[a - 51 lines; b - 42 lines]

1)[line 2]ואלונתיתV'ALONTIS- vintage wine mixed with clear, cold water and balsam oil. If an idol-worshiper cooked it himself, it is forbidden.

2)[line 3]כברייתאK'VERIYASA- like its original state. The idol-worshiper bought it from a Jew, and the wine was mixed before he got to it. According to TOSFOS, since other ingredients are added, we are not concerned that the idol-worshiper added wine.

3)[line 5]אנומליןANOMALIN- (O.F. poison) a potion. This is a medicine that is permitted on Shabbos because it is also used as a beverage for healthy people, and its preparation involves no Melachah.

4)[line 7]ופלפליןU'FILPELIN- and peppers

5)[line 7]ומים צלוליןU'MAYIM TZELULIN- and clear water

6)[line 8]ואפרסמוןV'AFARSEMON- and balsam

7)[line 8]לבי מסותאL'BEI MASUSA- to the bathhouse

8)[line 9]גילויGILUY

It is prohibited mid'Rabanan to consume uncovered water, wine, milk, honey, or fish brine that was left unattended. This is because of the possibility that a poisonous snake drank from the water, leaving behind a residue of poison. (See RAMBAM Hilchos Rotze'ach u'Shemiras ha'Nefesh 11:5-16.) This prohibition does not apply to wine during the first three days of its fermentation, since one may assume that the fermentation would scare away a snake.

9)[line 10]ניסוךNISUCH (YAYIN NESECH)

(a)Wine that was poured as an idolatrous libation is Asur b'Hana'ah. This is derived from the verse, "Asher Chelev Zevacheimo Yochelu, Yishtu Yein Nesicham" - "Those who ate the fat of their sacrifices, and drank the wine of their drink offerings" (Devarim 32:38), which compares the wine of libations to an animal sacrificed for idolatrous purposes.

(b)The Chachamim prohibited the wine of a Nochri that was not poured as a libation (Stam Yeinam) out of fear that drinking wine together would lead to intermarriage. In order to avoid confusion between Yayin Nesech and Stam Yeinam, the Chachamim instituted that Stam Yeinam is also Asur b'Hana'ah. Although this is only an Isur mid'Rabanan, it is a very severe prohibition (see Chochmas Adam 75:1). (See Background to Avodah Zarah 62:16.)

(c)Yayin Mevushal, or cooked wine, is not subject to the prohibition. The Rishonim give a number of reasons for why the prohibition does not apply: 1. According to the RAMBAM, idol-worshipers do not used cooked wine for their religious rites. 2. The ROSH objects and points out that the reason behind the prohibition against consuming wine of Nochrim is the concern that it will lead to intermarriage with their daughters. This concern exists with cooked wine just as it exists with uncooked wine. The ROSH explains, therefore, that the reason why the prohibition does not apply to cooked wine is that it is uncommon for wine to be cooked, and the Rabanan did not enact their decree in uncommon situations. 3. The RASHBA explains that cooking wine changes its flavor to the point that it is no longer called "wine" but rather "cooked wine."

10)[line 20]נסמוךNISMOCH- may we rely on this?

11)[line 20]מחוי להוMACHVEI LEHU- he motioned to them

12)[line 22]משכיה לידיהMASH'CHEI L'YADEI- he (Avlet) withdrew his hand (so as not to touch it)

13)[line 24]אמתיהAMSEI- his maidservant

14)[line 32]בארבאB'ARBA- in a boat

15)[line 33]חיויא דצרי ואתיCHIVYA D'TZARI V'ASI- a snake was cutting through the water and coming (to drink the wine)

16)[line 33]סמי עיניה דדיןSAMI EINEI D'DEIN- blind that one's eyes. That is, make the wine unappealing for the snake.

17)[line 34]שקל קלי מיאSHAKIL KALI MAYA- he took a little water

18)[line 34]אחייא מסר נפשיהA'CHAYA MASAR NAFSHEI- for undiluted wine it (the snake) will risk its life (but not for diluted wine)

19)[line 35]בי עכבוריBEI ACHBORI- the name of a place

20)[line 37]פש להוPASH LEHU- there was some wine left

21)[line 37]בכובאB'KUBA- in the barrel

22)[line 37]וצרונהי בפרוונקאV'TZARUNHI B'PARVANKA- and they tied the barrel shut with a rag used to cover casks

23)[line 40]פירוקא לסכנתאPIRUKA L'SAKANTA- are you giving answers regarding danger?

