
WAGES FOR WORKING WITH YAYIN NESECH (Yerushalmi Halachah 1 Daf 31b)

כיתף עמו חבית בחבית את קונסו בחביתו עד כדי שכרו


When a gentile hired a Jew to carry a barrel of Yayin Nesech and his payment is with a barrel of Kasher wine, that payment is prohibited. And if the value of that barrel exceeds his payment, even the rest of the wine becomes prohibited.

נתן לו קרקע בשכרו בכל אתר את אמר אין קרקע נאסר וכא נאסר.


If the gentile paid him with a field, even though something attached to the ground does not become prohibited if it is worshipped, here the field is prohibited.

נתן לו בהמה בשכרו בכל אתר את אמר אין דבר שיש בו רוח חיים נאסר וכא נאסר.


If the gentile paid him with an animal, even though a living creature does not become prohibited if it is worshipped, here the animal is prohibited.

נתן לו הכל בשכרו הכל אסור או אינו אסור אלא עד כדי שכרו


Question: If the gentile paid him with a certain item (and its value exceeds his wage), does the entire item become prohibited or only the part that corresponds to his wage?

היה עושה עמו בטובת הנאה את ממשכנו מנכסיו עד כדי שכרו


Question: If the gentile had the Jew work for him without payment (for which the gentile is now indebted to the Jew and will repay the favor in the future) do we immediately take a collateral from him until the value of his wage, or do we wait until the gentile actually returns the favor and then penalize him?

היה עושה עמו חצי יום באיסור וחצי יום בהיתר


Question: If the Jew worked half a day on prohibited items and half a day on permitted items, may he use the earnings from the permitted work or do we say that if not for the prohibited work, he would not have been hired to do the permitted work and it is therefore prohibited?

[דף לב עמוד א] היה מוכר חולין ושני בכרך אחד אי זה שירצה חולין יעשה ושני יעשה והכא כן


Suggestion: Perhaps it is similar to this case - if a person was selling two bundles, one of Chulin (non-sanctified food) and one of Maaser Sheni and they were wrapped up together without a way of identifying them, since one cannot sell Maaser Sheni, he should make one of them Chulin and the other one Maaser Sheni and its sale will not take effect and it will remain in its state of sanctity. Here also, could we say that the wage of the half day of permitted work should be permitted and the wage of the other half prohibited...?

נישמעינה מן הדא השוכר את הפועל להביא יין לחולה אם הביא לו חייב ליתן לו ואם לאו אין חייב ליתן לו אבל אם אמר לו יין לחולה ממקום פלוני ותפוח לחולה ממקום פלוני בין הביא בין לא הביא חייב ליתן לו דמי רגליו נותן לו וכא לא דמי רגליו נותן לו.


Answer from here: One who hired a worker to bring wine to a sick person; if the worker brought the wine to him, he must pay the worker; if not, he does not need to pay. But if he told him, "Go and bring wine or an apple to the sick person from the place called Ploni", whether or not the worker brought it, he must be paid, as he is being paid for his efforts in travelling. And also in the first case, we say that part of the payment is for his travel efforts and it cannot be isolated. (Therefore, in our original question, the full day's payment cannot be divided into the permitted part and the prohibited part; rather, it is all prohibited.)