
TOSFOS DH Hachi Garsinan d'Amar R. Yonah

úåñôåú ã"ä ä''â ãàîø øáé éåðä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos references where R. Yonah's teaching is taught.)

áô''÷ ãëøéúåú (ãó â:) îäé÷ùà éìéó


Reference: In Kerisus (3b) he learns from a Hekesh. ("Ki Kol Asher Ya'aseh mi'Kol ha'To'evos" equates all Arayos to a sister. Just like one is liable for Achoso alone, the same applies to all Arayos.)


TOSFOS DH Hani Tilsin v'Shev Havyan d'Ika ha'Maileh veha'Maileh

úåñôåú ã"ä äðé úìúéï åùá äåééï ãàéëà äîòìä åäîòìä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses why this is unlike Shabbos and idolatry.)

ãëéåï ãâîøú ìäå áäé÷ùà àå áâæéøä ùåä äåä ìéä ëì çã åçã âåó òáéøä åçééá òì ëì àçú åàçú àôé' áäòìàä àçú


Explanation: Since you learn [two kinds of Ha'alah b'Chutz] from a Hekesh or Gezeirah Shavah, each one is like an Aveirah by itself, and he is liable for each one, even in one Ha'alah (he offered at once a Korban slaughtered in the Mikdash and one slaughtered outside);

åäùåçè åîòìä ðîé ã÷úðé äúí áúøúé ìà éãòéðï áäå úøúé ìàåé àìà áâæéøä ùåä


Also Shochet and Maileh [b'Chutz], which were taught there as two [Aveiros], we know two Lavim for them only through a Gezeirah Shavah!

ôé' á÷åðèøñ åäà ìéëà ìùðåéé ùí äòìàä ÷úðé ëé äéëé ã÷à çùéá äîçìì àú äùáú áçãà åàò''â ãèåáà çéåáé àéëà


Implied question (Rashi): We should answer that [the Mishnah] taught the Isur of Ha'alah, just like it counts Mechalel Shabbos as one, even though there are many Chiyuvim (one is liable for each Av Melachah that he forgot and transgressed)!

ãäëé ùðéðï ìä áëøéúåú (ãó â:) ãà÷ùéðï òìéä ùáú åòáåãú ëåëáéí úðà çìå÷éí ùìäï áî÷åîï


Answer: We answered like this in Kerisus (3b). (Rav Bivi asked that if one is liable both for Ha'alah of Shechitas Penim (what was slaughtered in the Mikdash) and Shechitas Chutz, the Mishnah should have taught both of them.) We challenged him from Shabbos and idolatry, and answered that their divisions (Chiyuv for each Melachah or Avodah) were taught in their places;

ãúðï áîñ' ùáú (ãó òâ:) àáåú îìàëåú î' çñø àçú åãòáåãú ëåëáéí úðéðï áñðäãøéï (ãó ñ:) àçã äòåáã åàçã äæåáç åàçã äî÷èø åàçã äîðñê


A Mishnah in Shabbos (73b) teaches that there are 39 Melachos, and it is taught about idolatry in Sanhedrin (60b) that the same applies to one who serves, slaughters, is Maktir, or pours libations;

àáì äðé ìà úðà äëà áäãéà äîòìä àéáøé ôðéí åäîòìä àéáøé çåõ


However, these were not taught explicitly, i.e. Ha'alah of limbs [of Shechitas] Penim and Ha'alah of limbs of Chutz;

åàò''â ãàéëà ìîùîòä îôìåâúà ãøáé éåñé äâìéìé åøáðï áäãéà îéäà ìà úððäé áúøúé òë''ì


Even though we can infer this from the argument of R. Yosi ha'Gelili and Rabanan, they were not taught explicitly as two. Until here is from Rashi.

