
Why does it say "v'Af Elokim Alah Vahem"?


Radak: This is like "v'Af Hashem Charah va'Am" (Bamidbar 11:33). "Alah" applies to anger - "Alah Ashan b'Apo" (above, 18:9).


Malbim: Do not say that they died naturally, that the Slav was hard to digest, especially since they had not eaten meat for many days. "B'Mishmaneihem" (the strong ones) died; a harsh food would kill elders or people of a weak nature. Here, the fat, Giborim and youths died, and not the elders!


Who are "b'Mishmaneihem"?


Radak: They are the healthy and strong ones. This is like "Kol Shamen v'Ish Chayil" (Shoftim 3:29). The strong ones and youths died from Hashem's anger. (Also refer to 78:31:1:2.)


Who are "Bachurei Yisrael"?


Rashi: They are the Nivcharim (choicest ones).

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