[6a - 38 lines; 6b - 42 lines]

1)[line 15]היןHIN- yes (he admits to the loan)

2)[line 26]בקרנא ולופתאKARNA V'LUFSA- at the corner, and attached (that is, Reuven adds an extension to his house at the corner of his house, parallel with the neighbor's wall, but which does not extend for as long as the neighbor's wall extends. Since Reuven built an enclosed, limited extension to his home, it is clear that he is not going to use any more of the neighbor's wall in the future. -RASHI)

3a)[line 27]אפריזאAFRIZA- a long, thick piece of wood (that is, placed along the length of the wall to protect the beams that are placed on the wall)

b)[line 27](ובקבעתא) [ובאקבעתא] דכשורי(UV'KAVASA) [UV'AKBE'ASA] DI'CHESHUREI- holes that are drilled along the top of a wall (and in which small pieces of wood are placed in order to protect the wall) in which the beams that are used for the ceiling are placed (RASHI)

4)[line 28]בי כויBEI KAVEI- openings (for beams that support the ceiling)

5)[line 29]הימלטיHIMLETEI- thick boards that are placed around the holes in which the beams are inserted, in order to protect the ends of the beams

6a)[line 29]לכי פייסת ליL'CHI PAISAS LI- when you appease me (to give me a share in the expense of the wall)

b)[line 29]לא ליתרע אשיתאיLO LISRA ASHISA'I- my wall should not be weakened (when holes are drilled in an already weakened wall)

7a)[line 30]אחזיק להורדיACHZIK L'HURDEI- one who has made a Chazakah for the right to rest thin pieces of wood on his neighbor's wall. This Chazakah refers to a "Chezkas Hishtamshus," a Chazakah on the right of usage. When a person uses his neighbor's property for his own needs, and his neighbor does not protest right away, he is believed to claim that he purchased (or received as a gift) the right to use the neighbor's property for that purpose. Such a Chazakah does not require three years of usage (RASHI)

b)[line 31]לא אחזיק לכשוריLO ACHZIK LI'CHESHUREI- he does not have a Chazakah to permit him to place heavy beams on his neighbor's wall (because his neighbor can claim that he only granted him the right to place thin pieces of wood there)

8a)[line 34]אחזיק לנטפיACHZIK L'NITFEI- one who made a Chazakah to allow rain water to drip off of the length of his roof into his neighbor's property

b)[line 34]אחזיק לשפכיACHZIK L'SHIFCHEI- he [also] has a Chazakah to allow rain water to pour off his gutter into his neighbor's property

9)[line 37]צריפא דאורבניTZERIFA D'URBENEI- a hut covered with willow branches


10)[line 1]בבירה גדולהBIRAH GEDOLAH- a large house/apartment block

11)[line 1]בזיזיהZIZEHA- its protrusions from the wall (used as ledges or hooks for hanging)

12)[line 3]בתרבץ אפדניTARBETZ APADNEI- a flower garden

13)[line 4]רחבה שאחורי הבתיםRECHAVAH SHE'ACHOREI HA'BATIM- the area behind the houses

14)[line 7]כשורא דמטללתאKESHURA D'METALELTA- a beam that is placed to provide shade

15)[line 11]חבריה בטינאCHABREI B'TINA- he attached it with clay

16)[line 13]מעקהMA'AKEH- a fence

17)[line 14]ומעדיףMA'ADIF- he extends it a bit further than the halfway mark (in order that he not be able to see directly onto his neighbor's roof)

18)[line 17]הא בעית לאצטנועיHA BA'IS LA'TZTENU'EI- you have to seclude yourself

19)[line 20]כי קָאִימְנָאKI KA'IMNA- when I am standing

20)[line 22]כי מעיינוKI ME'AINU- when they try to see

21a)[line 28]שקול אוזינקאSHEKOL OZINKA- take your expenses

b)[line 28]ועבדיה את כוליהV'AVDEI ES KULEI- and you erect the entire guardrail

22)[line 28]משום דמיתרע אשיתךMISHUM D'MISRA ASHISECH- because your wall will be weakened

23)[line 32]נתפס עליו כגנבNITPAS ALAV K'GANAV- to be caught as a thief

24)[line 32]במסיפס בעלמא סגיאB'MESIPAS B'ALMA SAGYA- a small fence (see Background to Bava Basra 2:15) alone would suffice (since there is a border marker, if he is caught on the other side of the border he has no excuse for being there, and the only possible reason is that he is attempting to steal)

25)[line 33]שלא יזדקר בבת ראשSHE'LO YIZDAKER B'VAS ROSH- so that it (the animal) should not be able to jump over it in one headlong leap

26)[line 33]מצי משתמיט ליהMATZI MISHTAMIT LEI- he could evade him (and, if caught on the other side of the fence, could claim that he was not stealing)

27)[line 34]אמר ממצורי קממצירנאAMAR MIMTZUREI KAMEMATIZRNA- he could say that an object slipped over the border (and I was just coming to retrieve it)

28)[line 35]אין נזקקיו לוEIN NIZKAKIN LO- he would not be required [to erect a fence]

29)[line 41]חד הוה דייר אילעיCHAD HAVAH DAYAR ILA'EI- one lived on an upper floor

30)[last line]איתבר תתאיISBAR TATA'EI- the bottom floor broke (sunk into the ground, -RASHI (see BACH))