
TOSFOS DH R. Eliezer v'R. Shimon Amru Davar Echad

úåñôåú ã"ä øáé àìéòæø åøáé ùîòåï àîøå ãáø àçã

(SUMMARY: Tosfos justifies this statement.)

àò''â ãøáðï îåãå ìø' ùîòåï ãáèì ëùäåöéàåäå áñôì ìáéú äçéöåï ëãàîø áðãä ô' äîôìú (ãó ëæ.)


Implied question: Rabanan agree to R. Shimon that it is Batel when they take it out in a basket to the outer house, like it says in Nidah (27a)! (Why do we say that only R. Eliezer ben Yakov holds like R. Shimon?)

î''î ìà àùëç àîøå ãáø àçã àìà îø' àìéòæø áï éò÷á åø' ùîòåï ãìùðéäí áèì áúçìú ìéãä


Answer: Even so, we find that they said the same matter only from R. Eliezer ben Yakov and R. Shimon, for according to both of them it is Batel from the beginning of birth.

åàò''â ãîéìúà ãø' àìéòæø áï éò÷á ìà ãéé÷à ëìì ãáèì àìà ãøáé çééà äåà ã÷àîø äëé


Implied question: We cannot infer at all from R. Eliezer ben Yakov's teaching that it is Batel. Rather, R. Chiya said so!

é''ì ãúðé ø' çééà ã÷àîø äééðå ùäéä ùåðä áå áîéìúéä ãøáé àìéòæø áï éò÷á ãàéðä îèîàä áîâò åìà áîùà


Answer: "R. Chiya Tani (taught)" means that he taught so in the words of R. Eliezer ben Yakov, that it is not Tamei through touching or moving.

åäëé àéúà áäãéà áúåñôúà


Support: It says so explicitly in the Tosefta.


TOSFOS DH Ad she'Ya'agilu Rosh k'Pikah

úåñôåú ã"ä òã ùéòâéìå øàù ëôé÷ä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos points out that we must establish a Mishnah in Chulin like this.)

äà ãúðï áô' äî÷ùä (çåìéï ã' ò:) áäîä ùîú òåáøä áîòéä åäåùéè äøåòä éãå èäåø


Implied question: A Mishnah (Chulin 70b) says that if a fetus died inside an animal, and a shepherd stuck his hand inside, he is Tahor!

ëùìà äòâéì ëôé÷ä


Answer: That is when the head was not as big as a Pikah (the ball at the end of a knitting needle for woolen thread).

åëï àéãê ã÷úðé äúí àùä ùîú åìãä áîòéä åôùèä äçéä ëå' äàùä èäåøä òã ùéöà äåìã åîùîò áâî' ãèäåøä îùåí ãäåéà èåîàä áìåòä


Support: Likewise, the other case taught there (the next Mishnah, 71a), of a woman whose fetus died in her womb, and the midwife put her hand inside... the [mother] is Tehorah until the fetus leaves. The Gemara connotes that she is Tehorah because the Tum'ah is enveloped;

åäçéä èîàä ùîà éåöéà åìã øàùå çåõ ìôøåæãåø åìàå àãòúä


And the midwife is Temei'ah, lest the fetus stick its head out of the Prozdor, unknown to her;

ëùìà äòâéì øàù ëôé÷ä ðîé àééøé


Also that is when the head was not as big as a Pikah.

ãàéï ìåîø ãìòåìí äåé ëôé÷ä å÷åãí ôúéçú ä÷áø


Implied question: Perhaps really, [the head] was as big as a Pikah, and it was before the womb opened!

ãäà ìà îèîà àìà âæéøä ùîà éåöéà øàùå çåõ ìôøåæãåø îùîò ã÷åãí ìëï èäåøä àò''â ãôúéçú ä÷áø äåà ÷åãí ìëï ãäà áéöéàú øàù çåõ ìôøåæãåø äåé ëéìåã ìâîøé


Rejection: It is Metamei [the midwife] only due to a decree lest it stick its head out of the Prozdor. This connotes that beforehand she is Tehorah, even though the womb already opened, for when the head leaves the Prozdor, it is totally born.


TOSFOS DH b'Tzad ha'Elyon Shel Megufas ha'Chavis

úåñôåú ã"ä áöã äòìéåï ùì îâåôú äçáéú

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that this is a handle on the cork.)

éù áàåúä îâåôä ëòéï áéú éã ùòåùéï ìàåçæä åäåà òâåì ëòéï àåúä ù÷åøéï ôéì îéé''ì áìò''æ


Explanation: That cork has like a handle that they make to hold it, and it is round, like the one they call Fil Mail in old French.


TOSFOS DH Hanach Mi'uta d'Maya Beteilan Lehu b'Ruva

úåñôåú ã"ä äðê îéòåèà ãîéà áèéìï ìäå áøåáà

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why it is Batel in a majority.)

åìà ãîé ìùàø àéñåøéï ùäåà áðåúï èòí ãìà àúîø èòí ëòé÷ø ìòðéï èåîàä


Explanation: This is unlike other Isurim for which the Shi'ur is Nosen Ta'am, for Ta'am k'Ikur (if Isur can be tasted in a mixture, it is not Batel, and the mixture is forbidden like the Isur itself) was not said for Tum'ah;

åëï ðáéìä áèéìä áùçåèä ìòðéï èåîàä àôé' çæø åðúáùì äëì áéçã


Similarly, Neveilah is Batel in Shechutah regarding Tum'ah, even if later they were all cooked together.


TOSFOS DH Beteilei Lehu b'Ruva

úåñôåú ã"ä áèéìé ìäå áøåáà

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why Hashakah helps even if it is exactly half.)

