TOSFOS DH ha'Shefud veha'Askalah Mag'ilan b'Chamin
úåñôåú ã"ä äùôåã åäàñëìà îâòéìï áçîéï
(SUMMARY: Tosfos defends this text.)
àéú ãìà âøñé áçîéï îùåí ãáòé øáä ìîéîø áñåó ò''æ (ãó òå.) îàé äâòìä ã÷úðé îøé÷ä åùèéôä à''ì àáéé îé ãîé îøé÷ä åùèéôä áöåðï äâòìä áçîéï
Opinion #1: Some do not have the text "in hot water", because Rabah wanted to say in Avodah Zarah (76a) "what is Hag'alah that was taught? It is Merikah u'Shtifah." Abaye said "these are different. Merikah u'Shtifah is in cold water, and Hag'alah is in hot water";
åàé âøñéðï áîùðä âåôä áçîéï äéëé èòé øáä
If the text in the Mishnah itself says [that Hag'alah is] in hot water, how could Rabah err [to say that it is Merikah u'Shtifah]?!
åðøàä ãùôéø âøñéðï ìéä å÷ñáø øáä îøé÷ä áçîéï
Rebuttal (and Opinion #2): The text properly says so. Rabah holds that Merikah is in hot water.
åäà ãð÷è øáä ùèéôä
Implied question: [If so,] why did Rabah mention Shtifah? (It is in cold water, so it is not Hag'alah!)
àâá îøé÷ä ð÷è åùèéôä ìàå ãå÷à åäëé ÷àîø îàé äâòìä áçîéï ã÷àîø äééðå îøé÷ä ãàééøé áä ìòéì ãàéëà ìî''ã áâî' ãîøé÷ä áçîéï
Answer: He mentioned Shtifah Agav (along with) Merikah. It is not precise. He means as follows. What is Hag'alah in hot water that was taught? It is Merikah that was mentioned above, for there is an opinion that Merikah is in hot water.
TOSFOS DH u'Fanisa ba'Boker
úåñôåú ã"ä åôðéú áá÷ø
(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses whether he must stay in Yerushalayim until Pesach ends.)
ôé' á÷åðèøñ òì ëøçéï á÷ø ùì çåì ÷àîø å÷øé ìéä á÷ø øàùåï
Explanation #1 (Rashi): You are forced to say that this means [that he may leave Yerushalayim on a] weekday morning. He calls this the first morning.
å÷ùä ãìîà áé''è åëâåï ùàäìå áúåê äúçåí
Question: Perhaps it refers to Yom Tov, e.g. his tent is within the Techum!
åàôé' úéîà ìåîø ãáòé øàééú ôðéí áéåí øàùåï ùîáéà ÷øáðå
Implied suggestion: [It cannot mean Yom Tov, for] he must fulfill Re'iyas Panim (appearing in the Azarah) on the first day [Yom Tov], that he brings his Korban!
î''î é''ì ìîçøúå ùäåà çä''î ëì æ' îðà ìéä
Rejection: In any case, [we should say that he may leave] the next day, which is Chol ha'Mo'ed. What is his source [for Linah, i.e. to lodge in Yerushalayim] all seven days?
åðøàä ìôøù ãîùîò ìéä ëåìäå á÷ø àçã îùåí ãëåìäå æ' úùìåîéï ãøàùåï ãçâéâä éù ìä úùìåîéí ëì æ'
Explanation #2: It connotes to him that all of them are one morning, since all seven days are Tashlumin (compensation) for the first. There is Tashlumin for Chagigah all seven days.
åîëàï ÷ùä ììùåï àçø ùôéøù á÷åðèøñ áôñçéí áôø÷ îé ùäéä èîà (ãó öä:) âáé ôñç øàùåï èòåï ìéðä ôñç ùðé àéï èòåï ìéðä ãøàùåï èòåï éåí àçã åäëà îåëç ãáòé ìéðä æ'
Question #1: This is difficult for the other version that Rashi brought in Pesachim (95b) regarding "Pesach Rishon requires Linah, and Pesach Sheni does not require Linah", that Pesach Rishon requires one day of Linah. Here it is proven that it requires seven days of Linah!
