
Why did he say "Ki Radaf Oyev Nafshi"?


Rashi: If I sinned against You, I was stricken. He said so on behalf of all of Yisrael.


Malbim: The enemy affected both parts of him. (a) He pursued Nafshi, the Divine Nefesh. The enemy tried to make him sin, and expel him from being joined to Nachalas Hashem. Also refer to 143:3:2:2.


What is the meaning of "Dikah la'Aretz Chayasi"?


Radak: It is as if [my] life is to the ground; it is close to death.


Malbim: The enemy affected also bodily life. He crushed his life to the ground and seated him in darkness (the cave). I lack both perfection of the Nefesh, and life essentials!


What darkness did the enemy put him in?


Radak: The sides of the cave in which he was hiding; there was no light there. He is like a Mes in darkness, under the ground.


Who are "Mesei Olam"?


Radak: They are those who died a long time ago. A person despairs from their revival and light more than he despairs for one who died recently. Even though revival of both of them is a total miracle, the verse mentions those further from revival, for the form of their bodies was lost.


Malbim: They are people buried in a pit.

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