
Why does it say "va'Tosef Esther"?


Vilna Gaon #1: She began above - "Ki Nimkarnu Ani v'Ami" (7:4).


Vilna Gaon #2: She had added Ru'ach ha'Kodesh (Tikun 69), like "va'Tosef Laledes Es Achiv" (Bereishis 4:2). She received Ru'ach ha'Kodesh earlier - "va'Tilbash Esther Malchus" (refer to 5:1:2:1).


Vilna Gaon #3: Refer to 8:3:2:2.


Malbim: Achashverosh gave to her other matters, but did not answer her request itself to save her nation. She feared that he does not want to fulfill it, for if he did, he should have promised her about it before giving other matters! Therefore, she increased supplications.


Why does it say "[va'Tosef


Vilna Gaon: These are speech, action and thought. Crying is thought; it is only in the heart (Zohar Chadash Rus 12:2). All of these are expressions of supplication - "va'Tischanan"; 'do not make your prayer fixed, rather, mercy and Tachanunim in front of Hashem' (Avos 2:13).


Vilna Gaon 1 : These refer to, respectively, Pesukei d'Zimra, Keri'as Shma 2 , Nefilas Apayim 3 , Tefilah 4 and supplications after Tefilah, i.e. requests for individuals. The primary request is Netzor Leshoni me'Ra. The four primary Aveiros are idolatry, Arayos and murder, and Leshon ha'Ra, which is equal to the other three (Tosefta Pe'ah 1:2). "Ra'as Haman" is Leshon ha'Ra; corresponding to "Machashavto", we say [in Elokai Netzor] 'v'Kalkel Machashavtam.'


Malbim: She used all ways of request. Va'Tdaber is giving parables and proper reasons why the request is proper. Crying and supplicating can arouse mercy to grant the request.


This is from his Perush Al Derech ha'Remez; it is printed in his Perush Al Derech ha'Peshat. The same applies to his coming Perushim about Tefilah, up to verse 5.


Vilna Gaon: It says before Aseres ha'Dibros "va'Ydaber Elokim Es Kol ha'Devarim ha'Eleh" (Shemos 20:1), and there are hints to all Aseres ha'Dibros in Keri'as Shma (Yerushalmi).


Vilna Gaon: Even though Nefilas Apayim is after Tefilah, the intent is before, in Birkos Keri'as Shma (Zohar); here it refers to bowing.


Vilna Gaon: Tefilah requires intent in the heart; the primary intent is in tears.


What is "Leha'avir Es Ra'as Haman [v'Es Machashavto


Rashi: That his evil counsel will not be fulfilled.


Vilna Gaon #1: Refer to 8:3:2:2.


Vilna Gaon #2: In Shemoneh Esre, we pray 'return us to Your Torah


Malbim: She knew the Persian law, that one may not retract the king's letter. However, here he need not be concerned for this, from the aspect of the king, or the Sarim. (a) It is not retraction for the king, for it did not come from him; he never thought so about Am Hashem. It is Machashavas Haman, not Machashavas ha'Melech! (b) He need not fear lest the Sarim rebel against him if he changes the law of the land to retract his command. The Seforim are still sealed, and were not opened! She asked only to retract those letters. They were Haman's intent; they were not revealed to anyone. (Malbim said that it already became publicized that Yisrael were sold to be eradicated! This requires investigation. - PF) If they will send others in place of them, no one will know that the command was changed.

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