åàôé' äéå îçöä òì îçöä î''î îèòí ãìà áèì ñì÷à ìäå äù÷ä


Remark: Even if it was half-half, because [the water] is not Batel, Hashakah (connecting it to a Mikveh) helps (to be Metaher it).


TOSFOS DH Aval li'Kedeirah Lo Matza Min Es Mino v'Ni'ur

úåñôåú ã"ä àáì ì÷ãéøä ìà îöà îéï àú îéðå åðéòåø

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why we do not say Salek Es Mino.)

ìà ãîé ìäà ãàîøéðï áôø÷ âéã äðùä (çåìéï ãó ÷: åùí) åáôø÷ ä÷åîõ øáä (îðçåú ãó ëâ.) åáô' áúøà ãò''æ (ãó òâ.) ñì÷ àú îéðå ëîé ùàéðå åùàéðå îéðå øáä òìéå åîáèìå


Implied question: We should say like it says in Chulin (100b) and Menachos (23a) and Avodah Zarah (73a) "remove Mino as if it were not [there], and Eino Mino is the majority [over the Isur], and it is Mevatel it"!

ãäúí àéï îéðå ðàñø àìà îëç äàéñåø ùðúòøá åàé àôùø ìäáãéìå åáë''î ùéùðå äéúø äåà ìôéëê ùééê ìåîø ñì÷


Answer: There is different, for Mino is forbidden only due to the Isur mixed with it, and it is impossible to separate it, and whenever it is, it is Heter. Therefore, it is applicable to say "remove";

àáì (äéëà) [ö"ì äëà - ãôåñ åéðéöéä] ãîéðå òöîå îèîà îçîú îâò îéí äèîàéí àéï ùééê ìåîø áå ñì÷


However, here Mino itself is Metamei due to touching the Tamei water. It is not applicable to say "remove".



úåñôåú ã"ä åðéòåø

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that the water returns to its Tum'ah.)

ôéøù ä÷åðè' ùäîéí çåæøéí åøáéí òì äöéø åîèîàéï àåúå


Explanation #1 (Rashi): The water returns to be the majority over the brine, and it is Metamei it.

åìà ã÷ ãöéø ìàå áø ÷áåìé èåîàä äåà


Rebuttal: He was not precise. Brine does not receive Tum'ah!

àìà æäå ðéòåø ãî÷îé äëé áèì äöéø îï äîéí èåîàú îù÷éï îçîú øåá öéø åòëùéå ùäîéí (ðéòåøå ìëîå ùäï) [ö"ì øáå ðéòåøå ìëîå ùäéå - ùéèä î÷åáöú ëúá éã] úçìä ÷åãí ùðúòøáå áöéø


Explanation #2: Rather, we say Ni'ur, for before [water became the majority] the brine was Mevatel Tum'as Mashkin from the water, due to the majority of brine, and now that the water increased, it is awakened to how it was before it was mixed with brine (it is Tamei again).


TOSFOS DH Yasiv Rav Dimi veka'Amar l'Ha Shemaita v'Chulei

úåñôåú ã"ä éúéá øá ãéîé å÷àîø ìäà ùîòúà ëå'

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses when a minority that was Batel is aroused.)

ä÷ùä äøá øáé àôøéí ãäëà àéú ìéä ìøá ãéîé ãàôéìå èäøä òåøøú èåîàä


Question (R. Efrayim): Here, Rav Dimi holds that even Taharah arouses Tum'ah;

åáô' áúøà ãò''æ (ãó òâ.) àéú ìéä ãàôé' àéñåø àéï òåøø àéñåø ã÷àîø äîòøä (îëàï îòîåã á) ééï ðñê îçáéú ìáåø àôé' ëì äéåí ëåìå øàùåï øàùåï áèì


And in Avodah Zarah (73a), he holds that even Isur does not arouse Isur, for he said that if one pours Yayin Nesech from a barrel into a pit, even the entire day, Rishon Rishon Batel (every drop is Batel when it mixes with the wine in the pit)!


åé''ì ãäëà îùîéä (ãøéù ì÷éù) [ö"ì ãø' éøîéä - ùéèä î÷åáöú ëúá éã] åäúí îùîéä ãø' éåçðï


Answer: Here [Rav Dimi] taught in the name of R. Yirmeyah, and there in the name of R. Yochanan.

åîéäå ÷ùä ìøáé éåçðï ãàôé' áèåîàä ãçåìéï ã÷éìà ããéé÷éðï áñîåê îîúðéúéï åáøééúà ãèåîàä òåøøú èåîàä ã÷àîø ùîà éáéà ÷á çåìéï èîàéï åëå'


Question #1: It is difficult for R. Yochanan, for even Tum'ah in Chulin, which is lenient, we infer below from a Mishnah and Beraisa that Tum'ah arouses Tum'ah, for it says "perhaps he will bring a Kav of Tamei Chulin [and it will join with the Tamei Terumah in the mixture, and the majority will be Tamei]";

ë''ù ãàéñåø éù ìå ìòåøø àéñåø


All the more so, Isur should arouse Isur!

åîéìúà ãôùéèà äéà áëåìéä äù''ñ ãàéñåø îòåøø àéñåø


Question #2: It is obvious in the entire Gemara that Isur arouses Isur!

åáôø÷ äòøì (éáîåú ãó ôá:) ðîé àîøéðï ãðúï ñàä åðèì ñàä ëùø òã øåáå àáì éúø îîðå ìà åìà àîøéðï øàùåï øàùåï áèì


Question #3: Also in Yevamos (82b) we say that if one put a Se'ah [of fruit juice into a Mikveh] and removed a Se'ah, it is Kosher, until the majority [is fruit juice], but not more. We do not say that Rishon Rishon (every first amount is) Batel!

