
Why did Hashem tell the Parshah of Shesuyei Yayin to Aharon?


Rashi (in Pasuk 3): Because when his sons died, he remained silent and did not query Hashem's Midas ha'Din. 1


Refer to 6:2:153:1.


Refer also to 11:1:3:1. According to some opinions, Hashem actually instructed Moshe to tell Aharon. Refer to 6:2:153:1*, 10:8:151:2 and the note there.


To whom is Hashem speaking?


Rashi #1 (in Koheles, 2:7): Hashem said it to Aharon himself. 1


Rashi #2 (in Vayikra, 1:1, citing the Sifra): In all the thirteen locations where the Torah writes 'Vayedaber Hashem el Moshe ve'el Aharon' exclusions teach that He spoke to Moshe alone. 2


The beginning of Mechilta of R. Yishmael says that in three places we cannot say that Hashem spoke only to Moshe (for it says "to Aharon"). Moshav Zekenim (3)


Rashi, in Pasuk 3 writes that Hashem told this to Aharon himself. But in 1:1, Rashi states that Hashem always spoke only to Moshe?


Gur Aryeh (in Pasuk 3): Even though only Moshe heard, Hashem spoke in the second person, as if He was speaking to Aharon as a mark of esteem towards Aharon.


Rashi (in 1:1) cited the Sifra that in thirteen places it says 'Vayedaber Hashem el Moshe ve'el Aharon', corresponding to which thirteen exclusions imply that He spoke to Moshe alone.


Refer to 10:8:151:1*, 10:8:151:2 and the note there.

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