TOSFOS DH Kol Kivshei Kevashim Shalosh Amos l'Amah
úåñôåú ã"ä ëì ëáùé ëáùéí ùìù àîåú ìàîä
(SUMMARY: Tosfos questions this from the Mishkan.)
ìî''ã (ìòéì ãó ðç:) ëåìéä îæáç áãøåí ÷àé éù úéîä òì îæáç äðçùú ìî''ã âåáäå òùø ìà îùëçú ìëì äéåúø ëé àí ë' àîåú ìè' àîåú
Question: According to the opinion (above, 58b) that the entire Mizbe'ach was in the south, the copper Mizbe'ach is astounding. According to the opinion that its height was 10 Amos, we find at the most 20 Amos [of ramp] for nine Amos (the top of the Mizbe'ach without the Keranos)!
ãçöø ùìôðé äîùëï çîùéí àîä ë''ä àîåú çöé äçöø åä' àîåú î÷åí îæáç ôù ìéä ë' àîä òã ëåúì ãøåîé ëé îèé ëáù òã äëåúì ìà îùëçú ìàîä àìà ùúé àîåú åèôç åàöáò åùìéù àöáò
The Chatzer in front of the Mishkan was 50 Amos. Half the Chatzer was 25 Amos, and five Amos was the place of the Mizbe'ach. [Only] 20 Amos remain until the south wall [of the Chatzer. Even] if the ramp [was 20 Amos and] reached to the wall, we find for each Amah [of ascent] only two Amos, a Tefach and one and a third fingers;
Note: It seems that the Mizbe'ach was five Amos wide without the Sovev and Yesod. The Ma'arachah was one Amah (62a), and in each direction there was one Amah for the Keranos, and one for the walkway of the Kohanim.
åäåä ìéä äéìåê òì éãé äãç÷ ëãîåëç áùáú (ãó ÷.) åáòéøåáéï (ãó ðç:) áîúì÷è òùøä îúåê àøáò ãäåé øùåú äéçéã
[Such a steep ascent] is considered walking with difficulty, like is proven in Shabbos (100a) and Eruvin (58b), that an incline that ascends 10 Tefachim amidst [a horizontal distance of] four Amos [i.e. is considered a wall, and if a mound surrounded by such inclines] is Reshus ha'Yachid! (And that is even less steep - there for each Amah of ascent there are more than two Amos and 2 Tefachim!)
åìî''ã ãîæáç øçá òùø àîåú ìà äåå àìà è''å àîä òã äëåúì
And according to the opinion (R. Yehudah, 59b) that the Mizbe'ach was 10 Amos wide, there remained for the ramp only 15 Amos until the wall (for each Amah of ascent there is only one Amah and four Tefachim)!
åùîà (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú) åøáé éåñé ãàîø ìòéì (ãó ðè:) îæáç âáåä òùø àîåú åøçá çîù ìèòîéä ãàîø ëåìéä îæáç áöôåï ÷àé åäéä îùåê ëì ëê ìöã öôåï òã ãîùúééøé ì''á àîä ìëáù
Answer: Perhaps R. Yosi, who said above (59b) that the Mizbe'ach was 10 Amos tall and five Amos wide, says according to what he taught elsewhere that the entire Mizbe'ach was in the north, and it was so far in the north that 32 Amos remained for the ramp [in the south].
åîéäå à''ë ìà äéä ëìì îï äîæáç ìôðé ôúç äîùëï àé îæáç îùåê éåúø îë''ç (äâää áîäãåøú òåæ åäãø áùí ëøåá îîùä) àîä ãîñúîà îùëï äåä ëîå áéú òåìîéí ãâçìé éåí äëéôåøéí öøéê ìôðé ä'
Question: However, if so, no part of the Mizbe'ach was in front of Pesach ha'Mishkan if the Mizbe'ach was distanced more than 28 Amos [from the south]! Presumably, the Mishkan was like the Beis ha'Mikdash, that coals taken for [Ketores] of Yom Kipur must be Lifnei Hash-m!
