ITEMS PROHIBITED TO SELL TO THEM (Yerushalmi Halachah 5 Daf 5b)
משנה אילו דברים אסור למכור לנכרים איצטרובילין ובנות שוח בפטוטרותיהן ולבונה ותרנגול לבן
(Mishnah): The following things may not be sold to idolaters - Istrubilin (fruit of a certain species of cedar tree); Bnos Shuach (a type of white fig) in their Petotros (stems); pure frankincense and white chickens.
רבי יהודה אומר מוכר הוא לו תרנגול לבן בין התרנגולין בזמן שהוא בפני עצמו קוטע אצבעו ומוכרו שאין מקריבין חסר לע"ז ושאר כל הדברים סתמן מותר ופירושן אסור
(R. Yehuda): One may sell a white chicken amongst a group of chickens. If it is the only one being sold, he should cut off one of its claws and sell it (as idolaters do not sacrifice animals that lack a limb). All other items may be sold to them if the idolater did not state that his intention is to use them for idolatry, but if he did, it is prohibited to sell them to him.
ר"מ אומר אף דקל טב וחצר ונקלביס אסור למכור לנכרים:
(R. Meir): Even a fine datepalm, a Chazar plant and a Niklabis (type of fine fig) may not be sold to them.
גמרא שמעון בר בא בשם ר' יוחנן בנות שוח בפטוטרותיהן ואיצטרובילין במטוטלותיהן:
(Gemara) (Shimon bar Abba citing R. Yochanan): Bnos Shuach in their Petotros (stems) and Istrubulin in their Metutalos (stems).
ולבונה. תני אם היתה חבילה מותר
Beraisa: (The Mishnah taught that one may not sell them frankincense.) Concerning all of the species in the Mishnah, it is permitted to sell them in large quantities (as one can assume that the idolater bought them for trading.)
וכמה היא חבילה
Question: What is called a large quantity?
רבי יהודה בן בתירה אומר חבילה של לבונה אין פחות מחמשה מנין. אם היה כומר אסור רופא מותר תגר מותר תגר חשוד אסור.
Answer (R. Yehuda ben Beseirah): For frankincense, no less than the weight of five manin. But if the buyer is a priest, even large quantities may not be sold to him. To a doctor and a merchant, even a small quantity may be sold. To a merchant who is an idolater, even a large quantity may not be sold.
אנן תנן תרנגול לבן תני רבי חייה תרנגול סתם.
From the wording of the Mishnah, it seems that only if he requested a white chicken is it prohibited, but if he merely asked for a chicken, he appears that he is not intending to use it for idolatry. However, R. Chiya taught in a Beraisa that even he did not mention that it should be white, it is prohibited to sell it to him.
מתני' צריכה למתניתא דרבי חייה ומתניתא דרבי חייה צריכה למתניתין
R. Chiya does not disagree with the Mishnah; rather, R. Chiya gave the explanation of the Mishnah...
אילו תנינן ולא תני רבי חייה הוינן אמרין לא אמרון אלא תרנגול לבן אבל תרנגול סתם אפילו בינו לבין עצמו מותר הוי צורכה למתניתא דרבי חייה
Without R. Chiya we would have said that it is only prohibited if he asked for a white chicken, but without mentioning white, even a single chicken maybe sold to him.
או אילו תנא רבי חייה ולא תנינן אנן הוינן אמרין לא אמר אלא תרנגול סתם הא תרנגול לבן אפילו בינו לבין התרנגולין אסור הוי צורכה למתניתין וצורכה למתניתא דרבי חייה.
And if only R. Chiya's statement would have been taught without the Mishnah, we would have said that R. Yehuda permits selling a white chicken amongst a group of chickens is only when he did not mention a white one, but if he did, even in a group is prohibited. Therefore, there is a need for both our Mishnah and R. Chiya's Beraisa.
א"ר בון בר חייה תרנגול למכור מוכר לו תרנגול לבן. תרנגול לבן למכור נימר בינו לבין עצמו אסור בינו לבין התרנגולין מותר.
(R. Bun bar Chiyah): (The Mishnah and R. Chiya's Beraisa do in fact disagree...) the Mishnah that mentioned a white chicken is when he asked to be sold a white chicken, which is prohibited; but if he just said a chicken, the Jew may sell him even a single white chicken. Also, if he asked for a white chicken, although he may not sell him a single white chicken, he may sell it together with others. Similarly, if he asked for a white chicken, a single white chicken may not be sold, but it may be sold as part of a group.
רבי בון בר חייה בעי ראה תרנגולין רועין באשפה ותרנגול לבן ביניהן ואמר של מי כמי שסיים
Question (R. Bun bar Chiya): If he saw chickens eating in the garbage heap and there was a white chicken amongst them and he asked who they belong to, do we say that since he saw the white one, it is as if he mentioned it specifically and he may only buy a group of them, or perhaps, since he did not ask specifically who the white one belongs to, it is as if he just asked for a chicken and it is permitted to sell him even the white one alone...? The Gemara does not answer the question.
היה חסר
Question: (The Mishnah taught that if only a white chicken is being sold, he should cut off one of its claws and sell it, as idolaters do not sacrifice animals that lack a limb). Do the idolaters sacrifice animals that are lacking a limb as a birth defect (rather than a later injury)?
קרייא אמר שמקרבין חסר לע"ז וכי תגישון עור לזבוח אין רע הדא אמרה שמקריבין חסר לע"ז:
Answer: There is a pasuk that shows that they do sacrifice it, as it states (Malachi 1:8), "When you offer a blind (animal) for a sacrifice, is there nothing wrong?" - a blind animal from birth is similar to lacking a limb and the prophet is rebuking the Jews for using the same habits for sacrifices as they did for idol worship - this teaches that idolaters do sacrifice animals lacking a limb through a birth defect.
רבי מאיר אומר אף דקל טב וחצד ונקלביס אסור למכור לנכרים.
The Mishnah taught - R. Meir says that even a fine datepalm, a Chazar plant and a Niklabis (type of fine fig) may not be sold to them.
ר' חמא בר עוקבה אמר קורייטה
(R. Chama bar Ukvah): (What is Niklabis?) Kuraita.
ר' לעזר בי רבי יוסי אמר מין הוא ושמו חצרא.
(R. Elazar bei R. Yosi): It is a grass that is a Chazar.
עבר ומכר
Question: If a person transgressed and sold one of the items forbidden in the Mishnah, may he benefit from the proceeds?
ייבה כיי דמר רבי לעזר עבר ובנה מותר וכא עבר ומכר מותר:
Answer: It should have the same ruling as that which R. Elazar said (in the later Mishnah, that one may not build with them a courthouse, in which they convict people to be put to death.) But if one transgressed and built it, it is permitted to benefit from the money. Here also, if one sold one of these forbidden items, it is permitted to benefit from the proceeds.