åëï áñåëä áôø÷ ìåìá åòøáä (ãó îæ.) ã÷úðé ëùí ùùáòú éîé äçâ èòåðéï ÷øáï ùéø åáøëä åìéðä ëê ùîéðé èòåï ÷øáï ùéø åáøëä åìéðä
Question #2: Similarly in Sukah (47a), it taught that just like the seven days of Sukos require Korban, Shir, Brachah and Linah, also Shemini [Atzeres] requires Korban, Shir, Brachah and Linah;
îàé] ö"ì áøëä - öàï ÷ãùéí[ ìàå æîï ìà áøëú äîæåï åúôìä ä''ð îñúáøà ãàé ñ''ã æîï æîï ëì æ' îé àéëà
Citation (47a): Doesn't Brachah refer to she'Hecheyanu? No, it is [mentioning the Chag] in Birkas ha'Mazon and Tefilah. Presumably, this is correct, for if it were she'Hecheyanu, do we find she'Hecheyanu all seven days?!
îùîò ã÷øáï åìéðä ðéçà ìéä ãäåä ëì æ'
Inference: [The Gemara] was pleased to say that Korban and Linah apply all seven days! (We have no source to distinguish Pesach from Sukos regarding Linah.)
åùîà é''ì ãä''ä ãäåä îöé ìîéôøê îìéðä åìéèòîéê
Answer (to Question #2): Perhaps we could say that he could have asked from Linah "also for you, this is difficult";
åìùéðåéà ãäúí àúé äëì ùôéø ãîùðé ãæîï ëì æ' îùëçú ìä àé ìà áøéê áéåîà ÷îà áøéê áàéãê éåîé
According to the answer there, all is fine. It answers that we find she'Hecheyanu all seven days - if he did not bless on the first day, he blesses [at his first opportunity] on one of the other days.
åëï ðîé îöé ìîéîø îìéðä ãòåìú øàééä éù ìä úùìåîéï ëì æ' åéåí äáàú ÷øáðå èòåï ìéðä åìà éåúø
We can say similarly about Linah. Olas Re'iyah has Tashlumin all seven days, and the day of bringing his Korban requires Linah [that night], and no more.
(äâ''ä) åäê ãùîòúéï ðîé îòé÷øà ñ''ã ãäåé ëì æ' îèòîà ãôøéùéú àáì ìà ÷àé äëé
Comment - Answer (to Question #1): Also in our Sugya, initially it thought that [Linah] is all seven days, from the reason I explained, but it does not conclude like this.
åáñôøé îåëç ãìà äåé àìà éåí àçã ã÷úðé àéï ìé àìà àìå îðéï ìøáåú äîðçåú åäòåôåú ëå' ú''ì åôðéú áá÷ø ëì ôéðåú ùàúä ôåðä ìà éäå àìà ëàìå
Support: The Sifri proves that it is only one day, since it taught "I know only these. What is the source to include Menachos and birds...? It says u'Fanisa va'Boker - whenever you leave is only like these";
Note: Since we include Korbanos other than Zevachim, it seems that "only these" refers to all Zevachim. The Parshah discusses Pesach. Above, it said "Tzon u'Vakar", an allusion to Chagigah of the 14th (a Shelamim). The very verse "u'Fanisa" begins "u'Vishalta", but all the Meforshim explain that this refers to roasting, i.e. Pesach.
îùîò ãìà äåéà ìéðä àìà éåí àçã ãåîéà ãùìîéí ùì ëì äùðä
Inference: Linah is only one day, similar to Shelamim of the entire year.
å÷ùéà ìé àé ìéðä áøâì àéðå ø÷ éåí à' àîàé ôñç ùðé àéï èòåï ìéðä îé âøò îîáéà òåó àå îðçä áçåì ãèòåï ìéðä éåí àçã
Question: If Linah during the festival is only one day, why doesn't [one who offers] Pesach Sheni need Linah? Is he less [obligated] than one who brings a bird or Minchah on a weekday, which requires Linah of one day?! (Tzon Kodoshim - this is not difficult for Rashi on Chumash, who says that Linah of Pesach is two days.)
àáì àé øâì èòåï ìéðä æ' àúé ùôéø ã÷î''ì ãôñç ùðé àéï èòåï ìéðä ø÷ éåí àçã. áøåê
However, if the festival obligates Linah for seven days, this is fine. The Chidush is that Pesach Sheni requires Linah of only one day.
TOSFOS DH Mamtin Lahem Kol Zman Achilah v'Hadar Avid Merikah u'Shtifah
úåñôåú ã"ä îîúéï ìäí ëì æîï àëéìä åäãø òáéã îøé÷ä åùèéôä
(SUMMARY: Tosfos concludes that Merikah u'Shtifah is after it becomes Nosar.)
