
Why does the Pasuk repeat the words "B'nei Yisrael" five times in this Pasuk?


Rashi: To demonstrate Hashem's love of Yisrael - by repeating their name five times in one Pasuk corresponding to the five Books of the Torah. 1


Even as He speaks about them in a derogative context. Oznayim la'Torah: Hashem inserted this hint here to console Yisrael who would otherwise have felt disheartened at having lost all means of coming close to Hashem in the Mishkan to the Levi'im. And He made a point of reassuring them via the five Books of the Torah, as if to say they may have lost the Keser Kehunah to the Kohanim and to their helpers the Levi'im, they still had the Keser Torah. See Oznayim la'Torah who elaborates.


What are the connotations of ?ve?Lo Yih?yeh bi?Venei Yisrael Negef be?Geshes ? ??


Rashi: It means that, if the Kohanim and the Levi'im had not been designated to guard, Yisre?elim would have had to approach the Kodesh, which would lead to a plague should they come too close.


Seforno: It means that, even after the Levi'im have been chosen, Yisre?elim who enter the Mishkan will die, as well as the Levi'im who allow them to enter. 1


Yerushalmi (Pesachim, 4:1): We learn from this Pasuk that if Kohanim, Levi'im and Yisre?elim do not all participate in a Korban Tzibur, the Korban is Pasul: Kohanim - "Ve'etnah es ha'Levi'im Nesunim le'Aharon u'le'Vanav mi'Toch B'nei Yisrael"; Levi'im - "La'avod es Avodas B'nei Yisrael (u'Lechaper al B'nei Yisrael)" Yisre'elim - "ve'Lo Yih'yeh bi'Venei Yisrael Negef be Geshes ? ". 2


Seforno: As the Torah specically writes in Korach, 18:3.


By standing next to the Korban when it is brought.


Why does the Torah use the Lashon Kaparah" in connection with the Levi'im?


Erchin, 11a: To teach us that, Shirah (the major Avodah of the Levi'im), 1 like Kaparah, 2 is confined to the day.


See Oznayim la'Torah who elaborates.


See Torah Temimah, note 12.


How do the Levi'im atone for Yisrael?


Seforno: By Yisrael giving them Ma'aser Rishon, thereby enabling them to serve Hashem in their place, now that Hashem has rejected the firstborn from serving.


Refer to 8:19:4:1.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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