Iluy Nishmas Ari's father, Reb Yakov Yosef ben Rav Nosson Neta Z'L Friedman in honor of his Yahrzeit. Jack Friedman exemplified true Ahavas Yisrael and Ahavas Chesed; may he be a Melitz Yosher for his children and grandchildren and for all of Klal Israel.


EXPLAINING SOME OF THE PROHIBITIONS OF MAASER SHENI (Yerushalmi Ma'aser Sheni Perek 1 Halachah 1 Daf 2a)

[ãó á òîåã à] òáø åîùëï òáø åäøäéï ééáà ëäãà


If a person transgressed and used Ma'aser Sheni as collateral or as a guarantee (for a new loan), it should follow this Baraisa...

äàåëì îòùø ùðé ùìå áéï ùåââ áéï îæéã éöò÷ ìùîéí ãáøé øáï ùîòåï áï âîìéàì.


(Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel): One who eats his Ma'aser Sheni (outside Yerushalayim), whether inadvertently or intentionally, he should cry out to Heaven for forgiveness (as there is nothing else he can do).

øáé àåîø ùåââ éöò÷ ìùîéí îæéã éçæøå ãîéå ìî÷åîï.


(Rebbi): If it was done inadvertently, he should cry out to Heaven; if intentional, he must separate money to their value and treat it as Ma'aser Sheni.

åàí äéå îòåú ùåââ éöò÷ ìùîéí îæéã éçæøå ãîéå ìî÷åîï ãáøé øáï ùîòåï áï âîìéàì.


(Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel): And if he had used Ma'aser Sheni money - if done inadvertently, he should cry out to Heaven; if done intentionally, he should separate money to their value and treat it as Ma'aser Sheni.

øáé àåîø áéï ùåââ áéï îæéã éçæøå ãîéå ìî÷åîï.


(Rebbi): Whether inadvertently or intentionally, he should separate money to their value and treat it as Ma'aser Sheni.

øáé æøé÷ä áùí çæ÷éä äìëä ëøáé áîòåú åëøáï ùîòåï áï âîìéàì áôéøåú.


(R. Zerikah citing Chikiyah): The Halacha follows Rebbi for money and Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel for produce.

[ãó â òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] àîø øáé ééìà îòùä äéä åäåøå ëøáé áîòåú.


(R. Yaila): Such a case once occurred and they ruled like Rebbi for money.

àå ééáà ëäãà àéï ðåèòéï åàéï îáøéëéï åàéï îøëéáéï òøá ùáéòéú ôçåú îùìùéí éåí ìôðé øàù äùðä. åàí ðèò àå äøëéá àå äáøéê éò÷åø.


Or the law (of a person who transgressed and used Ma'aser Sheni as a guarantee or collateral) should follow the Mishnah (in Maseches Sheviis 2:6) that taught - One may not plant, sink or graft on the eve of Sheviis less than 30 days before Rosh Hashana. If one did plant, graft or sink then, he must uproot them.

ìà ò÷ø ôéøåúéå îä äï.


Question: If he did not uproot them, what is the law of their fruits?

øáé áà øáé (àîé)[ìà] äååï éúéáéï áöåø àúà òåáãà ÷åîéäåï åäåøé øáé àéìà éùôëå ôéøåúéå.


R. Ba and R. Ila were sitting in Tzur. Such a case came before them and R. Ila ruled that the fruits must be spilled out (as they are prohibited to eat).

àîø øáé áà àðé ìà ðîðéúé òîäï áòìééä


(R. Ba): I wasn't with them in the attic when they ruled to prohibit the fruits.

ðô÷éï åùîòåï øáé éåðä åøáé éöç÷ áø èáìéé áùí øáé ìòæø àéï îçãùéï òì äâæéøä.


They went outside and heard R. Yona and R. Yitzchak bar Tavlai citing R. Elazar that one may not apply something new to the decree (that it must be uprooted and also say that the fruits are prohibited).

àîø ø' éåñé ø' éöç÷ áø èáìéé áùí ø' ìòæø àéï îåñéôéï òì ääìëä.


(R. Yosi): R. Yitzchak bar Tivlai citing R. Elazar said that one may not add to the decree. (This means the same as the previous statement, but it was just expressed in a different way). (Nevertheless, the Gemara proves from here that if a person did use Ma'aser Sheni as a guarantee or collateral, he is not penalized.)

ø' éò÷á áø àçà áùí ø' æòéøà îï îä ãúðé àéï îîùëðéï àåúå åìà [úðé àéï îäøäéðéï] (îøäéðéï) àåúå äãà àîøä òáø åîùëï [÷åðñéï àåúå] òáø åäøäéï [àéï] ÷åðñéï áå.


(R. Yaakov bar Acha citing R. Zeira): From that which the Mishnah only taught - One may not use it for collateral, but it didn't teach that one may not use it as a guarantee - this shows that if one transgressed and used it as a collateral, we penalize him; but if he used it as a guarantee (for a new loan), we do not penalize him.

åìà ùå÷ìéï ëðâãå îòåú àôéìå ñìò ùì çåìéï ìòùåú ñìò ùì îòùø ùðé.