24)[line 41]יין נסךYAYIN NESECH

See above, entry #9.

25)[line 42]קיסתאKISTA- a local measure for wine

26)[line 42]נייםNAYIM- sleeping

27)[line 45]מבי ארמלתאMI'BEI ARMALTA- from the house of a widow

28)[line 45]סירכא דגברא נקיטאSIRCHA D'GAVRA NEKITA- the widow holds on to the habits and customs of her husband (so that even though she may not be familiar with the laws of Giluy, she knows not to use such liquids because her husband did not use them)

29)[line 47]אמנקרותאA'MENAKRUSA- [they are particular] about hygiene/cleanliness

30)[line 48]חדCHAD- sharp

31)[line 48]טילא חריפא דמצרי זיקיTILA CHARIFA D'METZARI ZIKI- ["sharp" wine refers to] strong wine that breaks containers

32)[line 49]ירנקאYARNEKA- a bitter wine

33)[line 49]חוליאCHULYA- a type of wine made from grapes sweetened by the sun

34)[line 49]לעילויאL'ILUYA- [Rav Chama understood Rebbi Yehoshua's statement about the three types of wines to be a reference] to their high quality

35)[line 49]אפסינתיןAPSINTIN- a green liqueur with a bitter flavor and a high alcohol content

36)[line 49]מי בארגMEI BARG- a praiseworthy drink

37)[line 50]קרינאKAREINA- sweet vinegar

38)[line 51]חמר מדינהCHAMAR MEDINAH- lit. wine of the land; a beverage commonly consumed in a given country (other than water)

39)[line 51]חמרא דאקריםCHAMRA D'AKRIM- wine that has begun to go sour


40)[line 3]זמנין מיקרי שתיZIMNIN MIKRI SHASI- sometimes it happens that a snake drinks [such wine]

41)[line 4]יין תוססYAYIN TOSES- wine that is fermenting

42)[line 5]השחלייםHA'SHACHALAYIM- the cress

43)[line 7]חלאCHALA- vinegar

44)[line 8]מיגריMIGRI- it irritates [snakes]. If there is vinegar in the liquid, the snake will not drink it.

45)[line 8]כותח הבבליKUTACH HA'BAVLI- a dip that is prepared by cooking whey with stale bread and salt

46)[line 10]ניקוריNIKUREI- indentations (that look like snakebites)

47)[line 11]טיף טיף מיMEI TIF TIF- dripping wine from under a barrel

48)[line 12]טיף להדי טיף טיףTIF L'HADEI TIF TIF- (lit. drop after drop and drop) steadily (since the drips come right after one another, the snake is scared)

49)[line 14]פי תאנהPI TE'ENAH- the mouth of a fig

50)[line 18]ארסERES- venom

51)[line 19]של בחור שוקעSHEL BACHUR SHOKE'A- [the venom] of a young snake sinks to the bottom [because it is so thick]

52)[line 19]של בינוני מפעפעSHEL BENONI MEFA'APE'A- that of a middle-aged snake goes to the middle

53)[line 19]ושל זקן צףV'SHEL ZAKEN TZAF- and that of an old snake floats on top

54)[line 20]דכמה דקשיש כחוש חיליהD'KAMAH D'KASHISH KACHUSH CHEILEI- the older the snake is, the weaker its strength (of the venom) becomes

55)[line 23]זיהריה קלישZIHAREI KALISH- its venom weakens

56)[line 28]אבטיחAVATI'ACH- watermelon

57)[line 33]ירביץYARBITZ- one should not sprinkle the earthen floor of his house to prevent the dust from rising

58)[line 37]סירטאSIRTA- a crack

59)[line 37]גב היד וגב הרגלGAV HA'YAD V'GAV HA'REGEL- the top of the hand, and the top of the foot

60)[line 38]ורומני דאפיV'RUMANEI D'APEI- and the cheekbones

61)[line 39]לשונראL'SHUNRA- to a cat