åáôø÷ ðåèì (ùáú ãó ÷îá.) ñàä ùì úøåîä ùðôìä ìúåê ÷' ùì çåìéï åìà äñôé÷ ìäòìåúä òã . ùðôìä àçøú àñåø


Question #4: And in Shabbos (142a), if a Seifa of Terumah fell into 100 of Chulin, and before he was able to remove it (i.e. a Se'ah from the mixture) until another [Se'ah] fell in, it is forbidden!

åîéäå àéï îùí øàéä ëì ëê ãäúí îùåí ãñàä øàùåï ðäé ãìà àñø î''î ìà ðúáèì ãöøéê ìäøéí


Disclaimer: There is not such a proof from there, for there, granted, the first Se'ah did not forbid, but in any case it was not Batel, for one must remove [a Se'ah].

åòåã àùëçï áôø÷ äðåãø îï äéø÷ (ðãøéí ãó ðæ:) ãø' éåçðï àéú ìéä àôéìå âéãåìé äéúø îòìéï àú äàéñåø


Question #5: We find in Nedarim (57b) that R. Yochanan holds that even growth of Heter helps to be Mevatel Isur [that was planted].

åîéäå àéï îùí ÷åùéà ìôé îä ùøâéì ø''ú ìçì÷ áéï äéúø ãâãì áìà äôñ÷ ìäéëà ãàéëà äôñ÷


Answer (to Question #5): This is not difficult based on how R. Tam distinguishes between Heter that grew [constantly] without ceasing, and when there is a pause;

åîòîéã ääéà ãò''æ áîéôñ÷ ôñå÷é ëãàùëçï áô' áúøà ãðãä (ãó òà:) âáé ãí úáåñä ãîçì÷ áéï ôñ÷ ììà ôñ÷


He establishes the case in Avodah Zarah to be when he interrupted, like we find in Nidah (71b) regarding Dam Tevusah (it did not leave at the time of death). It distinguishes between whether or not the blood [came out] intermittently, or constantly;


Note: Tum'ah mid'Oraisa of blood requires a Revi'is that exuded after death. If a Revi'is came out, and part was before death, and we are unsure when most came out, this is Dam Tevusah. R. Yehudah is Metamei, and Chachamim are Metaher, for Rishon Rishon Batel.

åáô' äúòøåáåú (æáçéí ãó òç.) ãàîøéðï ãí ìúåê äîéí øàùåï øàùåï áèì äúí àééøé áôñ÷


And in Zevachim (78a) we say that blood [that fell] into water, Rishon Rishon Batel - that is when it interrupted;

åääåà ãùîà øáå äðåèôéï òì äæåçìéï äééðå ùîà éøáå áìà äôñ÷


And the case in which we are concerned lest rainwater became the majority over flowing water [from the ground - Shabbos 65b] - this means lest it [fall in] and increase without pause.

åîúåê ëê îôøù ø''ú áäâåæì ÷îà (á''÷ ãó ÷.) åáøéù á''á (ãó á.) ãð÷è ðôøöä àåîøéí ìå âãåø úøé æîðé ãàí éù úåñôú îàúéí áéï ùðé äôòîéí àéï îöèøôéï ìàñåø ëéåï ùéù äôñ÷


Consequence: Due to this, R. Tam explained in Bava Kama (100a) and in Bava Basra (2a) that it mentioned [regarding a wall between a vineyard and a field that was] breached, and they told him "fence it", twice, for if [the Peros] grew an additional one part in 200 [of their initial size] between the two times [that it fell], they do not join to forbid, since there is an interruption (while the fence stood, the additional growth was Heter).

àáì ÷ùä îäà ãùîòúéï åáôø÷ äòøì ãàôé' (áìà äôñ÷) [ö"ì áäôñ÷ - ùéèä î÷åáöú, îäøù"à, öàï ÷ãùéí] àîøéðï ãçåæø åðéòåø


Question: It is difficult from our Sugya, and in Yevamos, that even with interruption, we say Chozer v'Niur!

åðøàä ìøáé ãáëì ãåëúà éù ìå ìäéåú ðéòåø àôé' áäôñ÷


Answer (to all the questions - Tosfos' Rebbi): In every place it should be Ni'ur, even if there was an interruption;

åâáé ãí úáåñä áô' áúøà ãðãä (ãó òà:) ãáãøáðï ä÷éìå


The case of Dam Tevusah in Nidah (71b) is mid'Rabanan, so [Chachamim] were lenient.

åääéà (ãúòøåáú ãí) [ö"ì ããí ìúåê îéí - ùéèä î÷åáöú] ùàðé äúí ãéù ãçåé àöì ÷ãùéí


The case of blood that fell into water is different, for Dichuy applies to Kodshim;

ãëéåï ùðãçéú ëì èéôä åèéôä ëùðåôìú ùåá àéðä çåæøú åðøàéú


Since each drop was Nidcheh (Pasul for Zerikah) when it falls in, later it does not become proper [for Zerikah].

åääéà ãø' éåçðï ãò''æ (ãó òâ.) ã÷àîø øàùåï øàùåï áèì äééðå ëì æîï ùéù áäéúø ùùéí òì äàéñåø ãìéëà ðúéðú èòí åààéñåø îùäå ãîúðé' ãäúí ÷àé


R. Yochanan said in Avodah Zarah (73a) that Rishon Rishon Batel, i.e. as long as there is 60 times as much Heter as Isur, that there is not Nesinas Ta'am. He refers to the Isur Mashehu of our Mishnah there (and teaches that it is only when Heter falls into Isur).


Note: Chidushei Basra asks that "he was pouring the entire day" connotes even much Isur! Also, Nesinas Ta'am does not apply there, for it is Min b'Mino! (Perhaps it depends on 60, for Rabanan gave this Shi'ur for Bitul for Min b'Mino, since Stam Isurim do not give taste to more than 60 parts of Heter. However, the words of Tosfos do not connote like this - PF.)

