HOW MUCH MAY HE WASTE? (Yerushalmi Demai Perek 1 Halachah 2 Daf 3b)
ãáé øáé éðàé àîøé ôçåú îàåëì îåúø ìàáãå áôøåñ àáì áùìí òã âøåâøåú
(D'Bei R. Yannai): The Mishnah permitted wasting a small amount, meaning smaller than the amount for 'eating' (which is a K'Beitzah - the size of an egg), when it is a slice; but if it is a whole piece, he may waste only a K'Grogeres (a fig-sized amount = 3/10th of a Beitzah).
øáé éåçðï áùí ø"ù áï éäåöã÷ áùìí òã ëâøåâøåú áôøåñ àôé' ëîä îåúø
(R. Yochanan citing R. Shimon ben Yehutzedek): Whole is until a fig size and sliced may even be several pieces.
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Question: What is their dispute over?
ø' îðà àîø áãà ôìéâéï ãáé ø' éðàé àîøé ôçåú îàåëì îåúø ìàáã áôøåñ [ãó å òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] àáì áùìí òã âøåâøåú øáé éåçðï áùí ø"ù áï éäåöã÷ áéï áôøåñ áéï áùìí òã âøåâøåú
Answer (R. Mana): D'Bei R. Yannai said that it is permitted to waste less than an egg size when it is a slice, but when whole, he only has until a fig-sized amount. R. Yochanan citing R. Shimon ben Yehutzedek said that whether it is sliced or whole, he has until a fig amount.
øáé äåùòéä áòé îäå ìäôøéù ëì ùäåà åìàáã:
Question (R. Hoshiyah): Is it permitted to separate Maaser Sheni of Demai in order to immediately waste it? (This question remains unanswered.)
åðåúðå ìòí äàøõ åéàëì ëðâãå áãîàé äà áåãàé ìà ùàéï îåñøéï åãàé ìòí äàøõ:
(The Mishnah taught (Zevachim 79(b)) that) he may give it to an Am HaAretz and then eat the equivalent amount in Yerushalayim. This only applies to Maaser Sheni of Demai, but not to definite Maaser Sheni - because one may not give definite (Maaser Sheni) to an Am HaAretz.
BUYING PRODUCE FOR OTHER PURPOSES (Yerushalmi Demai Perek 1 Halachah 3 Daf 3b)
îùðä äìå÷ç ìæøò åìáäîä ÷îç ìòåøåú åùîï ìðø ùîï ìñåê áå àú äëìéí ôèåø îï äãîàé
(Mishnah): If one buys from an Am HaAretz produce to plant or as animal fodder, flour for tanning skins, oil for lighting or oil to rub onto vessels, they are exempt (from separating Maaseros).
îï äëæéá åìäìï ôèåø îï äãîàé
From Kaziv (at the northern edge of Eretz Yisrael) and beyond is exempt from Demai.
[ãó æ òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] çìú òí äàøõ åäîãåîò åäì÷åç áëñó îòùø ùéøé äîðçåú ôèåøéï îï äãîàé.
The Challah of an Am HaAretz (that was prepared in purity by someone else and given to a Kohen), Medumeh (Chullin into which a small amount of Terumah fell and it was given to a Kohen), fruit that was bought from an Am HaAretz with Maaser Sheni money and the remnants of an Am HaAretz's Mincha offering (that is eaten by the Kohanim) - are all exempt from Demai.
åùîï òøá áéú ùîàé îçééáéï åáéú äìì ôåèøéï:
Aparsimon oil - Beis Shammai obligate it and Beis Hillel exempt it.
âîøà îëéåï ùì÷çå ìæøò ìà ùðééà äéà ãáø ùæøòå ëìä äéà ãáø ùàéï æøòå ëìä.
(Gemara): The Mishnah exempted produce purchased for planting from Demai, even if the seed completely disappears when planted.
àîø øáé éåçðï åúðé ëï ì÷çï ìæøò åçéùá òìéäï ìàëéìä áàéï îçùáä. ì÷çï ìàëéìä åçùá òìéäï ìæøò ìà äëì îîðå:
(R. Yochanan) (Baraisa): If he purchased them to plant and decided to eat them, his thought affects them (and obligates them in Demai). If he purchased them to eat and decided to plant them, there is no exemption from Demai.
úðé àéï æåøòéï èáì àáì îçôéï èáì (àáì)[åàéï] îçôéï òí äòëå"í èáì
Tosefta: One may not plant Tevel (definitely untithed produce), nor (even merely) cover over seeds of Tevel and one may not plant with Tevel with a gentile (if he purchased the seeds from a Jew).
ùùëç åæøò èáì ôèåø ùëáø àáã. áãáø ùàéï ãøëå ìäúì÷è. àáì áãáø ùãøëå ìäúì÷è ÷åðñéï àåúå ùéì÷è àåúå áìà öîç. àáì àí öîç ðòùä ëãáø ùàéï ãøëå ìäúì÷è
If one forgot and planted Tevel, he is exempt (from tithing them) as they are already lost. This applies to seeds that completely disappear when planted, but if he planted things that he can gather, we penalize him that he must gather them and tithe them before they grow. However, if they already grew, they become like seeds that completely disappear.