Note: Tosfos means that no part of the Ma'arachah was in front. Pesach ha'Mishkan extended from 20 until 30 Amos from the south. If the Mizbe'ach was 28 Amos from the south, and the Keranos and walkway occupied two Amos, the Ma'arachah began after 30 Amos from the south.
åìøáé éäåãä ãàîø òùø øçáå éù ìåîø ãìãéãéä ùìù àîåú ÷åîúå åìà éåúø ëãúðéà ìòéì (ãó ðè:)
Answer (cont.): And according to R. Yehudah who says [that the Mizbe'ach was] 10 wide, we can say that he holds that it was three Amos tall and no more, like a Beraisa says above (59b. If the ramp was as steep as in Bayis Sheni, even if it went to the top of the Keranos, its length would be a third of 32, which is less than 11. Even if the entire Mizbe'ach were in the south, the Ma'arachah could be in front of Pesach ha'Mishkan.)
TOSFOS DH Chutz mi'Kivsho Shel Mizbe'ach she'Hayah Shalosh Amos...
úåñôåú ã"ä çåõ îëáùå ùì îæáç ùäéä ùìù àîåú...
(SUMMARY: Tosfos arouses problems with the calculation.)
æå äéà âéøñú ä÷åðèøñ åîëååï çùáåï ìè' àîåú ùì îæáç
Version #1: This is Rashi's text. The calculation is correct for nine Amos of Mizbe'ach.
åøáåúéå âåøñéí â' àîåú åîçöä åçöé èôç åàöáò åùìéù àöáò áæëøåúå
Version #2: The text of Rashi's Rebbeyim (brought in Shitah Mekubetzes) is three and a half Amos and half a Tefach and one and a third fingers in Zachruso (the thick part of the thumb).
åôéøù á÷åðèøñ ãìçùáåï æä ìà äéä øàù äëáù ùåä ìøàù äîæáç àìà ðîåê îîðå øáéò àîä ãìçùáåï âåáä è' éù ìëáù éåúø îì''á àîä
Explanation (Rashi): According to this calculation, the end of the ramp was not even with the top of the Mizbe'ach, rather, lower than it a quarter Amah, for according to the calculation of nine Amos of height, the ramp has more than 32 Amos.
åìà ã÷ á÷åðèøñ ãàéï âáåä àìà çåîù àîä çñø îùäå
Rejection: This is wrong. The height (of the Mizbe'ach above the top of the ramp) was only Mashehu less than a fifth of an Amah.
åä÷ùä á÷åðèøñ äøé àîøä úåøä ìà úòìä áîòìåú òì îæáçé
Question (Rashi): The Torah said "do not ascend on my Mizbe'ach on steps"!
åúéøõ øáé ðúï îãåãéà ãáôø÷ ùúé äìçí (îðçåú öæ:) àîøéðï ãàîä ùì [éñåã] âåáä áàîä áú çîùä
Answer (R. Nasan mi'Dudya): In Menachos (97b) we say that the Amah of Yesod was tall an Amah of five [Tefachim, and not six. Therefore, the top of the Mizbe'ach was a sixth of an Amah less than nine. A sixth is Mashehu less than a fifth.]
åìôéøåù ä÷åðèøñ [÷ùä] ãðîöà øàù äëáù âáåä îøàùå ùì îæáç
Question: According to Rashi, it turns out that the top of the ramp was [nine full Amos of six Tefachim, i.e.] higher than the top of the Mizbe'ach!
åîéäå àéï ìçåù àé ðîé ìôéøåù ä÷åðèøñ àîåú ùì ëáù ìôé àîåú ùì îæáç
Answer: We need not be concerned if according to Rashi the Amos of the ramp are according to the Amos of the Mizbe'ach. (Just like one Amah of the height was of five Tefachim, so were three (and a half...) Amos of the ramp.)