(The Mishnah taught that one may not use Ma'aser Sheni as a weight.) One may not weigh it against money, even if he wishes to weigh out a Sela of Chulin in order to make it a Sela of Ma'aser Sheni.

äéä ìå ñìò ùì îòùø [ùðé] åäéà îñåééîú ìå îäå ùéù÷åì ëðâãå äñìò ùì îòùø ùðé àçøú åúäà îñåééîú ìå. äàçéï ùçì÷å îäå ùéù÷ìå æä ëðâã æä.


Question: If he had a Sela of Ma'aser Sheni that is of known exact weight, may he weigh out against it another Sela of Ma'aser Sheni in order for its exact weight to be known to him? Similarly, if two brothers divide their father's estate, may they weigh Ma'aser Sheni coins against each other to do so? (The Gemara leaves these questions unanswered.)

úðï ìà éàîø àãí ìçáéøå áéøåùìéí äà ìê ééï åúï ìé ùîï äà ìê ùîï åúï ìé ééï àáì àåîø ìå äà ìê ééï ùàéï ìê ééï äà ìê ùîï ùàéï ìê ùîï. äà ìê ééï ùàéï ìé ùîï äååï áòé îéîø àñåø. àùëç úðé îåúø.


The Mishnah taught - 'In Yerushalayim, one should not say to his friend, "Take this wine and give me oil''.' Nor should he say, "Take this oil and give me wine''. But he may say, "Take this wine as you don't have wine'' or "Take this oil as you don't have oil''. If he said, "Take this wine as I don't have oil'', it was suggested that it should be prohibited. (as it is like an exchange). However, a Baraisa was found that teaches that it is permitted.

[ãó â òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] åàéï àñåø îùåí çìéôéï.


Question: Why isn't it prohibited as an exchange of Ma'aser Sheni?

îëéåï ùàéðå éëåì ìäåöéàå îîðå áãéï àéï àìå çìéôéï.


Answer: Since they didn't discuss a price, it's not an exchange - as he wouldn't be able to extract it from him legally.

åìééãà îéìä àîø äà ìê ééï ùàéï ìé ùîï


Question: If it's not an exchange, why did he say, "Take for yourself wine as I don't have oil''?

ãàéìå äåú ìé îùä äåéðà îéúï ìê.


Answer: He intended to say, "If I would have oil, I would give you that as well''.


GIVING MAASER SHENI AS A GIFT (Yerushalmi Ma'aser Sheni Perek 1 Halachah 1 Daf 2a)

àáì ðåúðéï æä ìæä îúðú çðí.


The Mishnah taught that a person may give his friend a free gift of Ma'aser Sheni.

îúðé' ãøáé îàéø ãå øáé îàéø [ãó á òîåã á] àîø àéï îúðä ëîëø.


The Mishnah follows the view of R. Meir, who said that a gift is unlike a sale.

àîø øáé éåñé ãáøé äëì äéà äëà ëäãà ãúðé äéä àåîø àãí ìçáéøå îä àëìú äéåí åäåà àåîø ìå ÷éõ åäéä éåãò ùäåà áëåø îä ä÷éõ ðîëø áæåì àó äáëåø ðîëø áæåì.


(R. Yosi): (Disagreeing) It follows all opinions and it's like the Baraisa that taught - If a person said to his friend, "What did you eat today?'' and the friend replied, "Summer fruits'', he would understand that the person had eaten the meat of a Bechor (firstborn). (What's the connection?) Just as summer fruits are sold for cheap (as they are in great abundance) so too Bechor meat is sold for cheap.

äéä àåîø ìå îï åäéä éåãò ùäåà îòùø ùðé îä äîï ðéúï áîúðä àó îòùø ùðé ðéúï áîúðä.


If the person answered that he had eaten 'Mun', the questioner understand that he meant Ma'aser Sheni. Just as the Mun (i.e. Manna) was given as a gift (in the desert) so too Ma'aser Sheni may be given as a gift. (This Baraisa therefore shows that one may give Ma'aser Sheni as a free gift).

äúéáåï äøé îòùø áäîä ãáøé äëì àéðå ðîëø åàú àîøú ðéúï áîúðä àó æä äðéúï áîúðä.


Another question against R. Meir: All agree that one may not sell Maaser Behemah, but it may be given as a gift; so too Ma'aser Sheni, even though it may not be sold, it may be given as a gift.

øáé îðà ìà àîø ëï àìà ëøáé éåãä ãøáé éåãä òùä àåúå ëðëñéå.


R. Mana didn't say this - rather, he said that the statement in the Mishnah that allows giving a gift of Ma'aser Sheni, is like R. Yehuda (rather than Rabbanan) who said that Ma'aser Sheni is considered one's own property.

äúéáåï äøé îòùø áäîä ãáøé äëì àéðå ëðëñéå åàú àîø ðéúï áîúðä àó æä ðéúï áîúðä:


Question: All agree that Maaser Behemah is not like one's own property, but it may be given as a gift; so too all must agree that Ma'aser Sheni may be given as a gift!