øáé éåçðï ëã äåä àëéì àôé' ÷åôã àôé' áéòä äåä îú÷ï: àîøå ìå úìîéãéå ìà ëï àéìôï øáé òùø úòùø àú ëì úáåàú æøòê: ãå çùù ìîù÷éï ùéù áäï
R. Yochanan would tithe even when he ate meat or eggs. His students asked him, "Didn't you teach us (Devarim 14:22) 'you shall surely tithe all of your seed crop'? R. Yochanan was concerned for the Demai liquids that were mixed into them (when they were cooked).
[ãó æ òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] øáé éøîéä ùìç ìøáé æòéøà çãà îñàðà ãúàðéí ãìà îú÷ðà åäåä øáé éøîéä ñáø îéîø îä ø' æòéøà îéëåì ãìà îú÷ðà åäåä øáé æòéøà ñáø îéîø îä àôùø ãøáé éøîéä îùìçä ìé îéìà ãìà îú÷ðà áéï ãéï ìãéï àéúàëìú èáì ìîçø ÷í òéîé' à"ì ääåà îñðàúà ãùìçú ìé àúîåì îú÷ðà äåä à"ì àîøéú îä øáé æòéøà îéëì îéìà ãìà îú÷ðä à"ì àåó àðà àîøéú ëï äåä îä øáé éøîéä îùìç ìé îéìà ãìàå îú÷ðä
R. Yirmiyah once sent a basket of Tevel figs to R. Zeira. R. Yirmiyah assumed that R. Zeira would tithe them before eating them and R. Zeira assumed that R. Yirmiyah would not send something untithed. As a result, the figs were eaten in their untithed state. The next day, R. Zeira met R. Yirmiyah and asked him, "Was that basket that you sent me yesterday tithed?" R. Yirmiyah replied, "I said, 'would R. Zeira eat without tithing?' R. Zeira replied, "I also said, 'Would R. Yirmiyah send me something without tithing it?"
øáé àáà áø æáéðà áùí øáé æòéøà àîø àéï äååï ÷ãîàé áðé îìàëéí àðï áðé ðù åàéï äååï áðé ðù àðï çîøéï
(R. Abba bar Zvina citing R. Zeira): If the early ones were like children of angels, we are like humans; if they were like humans, we are like donkeys.
àîø øáé îðà áääéà ùòúà àîøéï àôé' ìçîøúéä ãø' ôéðçñ áï éàéø ìà àéãîéðï çîøúéä ãø' ôéðçñ áï éàéø âðáåðä ìñèéé áìéìéà [ãó ã òîåã à] òáãú èîåøä âáï úìúà éåîéï ãìà èòîà ëìåí. áúø úìúà éåîéï àéúîìëï îçæøúä ìîøä àîøéï ðéùìçðä ìîøä ãìà ìéîåú ìâáï åúéñøé îòøúà. àô÷åðä àæìú å÷îú òì úøòú ãîøä ùåøééú îðä÷à
(R. Mana): At that time they said, 'we aren't even like the donkey of R. Pinchas ben Yair. R. Pinchas ben Yair's donkey was stolen by bandits in the night. They hid it for three days and it would not eat anything. After three days, they decided to return it, saying, "Better to return it to its owner, or it will die in our possession and make our hideout smell. They took it out and it went and stood at its master's gate and began braying.
àîø ìåï ôúçéï ìäãà òìåáãà ãàéú ìä úìúà éåîéï ãìà èòéîú ëìåí ôúçéï ìä åòìú ìä àîø ìåï éäáåï ìä ëìåí ìîéëì úéëì éäáéï ÷åîä ùòøéï åìà áòéú îéëì àîøå ìéä øáé ìà áòéú îéëì àîø ìåï îú÷ðéï àéðï àîøå ìé' àéï àîø ìåï åàøéîúåï ãîééï.
(R. Pinchas ben Yair to his household): 'Open the gate for this poor thing that hasn't eaten in three days.' They opened it and the donkey came in. R. Pinchas told them to feed it. They put barley in front of it and it didn't want to eat. They told this to R. Pinchas and he asked them if the barley had been tithed and they said that it had.
àîøå ìéä åìà ëï àéìôï øáé äìå÷ç ìæøò ìáäîä ÷îç ìòåøåú ùîï ìðø ùîï ìñåê áå àú äëìéí ôèåø îï äãîàé.
(Students to R. Pinchas): Didn't you say that Rebbi taught - One who buys produce for planting, for animals or flour for tanning, oil for lighting or anointing utensils is exempt from Demai...?
àîø ìåï îä ðòáéã ìäãà òìáúà ãäéà îçîø òì âøîä ñâéï
(R. Pinchas): What can I do with this poor thing that is so stringent with herself.
åàøéîåï ãîééï åàëìú:
They separated Demai and she ate.
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Two poor people deposited two Se'ah of barley with R. Pinchas ben Yair. He planted them and harvested them and when the poor people came back for the barley they deposited, he said to them, "Bring camels and donkeys and take your barley!"