àéï ìôøù ãîøé÷ä åùèéôä ÷åãí ùéòùä ðåúø ëãé ùìà éáåàå ÷ãùéí ìáéú äôñåì
Implied suggestion: He does Merikah u'Shtifah before it becomes Nosar, lest Kodshim become Pasul.
ãäà îùîò äëà ãìàçø æîï àëéìä òáéã îøé÷ä åùèéôä
Rejection: It connotes here that after the time for eating he does Merikah u'Shtifah.
åîéäå éù ñôøéí ãâøñé îîúéï ìäå òã æîï àëéìä
Defense: However, there are Seforim in which the text says "he waits until the time to eat."
åòåã éù ÷öú ìã÷ã÷ îã÷àîø ìòéì ìøáé èøôåï ëì éåí åéåí ðòùä âéòåì ìçáéøå
Support (for rejection): We can infer somewhat from what R. Tarfon said above "each day is Hag'alah for the previous day";
åàí ÷åãí ùòùä ðåúø òáéã îøé÷ä åùèéôä ä''ð ìéòáéã ãëé áùéì áéä ùìîéí àúîåì ëùáà äéåí åäåæ÷÷ ìîøé÷ä åùèéôä àé áùéì áéä ùìîéí ãäàéãðà ÷åãí îøé÷ä åùèéôä ìéúñøå
If he does Merikah u'Shtifah before it becomes Nosar, also here he should do (before cooking today's Korban in it)! When he cooked Shelamim yesterday, and today comes, and he needs to do Merikah u'Shtifah, if he cooks Shelamim today before Merikah u'Shtifah, it should be forbidden!
àìà åãàé ìà çééá äëúåá òã àçã ùðòùä ðåúø:
Conclusion: Rather, surely, the Torah obligates only after it became Nosar.
TOSFOS DH Neisi Aseh v'Lidchi Lo Sa'aseh
úåñôåú ã"ä ðéúé òùä åìéãçé àú ìà úòùä
(SUMMARY: Tosfos clarifies and justifies the question.)
ìàå àúàëì ëçîåø ùáä ôøéê ùúéàëì áìéìä åìîçø ëùìîéí ãäàéãðà
Implied suggestion: This challenges "it is eaten like the more stringent one [in the mixture. Rather,"] he should eat it also tonight and tomorrow, like today's Shelamim!
ãä''ì ðåúø åàéï òùä ãåçä àú ì''ú ùéù áå ëøú (éáîåú ç.)
Rejection: It is Nosar [due to yesterday's Shelamim], and an Aseh is not Docheh a Lo Sa'aseh with Kares (Yevamos 8a)!
àìà ààí ôñåìä äéà úéôñì ÷àé ãðéúé òùä ãàëéìú ÷ãùéí åìéãçé ìàå ãëì ùá÷ãùéí ôñåì áà äëúåá ìéúï ì''ú òì àëéìúå
Explanation #1: Rather, he challenges "if it is Pasul, [what absorbed from it] becomes Pasul." The Aseh to eat Kodshim should override the Lav that every Pasul Kodshim, the Torah gave a Lav against eating it.
[ã÷àé] (àé) ðîé àùàø ôñåìéï ãìéëà ëøú ëâåï ãðùçèä áìéìä åìï ãîä åçåõ ìî÷åîå (åçåõ ìæîðå)
This Lav applies also to other Pesulim without Kares, e.g. it was slaughtered at night, the blood was Lan, and [Avodah was done with intent] Chutz li'Mkomo.
åà''ú åîàé ÷åùéà ãìîà âæéøú äëúåá äåà ãàîø ÷øà é÷ãù ìäéåú ëîåä
Question: What was difficult? Perhaps it is a Gezeiras ha'Kasuv, that the Torah said that it should become Kodesh like it! (Just like the Pasul may not be eaten, also what absorbed from it!)
åéù ìåîø ã÷øà àéëà ìàå÷åîé áëùøä ùúéàëì ëçåîø ùáä òã äìéìä
Answer #1: We could establish the verse to discuss a Kosher [Korban, to teach that what absorbed from it] is eaten like the stringency of what is in it, until night (and not establish it for a Gezeiras ha'Kasuv unlike the Klal that Aseh Docheh Lo Sa'aseh).
