
(a)Abaye queries Rabah's explanation from Rebbi Shimon. What does Rebbi Shimon say in a Beraisa about the way the Kohanim eat Kodshim?

(b)What does he say about adding spices of Terumah?

(c)Wat problem does this create with his previous statement?

(d)How does Rabah solve the problem?


(a)The Tana Kama of the Mishnah in Ma'aser Sheini forbids purchasing Terumah with Ma'aser- Sheini money. Why is that?

(b)What does Rebbi Shimon say?

(c)How did Rabah react when Abaye queried him from there?

(d)Why was that?


(a)What did Abaye answer when Rav Yosef asked him why he did not query Rabah from the Mishnah in Shevi'is, which forbids cooking a vegetable of Shevi'is in Terumah oil?

(b)What problem do we have with his answer?

(c)So Abaye, citing Rabah, gives Rebbi Shimon's reason (for permitting it) as the fact that they were already mixed up. What problem does Rav Yosef have with that?

(d)How do we reject Abaye's answer, comparing it to Asham and Shelamim in our Mishnah?


(a)How do we then query the Beraisa (of Yerek shel Shevi'is) from Chatichah ba'Chatichos in our Mishnah?

(b)How does Ravina refute the Kashya?

(c)Why does Rav Yosef disagree with this answer (Mah Nafshach)?

(d)What do we learn from the word "le'Ochlah" (in B'har, in connection with Sh'mitah)?



(a)The Beraisa discusses a case of Safek Metzora Muchlat, Safek Eino Muchlat. According to Rebbi Shimon, what must the Metzora stipulate when, on the eighth day, he brings his Asham together with the Log of oil?

(b)Where is the Korban Shechted?

(c)The Tana also necessitates Semichah, Nesachim and Tenufas Chazeh ve'Shok. What else does the Korban require (which a Shelamim does not).

(d)The Kohanim eat the Korban. How long do they have to eat it?


(a)What Kashya does this Beraisa pose on Rabah?

(b)How will Rabah answer this? What makes this case different than the previous ones?


(a)And how will Rebbi Shimon justify bringing the Log of oil? What will he have to stipulate, in case he is not a Metzora Muchlat?

(b)What normally happens to a Log of oil that someone donates as a Korban?

(c)What problem does this create, assuming he is really a Metzora?

(d)How do we solve it?


(a)What does the Kohen do with the Kometz?

(b)What problem does it create if he burns them ...

1. ... after the seven Matanos?

2. ... before the seven Matanos?

(c)How does Rav Yehudah b'rei de'Rebbi Shimon ben Pazi solve the problem? What must the Metzora stipulate when he performs the Haza'ah?

(d)Seeing as we are talking about a liquid, why does Rav Yehudah say 'le'Shem Eitzim'?


(a)In the Pasuk in Vayikra "Ki Chol Se'or ve'Chol D'vash Lo Saktiru Mimenu Isheh la'Hashem", what do we learn from ...

1. ... the word "Mimenu", which is superfluous?

2. ... the last two words in the following Pasuk "Korban Reishis Takrivu osam le'Re'ach Nicho'ach"?