TOSFOS DH she'Chen Matzinu b'Siluk Bazichin
úåñôåú ã"ä ùëï îöéðå áñéìå÷ áæéëéï
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why we need this reason.)
åìà ùééê ìîéîø ëàï èòí àçø åìà éäà èôì çîåø îï äòé÷ø ëã÷àîø áùìîéí
Implied question: Why can't we say a different reason here - the Tafel should not be greater than the Ikar (what is primary, like we say about Shelamim?! (The Azarah is valid for Shechitas Shelamim because it faces the Heichal. All the more so the Heichal should be Kosher for Shechitah!)
ãùìîéí úìàï äëúåá áôúç àäì îåòã àí ëï òùä äôñå÷ äôúç èôì ìàäì àáì äëà ìà äæëéø àäì ëìì àìà äçöø (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú)
Answer: The Torah made Shelamim dependent on Pesach Ohel Mo'ed. If so, the verse made the opening secondary to the Ohel (Heichal). However, here (for Menachos, the Torah) did not mention the Ohel at all, only the Chatzer. (Vayikra 6:7-9 says that Minchah is brought Lifnei Hash-m... and it is eaten b'Chatzer Ohel Mo'ed.)
åàí úàîø ì''ì èòîà ãáæéëéï àîàé ñ''ã ìîéôñì ìôé îä ùôéøù á÷åðèøñ ìòéì ñô''÷ (ãó éã.) îåãä ø''ù áçèàåú äôðéîéåú ãòáåãä ùàéï éëåì ìáèìä îùåí ãìàå àåøç àøòà ìùçåè áäéëì
Question: Why do we need the reason of spoons [of Ketores, that their removal is like Kemitzah]? Why would we think to disqualify, according to what Rashi explained above (14a), that R. Shimon agrees about [Holachah of] inner Chata'os that it is Avodah that cannot be nullified, for it is improper to slaughter in the Heichal?
ãîùîò ãàé ìàå äëé äéä éëåì ìùçåè áäéëì àò''â ãçèàú áòé öôåï åàí ëï ÷îéöä úúëùø
Inference: If not for this, he could slaughter in the Heichal, even though Chatas requires the north. (I.e. the Heichal is considered like the north.) If so, Kemitzah should be Kosher!
åé''ì ãñì÷à ãòúê ìôñåì îäà ããøùéðï îî÷åí ùøâìé äæø òåîãåú (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú) ãä''à ìôñåìé äéëì ÷àúé ùàéï æø éëåì ìòîåã ùí
Answer: One might have thought to disqualify from what we expound "a place where a Zar's feet stand." One might have thought this comes to disqualify the Heichal, for a Zar may not stand there.
Note: Shitah Mekubetzes and others say that the following begins a new Dibur
ñì÷à ãòúê àîéðà äåòéì åòåìä åëå' àó îðçä èòåðä öôåï (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú)
Citation: One might have thought since Olah... even Minchah requires the north.
ìëê àúà ÷øà ãîî÷åí ùøâìé äæø òåîãåú ìäëùéø ëì î÷åí ùæø éëåì ìòîåã àôé' áãøåí
Explanation: This is why the verse comes, that from a place where a Zar's legs stand, to be Machshir any place where a may Zar stand, even in the south.
àáì àéï ìôøù ããøéù ãøåí îèòí ãàéï æø éëåì ìòîåã áöôåï
Implied suggestion: Perhaps he expounds the south, because a Zar may not stand in the north!
çãà ãìòéì áôø÷ á' (ãó ë.) îåñéó àó î÷åí ãøéñú øâìé éùøàì ãçùåá öôåï
Rejection #1: Above (20a) it adds even the place where Yisraelim [often] walk (the 11 easternmost Amos of the Azarah), that [the north half of that area] is considered the north.
åòåã àôé' ìî''ã îøç÷ öôåï ìà îñúáø ùéäà æø àñåø áöôåï ëðâã äîæáç àìà îãøáðï îòìä áòìîà:
Rejection #2: Even according to the opinion that [the area considered] the north is far (at least 22 Amos from the east of the Azarah), it is unreasonable that a Zar is forbidden in the north opposite the Mizbe'ach. Rather, it is a mere stringency mid'Rabanan (that a Zar not go there).