åæä ìùåï øàùåï [ö"ì øàùåï - ç÷ ðúï] áèì ãééï ðñê ðøàä òã øåáå ìùì äéúø àáì àí øáä àéñåø àñåø ùàéñåøéï äîúáèìéí çåæøéí åðéòåøéï


Inference: The expression Rishon Rishon Batel of Yayin Nesech seems that it is until (as long as there is a) majority of Heter, but if the Isur is the majority, it is forbidden, for Isurim that became Batel are Chozer v'Niur.

åðøàä ãîàï ãàéú ìéä áé''ð äçîåø áàéñåøà ìâå äéúøà øàùåï øàùåï áèì ë''ù áùàø àéñåøéï


Possibility #1: The one who holds that for Yayin Nesech, which is severe, that Isur into Heter, Rishon Rishon Batel, all the more so for other Isurim.

àå ùîà áãáø æä ä÷éìå áééï ðñê éåúø îáùàø àéñåøéï ãáùàø àéñåøéï çåæø åðéòåø ëùøáä äàéñåø ëì ëê ùàéï áäéúø ùùéí


Possibility #2: Perhaps in this matter they were more lenient about Yayin Nesech than other Isurim, for other Isurim are Chozer v'Niur when the Isur is so much that there is not 60 times as much Heter.

åòåã ðøàä ùâí ééï ðñê àéðå áèì øàùåï øàùåï òã øåáå àìà òã ùùéí åëï ùàø àéñåøéï


Possibility #3: Also Yayin Nesech, Rishon Rishon Batel does not apply until the majority, rather, until [one part in] 60, and the same applies to other Isurim;

åàéðï çìå÷éï àìà äéëà ãðôéù òîåãéä èôé îçáéú ëîå ùàôøù


They differ only when the flow is bigger than [the opening of] a barrel, like I will explain;

àå áäéúøà ìâå àéñåøà ôé' ùáúçìú äúòøåáú àéñåø åäéúø àéï ùùéí ãäéúø ìâáé àéñåø


Or, [they differ about] Heter into Isur. I.e. at the beginning of the mixture of Isur and Heter, there are not 60 times as much as Heter as Isur;

åáééï ðñê àí éåñéó äéúø ìúåëå òã òåìí àñåø åáùàø àéñåøéï îåúø ëùøáä ëì ëê ùéäà ùùéí ùì äéúø


For Yayin Nesech, if he adds Heter into it without end, it is forbidden, and for other Isurim, it is permitted when so much is added that there are 60 times as much as Heter [as Isur].

åùîà àôé' áðôñ÷ ìà àîøéðï øàùåï øàùåï áèì ëîå áçúéëú áùø ùáåìòú èòí ðáéìä


Possibility #4: Perhaps even if [the flow] interrupted, we do not say Rishon Rishon Batel, just like a piece of meat that absorbs the taste of Neveilah;

àôé' ìîàï ãîôøù çúéëä òöîä ðòùéú ðáéìä áùàø àéñåøéï ëîå ááùø áçìá


This is even according to the opinion that explains that the piece itself becomes [forbidden like] Neveilah for other Isurim, just like for meat and milk;

ãìà àîøéðï çúéëä òöîä ðòùéú ðáéìä àìà ìòðéï ùìà úåòéì ìå )ôìéèä îùåí ãàéôùø ìñçèï( [ö"ì ôìéèúä îùåí ãàôùø ìñåçèå àñåø - ùéèä î÷åáöú] àáì øáéä úåòéì


This is because we say that the piece becomes Neveilah only to say that what it emits will not help [to permit] it, for [absorbed Isur that] could be emitted is forbidden (perhaps it remained in the piece). However, a majority [of Heter] helps [to permit it].

åà''ú ëéåï ãìáñåó ðîé àéëà ùùéí ùì äéúø ìëê áèì äééï ðñê îàé àéøéà îùåí øàùåï áèì ëéåï ùâí ìáñåó éù ùùéí


Question: Since also at the end there are 60 parts of Heter, therefore the Yayin Nesech is Batel. Why must we say Rishon Rishon Batel, since also at the end there is 60?

é''ì ããå÷à ð÷è îçáéú ìáåø ãìà ðôéù òîåãéä ëåìé äàé åàò''â ãðôéù èôé îöøöåø àáì äéëà ãðôéù òîåãéä èåáà ìà áèì àôé' éù ùùéí áäéúø


Answer: It mentioned specifically from a barrel to a pit, that the flow is not so big, and even though it is bigger than a small flask. However, when the flow is bigger, it is not Batel, even if there are 60 of Heter;

åìäëé ÷àîø øàùåï øàùåï áèì ùàí ðôì ááú àçú àéðå áèì àò''ô ùéù ùùéí ééï îï ääéúø


Therefore, it says Rishon Rishon Batel, for if [all the Isur] fell at once, it is not Batel, even though there is 60 times as much Heter wine.

åùîà ãå÷à ééï ðñê àáì èáì àéðå áèì áùåí òðééï áîéðå


Possibility #1: Perhaps this is only for Yayin Nesech, but Tevel is never Batel in any way b'Mino.

àå ùîà ééï ðñê áèì åîéðä ùîòéðï ãë''ù [ö"ì èáì - ùéèä î÷åáöú] åìøáåúà ð÷èéä


Possibility #2: Perhaps Yayin Nesech is Batel, and we learn from it all the more so Tevel, and [R. Yochanan] mentioned [Yayin Nesech] for a bigger Chidush.