åîéäå ÷ùä ãëé äåé ìéìä ðéúé òùä åðãçä
Question: When it is night, the Aseh should come and [the Lav to eat Nosar] should be overridden! (Normally, an Aseh is not Docheh a Lav with Kares. Kares for Nosar of Shelamim is only when it is time to burn it, i.e. the next morning (Tzon Kodoshim).)
åðøàä ã÷øà àéëà ìàå÷åîé ááéùåì ÷ãùéí åçåìéï ëé îúðé'
Answer #2: We can establish the verse to discuss cooking Kodshim with Chulin, like our Mishnah.
åòåã [ö"ì ð"ì ãäëé ôøéê - öàï ÷ãùéí] ãàí àéúà ãäëà ìà ãçé îàé çæéú ãéìôú îëìàéí áöéöéú ãòùä ãåçä àú ìà úòùä àãøáä ðéìó îäëà ãìà ãçé
Explanation #2: It asks as follows. If it is true that here it is not Docheh, why do you learn from Kil'ayim and Tzitzis [to the entire Torah] that Aseh Docheh Lo Sa'aseh? Just the contrary, we should learn from here that it is not Docheh!
TOSFOS DH v'Echad Etzem she'Ein Bo Mo'ach v'Amai Neisi Aseh v'Chulei
úåñôåú ã"ä åàçã òöí ùàéï áå îåç åàîàé ðéúé òùä ëå'
(SUMMARY: Tosfos resolves this Havah Amina with the Gemara in Pesachim.)
[ö"ì úéîä - öàï ÷ãùéí] áñåó ëéöã öåìéï (ôñçéí ôä.) ãøéù îãëúéá åòöí ìà éùáøå áå áôñç ùðé ùàéï ú''ì ùäøé ëáø ðàîø ëëì çå÷ú äôñç éòùå àåúå
Question: In Pesachim (85a, the Gemara) expounds from "v'Etzem Lo Yishberu Vo" regarding Pesach Sheni. Why do we need this? It already says "k'Chol Chukas ha'Pesach Ya'aasu Oso"!
[ö"ì îùîò - öàï ÷ãùéí] àáì àé ìàå ÷øà ãôñç ùðé ä''à åàëìå àú äáùø áìéìä äæä ááùø ùáúåê äòöí
Inference: If not for the verse of Pesach Sheni, one might have thought that "v'Achlu Es ha'Basar ba'Laylah ha'Zeh" refers [even] to marrow inside a bone;
åîä àðé î÷ééí åòöí ìà úùáøå áå áòöí ùàéï áå îåç àáì òöí ùéù áå îåç ùåáø åàåëì ãéáà òùä åéãçä ìà úòùä
How would we fulfill "v'Etzem Lo Yishberu Vo"? This refers to a bone without marrow, but a bone with marrow, he breaks it and eats it, for the Aseh is Docheh the Lo Sa'aseh.
åäà ãôøéê äëà åàîàé ðéúé òùä ëå'
Implied question: Why does it ask here that the Aseh should [be Docheh the Lav? The verse of Pesach teaches that it is not!]
äëé ôøéê ëìåîø îäëà ðâîø ãàéï òùä ãåçä ìà úòùä áòìîà ëé äëà àìà åãàé áî÷ãù ùàðé
Answer: It asks as follows. I.e. we should learn from here that in general, an Aseh is not Docheh a Lo Sa'aseh, just like here! Rather, surely [you must say that] in the Mikdash is different.
[ö"ì ìô"æ åòöí ìà éùáøå áå áôñç ùðé ìîä ìé - öàï ÷ãùéí]
Summation of question: According to this, why do we need "v'Etzem Lo Yishberu Vo" regarding Pesach Sheni? (We never say Aseh Docheh Lo Sa'aseh in the Mikdash!)