TOSFOS DH v'Yordin Al ha'Ekev
úåñôåú ã"ä åéåøãéï òì äò÷á
(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses the reason for this.)
ìàå îùåí ùìà éøáä áäéìåê áçðí
Implied suggestion: This is lest he walk more than necessary.
ãàí ëï ëùäéä á÷øï ãøåîéú îæøçéú ðîé
Rejection: If so, also when he is at the southeast corner [he should go back down the way he came]!
àìà äééðå èòîà ãäëà çæøúå òì äò÷á äåéà ìä ãøê éîéï
Explanation: Rather, the reason here is because going back down the way he came is going to the right.
TOSFOS DH Minchah Keruyah Chatas v'Chatas Keruyah Minchah
úåñôåú ã"ä îðçä ÷øåéä çèàú åçèàú ÷øåéä îðçä
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why elsewhere we do not say so.)
úéîä ãäåä ìï ìîéîø îðçä ÷øåéä çèàú åàéï çèàú ÷øåéä îðçä ëãàîøéðï ô''÷ (ìòéì æ:) úåãä ÷øåéä ùìîéí åàéï ùìîéí ÷øåééï úåãä
Question: We should have said that Minchah is called Chatas, but Chatas is not called Minchah, like we said above (7b) that Todah is count Shelamim, but Shelamim is not called Todah!
åáîðçåú ôø÷ äúåãä (ãó ô:) ìçí àé÷øé úåãä úåãä ìà àé÷øé ìçí
And in Menachos (80b) it says that bread (Lachmei Todah) is called Todah, but Todah is not called bread!
åé''ì ãåãàé ìà îé÷øé ùí àçã ìòðéï ìùîä ãô''÷ åìòðéï ðéúåúøå äîòåú ãôø÷ äúåãä
Answer: Surely, above [Todah and Shelamim] are not called one name regarding Lishmah, and in Menachos (Todah and bread) are not called one name regarding if money [was Hukdash for Todah, and some] was left over (one may not use it for bread);
àáì äëà ãîäé÷ùà ÷ãøéù ãîðçä åçèàú àéú÷åù åãàé ìäããé àéëà ìà÷åùéðäå ùôéø
However, here we expound a Hekesh. Minchah and Chatas are equated to each other. Surely we should properly equate them!
TOSFOS DH Mah Chatas Te'unah Tzafon
úåñôåú ã"ä îä çèàú èòåðä öôåï
(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses what we learn from Chatas to Minchas Chotei.)
ôéøù á÷åðèøñ ãâéøñà æå îùåáùú äéà ùäøé ìà çèàú äòåó èòåðä öôåï ëãàîø åìà áï òåó áöôåï åìà îðçä èòåðä öôåï
Rejection (Rashi): This text is mistaken. Chatas ha'Of does not require the north, like it says "a bird does not require the north" (above, 48b). [Also] a Minchah does not require the north!
åà''ú îðçú çèàú çìå÷ä îùàø îðçåú åìçèàú áäîä î÷éù ìä
Suggestion: Minchas Chotei is different than other Menachos, and we equate it to Chatas Behemah!
äåä ìéä ìîéúðé áîúðéúéï ìòéì ã÷úðé ëì äîðçåú ð÷îöåú áëì î÷åí áòæøä çåõ îîðçú çåèà
Rejection #1: If so, it should have been taught in our Mishnah (63a) "all Menachos, Kemitzah is done anywhere in the Azarah, except for Minchas Chotei"!
åòåã àôùø çèàú äòåó äáàä áãìåú úçú çèàú áäîä àéðä èòåðä öôåï ùäøé ðòùéú á÷øï îòøáéú ãøåîéú åîðçä äáàä úçú çèàú äòåó úèòï öôåï
Rejection #2: Chatas ha'Of, which an Oni brings in place of Chatas Behemah, does not require the north, for it is done in the southwest corner. Is it possible that Minchas [Chotei], which is in place of Chatas ha'Of, requires the north?!