åëï ð''ì òé÷ø øàùåï øàùåï áèì ããå÷à òã ùùéí ëãôøéùéú áàéñåøà ìâå äéúøà åáäéúøà ìâå àéñåøà áëì ùäåà


Conclusion: It seems to me that this is primary. Rishon Rishon Batel is only until 60, like I explained, when Isur falls into Heter, and Heter into Isur, any amount forbids;

àáì áùàø àñåøéï àôé' äéúøà ìâå àéñåøà çåæø åðéòåø ääéúø ëùäåà øáä òã ùéäà áå ùùéí


However, for other Isurim even Heter into Isur, the Heter is Chozer v'Niur when it is so much that there is 60 [times the Isur].

åîé ôéøåú áî÷åí ùîòìéï áðúï ñàä åðèì ñàä òã øåáå àéï ìúîåä ìîä áèìéï îé ôéøåú åðçùáéï ëîéí


Implied question: Fruit juice, in a case that it is Ma'aleh (helps to complete a Mikveh), that they put a Se'ah and remove a Se'ah - why is fruit juice Batel and considered like water?

ãäëé âîéøé ìä ãúðï îé ôéøåú ôòîéí îòìéï ôòîéí àéï îòìéï åëä''â ãîòìéï äøé äí ëîéí ìäòìåú åëé àéëà øåá çåæøéï åðòåøéï


Answer: There is a tradition, for a Mishnah (Mikva'os 7:2) teaches that sometimes it is Ma'aleh, and sometimes it is not Ma'aleh. In a case that it is Ma'aleh, it is like water to be Ma'aleh, but when there is a majority [of fruit juice], it is Chozer v'Niur.

åìîàé ãôøéùéú [ö"ì ãàôéìå - ùéèä î÷åáöú] îàï ãùøé ò''é øàùåï øàùåï áèì ìà ùøé àìà òã ùùéí (åìà) [ö"ì ìà - ùéèä î÷åáöú] ðô÷à ìï îéãé àé äìëä ëï àé ìàå ìàåúï ùðåäâéï òëùéå äéúø äðàä áùëùåê òåáã ëåëáéí åáñúí ééðí


Consequence: According to what I explained, that even the one who permits through Rishon Rishon Batel, permits only until 60, it makes no difference whether or not this is the Halachah (Rishon Rishon Batel), for those who conduct now to permit Hana'ah from what a Nochri shook and from Stam wine [of Nochrim];

ùäøé ôñ÷ ø''ú ùäééï äîåúø áäðàä àéï ìðå ìåîø ùàåñø áëì ùäåà åãáø ôùåè (äåà) [ö"ì äéä çåùáå - ùéèä î÷åáöú]


This is because R. Tam ruled that wine that is Mutar b'Hana'ah, we should not say that any amount forbids a mixture (rather, only until 60)! He considered this to be obvious.

åðøàä ìé ãáøéå ùìà ìäçîéø áå çåîøà ãééï ðñê ìàñåø áîùäå ëéåï ãîåúø áäðàä ëàéñåøéï ÷ìéï


Affirmation: I agree, that we should apply to [their Stam wine] the stringency of Yayin Nesech to forbid any amount, since it is Mutar b'Hana'ah, like light Isurim.

(åø''ú ôñ÷ ìùí ÷ééîà) [ö"ì åøù''é ôñ÷ ìùí ã÷ééîà - ùéèä î÷åáöú] ìï ëøáéï ãìéú ìéä øàùåï øàùåï áèì åìà ùøé àìà áðôì ùí ÷éúåï ùì îéí


Pesak: Rashi ruled like Ravin, who does not hold that Rishon Rishon Batel, and permits only when a flask of water fell there. (Water is Mevatel Yayin Nesech, but wine is not Mevatel it.)

åðøàéï ãáøéå áîä ùàåîø äìëä ëøáéï àí áà ìçìå÷ òì øá ãéîé åøá éöç÷


Remark: He is correct that the Halachah follows Ravin if [Ravin] comes to argue with Rav Dimi and Rav Yitzchak. (Rav Dimi permits when he poured wine from a barrel into the pit. Rav Yitzchak permits only if he poured from a small flask);

ëãàîøéðï áäáà òì éáîúå (éáîåú ãó ñã:) áñåôå àáéï áø ñîëà éöç÷ ñåî÷à ìàå áø ñîëà àáéï éù ìå áçæøä


Source: We say in Yevamos (64b) "one can rely on Avin. One cannot rely on Yitzchak Sumka. Avin is b'Chazarah (reviews his learning, or is always in front of R. Yochanan, and he would know if he retracted). Yitzchak is not b'Chazarah!" (Maharshal Pesachim 70b - Ravin's name was really Avin, just like Ravina's name was Avina);

àáì æä àéï áéãé ìäåëéç àí øáéï áà ìçìå÷ àí ìà ëé é''ì ùìà áà ìçìå÷ åîä ùäöøéê áéèåì ò''é îéí ãå÷à äéëà ãòéøä îçáéú ìáåø ìøá éöç÷ åìøá ãéîé áãðôéù òîåãéä èôé îçáéú


However, I cannot prove whether or not Ravin comes to argue, for one can say that he does not come to argue! He requires Bitul specifically through water when he poured from a barrel into the pit according to Rav Yitzchak, and when the flow was greater than that of a barrel, according to Rav Dimi. (Then, they agree that wine is not Batel.)

åàôé' (ìø''ù) [ö"ì ìøù"é - ùéèä î÷åáöú ëúá éã] ãìà îôøù ìøá ãéîé çáéú ãå÷à


Implied question: According to Rashi, who explains that Rav Dimi does not discuss specifically a barrel (we must say that Ravin argues)!

ðåëì ìåîø ùàéï øáéï çåì÷ òì øá éöç÷ åáîòøä îçáéú (ãáø øáà) [ö"ì ãéáø øáéï - ùéèä î÷åáöú]


Answer: We can say that Ravin does not argue with Rav Yitzchak, and Ravin discusses when he pours from a barrel. (Then, water is needed for Bitul. Indeed, Ravin argues with Rav Dimi, but he can agree that Rishon Rishon Batel for a small flow.)