åð''ì ãäëé ôøéê ðéúé òùä ëå' ëîå áçåìéï åðå÷é ÷øà ãé÷ãù àí ëùøä úéàëì ëçåîø ùáä ãùééê áä ëøú àí äéà ðåúø
Answer: It asks as follows. The Aseh should [be Docheh a Lav in the Mikdash] just like for Chulin, and we should establish the verse "Yikdash" that if [what was absorbed] is Kosher, it is eaten like the stringency in it. Kares applies if it is Nosar;
å÷î''ì ãäéúø îöèøó ìàéñåø ëãàéúà ôø÷ àìå òåáøéï (ùí îä.) åáôø÷ â' îéðéï (ðæéø ìæ:)
The Chidush is that Heter joins with Isur, like it says in Pesachim (45a) and in Nazir (37b);
åìà ðå÷éí ÷øà ìàí ôñåìä úéôñì ãìéëà àìà ìàå
We should not establish the verse to teach that if [what was absorbed] is Pasul, [what absorbed it] becomes Pasul, for there is only a Lav (so the Aseh overrides it);
åîùðé âìé ÷øà âáé ÷ãùéí áòöí ùéù áå îåç ãìà ãçé åìëê ðéìó ÷ãùéí î÷ãùéí åìà ðéìó ÷ãùéí îçåìéï áøå''ê
[The Gemara] answers that the Torah revealed regarding Kodshim about a bone with marrow that [an Aseh] is not Docheh. Therefore, we learn Kodshim from Kodshim, and we do not learn Kodshim from Chulin. This is from R. Baruch.
åà''ú ùàðé äëà îùåí ãàôùø ì÷ééí ùðéäí ãîðç âåîøúà òéìåééä åù÷éì ìéä îåç
Question: Here is different, for it is possible to fulfill both of them! He puts a coal on [the bone with marrow, to burn a hole] and removes the marrow!
åé''ì ãøáà äëà ìèòîéä ãîôøù áñåó ëéöã öåìéï (ôñçéí ôã:) âáé àéï ðéîðéï òì îåç ùá÷åìéú ãìà àôùø áâåîøúà îùåí ôñéãà ã÷ãùéí
Answer: Rava teaches here like he taught elsewhere. He explained in Pesachim (84b) regarding "one may not be counted [on Korban Pesach based on acquiring rights to eat] marrow in a bone" that it is impossible [to eat it] via a coal due to ruining Kodshim (one cannot be exact to burn only through the bone, up to the marrow, without burning any marrow).
à''ë ìà î÷ééí òùä ãåàëìå àú äáùø áìéìä äæä ãà''à ùìà éùøåó äâåîøúà îòè îï äîåç ùáôðéí
If so, he cannot fulfill the Aseh "v'Achlu Es ha'Basar ba'Laylah ha'Zeh", for it is impossible that the coal will burn [totally through the bone, up to the marrow] without burning a little marrow inside.
åàôé' àáéé ùîôøù äúí îùåí ô÷ò ìàå îùåí ãñ''ì ãâåîøúà àôùø áìà ùøéôú îåç àìà ÷ñáø ãîùåí äôñã ÷ãùéí îåòè ëæä ìà çééùéðï
And even according to Abaye, who explains there [that we decree not to use a coal] due to [concern lest the bone] break, this is not because he holds that it is possible through a coal without burning marrow. Rather, he holds that we are not concerned for ruining such a small amount of Kodshim. (I.e. do not say that Rava is merely concerned lest he burn. Even Abaye holds that he Vadai burns. Therefore, it is not considered possible to fulfill both.)
(îéäà) (ö"ì îéäå - ùéèä î÷åáöú) àëúé ÷ùä äéëé (àúé) (ö"ì ñ"ã ãàúé - öàï ÷ãùéí) äàé òùä åãçé ìà úòùä äà áòéãðà ãîúò÷ø ìàå ãùáéøú òöí ìà îé÷ééí òùä ãàëéìä
Question: Still, it is difficult - how was there a Havah Amina that the Aseh overrides the Lav? At the time that the Lav is uprooted, he does not fulfill the Aseh of eating!
TOSFOS DH v'Hasam Olah Hu k'Dichsiv v'Ya'alehu l'Olah Tachas Beno
úåñôåú ã"ä åäúí òåìä äåà ëãëúéá åéòìäå ìòåìä úçú áðå
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why we are able to learn from here also about Chulin.)
úéîä ãäàé ÷øà ãøùé' ìéä ìòðéï çåìéï áô''÷ ãçåìéï (ãó èæ.) ãàîøéðï îðéï ìùçéèä ùäéà áúìåù ùðàîø åé÷ç àú äîàëìú
Question: We expound this verse regarding Chulin, in Chulin (16a)! We say "what is the source for Shechitah, that it is through something detached? It says "va'Yikach Es ha'Ma'acheles."
