[39a - 50 lines; 39b - 51 lines]
*********************GIRSA SECTION*********************
We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach and the marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is devoted to any OTHER important corrections that Acharonim have pointed out in the Gemara, Rashi and Tosfos.
[1] Rashi 39a DH Kari Shmuel ã"ä ÷øé ùîåàì:
The words "Eincha Mechudad" àéðê îçåãã
should be "Eincha Mechudad Kemosi" àéðê îçåãã ëîåúé
1)[line 4]ñîàSAMA- a [healing] potion
2)[line 6]ùòøéSA'AREI- barley
3)[line 6]÷ùåø àå îåúø?KASHUR O MUTAR?- is the animal secured or not [at the time that we feed him]?
4)[line 7]ìáãå àå òí çáéøå?LEVADO O IM CHAVEIRO?- by itself or together with another animal?
5)[line 20]"ôñçéí áææå áåæ""PISCHIM BAZEZU VAZ"- "[Abundant spoils will then be distributed, even] the lame will take plunder." (Yeshayah 33:23) - Shmuel meant that even though his wisdom far exceeds that of Pinchas his brother, nevertheless Pinchas asked a question that he could not answer (thus "the lame (Pinchas) will take plunder (ask a question that I cannot answer)").
6)[line 20]çåèîåCHOTMO- its nostril
7)[line 22]çåèîéïCHOTMIN- nostrils
8)[line 25]åùðâîîåV'SHE'NIGMEMU- and they were leveled
9)[line 27](äúéåîú) [äîúàéîåú](HE'TEYUMES) [HA'MAS'IMOS]- (O.F. maisselers) the molars
10)[line 34]îéùçè òìééäå ìà ùçèéðï àáì àôñåìé îéôñìMISHCHAT ALAIHU LO SHECHATINAN, AVAL IFSULEI MIFSAL- we may not slaughter it for ourselves (since it is not a Mum), but it is disqualified for the Mizbe'ach (since it is loathsome)
11)[line 36]éù îçåñø àáø îáôðéíYESH MECHUSAR EVER BIFNIM- is a missing internal organ considered a disqualification?
12)[line 42]àéï áøéä áàçúEIN BERYAH B'ACHAS- an animal is not formed with only one [kidney]
13)[line 1]äöåøíHA'TZOREM- one who mutilates
14)[line 14]ùòåú ôåñìåú á÷ãùéíSHA'OS POSLOS B'KODSHIM- hours (parts of a day) invalidate a Korban; if an animal designated as a Korban completes the first year of its life in the middle of the day, it becomes disqualified from that moment on (and not only from the end of the day)
15)[line 27]ãîéëååöïD'MICHAVTZAN- that shrink
16)[line 34]äæåáïHA'ZUBAN- the prepuce, or sheath that contains the male reproductive organ
17)[line 34]äòøéäHA'ERYAH- the genitals
18)[line 36]äôø÷HA'PEREK- the joint
19)[line 36]îôöìMAFTZIL- is peeled of its skin and flesh
20)[line 38]îçåìéà ìçåìéàME'CHULYA L'CHULYA- between two vertebrae
21)[line 40]ëéñ åìà æëøåúKIS V'LO ZACHRUS- the sac (scrotum) but not the male organ itself
22)[line 41]îòùä áòéðáì áàçã ùðèìå æàá åçæø ìàéúðåMA'ASEH B'INBAL B'ECHAD SHE'NATLO ZE'EV- there was an incident in Inbal in which a wolf detached [the prepuce of an animal] and it grew back
23)[line 43]àöáò ùàîøåETZBA SHE'AMRU- the measurement of a finger-breadth which they stated
24)[line 47]îùåìùúMESHULESHES- hanging down from the corner
25)[last line]ìùúé àîåúL'SHTEI AMOS- for two measuring-sticks of a cubit's length