[69a - 31 lines; 69b - 18 lines]

1)[line 2]אבני דאכפאAVNEI D'ACHPA- stones that are used as weights to keep sheaves from being scattered by the wind

2a)[line 2]אבנים הסדורות לגדרAVANIM HA'SEDUROS L'GEDER- stones that are set up as a fence or border for a field

b)[line 3]אבנים צבורות לגדרAVANIM TZEVUROS L'GEDER- stones that are piled up with the intention of eventually using them to make a fence or border for a field

3a)[line 5]לרבי מאירL'REBBI MEIR- Rebbi Meir and the Rabanan argue (in a Beraisa, 78b) as to whether a person who sells a vineyard sells all of the equipment that is needed for the vineyard. Their argument applies to houses, fields and the like, and deals subjectively in each case as to what is termed a necessity. In general, Rebbi Meir includes more equipment in the sale than do the Rabanan.

b)[line 5]דמתקנן, אף על גב דלא מחתןD'MESAKNAN, AF AL GAV D'LO MACHTAN- that are prepared [for use], (a) even though they have not been physically brought down [into the field] (RASHBAM); (b) even though they have never been laid down [on top of sheaves] (RI, cited by TOSFOS)

4)[line 9]קנים מאי עבידתייהו?KANIM MAI AVIDTAIHU?- What is the use of reeds in a vineyard (especially since the connotation of "Kanim" is reeds that are attached to the ground)?

5)[line 10]קנים המחולקין, שמעמידים תחת הגפניםKANIM HA'MECHULAKIN SHE'MA'AMIDIM TACHAS HA'GEFANIM- (a) forked (RASHBAM); (b) peeled (TOSFOS DH Mechulakim) sticks with which grapevines are supported [to keep the clusters off the ground] (O.F. paissels)

6)[line 11]דמשפיין, אף על גב דלא מוקמןD'MESHAFYAN AF'AL GAV D'LO MUKMAN- that are smoothed, even though they are not set up (not yet stuck into the ground)

7)[line 13]ואף על גב דמטאי למיחצדAF AL GAV D'MATAI L'MICHTZAD- even though they have ripened enough to be harvested

8a)[line 15]דאלימיALIMEI- strong, thick

b)[line 21]דקטיניKETINEI- weak, thin

9)[line 22]ערוגה קטנהARUGAH KETANAH- a small patch

10)[line 24]וורדא דפלניאVARDA DI'PELANYA- the rose [patch or bush] of so-and-so

11)[line 26]מלבנות של פתחיםMALBENOS SHEL PESACHIM- door frames

12)[line 26]היכא דמחברי בטינאHEICHA D'MECHABREI B'TINA- when they are attached with mortar

13)[line 27]דנקיטי בסיכיNEKITEI B'SICHEI- attached with nails or pegs (O.F. chevilles - pegs)

14)[line 29]מלבנות של כרעי המטהMALBENOS SHEL KAR'EI HA'MITAH- pieces of wood that were placed underneath the legs of a bed, to keep the legs from rotting


15)[line 2]"וַיָּקָם שְׂדֵה עֶפְרוֹן אֲשֶׁר בַּמַּכְפֵּלָה... וְכָל הָעֵץ אֲשֶׁר בַּשָּׂדֶה אֲשֶׁר בְּכָל גְּבֻלוֹ סָבִיב""VA'YAKAM SEDEH EFRON ASHER BA'MACHPELAH... V'CHOL HA'ETZ ASHER BA'SADEH ASHER B'CHOL GEVULO SAVIV"- "And the field of Efron, which was in Machpelah, [which was before Mamre; the field, and the cave which was in it,] and all the trees that were in the field, that were in all the borders around, were transferred." (Bereishis 23: 17)

16)[line 4]מכאן לִמְצָרִים מן התורהMI'KAN LI'METZARIM MIN HA'TORAH- from here (this verse) we learn that [the trees that grow on the] borderlines [of fields that] are [sold are included in the sale] from the Torah (RASHBAM)

17a)[line 7]דיקליןDIKLIN- full-grown palm trees

b)[line 7]ותאליןTE'ALIN- (a) palm tree sets (saplings) (RASHBAM); (b) full-grown trees other than palm trees (ARUCH)

c)[line 7]והוציןHUTZIN- (a) types of palm trees (RASHBAM); (b) fruitless palm trees (YESH MEFARSHIM, cited by RASHBAM); (c) small trees other than palm trees (ARUCH)

d)[line 7]וציציןTZITZIN- (a) types of palm trees (RASHBAM); (b) fruitless palm trees (YESH MEFARSHIM, cited by RASHBAM); (c) according to the Girsa וצינין TZININ - small palm trees (ARUCH)

18)[line 8]שופרא דשטרא הואSHUFRA DI'SHTARA HU- it is for the enhancement of the document (to make it more clear)

19)[line 9]ארעא ודיקליAR'A V'DIKLEI- [I am selling to you] the land and the date-palm trees

20a)[line 11]ואי משעבדיIY MESHA'ABDEI- if they (the seller's date-palms) are collateralized to a creditor for a loan

b)[line 12]פריק ליה תרי דיקליPARIK LEI TREI DIKLEI- he must redeem two of the date-palm trees (and give them to the buyer)

21)[line 12]ארעא בדיקליAR'A B'DIKLEI- [I am selling to you] the land with the date-palm trees that are on it

22)[line 13]מקח טעותMEKACH TA'US - a mistaken sale

(a)When one person misleads another in the sale of an object, and because he was misled, the buyer does not receive what he thought he was purchasing, the sale is revoked and the object and money are returned to their original owners. Similarly, if a buyer overpays by more than one sixth of the value of a movable object that was sold, the sale is revoked and the object and money are returned to their original owners.

(b)If the buyer was misled about a minor point of the sale, or was overcharged by one sixth of the value of the object, the sale is valid, but the seller is required to deliver to the buyer everything that he had promised, and to return what he overcharged.

(c)If the seller did not mislead the buyer, but the buyer mistook the seller's intentions, the sale is at times valid such that the seller does not have to reimburse the buyer.

23)[line 13]ארעא בי דיקליAR'A BEI DIKLEI- [I am selling to you] land that is fit for date-palms

24)[line 14]לבר מדיקלא פלניאL'VAR MI'DIKLA PELANYA- [I am selling you this land] except for such-and-such a date-palm

25)[line 16]גופניGUFNEI- grapevines

26)[last line]כל שעולין לו בחבלKOL SHE'OLIN LO B'CHEVEL- any tree which is climbed [in order to reach its fruit] only by way of a rope