åàåîø ø''ú ãâîøé' ðîé çåìéï îãëúéá ìùçåè àú áðå åìà ëúéá ìùçåè àú äòåìä
Answer (R. Tam): We learn also Chulin because it is written "Lishchot Es Beno", and it is not written Lishchot Es ha'Olah;
àáì ëìé ìà ùééê ìîéìó áçåìéï àìà á÷ãùéí ëùàø òáåãåú ãáòå ëìé ùøú
However, we cannot learn a Kli for Chulin, only for Kodshim, like other Avodos that require a Kli Shares;
åîãëúéá åé÷ç ãîùîò ãáø úìåù åìà ëúéá ñëéï ãøùéðï úìåù áçåìéï
And since it is written "va'Yikach", which connotes something detached, and it did not write "knife", we expound something detached for Chulin;
åëìé á÷ãùéí îãäæëéø îàëìú ãäåä îöé ìîëúá åé÷ç äîçúê
We expound a Kli for Kodshim, since it mentioned Ma'acheles. It could have written va'Yikach Es ha'Mechatech (something that cuts).
åàò''â ãäúí áçåìéï (â''æ ùí) ãçé øáé çééà æøéæåúéä ãàáøäí ÷î''ì
Implied question: There in Chulin, R. Chiya rejected [learning something detached for Chulin]. The verse teaches the zealousness of Avraham (he brought a knife, lest he not find anything sharp for Shechitah. For the same reason, we cannot learn a Kli for Kodshim!)
äëà ìà ùééê ìãçåéé äëé ãìòðéï îä ùäáéà ãáø úìåù åìà ñîê òì îä ùéîöà öåø å÷ðä îçåáø ùééê ìîéîø ãëúá ÷øà ìàùîåòéðï æøéæåúéä
Answer: Here we cannot reject like this, for this that he brought something detached, and did not rely on finding a [sharp] attached rock or reed, we can say that the verse teaches his zealousness;
àáì ìòðéï îàëìú ùäæëéø ìîä ìé ìîëúá àé ìàå ìàùîåòéðï ãòåìä èòåðä ëìé
However, this that it mentioned a knife [as opposed to ha'Mechatech], why was it written, if not to teach that Olah requires a Kli?!
TOSFOS DH Mah Minchah Einah Ne'echeles Ela l'Zichrei Kehunah
úåñôåú ã"ä îä îðçä àéðä ðàëìú àìà ìæëøé ëäåðä
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why we learn from Minchah, and not from Chatas and Asham.)
åôøéê áçèàú åàùí ðîé ëúéá ëì æëø àìà ìùìîé öéáåø
Explanation: [The Gemara] asks that also Chatas and Asham, it is written "Kol Zachar"! Rather, it teaches about Shalmei Tzibur.
ôéøù á÷åðèøñ äà ãìà éìôéðï æëøé ëäåðä îçèàú åàùí ëãéìôéðï îîðçä îùåí ãëúéá áúøåééäå âáé àëéìú æëøéí äåà ÷ãù ÷ãùéí äåà ãîùîò îéòåè äåà åìà àçø
Explanation #1 (Rashi): We do not learn male Kohanim from Chatas and Asham, like we learn from Minchah, because in both of them, it is written regarding males eating "Hu" - "Kodesh Kodoshim Hu", which connotes an exclusion - it, and not another.
å÷ùä ãáôø÷ àéæäå î÷åîï (ìòéì ãó ðä.) àéëà úðà ãéìéó îäé÷éùà ãçèàú î÷øà ãëúéá åòùéúí ùòéø òæéí [àçã] ìçèàú åùðé ëáùéí áðé ùðä ìæáç ùìîéí îä çèàú ìæëøé ëäåðä àó ùìîé öéáåø ìæëøé ëäåðä
Question: Above (55a), there is a Tana who learns from the Hekesh of Chatas from the verse "v'Asisem Se'ir Izim Echad l'Chatas u'Shnei Kevasim Bnei Shanah l'Zevach Shelamim" - just like male Kohanim eat Chatas, male Kohanim eat Shalmei Tzibur!