åìîàï ãîúðé ääéà ãøá ùîåàì áø' éäåãä ãðôì ùí ÷éúåï ùì îéí àîúðéú'


Implied suggestion: One opinion there teaches that Rav Shmuel bar Yehudah taught about the Mishnah that a flask of water fell (but if wine fell in, it is forbidden, unlike Rav Dimi)!

îöé ñáø ëøá ãéîé åéòîéã îùðä ëøá ãéîé áäéúøà ìâå àéñåøà åìäëé ìà áèì ëì æîï ùàéï ùí îéí


Rejection: He can hold like Rav Dimi, and he establishes the Mishnah like Rav Dimi, that Heter fell into Isur. Therefore, it is not Batel as long as there is not water there.

åæä ùôéøùúé ùéñáåø øá ùîåàì ëøá ãéîé éëåì ìäéåú àí ðôøù ãøá ùîåàì áø' éäåãä ìîàï ãîúðé ìéä àîúðéú' ìà áòé úçìä äééðå ùàéï ìäåëéç (îéìúéä) [ö"ì îîéìúéä - öàï ÷ãùéí] ãøá ùîåàì ãáòé úçìä


Suggestion: What I explained, that Ravin can hold like Rav Dimi, this is possible if we explain that Rav Shmuel bar Yehudah, according to the opinion that he taught about our Mishnah, does not require first, i.e. one cannot prove from Rav Shmuel's teaching that he requires first...


Note: Another version there said that Rav Shmuel explained Ravin's law, and he requires the water fell in before the Yayin Nesech. The Gemara says that if he explained the Mishnah, he does not require [that the water fell] first.

àáì îë''î àîú äåà ãàéäå ðîé áòé úçìä ëãé ùìà ðöèøê ìåîø ùçåì÷ òì àåúä ãø' éåçðï ãì÷îéä ãîæâï åòøáí æä áæä ãîùîò ãáòé îæâï úçìä åàç''ë òøáï


However, in any case it is true, that also this opinion requires first, in order that we not need say that he argues with R. Yochanan's teaching below (73b) that if he diluted [two cups of wine - one is Terumah and one is Chulin] and mixed them together [we ignore the Chulin wine, and if there is enough water, it is Mevatel the Terumah]. It connotes that first he diluted them, and afterwards mixed them.

àí ðôøù ëê ùåá ìà ðåëì ìåîø ùñåáø øá ùîåàì øàùåï øàùåï áèì ãëéåï ãáòé îéí úçìä ñ''ì áîùäå áàéñåøà ìâå äéúøà à''ë ìéú ìéä ìà ãøá ãéîé åìà ãøá éöç÷


Consequence: If we would explain so (that according to the opinion that Rav Shmuel taught about our Mishnah, he requires first), then we cannot say that Rav Shmuel holds that Rishon Rishon Batel, for since he requires water first, he holds that when Isur falls into Heter, any amount forbids (so if Yayin Nesech falls first, it is forbidden). If so, he holds unlike Rav Dimi and Rav Yitzchak.

îéäå ãàéï öøéê ìôøù ëê àìà ëãîùúòé ôùåèä ãùîòúéï ãìà áòå úçìä åôìéâ àääéà ãø' éåçðï ãîæâï åòøáï


Remark: However, one need not explain so, rather, like the simple reading of the Sugya that he does not require first, and he argues with R. Yochanan's teaching that he diluted and mixed them;

à''ð ìà ôìéâ åñ''ì ãäåà äãéï òøáï úçìä åìà ð÷è îæéâä áøéùà ãå÷à ãäà ìà âøñéðï (áôñçéí - ç÷ ðúï îåç÷å) îæâå åàç''ë òøáå ãìäåé îùîò ìâîøé ãå÷à àìà îæâå åòøáå


Alternatively, he does not argue, and he holds that the same applies if he mixed them first. [R. Yochanan] did not mention specifically diluting first, for the text does not say they diluted and afterwards mixed, which would connote specifically [in this order]. Rather, it says diluted and mixed.

åëì äðé áéèåìé ãääéà ùîòúéï ãîæâï åòøáï äîòøä îçáéú ìáåø åääéà ãùîòúéï ãùîà éáéà ÷á îîéï àçø å÷á åòåã îîéï æä (éëåìéï) [ö"ì ëåìï öøéê - ùéèä î÷åáöú] ìäòîéã áùìà ðúëååï ìáèì åìäúéø àú äàéñåø àå ìèäø àú äèîà ùàì''ë ìà äåé áèì


Observation: All the Bitulim of that Sugya - he diluted and mixed them, one who pours from a barrel into a pit, and the case of our Sugya, lest he bring a Kav from a different species and slightly more than a Kav of this [mixture], all of them we must establish when he did not intend to be Mevatel the Isur or be Metaher the Tamei. If not, it would not be Batel.

åáðôì ÷éúåï ùì îéí úçìä àéï ìçì÷ áéï ðúðï áîúëåéï ìðôì àáì ìáñåó ìîàï ãìà áòé úçìä ãå÷à áìà îúëåéï ÷àîø


When a flask of water fell first, we do not distinguish between when he intentionally put it and when it fell. However, [when the water fell] at the end, according to the opinion that does not require [that it fall] first, it is only unintentionally.

åáääéà ãöéø ã÷ééîéðï ãìà ÷àîø àîøéðï ñì÷ àú îéðå ëîå ùàéðå åùàéðå îéðå øáä òìéå åîáèìå


Implied question: In the case of brine, why don't we say "remove Mino as if it were not, and Eino Mino is the majority, and it is Mevatel it"?

é''ì ãääåà àîåøà ìéú ìéä


Answer: That Amora (who taught about brine) does not hold [that we ever say "remove Mino..."].