å÷öú úéîä âáé òáåãú ëåëáéí äéëé ÷àîø äúí áô' ÷îà ãëøéúåú (ãó â:) ã÷úðé éúäåï àáéðëéäåï ôéøåù áî÷åîï


Question: Regarding idolatry, how can it say there in Kerisus (3b) that [the different Avodos] were taught a'Vincheihon, i.e. in their places;

äà ìéëà ìîùîò îîúðé' ãã' îéúåú àìà çéåá çèàú àäðê òáåãåú àáì çéìå÷ çèàåú ìà ùîòéðï îéðä


We can learn from our Mishnah in Sanhedrin only Chiyuv Chatas for these Avodos, but we do not learn division of Chata'os (one for each Avodah) from there!


TOSFOS DH d'Ika ha'Maileh veha'Maileh Kashya

úåñôåú ã"ä ãàéëà äîòìä åäîòìä ÷ùéà

(SUMMARY: Tosfos asks why this was not rejected.)

÷ùä îäà ãìà îùðé ääéà ãëøéúåú (â''æ ùí) ëøáé éåñé äâìéìé ãôèø îå÷èøé çåõ


Question: Why don't we answer that the Mishnah in Kerisus (2a) is like R. Yosi ha'Gelili, who exempts Mukterei Chutz (what was slaughtered outside and was destined to be offered outside)? (Olas Shlomo, Chak Nasan - in Kerisus (3a) we say that the Mishnah is like R. Yishmael, who obligates two Chata'os for a man who is Shochev lies (like a man) with a man, and is Nishkav (lies like a woman) with a man, or like R. Akiva, who obligates Megadef. R. Yishmael and R. Akiva exempt below for Mukterei Chutz that are Chaser, but they obligate if they are intact!)


TOSFOS DH Mai Avid Lei Lechalek

úåñôåú ã"ä îàé òáéã ìéä ìçì÷

(SUMMARY: Tosfos asks that this is like Abaye.)

úéîä ãäê ñåâéà ãìà ëøáà àìà ëàáéé ãô' äùåàì (á''î ãó öä:) ãñáø ìä ëøáé éàùéä ãô' ã' îéúåú (ñðäãøéï ãó ñå:) ãáòé ÷øà ìçì÷ âáé àáéå åàîå


Question: This Sugya is unlike Rava, rather, like Abaye, in Bava Metzi'a (95b), who holds like R. Yoshiyah in Sanhedrin (66b) who requires a verse to divide regarding cursing a father and mother (to obligate for cursing only one of them. This is not one of the six places in which the Halachah follows Abaye against Rava! Tzon Kodoshim - what was the Havah Amina that one is liable only for an Olah and Shelamim? The Lav says Hishamer Lecha Pen Ta'aleh Olosecha! Rather, Olosecha can mean everything brought up (offered). Therefore, all agree that we need Oh to divide also the Lav, that one is liable for even one Zevach.)


TOSFOS DH Chad l'Mukterei Chutz she'Chasru vChad l'Mukterei Penim she'Chasru

úåñôåú ã"ä çã ìîå÷èøé ôðéí ùçñøå åçã ìîå÷èøé çåõ ùçñøå

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why we need two sources.)

äëà ìà ùééê ìîéìó îåàìéäí úàîø àå äáàä äáàä


Implied question: Why can't we learn from "va'Aleihem Tomar" or from Hava'ah-Hava'ah?

îùåí ãáôðéí èòîà ãîäãøéðï ôå÷òéï åçùéáä ä÷èøä åìà ùééê ìîéìó ìîå÷èøé (ö"ì îîå÷èøé - ç÷ ðúï) çåõ:


Answer: It is because [Mukterei] Penim, there is a reason [to obligate more for partial Haktarah than for Mukterei Chutz], for we return Pok'in (what flies off the Mizbe'ach), and it is considered Haktarah, so we cannot learn [to exempt] from Mukterei Chutz.



TOSFOS DH l'Hachi Kasvei Kra d'Lo Teisi mi'Binaya

úåñôåú ã"ä ìäëé ëúáéä ÷øà ãìà úéúé îáéðééà

(SUMMARY: Tosfos questions this from the Gemara below.)