(äà ìà ÷ùéà îéãé ãääéà äé÷éùà ìà àéöèøéê ìîéìúà àçøéúé åòåã ðøàä ìôøù ãäééðå èòîà äëà ãäé÷éùà ãçèàú åàùí àéëà ìàå÷åîé) (ö"ì åð"ì ìôøù ãäà ìà ÷ùéà îéãé ãäééðå èòîà äëà ãìà éìôéðï îäé÷éùà ãçèàú åàùí ãàéëà ìàå÷åîé - öàï ÷ãùéí) ìîéìúà àçøéúé ëãîôøù äëà
Explanation #2: This is not difficult at all. The reason why we do not learn from the Hekesh to Chatas and Asham is because we can establish it for something else, like it explains here;
ìà îå÷îéðï ìä ìàëéìú æëøéí (ãëéåï) (ö"ì ëéåï - ùéèä î÷åáöú) ãàéðå ùåä áëì äðäå ãëúéáé á÷øà
Therefore we do not establish it to teach about males eating, since it is not the same for all these written in the verse (e.g. Shelamim);
àáì (îðçä) (ö"ì äé÷éùà ãîðçä - öàï ÷ãùéí) òì ëøçéï ìäëé àúéà ãìà îùëçú ìîìúà àçøéúé
However, the Hekesh of Minchah, you are forced to say that it comes for this, for we do not find another matter [to learn from it].
TOSFOS DH Af Kol Ein Ne'echalin Ela l'Zichrei Kehunah
úåñôåú ã"ä àó (ùìîé öéáåø) (ö"ì ëì - ùéèä î÷åáöú) àéï ðàëìéï àìà ìæëøé ëäåðä
(SUMMARY: Tosfos concludes that the verse discusses also Kodshim Kalim.)
åùìîéí ãäàé ÷øà áëáùé òöøú ÷àé ã÷ãù ÷ãùéí ðéðäå ëì äëúåáéï áî÷øà æä [ö"ì ëê ôéøù á÷åðèøñ - ùéèä î÷åáöú]
Explanation #1 (Rashi): This verse refers to Kivsei Atzeres, which are Kodesh Kodoshim, for everything in this verse is Kodshei Kodoshim.
åðøàä ãòì ëøçéï àééøé ðîé áùìîé ðãáä ãäà áô''÷ (ìòéì ãó ä:) ðô÷à ìï îäàé ÷øà ùìà ìùîå
Objection #1 (and Explanation #2): You are forced to say that it refers also to Shalmei Nedavah, for above (5b) we learn Lo Lishmah from this verse.
åòåã áëåìäå ÷øáðåú ãèòåðéï ëìé îäëà ðô÷à ìï
Objection #2: We learn from this verse that all Korbanos require a Kli!
TOSFOS DH b'Kodesh ha'Kodoshim Tochlenu... Limed Al Zivchei Shalmei Tzibur v'Chulei
úåñôåú ã"ä á÷ãù ä÷ãùéí úàëìðå... ìéîã òì æáçé ùìîé öéáåø ëå'
(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses how we know that it discusses Zivchei Shalmei Tzibur.)
äàé ÷øà áôøùú ÷øç ëúéá
Reference: This verse is written in Parshas Korach.
åàó òì âá ãæáçé ùìîé öéáåø ìà ëúéá äúí
Implied question: Zivchei Shalmei Tzibur are not written there!
ëéåï ãëúéá áäàé ÷øà ÷ãù éäéä ìê åâáé ëáùé òöøú ëúéá áôøùú àîåø àì äëäðéí ÷åãù éäéå ìä' ìëäï îñúáøà ãáãéãäå îééøé åëï ôéøù á÷åðèøñ
Answer #1: Since it is written in this verse "Kodesh Yihyeh Lach", and regarding Kivsei Atzeres it is written in Parshas Emor "Kodesh Yihyu la'Shem la'Kohen", presumably, it refers to them. Also Rashi explained like this.
åòåã (éìôéðï) (ö"ì éù ìôøù - ùéèä î÷åáöú) îùåí ãàé÷øå ÷ãù ÷ãùéí ëãéìôéðï ìòéì áôø÷ àéæäå î÷åîï (ãó ðä.) åáôø÷ ùðé ãòøëéï (ãó éà:) îãëúéá òì òåìåúéëí åòì æáçé ùìîéëí îä òåìä ÷ãùé ÷ãùéí àó æáçé ùìîé öéáåø ÷ãùé ÷ãùéí:
Answer #2: We can say that it is because they are called Kodshei Kodoshim, like we learn above (55a) and in Erchin (11b), since it says "Al Oloseichem v'Al Zivchei Shalmeichem" - just like Olah is Kodshei Kodoshim, also Zivchei Shalmei Tzibur are Kodshei Kodoshim.