åâéøñà àçøéðà âøñéðï áä åàéðé éåãò àîéúä
Conclusion: Rather, the text says differently. I do not know the correct text.
åðøàä áòéðé îä çèàú ôñåìä ùìà ìùîä àó îðçä ôñåìä ùìà ìùîä
Explanation #1: It seems that [the text says] just like Chatas is Pasul Lo Lishmah, also Minchah is Pasul Lo Lishmah.
åä''ð éìôéðï ìä áô''÷ [ãîðçåú] ò''ë ìùåï ä÷åðèøñ
Support: We learn like this in Menachos. Until here is from Rashi.
å÷ùä ìôéøåùå ãåãàé îòé÷øà àîøé' áô''÷ ãîðçåú (ãó ã.) áùìîà îðçú çåèà çèàú ÷øééä øçîðà àáì îðçú ÷ðàåú îðìï
Question #1: Surely, initially we said in Menachos (4a) "granted, Minchas Chotei is called Chatas. However, Minchas Kena'os (of a Sotah), what is the source?";
àáì áîñ÷ðà àîøéðï àìà îðçú çåèà åîðçú ÷ðàåú ãôñåìåú ùìà ìùîï îðìï çèàú èòîà îàé ãëúéá áä äéà ä''ð äà ëúéá áä äéà
However, in the conclusion, we say 'rather, Minchas Chotei and Minchas Kena'os are Pasul Lo Lishmah. What is the source of this? The reason for Chatas [to be Pasul Lo Lishmah] is because it says "Hi". Likewise, it says "Hi" (about these Menachos)!'
åòåã ÷ùä ìâéøñú äñôøéí ãáôø÷ àéæäå î÷åîï (ìòéì îè:) îåëç ãçèàú äèòåðä öôåï ëòåìä äåé äé÷ù
Question #2: The text of Seforim is difficult, for above (49b) it is proven that Chatas requires the north, like Olah, due to a Hekesh;
àí ëï äéëé àúéà îðçä åäãø éìôéðï îçèàú åëé ãáø äìîã áäé÷ù çåæø åîìîã áäé÷ù
If so, how can we learn Minchah from Chatas? Does something learned from a Hekesh return to teach through a Hekesh (above, 49b)?!
åòåã ëîå ùä÷ùä á÷åðèøñ ãçîéøà ìà äåéà îðçä îçèàú äòåó ãàúéà áî÷åîä åàéðä èòåðä öôåï
Question #3: Just like Rashi asked that Minchah cannot be more stringent than Chatas ha'Of, which it comes in place of, and [Chatas ha'Of] does not require the north!
îéäå é''ì äøé áúåøú ëäðéí éìôéðï ãçèàú äòåó ôñåìä ùìà ìùîä îï äôñå÷ åìà éìôéðï îîðçú çåèà ãîôé÷ ôñåì î÷øà àçøéðà
Answer (to Question #3): However, in Toras Kohanim we learn that Chatas ha'Of is Pasul Lo Lishmah from a verse, and we do not learn from Minchas Chotei, for which we learn from [Pesul Lo Lishmah] from another verse. (We do not say that no verse is needed for Chatas ha'Of, for Minchas Chotei, which is in place of it, cannot be more stringent than it!)
åéù ìãçåú
Rejection: One can reject this. (Mar'eh Kohen - in some cases, an Oni brings Chatas ha'Of, but the Torah did not allow Minchas Chotei for a very poor person. Therefore, we need a verse to teach about Chatas ha'Of in such cases.)
