More Discussions for this daf
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4. Insights to the Daf 5. Shlichus for a woman 6. In whose interest is marriage?
7. Question of Gilyon ha'Shas on 41b 8. quiz question 3 & question 6

David Srour asks:

>> 3. Why shouldn't one use a messenger to marry his wife?

(a) מצוה בו יותר מבשלוחו

b) "מצוה שיראנה שמא תתגנה עליו"

c) She may be insulted.

d) Hed needs to negotiate the Kesuva.

e) Machlokes A&B.<<

For question 3 the answer should be E based on ל"ק & ל"ב.

>> 6. From where do we know that an agent can take Terumah?

a) 'גם' יתירא

b) גיטין

(c) גיטין and פסח.

d) Machlokes A&B.

e) Machlokes A&C.<<

For question 6 I believe the answer should be E based on the opinion of ר"ש we need גם אתם לרבות שליח.

David Srour, brooklyn N.Y. USA

The Kollel replies:


You are right. We'll correct this.

Reuven Weiner