úéîä òì ñåâéà æå ãáô' áúøà (ãó ÷èå:) ãøùéðï àùø éòìä òåìä îä äòìàä ùäéà âîø òáåãä àó ëì ùäéà âîø òáåãä ìîòåèé ÷åîõ åî÷áì åäéåö÷ åäáåìì åäôåúú åäîåìç ëå'


Question: This Sugya is astounding, for below (115b) we expound "Asher Ya'aleh Olah" - just like Ha'alah is final Avodah, also the entire [Chiyuv for Ha'alas Chutz] is for final Avodah. This excludes doing Kemitzah, Kabalah, pouring oil [on a Minchah], mixing [flour with the oil], breaking [a Minchah into pieces], salting...! (What was the Havah Amina to obligate for Kemitzah and Kabalah? Tzon Kodoshim - since R. Yishmael and R. Akiva use other verses to obligate for Zerikah, this shows that they do not expound Asher Ya'aleh Olah to teach about all final Avodah.)


TOSFOS DH Yachol Chutz l'Shalosh Machanos

úåñôåú ã"ä éëåì çåõ ìùìù îçðåú

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains the source to say so.)

[ö"ì ô' á÷åðèøñ - ùéèä î÷åáöú ëúá éã] åðéìó âæ''ù îôøéí äðùøôéí ëãéìôé' áäøåâé á''ã áô' ðâîø äãéï (ñðäãøéï ãó ñá:)


Explanation (Rashi): We should learn a Gezeirah Shavah from Parim ha'Nisrafim, like we learn about people that Beis Din executes, in Sanhedrin (62b);

åàôé' àéðä îåôðä éìôéðï áâéìåé îìúà ëéåï ãìà àùëçï îçåõ ìîçðä àìà çåõ ìùìù îçðåú


And even if it is not extra (both words of the Gezeirah Shavah are needed), we can learn through Giluy Milsa, for we do not find outside [one] Machaneh, only outside three Machanos.


TOSFOS DH v'Lo Ba'i El Pesach Ohel Mo'ed

úåñôåú ã"ä åìà áòé àì ôúç àäì îåòã

(SUMMARY: Tosfos points out that we exclude many matters from these words.)

àò''â ãàéöèøéê ì÷îï (ãó ÷éâ:) ìîòåèé øåáò åðøáò åôøú çèàú å÷ãùé áã÷ äáéú


Implied question: We need this below (113b) to exclude Rove'a and Nirva, and Parah Adumah and Kodshei Bedek ha'Bayis!

èåáà ôúç àäì îåòã ëúéáé


Answer: Pesach Ohel Mo'ed is written many times.


TOSFOS DH Hachi Garsinan ul'Rava Nichtov Rachmana v'El Pesach Ohel Mo'ed...

úåñôåú ã"ä ä''â åìøáà ðëúåá øçîðà åàì ôúç àäì îåòã...

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains the question against Rava.)

å÷à ÷ùéà ìéä ìøáà ì''ì ãëúá øçîðà ëìì îçåõ ìîçðä åáîçðä åëï ôé' ä÷åðè'


Explanation: It is difficult for Rava. Why did the Torah write at all mi'Chutz la'Machaneh and ba'Machaneh? Also Rashi explained like this.


TOSFOS DH ha'Maileh bi'Zman ha'Zeh

úåñôåú ã"ä äîòìä áæîï äæä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explained why they did not discuss Shechitah.)

ìòéì ôéøùúé áøéù ÷ãùé ÷ãùéí (ãó ñ.) âáé îæáç ùðôâí åôéøùúé î''è [ð÷è] äëà äîòìä åìà ð÷è äùåçè


Reference: Above (59b DH Ad) I explained regarding a Mizbe'ach that was dented, and I explained why here it mentioned Ha'alah, and not Shechitah. (R. Yochanan discusses Ha'alah of Ketores, or of a Minchah that had Kemitzah in a Kli Shares inside. They are not Mechusar Ma'aseh, for only Zevachim require a Mizbe'ach.)