îéäå àîú ãîðçä ìà áòéà öôåï àìà äâùä á÷øï îòøáéú ãøåîéú ëãáñîåê (åàé) åä÷îéöä àéðä èòåðä öôåï àôé' îðçú çåèà ðîé ëãîåëç áúåñôúà ãîðçåú ô''÷
Assertion: The truth is, Minchah does not require the north. Rather, Hagashah is in the southwest corner, like it says below that Kemitzah does not require the north, and even for Minchas Chotei, like is proven in the Tosefta of Menachos (1:2);
çåîø áùçéèä ùèòåðä öôåï îä ùàéï ëï á÷îéöä
Citation (Tosefta): Shechitah is stringent. It requires the north, but Kemitzah does not.
åëé úéîà äééðå áîðçú ðãáä àáì áîðçú çåèà èòåðä öôåï
Suggestion: This refers to Minchas Nedavah, but Minchas Chotei requires the north!
îëì î÷åí àéðå çåîø áùçéèä ìâîøé ùäøé áùçéèä ðîé ìéúà áöôåï á÷ãùéí ÷ìéí (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú)
Rejection: Even so, Shechitah is not totally more stringent, for also Shechitah does not require the north for Kodshim Kalim!
îéäå é''ì ãëììà á÷ãùé ÷ãùéí äåé ãåîéà ãîðçä åæäå ãåç÷
Disclaimer: We can say that the Klal (general rule, that Shechitah is more stringent) is for Kodshei Kodoshim, like Minchah. This is difficult.
åòåã ãúðé áñéôà çåîø á÷îéöä îáîìé÷ä ùä÷îéöä ãåçä ùáú åèåîàä åìéúðé ùä÷îéöä èòåðä öôåï åìà îìé÷ä
Support (for assertion): Also, the Seifa teaches that Kemitzah is more stringent than Melikah, for Kemitzah is Docheh Shabbos and Tum'ah. [If Kemitzas Minchas Chotei required the north], it should teach that Kemitzah requires the north, but Melikah does not;
àó òì âá ãéù ÷îéöä ãìà áòéà öôåï ëâåï îðçú ðãáä ëîå ëï àéðä ãåçä ùáú
Even though there is Kemitzah that does not require the north, e.g. Minchas Nedavah, similarly that does not override Shabbos.
îéäå ð''ì ìãçåú ãä''ð ìà îééøé áîðçú çåèà ãäà àéðä ãåçä ùáú àìà îééøé áîðçú äòåîø åîðçú úîéã ùäï áöéáåø åäï åãàé ìà áòå öôåï
Rejection: We can reject this. Similarly, it does not discuss Minchas Chotei, for it is not Docheh Shabbos! Rather, it discusses Minchas ha'Omer and Minchas Tamid which are of the Tzibur, and surely they do not require the north (there is no source for them to require the north. Zivchei Efrayim asks that Kemitzah does not apply to Minchas [Nesachim of] ha'Tamid!)
àáì îðçú çåèà áòé' öôåï ãàéú÷ù ìçèàú áäîä ùáàä çìéôúä áòùéøåú. áøå''ê
Rather, Minchas Chotei requires the north, because it is equated to Chatas Behemah of an Ashir, for which [Minchas Chotei] comes in place of it. This is from R. Baruch
åäøá øáé çééí âøéñ îä çèàú äòåó èòåðä éñåã ãëúéá åäðùàø áãí éîöä àì éñåã äîæáç àó îðçä èòåðä äâùä ëðâã äéñåã
Explanation #2 (R. Chaim): The text says 'just like Chatas ha'Of requires Yesod, for it says "veha'Nish'ar b'Dam Yimatzei El Yesod ha'Mizbe'ach", also Minchah requires Hagashah opposite (by) the Yesod.'
