AN EAR THAT WAS NOT CUT (Yerushalmi Peah Halachah 2 Daf 25a)
îùðä ùéáåìú ùá÷öéø åøàùä îâéò ì÷îä àí ð÷öøú òí ä÷îä äøé äéà ùì áò"ä åàí ìàå äøé äéà ùì äòðééí
(Mishnah): If after harvesting, the top of an ear of corn (that was not cut) reaches the standing corn (when bent down), if it can be cut together with the standing corn, it belongs to the owner; if not, it belongs to the poor.
ùéáåìú ùì ì÷è ùðúòøáä áâãéù îòùø ùéáåìú àçú åðåúï ìå
If an ear of corn of Leket became mixed up with a stack of corn, he should tithe one ear and give it to the poor.
àîø ø"à åëé äòðé äæä îçìéó ãáø ùìà áà áøùåúå àìà [ãó îâ òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] îæëä àú äòðé áëì äâãéù åîòùø ùéáåìú àçú åðåúï:
(R. Eliezer): Can this poor man exchange something that is not yet his? Rather, the owner should transfer all of the stack to the poor man (on condition that it is returned to him) and tithe one ear and give it to him.
âîøà àéæäå äéà ÷îä ùäéà îöìú àú ä÷îä
Gemara: (The Mishnah states later on (6:8) - standing grain can save other standing grain) Which standing grain can save other standing grain?
àîø øáé éåçðï ëäãà ãúðéðï ùéáåìú ùì ÷öéø åøàùä îâéò ì÷îä
Answer (R. Yochanan): As our Mishnah teaches, 'if after harvesting, the top of an ear of corn (that was not cut) reaches the standing corn'.
à"ø éåñé åäåà ùéäà ä÷öéø ñåááä åäåà ùéäà øàùä îâéò ì÷îä åäåà ùúäà éëåìä ìä÷öø òí ä÷îä
(R. Yosi): The Mishnah refers to when the stalks all around it were cut - if the top reaches the standing corn and can be cut together with it, it belongs to the owner.
äéúä éëåìä ìä÷öø òí ä÷îä åàéï ä÷îä éëåìä ìä÷öø òîä ðéöåìú
If it can be cut with the standing corn (as it is long and reaches far when it is bent down) but the standing corn cannot be cut with it (as they are short), it still saves.
äéå ùúéí äôðéîéú éëåìä ìä÷öø òí ä÷îä åàéï äçéöåðä éëåìä ìä÷öø òí ä÷îä äôðéîéú ðéöåìú åîöìú
If there were two left there (and one was closer to the standing corn than the other) and the closer one could be cut with it but the further one could not, the closer one is saved and it also saves the further one.
àîø øáé äåùòéà øåîñ äééúé æúéí òí øáé çééà äâãåì åàîø ìé ëì æéú ùàú éëåì ìôùåè éãê åìéèìå àéðä ùëçä
(R. Hoshiya): I was once crushing olives with R. Chiya the Great and he told me, "Any olives that you can reach out and take are not Shichechah".
àîø øáé éåçðï îëéåï ùòáø òìéå åùëçå äøé æå ùëçä
(R. Yochanan): If he passed it by and forgot it, it is Shichechah.
îúðé' ôìéâà òì ø' äåùòéà ùéáåìú ùì ÷öéø åøàùä îâéò ì÷îä ùéáåìú ùá÷öéø àéðå éëåì ìôùåè éãå åìéèìä
Question: Our Mishnah contradicts R. Hoshiya - 'If after harvesting, the top of the ear of corn (that was not cut) reaches the standing corn (when it's bent over)' - if it can be cut with it, certainly its top reaches it?! (This shows that even if it is within the reach of the harvester, it could still be Shichechah.)
[ãó îã òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] øáé ìà áùí øáé äåùòéä áàåîï äùðé ùðå
Answer (R. Ila in the name of R. Hoshiya): In our Mishnah, the remaining ear is from the first row and the standing corn is from the second row (so two conditions are needed since they are viewed as separate).