More Discussions for this daf
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10. Rabah's decree 11. Reason why Kfarim can bring forward to Yom Haknisah 12. Women's obligation in Megilah
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16. Yom ha'Kenisah 17. Tosfos' Shitah of saying Birchas Zman 18. Who built Lod and Ono?
19. יום הכניסה

Stephan Azra asked:

Tosafot d"h She'af Hen Hayu, I understand the question they are asking on Rashbam's explanation of this line in the Gemara, but their answer is unclear to me, please help me understand from the word "U'leperusho" until "me'od alleyhen" = Thank you!

Stephan Azra, Brooklyn, NY USA

The Kollel replies:

"uli'Peirusho - Lekach Nireh" - Tosfos asks on the Rashbam that according to him it should not say "Af Hen Hayu" but rather "she'Hen Hayu" -- "that they were (caused the miracle)."

"Lekach Nireh - Me'od Aleihen" - Tosfos explains that "she'Af Hen Hayu b'Oso ha'Nes" means that the women were also included in the decree to be killed/enslaved/persecuted, and Hash-m saved them along with the rest of Bnei Yisrael.

All the best,

Yaakov Montrose