TOSFOS DH Teirom v'Tirakev

úåñôåú ã"ä úéøåí åúéø÷á

(SUMMARY: Tosfos resolves this with a different text in the Yerushalmi.)

áéøåùìîé úðé úùøó


Citation: The Yerushalmi says that it is burned.

å÷ùä àèå áùåôèðé òñ÷éðï ùîåúøéï ìéäðåú áùøéôúï åàéðí çôöéí åîðéçéí àåúä ìø÷á åàéï ìðå ìäùîéò áîä ùàéï áðé àãí øâéìéí ìòùåú


Question: Do we discuss fools, that they are permitted to benefit through burning them, and they do not want [to do so], and they leave them to rot? We should not teach what people do not normally do!

åø''ú îôøù ãúø÷á åúùøó äëì àçã åäâîøà ùìðå îôøù åúùøó ãúðï äééðå áìà äðàä ëòéï ø÷áåï ãàé ùøéú áäðàä àúé ìîéëìéä äåàéì åñáøà äéä ìäúéøä ò''é áèåì ëãàîøé øáðï úòìä åúéàëì ëå'


Answer #1 (R. Tam): "It rots" and "it is burned" are the same. Our Gemara explains that the Mishnah teaches that it is burned without Hana'ah, like rotting, for if you will permit Hana'ah, he will come to eat it, since it is logical to permit it through Bitul, like Rabanan say, we remove one and it is eaten...

åä''÷ àå úø÷á àå úùøó áìà äðàä


It means as follows. Or it rots, or it is burned without Hana'ah.

åòåã éù ìôøù ãîçìå÷ú ùì áðé ááì åùì áðé à''é îäù''ñ ùìðå åäù''ñ éøåùìîé


Answer #2: The argument of Bnei Bavel and Bnei Eretz Yisrael is the argument of the Bavli and the Yerushalmi.

åëîå ëï áááà àçøú ùùðä áàåúå ôø÷ ã÷úðé àçø ùäåãå ø' àìéòæø àåîø úéøåí åúéùøó ÷úðé áúåñôúà úéøåí åúø÷á åàôùø ãàéëà úðé äëé åàéëà úðé äëé


Remark: Similarly, another clause taught in that Perek (Terumos, 5:4), after [Beis Shamai] agreed (that Tamei Terumah is Batel in Tahor), R. Eliezer says that it is removed and burned. The Tosefta says that it is removed and rots. It is possible that some learn like this (it is burned), and some learn like this (it rots).

åëï ðîé àùëçï áôø÷ îöåú çìéöä (éáîåú ãó ÷ã:) (ùôéøù ìòéì - öàï ÷ãùéí îåç÷å) âáé ÷èðä ùçìöä åáñôøéí ùìðå âøñéðï çìéöúä ôñåìä åáéøåùìîé âøñéðï ëùéøä


And similarly we find in Yevamos (104b) that I explained above (19b DH Ish) regarding a Ketanah who did Chalitzah. In our Seforim the text says "her Chalitzah is Pasul", and in the Yerushalmi the text says "Kosher".

åáøéù î÷åí ùðäâå (ôñçéí ãó ðà:) áääéà ãëì äñôéçéí àñåøéï çåõ îñôéçé ëøåá àéï äâøñà ëï áéøåùìîé åáîùðéåú


And in Pesachim (51b), regarding "and Sefichim are forbidden, except for Sefichim of cabbage." The text is unlike this in the Yerushalmi and in the Mishnayos.

åà''ú åëéåï ãúø÷á åàñéøà áäðàä àîàé úéøåí äà îôøù áéøåùìîé äàé òøìä åëìàé äëøí áèìéí áàçã åîàúéí åà''ö ìäøéí åúøåîä áàçã åîàä åöøéê ìäøéí îùåí âæì äùáè åäëà ãëé îøéí îúñøà ìéëà âæì äùáè


Question: Since it must rot, and it is Asur b'Hana'ah, why does he remove? The Yerushalmi explains that Orlah and Kil'ai ha'Kerem are Batel in 201, and one need not remove. Terumah is Batel in 101, and one must remove, due to Gezel ha'Shevet (lest Kohanim lose). Here, when he removes, it is forbidden. There is no Gezel ha'Shevet (i.e. it does not help them if we remove)!

é''ì ãìà ôìåâ øáðï


Answer: Rabanan did not distinguish (they obligate removing from every mixture of Terumah).


TOSFOS DH Ta'aleh v'Tei'achel

úåñôåú ã"ä úòìä åúéàëì

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that Ta'aleh refers to Bitul without removing.)

ôé' á÷åðè' úòìä ìùåï áéèåì äåà åìà ìùåï äøîä (ëã÷úðé) [ö"ì îã÷úðé - öàï ÷ãùéí] ìø''à úéøåí åìøáðï úòìä


Explanation (Rashi): "Ta'aleh" is an expression of Bitul, and not an expression of removing, since it taught according to R. Eliezer Teirum, and according to Rabanan Ta'aleh. (This is not in our text of Rashi.)

åäà ãúðï áôø÷ (áúøà) [ö"ì á' - öàï ÷ãùéí] ùì îñëú òøìä äúøåîä åúøåîú îòùø òåìéï áàçã åîàä åöøéê ìäøéí


Implied question: A Mishnah in Orlah (2:1) teaches that Terumah and Terumas Ma'aser are Olim in 101, and one must be Merim!

äúí îùåí äôñã ãëäï åàé éäéá ìéä ãîé ùôéø ãîé


Answer: There it is due to the Kohen's loss. If he gives to him money (the value of the Terumah that became mixed), it is fine (he need not remove).

