
A MINIMAL SIZED FIELD (Yerushalmi Peah Halachah 7 Daf 17a)

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(Mishnah) (R. Akiva): Any sized field is obligated in Peah and Bikurim (first fruits), is sufficient for writing a Prozbul, and is sufficient to acquire movables through it with money, a document or an act of ownership.

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If a dying man writes over his property to another - if he retained any land for himself, his gift is valid; if not, his gift is not valid.

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If a person writes over his property to his children and he wrote over any piece of land to his wife (as payment of her Kesubah), she loses (any other claim to) her Kesubah.

ø' éåñé àåîø àí ÷áìä òìéä àò''ô ùìà ëúá ìä àáãä ëúåáúä:


(R. Yosi): If she accepted it, even though he did not give it over in writing, she also loses her Kesubah.

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(Gemara) Question (R. Imi citing R. Shimon ben Lakish): (According to R. Akiva that any sized field is obligated in Peah) if only a single stalk could grow on a tiny field, before it is harvested, it is not yet obligated and after it is harvested, there is nothing left standing to give?

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Answer (R. Chananya citing R. Pinchas): There would be an obligation if there was one stalk with five ears of corn on it.

øáé îðà áòé (åìéúðï)[åìéú àðï] àîø[éï] ÷îä ëì ùäåà çééáú áôàä àìà áâéï ãúðà áéëåøéí úðé ÷ø÷ò


Question (R. Mana): Shouldn't the Mishnah have therefore said 'any amount of standing corn is obligated in Peah' rather than 'any sized field is obligated in Peah'? Rather, since the Mishnah taught field for Bikurim, it also taught it for Peah.

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(Baraisa): (In addition to our Mishnah) to be obligated in Ra'ayon (the requirement to come to the Temple on the three Regalim), one must own any sized field.

øáé éåñé áùí ø' éåçðï îé ùàéï ìå ÷ø÷ò ôèåø îï äøàéåï


(R. Yosi citing R. Yochanan also said): One who does not own a field is exempt from Ra'ayon.

øáé îðà áòé åìîä (ìððï)[ìéú àðï] àîø[éï] îé ùàéï ìå ÷ø÷ò ôèåø îï äåéãåé ãëúéá (ãáøéí ëå) (îï)[åàú] äàãîä àùø ðúúä ìðå


Question (R. Mana): Why does the Mishnah not teach that one who does not have a field is exempt from Vidui (declaration over Maaser Sheni), as the pasuk states (Devarim 26:15), "and the ground which You have given to us''.

ø' éåñé áé øáé áåï áùí ø' éåçðï àîø ùîåòúà ëï îé ùàéï ìå ÷ø÷ò ôèåø îï äåéãåé ãëúéá îï äàãîä àùø ðúúä ìðå


(R. Yosi bei R. Bun citing R. Yochanan also asked): Why does the Mishnah not teach that one who does not have a field is exempt from Vidui, as the pasuk states (Devarim 26:15), "and the ground that You have given to us''.

øáé éåñé áùí øéá''ì îé ùàéï ìå ÷ø÷ò ôèåø îï äøàééä ùðàîø (ùîåú ìã) åìà éçîåã àéù àú àøöê åâå'


(R. Yosi citing R. Yehoshua ben Levi): One who does not have a field is exempt from Re'iyah (i.e. Ra'ayon), as the pasuk states (Shemos 34:24), "And no man shall desire your land etc.''

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It once happened that a person left his stack (to go to Yerushalayim for one of the festivals) and he returned to find lions miraculously surrounding it. It also once happened that a person left a chicken coop and returned to find cats ripped apart by the chickens.

çã áø ðù ùáé÷ áéúéä ôúéç åàúà åàùëç äëéðä ëøéëä òì ÷ø÷ñåé


A person once left his house open when he went to Yerushalayim and he returned to find a snake wrapped around the lock (protecting the house from intruders).

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R. Pinchas was told of two brothers in Ashkelon who had gentile neighbors. The neighbors planned that when the Jews travel to Yerushalayim for their festival, they will take all of their possessions. When the Jews left, angels came and went in and out of the house. Before the Jews returned, the gentiles sent them gifts. When the gentiles asked them where they had been, the Jews told them that they had been in Yerushalayim. The gentiles asked them who they had left at home and the Jews told them that nobody was left behind. The gentiles then said, "Blessed is the G-d of the Jews Who didn't abandon you and Who will never abandon you.''