åäëé îåëç ôø÷ ëì äîðçåú áàåú îöä (îðçåú ãó ñà.) [âáé] åàìå èòåðåú úðåôä ìåâ ùîï ùì îöåøò åàùîå
Support: It is proven like this in Menachos (61a) regarding "these require Tenufah - the Log of oil of a Metzora and his Asham";
[ãàîøéðï äúí] ìôðé ä' áîæøç åäàîøú ìôðé ä' áîòøá ôéøåù áäê ùîòúéä åîùðé ä''î îðçä ãàé÷øé çèàú åçèàú èòåðä éñåã å÷øï ãøåîéú îæøçéú ìà äéä ìä éñåã àáì äëà ìôðé ä' ÷øéðà áéä
We say there 'but you said "Lifnei Hash-m" - in the west', i.e. in this Sugya, and answer that this is only for a Minchah, for a Minchah is called Chatas, and Chatas requires Yesod, and the southeast corner did not have a Yesod. However, here we call this "Lifnei Hash-m."
åäùúà ëåìä áãøåí ìéëà ìîéîø îùåí éñåã åëåìä áîòøá ðîé ìà îùåí ãëúéá (åé÷øà å) àì ôðé äîæáç ãäééðå ãøåí
Assertion: You cannot say that it may be anywhere in the south, due to Yesod (the southern side has a Yesod only in the southwest corner), and you cannot say anywhere in the west, because it says "El Pnei ha'Mizbe'ach", which is the south;
îëì î÷åí àéöèøéê ìôðé ä' ãìà úéîà àì ôðé äîæáç âæéøú äëúåá äåà àó òì âá ãìéú ìéä éñåã
In any case, we need "Lifnei Hash-m" lest we say that "El Pnei ha'Mizbe'ach" is a Gezeiras ha'Kasuv [to be Machshir the entire southern side], even though [almost all of] it has no Yesod.
åáøéù ôéø÷éï úéøöúé îä ù÷ùä ãâáé âçìéí ãéåí äëéôåøéí ÷øé ìôðé ä' áîòøá ãå÷à
Above (58a DH Mashuch) I answered the difficulty that regarding coals of Yom Kipur, only the west is called Lifnei Hash-m. (L'Chatchilah the coals for burning the Ketores inside must be taken opposite Pesach ha'Heichal, but b'Di'eved it is Kosher from this side [of the opening, i.e. north] or from this side (south).)
åà''ú åùàø îðçåú îðìï
Question: What is the source for other Menachos?
åëé úéîà îãàéú÷åù ëì äîðçåú ìçèàú åàùí áôøùú öå åéìôéðï îùéøé äãí ùèòåðéï éñåã
Suggestion: All Menachos are equated to Chatas and Asham in Parshas Tzav, and we learn from Shirei ha'Dam, which requires the Yesod.
àí ëï îðçú çåèà úéôå÷ ìé îäúí
Rejection #1: If so, we should know [also] Minchas Chotei from there! (Why did R. Yehoshua need to expound that Minchas Chotei is called Chatas, and vice-versa?)
åòåã îðìï ãî÷ùéðï ìùéøéí ì÷ùéðäå ìúçéìú ãîéí åìà áòé éñåã ëçèàú
Rejection #2: What is the source that we equate [all Menachos] to Shirayim? We should equate them to initial [Matanos of] blood, and not require the Yesod, just like Chatas [does not]!
åéù ìåîø ãëúéá ìôðé ä' àîðçú (äâäú öàï ÷ãùéí) çåèà åáëì äîðçåú ðîé ëúéá ìôðé ä' ëé äéëé ãäàé ìôðé ä' ëðâã äéñåã [äàé ðîé ëðâã äéñåã]
Answer: It says "Lifnei Hash-m" about Minchas Chotei, and also in all Menachos it says Lifnei Hash-m. Just like this Lifnei Hash-m [of Minchas Chotei] is opposite (over) the Yesod, also this is opposite the Yesod. (Shitah Mekubetzes - Lifnei Hash-m is not written in the Parshah of Minchas Chotei. Rather, it is written regarding Minchas Nedavah, and from a Yitur it is considered as if it was written about Minchas Chotei.)
åìà â''ù îîù [äéà] ããáø äìîã áäé÷ù îáòéà ìï àé çåæø åîìîã áâ''ù àé ìà àìà âìåé îéìúà áòìîà äåà
Remark: It is not a real Gezeirah Shavah, for something learned from a Hekesh, we asked (above, 49b) whether or not it returns to teach through a Gezeirah Shavah [and did not resolve this]. Rather, it is a mere Giluy Milsa.