TOSFOS DH Reish Lakish Amar Patur Kedushah Rishonah v'Chulei

úåñôåú ã"ä øéù ì÷éù àîø ôèåø ÷ãåùä øàùåðä ëå'

(SUMMARY: Tosfos questions why we do not challenge this like we challenged R. Yitzchak.)

úéîä ãìà ôøéê òìéä îäðê îùðéåú ãôøéê áô''÷ ãîâéìä (ãó é.) àø' éöç÷ ãàîø ùîòúé ùî÷øéáéï ááéú çåðéå


Question: Why don't we challenge him from the Mishnayos from which we bring in Megilah (10a) to challenge R. Yitzchak, who said "I heard that one may offer in Beis Chonyo"? (Yedei Moshe, Afikei Meginim - Reish Lakish said only that he is exempt because the Korban is not proper for Pesach Ohel Mo'ed, for the Kedushah is not fully intact. R. Yitzchak said that the Kedushah is totally Batel, to permit Shechutei Chutz.)


TOSFOS DH R. Yochanan Amar Chayav Chiburei Olin k'Olin Damu

úåñôåú ã"ä øáé éåçðï àîø çééá çéáåøé òåìéï ëòåìéï ãîå

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses why R. Yochanan needs to consider it connected.)

åà''ú ìîä ìé çéáåøé äà ùîòéðï ìéä ìø' éåçðï ãàîø áô' ä÷åîõ øáä (îðçåú ãó ëå:) éù ä÷èøä áôçåú îëæéú


Question: Why does he need [to say that it is] connected? We know that R. Yochanan said in Menachos (26b) that Haktarah applies to less than a k'Zayis;

åëéåï ãçùéá ä÷èøä áôðéí îçééá áçåõ ëãàîø ì÷îï (ãó ÷ç:) âáé îå÷èøé ôðéí ùçñøå ãçééáéï òìéäí áçåõ ëéåï ãáôðéí äåéà ä÷èøä ãîäãøéðï ôå÷òéï


Since it is considered Haktarah inside, he is liable outside, like it says below (108b) regarding Mukterei Penim that became Chaser, that one is liable for them outside, since inside it is Haktarah, for we return Pok'im!

åé''ì äà ãçùéá ìéä ìø' éåçðï ä÷èøä äééðå ìòðéï î÷èéø ìçöàéï ùîùìéí àç''ë


Answer: R. Yochanan considers it Haktarah regarding Haktarah of half at a time. He completes it afterwards.

åàò''â ãáôø÷ ëì äîðçåú áàåú îöä (îðçåú ãó ðç.) çùéá ìéä ä÷èøä âáé ùàåø åãáù ãàîøé' éù ÷åîõ ôçåú îùðé æéúéí åéù ä÷èøä ôçåú îëæéú


Implied question: In Menachos (58a), he considers it to be Haktarah regarding Se'or and Devash. We say that a Kometz can be less than two k'Zeisim, and Haktarah applies to less than a k'Zayis!

ùàðé äúí ãëúéá ÷øà


Answer #1: There is different, for a verse is written [that says so].

åòåã ãáùçåèé çåõ îéôèø èôé ëããøùéðï äëà òì äùìí äåà çééá åàéðå çééá òì äçñø


Answer #2: He is exempt more for Shechutei Chutz, like we expound here (107a) "he is liable for what is complete, but he is not liable for what is Chaser."

åòåã ãäà àéú÷ù îçùáåú æå ìæå àëéìú îæáç ìàëéìú àãí åîãçùá òì îðú ìä÷èéø çåõ ìî÷åîå ìà îéôñìà áôçåú îëæéú ù''î ãî÷èéø áçåõ ìà îçééá áôçåú îëæéú:


Answer #3: Intents are equated to each other, [intent] for consumption of the Mizbe'ach and consumption of people (Menachos 17b). Since intent for Haktarah less than a k'Zayis Chutz li'Mkomo does not disqualify, this shows that Haktarah b'Chutz is not liable for less than a k'Zayis.