
How did Lavan respond to Yaakov's explanation?


Rashi: He pointed out that, since Yaakov was unable to pay anything, he was under no obligation 1 to take him in. 2 Only, since he was family, he would kindly invite him for one month - not free of charge, but on condition that he tend to his sheep. 3


Rashbam: He told him that since he was his own flesh and blood, coming to him was a wise choice.


Seforno: He told him that, even though he did not need him for Parnasah, nevertheless, since he was his own flesh and blood, it was only correct that he stay with him.


Riva: We learn from "Ach," which is an exclusion.


Tosfos ha'Shalem (3, citing Sefer ha'Gan): It is proper that I distance you, like you were distanced from your family for swindling your brother twice. However, I will not do so.


According to the Seforno, " va'Yeshev Imo" implies that he worked for him (as we find in Shemos 2:21).


Why did Yaakov enter Lavan's house without insisting that Lavan remove the idolatry?


Moshav Zekenim: He wanted to see whether Rachel and Leah 1 served idolatry. After a month, he separated from Lavan.


It seems that he knew through Ru'ach ha'Kodesh that he would marry Rachel (refer to 29:11:2:1). If so, why was concerned for Leah? He did not intend to marry both! Perhaps he wanted to know if he must separate Rachel from her (PF).


Why did Lavan say, "you are my bone and flesh?"


Tosfos ha'Shalem (2): He intended to consume Yaakov 1 and all that Yaakov has. 2


Kol Eliyahu, Divrei Eliyahu: A baby's bones are due to his father; his flesh is due to his mother. You are my bone and flesh, for both your father (our grandfathers were brothers) and mother are related to me. 3


Refer to 29:14:153:5 and 29:14:153:6.


Tosfos ha'Shalem (4, from Bereishis Rabah): Lavan recognized that Yaakov is Tam (pure, simple). He could not swindle a stranger like he could swindle Yaakov.


Yaakov had nothing now! Perhaps he intended for what Yaakov will acquire or inherit. (PF)


Bnei Yisrael told David, "We are your bone and flesh" (Divrei ha'Yamim I 11:1), i.e. also your maternal ancestor (Rus) was from Kahal Hashem, unlike Do'eg's claim.


Lavan said, "Ach Atzmi u'Vesari Atah." What does the word Ach come to exclude?


Ohr ha'Chayim #1: His nature is different - Lavan is darkness, and Yaakov is light.


Ohr ha'Chayim #2: They are similar regarding bones and flesh, but not regarding the soul.


Ohr ha'Chayim #3: Most children resemble the mother's brother, but they are not equal. I am a bigger Chacham than you.


Ohr ha'Chayim #4: Yaakov explained that his mother intended that Lavan save him from Esav. Lavan agreed; Ach excludes - you are not in danger.


Malbim: Lavan heard that Esav pursued him, and Rivkah loved only Yaakov. He said, only you are my bones and flesh; I love the one whom Rivkah loves. If Esav seeks your harm, I will go to greet him with a sword.


Ha'amek Davar: Do not fear Esav. Also he is my sister's son, but I consider only you truly my bones and flesh. Esav is merely like She'er flesh (a relative).


Why did Lavan house Yaakov for a month?


Ohr ha'Chayim #1: He was waiting to see if Yaakov's property will come. When it did not, he despaired, and chose how to deal with him.


Ohr ha'Chayim #2: He was planning that Yaakov will work for him. He tested him, and saw that he was succeeding.

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