[69a - 38 lines; 69b - 39 lines]

1)[line 3]אימרטוטי אימרטטIMARTUTEI IMARTET- it is ground up, shredded (and, therefore, there is a concern that one who eats the vinegar will also consume a Shi'ur of the Sheretz)

2)[line 4]לשעורי במאה וחדLI'SHE'UREI B'ME'AH V'CHAD- to measure it (the quantity of Sheretz which fell into the liquid, in order to determine whether the mixture is permitted or prohibited) based on a measure of one hundred and one (see next entry)

3)[line 5]תרומה עולה באחד ומאהTERUMAH OLAH B'ECHAD U'ME'AH - Terumah is annulled [in a mixture] when there is one part Terumah in 100 parts of Chulin (TERUMAH: BITULAH)

(a)If Terumah is mixed into Chulin, the entire mixture becomes prohibited. The Terumah only becomes Batel (canceled) if one part of Terumah falls into at least 100 parts of Chulin. Even if the Terumah is Batel, it is forbidden for non-Kohanim to eat the entire mixture; the equivalent of the amount of Terumah that fell in must first be removed from the mixture ("Ta'aleh" - lit. it shall be picked up [out of the mixture]) to reimburse the Kohanim.

(b)If the percentage of Terumah that fell into the Chulin was greater than one in one hundred, the mixture is known as Meduma (lit. mixed) and is forbidden to be eaten by non-Kohanim. It can only be sold at a loss, since the owner cannot charge the Kohanim more than the price of Terumah for Meduma.

(c)According to Tosfos in Chulin 99a DH Ein, this law applies only if the Terumah was the same type of food as the Chulin; otherwise Terumah is Batel just like any other Isur (Shishim, one sixtieth).

4)[line 12]אם היה בחזקת המשתמרIM HAYAH B'CHEZKAS HA'MISHTAMER- if it (the wine) had the status of being guarded [by the Jew]

5)[line 13]אם הודיעו שהוא מפליגIM HODI'O SHE'HU MAFLIG- if he (the Jew) informed him (the Nochri) that he was going far away

6a)[line 14]כדי שיִשְׁתּוֹם ויסתום ויגובKEDEI SHE'YISHTOM V'YISTOM V'YIGOV- enough time to drill a hole [in the barrel], seal it up, and let the seal dry

b)[line 14]כדי שיפתח את החבית ויגוף ותיגובKEDEI SHE'YIFTACH ES HE'CHAVIS V'YIGOF V'SIGOV- enough time to open the barrel, make a new stopper (lid, bung), and let the new stopper dry

7a)[line 16]בקרוןKARON- a wagon

b)[line 16]בספינהSEFINAH- a boat

8)[line 16]והלך לו בקפנדריאHALACH LO B'KAPANDARYA- he (the Jew) walked away through a shortcut

9a)[line 24]והניח לגינין על השולחןHENI'ACH LAGININ AL HA'SHULCHAN- he left flasks/bottles [of wine] on the table

b)[line 25]ולגין על הדולבקיV'LAGIN AL HA'DULBEKI- and a flask/bottle on the small serving stand (O.F. mestier)

10)[line 27]הֶוֵי מוזג ושותהHEVEI MOZEG V'SHOSEH- go ahead and dilute [the wine] and drink (since the Jew gave the Nochri permission to touch the wine on the table, the Nochri takes the liberty to take even the wine on the serving stand)

11a)[line 30]חמריוCHAMARAV- his donkey-drivers

b)[line 31]ופועליוPO'ALAV- his workers

12)[line 31]טעונין טהרותTE'UNIN TAHAROS- carrying Taharos, food items that have been kept guarded and free of Tum'ah. (According to RASHI, the Beraisa is referring to workers carrying open, exposed fruits. According to TOSFOS, it is referring to workers carrying fruits (or wine) in barrels that are not closed.)

13)[line 32]ממילMIL- one Mil is the distance of 2000 Amos (or approximately 960 or 1152 meters, depending upon the differing Halachic opinions)

14)[line 34]מאי שנא רישא, ומאי שנא סיפא?MAI SHENA REISHA U'MAI SHENA SEIFA?- what is the difference between the case in the beginning of the Beraisa and the case in the end of the Beraisa? (In the first case, the Beraisa says that the Taharos remain Tahor, while in the second case, it says that the Taharos are Tamei.)


15)[line 1]בבא להם דרך עקלתוןB'VA LAHEM DERECH AKALASON- when he can get to them in a roundabout way, [surprising them]

16)[line 9]וקאי אגודאV'KAI A'GUDA- and he will stand at the edge [of the river]

17)[line 10]אחיד לה לבבאACHID LAH L'BAVA- I will close/lock the door [and do whatever I wish]

18a)[line 12]בשל סידB'SHEL SID- [the lid is made] of lime, plaster

b)[line 13]בשל טיטB'SHEL TIT- [the lid is made] of clay, mud, mortar (a barrel-lid made of Tit remains dark, even when dry, until several days have passed, and then it becomes lighter in color. Therefore, we are not afraid that the Nochri will drill a hole in it and patch the hole, because it will be noticeable.)

19a)[line 15]בין מלמעלהBEIN MIL'MA'ALAH- whether the Nochri drilled and filled the hole on top of the barrel-lid

b)[line 15]ובין מלמטהBEIN MIL'MATAH- or whether the Nochri drilled and filled the hole on the bottom side of the barrel-lid (while on the top of the lid he smoothed the hole and filling, making it level to the rest of the lid, such that the filled area is not noticeable)

20a)[line 18]למטה ידיעL'MATAH YEDI'A- it is recognizable below (on the bottom side of the lid)

b)[line 19]למעלה, הא לא ידיע!L'MA'ALAH, HA LO YEDI'A!- but on the top it is not recognizable!

21)[line 25]זימנין דחליםZIMNIN D'CHALIM- (O.F. solder - to press) sometimes he presses and fills in the hole [on the bottom side of the lid, so that it is not recognizable]

22)[line 31]הוי (מזוג) [מוזג] ושותהHEVEI (MEZOG) [MOZEG]- go ahead and dilute [the wine] and drink

23)[line 36]והלכתא כוותיה דרבי אליעזר, דלא חייש לזיופאHILCHESA KAVASEI D'REBBI ELIEZER D'LO CHAYISH L'ZIYUFA- the Halachah follows the opinion of Rebbi Eliezer (Avodah Zarah 31a), who is lenient with regard to the falsification of seals, who in this case would not suspect [the Nochri] of falsifying [the seal on the barrel of wine, which involves considerable effort]

24)[line 37]לא מותבינןLO MOSVINAN- we do not place [barrels of wine in the care of Nochrim]

25)[line 38]משום שייכאMISHUM SHAICHA- because of the small hole in the barrel that lets the aroma of the wine out (we are afraid that the Nochri will make the hole bigger and take some wine from the barrel through it)