
What does this Mizmor discuss?


Rashi #1, from Nedarim 32b: It is about Avraham, whom the world called Adoni - "Adoni Shema'eni" (Bereishis 23:15).


Rashi #2 1 : It is about David. "Adoni" refers to Sha'ul, when he was chasing me. "La'Adoni" means Al (about) Adoni, just like "va'Amar Pharaoh li'Vnei Yisrael" - (Shemos 14:3), "va'Yish'alu Anshei ha'Makom l'Ishto" (Bereishis 26:7). Radak - one of the singers said it about David. "L'David" means about David, like "Imri Li Achi Hu" (ibid., 20:13). The same applies to "la'Menatze'ach Mizmor l'David; Ya'ancha Hashem b'Yom Tzarah" (20:1-2), like I explained there.


Radak citing Ibn Ezra: David composed it at the beginning of his kingship, when Pelishtim heard that he was anointed, and they all sought [to kill] him. Hashem promised him that he will give them in his hand, and He did so in Ba'al Peratzim and Emek Refa'im.


Radak (7): Notzerim say that this refers to their savior. They err greatly 2 .


Malbim: It is about the war with Amon. David himself did not go out to fight; he sent Yo'av and the generals. This was improper, like I explained (Shmuel II, Perek 11). At that time was the episode of Bas Sheva; many thought that David will be punished, and rejected from kingship, and he will not succeed further. Yo'av captured Ir ha'Mayim, the capitol; he called to David, who came and captured the entire city.


In some editions, Rashi's second Perush of this entire Mizmor is printed on verse 7.


Radak: They put a Kamatz at the end of la'Doni, i.e. Hashem speaks to another Hashem. In all Seforim there is a Chirik! It says "Shev li'Ymini" - Divinity does not need help! It says "Atah Chohen l'Olam Al Divrasi Malki Tzedek" (4) - Hashem does not offer [Korbanos], people offer to Him! And how is he a Kohen l'Olam? [He died, and] their clergy is not hereditary. (They are celibate!) Mal'achi, the last Navi, said "Zichru Toras Moshe Avdi; Hinei Anochi Shole'ach Lachem Es Eliyahu ha'Navi" (3:22-23). We are commanded to keep Moshe's Torah, and no other! Eliyahu will come before Mashi'ach - he did not come yet! It says "Machatz b'Yom Apo Melachim" (verse 5). Their savior did not fight wars or defeat kings. "Yadin ba'Goyim Malei Geviyos" (5) - he did not come to judge bodies, only to save souls!


What is the meaning of "Ne'um Hashem la'Doni"?


Rashi #1: Refer to 110:1:1:1.


Rashi #2: David says, Hashem said to my master, Sha'ul.


Radak: One of the singers said 'Hashem said to my master, David.'


Ramah (Sanhedrin 108b): Some say that Eliezer Eved Avraham said this Mizmor; Hashem said to my master Avraham 1 .


Malbim: The author tells David that he need not leave Yerushalayim to go to war; refer to 110:1:3:3.


Ramah: This is difficult. If so, it should say "Mizmor l'Eliezer"!


Why does it say "Shev li'Ymini"?


Sanhedrin 108b: To fight the four kings, Hashem put Avraham on His right. Avraham threw dirt, and it turned into swords. He threw straw, and it turned into arrows - "Yiten ke'Afar Charbo k'Kash Nidaf Kashto" (Yeshayah 41;2). Rashi: Wait for My salvation and hope to Hashem. Yeshivah refers to delaying -"va'Teshvu b'Kadesh" (Devarim 1:46).


Radak: This is like it says "Ki Az Yatza Hashem Lefanecha" (Shmuel II, 5:24). Stay, and rely on My right hand; it will help you.


Malbim: Hashem tells David to sit on His right. Hashem throne is Hashem's throne - "va'Yeshev Shlomo Al Kisei Hashem l'Melech" (Divrei ha'Yamim I, 29:23). It is as if Hashem sits on the throne of conduct, to conduct Yisrael with special Hashgachah, like a king conducts his nation, and David sits on the royal throne to His right hand.


Who are "Oyvecha"?


Rashi: Amrafel and his cohorts.


Why did He promise to make his enemies a footstool for his feet?


Malbim: One who sits on a throne, he needs a footstool.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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