åúãò ã÷úðé ñéôà òøìä åëìàé äëøí àéï öøéê ìäøéí åàô''ä úðéðï áäå ìùåï òìééä


Proof: The Seifa teaches "Orlah and Kil'ai ha'Kerem, he need not be Merim", even though an expression of Aliyah was taught regarding them;

ãúðé îé ùäéå ìå çáéìé úìúï ùì ëìàé äëøí ëå' å÷úðé éòìå áàçã åîàúéí òã ëàï ìùåï ä÷åðèøñ


Citation (Orlah 3:6 - Mishnah): If one had bundles of clover of Kil'ai ha'Kerem... Ya'alu in 201. Until here is from Rashi.

åäãéï òîå ùôéøù äèòí îùåí äôñã [ö"ì ëäï - öàï ÷ãùéí] ëãîôøù ðîé èòîà áéøåùìîé îùåí âæì äùáè


Support: He is correct, that he explained that the reason is due to the Kohen's loss, like it explains the reason in the Yerushalmi, due to Gezel ha'Shevet.

åîéäå àò''â ãòé÷ø ú÷ðä îùåí æä äéä îñúáø ãàéï éëåì ìäôèø áãîéí


Disclaimer: Even though the primary enactment was due to this, presumably, he cannot exempt himself through money;

ãòã ëàï ìà ôìéâé ø''à åøáðï áô' ðåèì (ùáú ãó ÷îá.) åáô''÷ ãúîåøä (ãó éá.) áîãåîò ãìø''à îãîò (áúøåîä) [ö"ì ëúøåîä - öàï ÷ãùéí] åãàé åìøáðï ìôé çùáåï àáì ôùéèà ã÷ãåùú úøåîä éù áä


Source: R. Eliezer and Rabanan argue in Shabbos (142a) and Temurah (12a) only about Meduma (Terumah mixed with Chulin). R. Eliezer says that (if some of this mixture became mixed with Chulin) it is Medame'a (forbids the latter mixture) like (as if the first mixture were) Vadai Terumah, and Rabanan say that it is Medame'a according to the calculation [of what fraction of it is Terumah. They assume that it mixed uniformly]. However, obviously it has Kedushas Terumah!


TOSFOS DH u'Bilvad she'Lo Yihyeh b'Makom Echad k'Beitzah

úåñôåú ã"ä åáìáã ùìà éäà áî÷åí àçã ëáéöä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses the reason for this.)

ôé' ëáéöä îï äúøåîä [ö"ì èîàä - ùéèä î÷åáöú] ùäúøåîä äéà çì÷ àçã îîàä åàçã (öøéê ùìà éäéå ùðé) [ö"ì åöøéê ùìà éäéå ùðé áòéñä ÷"à áöéí - éã áðéîéï, ò"ô ø' ùîùåï] ùà''ë äéä áä ëáéöä îäúøåîä èîàä


Explanation: There may not be a Beitzah of Tamei Terumah [in one dough, for] the Terumah is one part in 101. And [therefore] there may not be 101 Beitzim in the dough, for if so, there is a Beitzah of Tamei Terumah;

åàéï äèîàä éëåì ìéáèì áîàä ùì èäåøä ùäåëùø ùäøé îèîàä äëì åãåîä ëîèîà úøåîä áéãéí ùäúøåîä èîàä èäøä ò''é áèåìä


[If there were a Beitzah of Tamei Terumah,] the Tum'ah could not be Batel in 100 of Tahor that was Huchshar, for it is Metamei everything, and he is like one who is overtly Metamei Terumah, for the Tamei Terumah became Tahor through Bitul.

åîéäå îäàé èòîà ìçåãéä ìà äåé îéúñø


Implied suggestion: For this reason alone it should be forbidden! (Why must Ula say that it is a decree?)

ãëéåï ùëáø ðúáèìä äúøåîä åäëì çåìéï îåúøú ìæøéí îä ÷ôéãà éù àí îèîà çåìéï


Answer: Since the Terumah was already Batel, and it is permitted to Zarim, we do not care if he is Metamei Chulin;

àìà áòéðï ùìà éèòä ìáèì ÷á çåìéï èîàéí á÷á åòåã ëãîôøù òìä åîä èòí ãòåìà ÷àé áéï àø''à áéï àãøáðï


Rather, we require that he not err to be Mevatel a Kav of Tamei Chulin in more than a Kav [of the mixture], like it explains. Ula's words "what is the reason?" refer to both R. Eliezer and Rabanan.

åà''ú çåìéï èîàéí ðîé ùðúáèìå áøåá çåìéï èäåøéï ðéçåù ðîé ìäëé


Question: Also Tamei Chulin that was Batel in a majority of Tahor Chulin, we should be concerned for this!

åé''ì ãäúí (áîúáèì) [ö"ì ëùðúáèì - ùéèä î÷åáöú] îéòåè çåìéï èîàéï áøåá èäåøéï ìéëà ìîéçù ùîà éáéà ÷á çåìéï èîàéï å÷á åòåã îîéï äæä ëé éãåò ãùí èåîàä ìà ô÷ò îï çåìéï èîàéï äîòåøáéï áèäåøéï


Answer: There, when a minority of Tamei Chulin was Batel in a majority of Tahor, there is no concern lest he bring a Kav of Tamei Chulin and more than a Kav of this [mixture], for there it is known that the name of Tum'ah was not uprooted from the Tamei Chulin mixed with the Tahor;

àáì äëà ñáåø äåà ãùí èåîàä ô÷ò ìâîøé îàçø ãùøéðï ìàëéìä ìæøéí äëì ìøáðï àå ä÷' ìø''à àò''ô ùäúøåîä îòåøáú áäí:


However, here he thinks that the name of Tum'ah was totally uprooted, since we permit Zarim to eat everything according to Rabanan, or 100 (the remainder after removing the quantity of Terumah) according to R. Eliezer, even though Terumah is mixed with it.