Note: Shitah Mekubetzes says that the rest of this Tosfos is a comment.
åø''ú âøéñ îä çèàú èòåðä éîéï àó îðçä ëï
Alternative text: R. Tam's text says "just like Chatas require the right [hand], also Minchah."
åäééðå ãìà ëø''ù ãàîø ìòéì (ãó ëä.) áà ìòåáãä áëìé òåáãä áùîàì
Possibility #1: This is unlike R. Shimon, who said above (25a) "[if he wants [to throw the Kometz on the Mizbe'ach with his hand, he must use his right hand]. If he wants [to put it] in a Kli, he may [throw it] with his left hand."
àé ðîé àôéìå ëøáé ùîòåï åëâåï ùáà ìòåáãä áéã ãàîø òåáãä áéîéï ëçèàú ò"ë äâä''ä (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú)
Possibility #2: It is even like R. Shimon, e.g. if he comes [to throw it] with his hand. It teaches that he must use his right hand, like Chatas. Until here is a comment.
Note: Tzon Kodoshim and R. Akiva Eiger ask that above, R. Shimon learns Kemitzah with the right hand from "Yad-Yad"! Matzpas Eisan says that R. Shimon holds that we take Kemitzah from Minchas Chotei of a Kohen, and it needs a different source, since its Shirayim are not eaten. Zivchei Efrayim says that Kemitzah corresponds to Shechitah. Since Shechitah is Kosher with the left hand, the Hekesh to Chatas cannot obligate the right hand for Kemitzah. Yad Binyamin brings from Chazos Kashos that from here, we would learn only if he comes to use his hand. Yad-Yad obligates the right hand even with a Kli.
TOSFOS DH Af Chatas b'Keren Ma'aravis Deromis
úåñôåú ã"ä àó çèàú á÷øï îòøáéú ãøåîéú
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why we cannot learn Melikah from this.)
úéîä ãìà éìôéðï îéðä îìé÷ä
Question: Why don't we learn Melikah from [Hagashah]?
åùîà ìà éìôéðï àìà îéãé ãàùëçï ãáòé îæáç ëîðçä åëï ôéøù á÷åðèøñ áñîåê
Answer: Perhaps we learn [from Hagashah] only something (i.e. Haza'ah) that we find that it needs [to be done at] the Mizbe'ach, like [Hagashah of] a Mishnah. (Melikah need not be at the Mizbe'ach.) Also Rashi explained like this below.
TOSFOS DH b'Darom Kiyamta v'Chulei
úåñôåú ã"ä áãøåí ÷ééîú ëå' (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú ëúá éã, åöàï ÷ãùéí)
(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses how R. Eliezer expounds.)
òì ëøçê øáé àìéòæø àéú ìéä ääéà ãîä çèàú èòåðä éñåã ãàé ìàå äëé îðà ìéä ÷øï ãøåîéú (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú) îòøáéú
Inference: You are forced to say that R. Eliezer expounds "just like Chatas requires the Yesod... [also Minchas Chotei]", for if not, what is his source for the southwest corner?! (Tzon Kodoshim - we find that the east is called Lifnei Hash-m regarding Tenufah.)
åúéîä àí ëï ìôðé ä' ìîä ìé ãøåîéú ðô÷à ìï îàì ôðé äîæáç åîòøáéú îãáòéà éñåã:
Question: If so, why does he need Lifnei Hash-m? He knows the south from El Pnei ha'Mizbe'ach, and he knows the west, for it requires the Yesod! (Above (58a DH Mashuch), Tosfos answered that one would have thought that anywhere on the Amah of the southwest Yesod is fine. Lifnei Hash-m obligates the edge. Here Tosfos asks according to R. Eliezer, who does not require the edge - Yad Binyamin.)