More Discussions for this daf
1. Women's obligation in Parshas Zachor 2. Question on Rashi and Tosfos 3. Megilah 004: Reason Why Kfarim Move Forward to Yom ha'Kenisah
4. Reading Megilah on Shabbos 5. Kefarim at the Yom ha'Kenisah 6. Bnei ha'Kefarim on Yom ha'Kenisah
7. Gezeirah d'Rabah 8. Reading Megilah on Shabbos 9. Rebbi Yossi or Rebbi?
10. Rabah's decree 11. Reason why Kfarim can bring forward to Yom Haknisah 12. Women's obligation in Megilah
13. Women's obligation in Sukah 14. Learning the Halachos of Purim on Shabbos 15. Women & Megilah
16. Yom ha'Kenisah 17. Tosfos' Shitah of saying Birchas Zman 18. Who built Lod and Ono?
19. יום הכניסה

Moshe asked:

The Gemara says that Alpael built Lod and Ono. Yet , the mefarshim on the pasuk in divrei hayamim say that Shemar built them. Who built them?

Moshe, brooklyn usa

The Kollel replies:

Dear Moshe,

Hello there and thanks for your interesting question. First let me mention that although some Mefarshim indeed do explain the word "Hu Banah" to be referring to Shemer, nonetheless, the Targum says that it refers to Alpa'al. Regarding the discussion in our Gemara, the main point is that they were built after Yehoshua. Who exactly built them is not so relevant. The Pasuk proves to us that they were not built before Alpa'al, thus there is no need to go into the exact detail who actually built them. It is thus clear that the Mefarshim are not contradicting the Gemara by explaining that Shemer built the cities. This is an acceptable practice; see Tosfos Yom Tov Nazir 5:5.

Kol Tuv,

Y. Landy

Moise Beda responded:

Thank you for your response. I looked up nazir 5:5, and I dont really understand what it says. Is it saying that its okay to explain a pasuk according to the way you understand it as long as theres no nafka minah lehalacha?

Thank you for your time.

The Kollel replies:

This is indeed what the Tosfos Yom Tov is saying. For example, many commentaries of the Rishonim on Chumash say what they think is the Peshat (Peshuto Shel Mikra), meaning the simple meaning of the verse based on the context of the Pesukim, though they know full well that the Gemara or Medrash interpet it otherwise. Such is the style of the Rashbam, Ibn Ezra, and others. [For a better understanding of this concept, see the Rashbam's introduction to Parshas Vayeshev (Bereishis 37:2).]

All the best,

Yaakov Montrose