
TOSFOS DH she'Im Hizah v'Lo Mitzah Kesherah

úåñôåú ã"ä ùàí äéæä åìà îéöä ëùéøä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why we did not ask from this in Me'ilah.)

äà ãìà ôøéê îäëà áîñëú îòéìä ôø÷ çèàú äòåó (ãó ç:) ìøá àãà áø àäáä åàîø ãúðé øá îéöä ãîä ãîéöåé çèàú äòåó îòëá


Implied question: Why don't we ask from here in Me'ilah (8b) against Rav Ada bar Ahavah, who said that Rav taught that he squeezes out the blood, for squeezing Chatas ha'Of is Me'akev?

ãîöé ìîéîø äà îðé úðà ãáé ø' éùîòàì äéà ãàîø àéðå îòëá ìòéì ô' àéæäå î÷åîï (ãó ðá:) ëãàîø úøé úðàé åàìéáà ãøáé éùîòàì


Answer: He could say that [here] is like Tana d'Vei R. Yishmael, who says that it is not Me'akev, above (52b), like it says "two Tana'im argue according to R. Yishmael."

åäà ãôøéê äúí ìøá äåðà ãúðé äæä ãîéöåé àéðå îòëá åìà îùðé ãàúà ëääåà úðà ãàîø àéðå îòëá


Implied question: It asks there against Rav Huna, who said that squeezing is not Me'akev, and did not answer that he holds like the Tana who says that it is not Me'akev!

ðéçà ìéä ìùðåéé èôé ìöããéï ÷úðé


Answer: [The Tartzan] prefers to answer that both cases are taught. (Mitzuy must be done if blood remains. If not, it is not Me'akev.)


TOSFOS DH Hagashos di'Chsiv v'Higishah

úåñôåú ã"ä äâùåú ãëúéá åäâéùä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos points out that this is not the sole source.)

äåä ìéä ìîéîø ëãàîøï ãîäàé ÷øà ìçåãéä ìà ðôé÷


Observation: He should have said like we said (63b), that we do not learn from this verse alone. (Shitah Mekubetzes - we did not learn the southwest corner from this verse at all! Rather, it teaches that the Minchah must be touched to the Mizbe'ach. We would not know this from the other verses. Alternatively, this teaches to all Menachos.)


TOSFOS DH Shirei ha'Dam di'Chsiv

úåñôåú ã"ä ùéøé äãí ãëúéá

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that this refers to outer Shirayim.)

ðøàä ãäééðå ùéøéí äçéöåðéí ãáòé ÷øï îòøáéú (äâää áâìéåï, îöàï ÷ãùéí) ãøåîéú


Assertion: It seems that this refers to outer Shirayim, which require the southwest corner.


TOSFOS DH Mipnei she'Kerovah mi'Beis ha'Deshen

úåñôåú ã"ä îôðé ù÷øåáä îáéú äãùï

(SUMMARY: Tosfos questions why it must be at the corner.)

úéîä åìîä äåà äåìê òã ä÷øï ùäéä îøçé÷ îáéú äãùï


Question: Why does he go until the Keren? He distances from Beis ha'Deshen [to which he must throw the innards. It was near the ramp, west of the southeast corner!]

åàéï ìåîø îùåí ãëì ãîéí èòåðéï ÷øï


Suggestion: All blood requires the Keren. (Keren Orah - indeed, whatever requires four Matanos, or two Matanos that are four, requires the Keren. The suggestion is that even when only one Matanah is needed, the Keren is required.)

ãäà àîø ìòéì (ãó ñ.) âáé îåãä øáé éäåãä áãîéí ãðéù÷ìéä åðùôåê àãåëúéä


Rejection: Above (60a), regarding R. Yehudah agrees about blood [it must be offered on the Mizbe'ach, and not on the floor, we suggested] "he should take [blood from the floor from Korbanos Pesach], and pour it in its place!"

åàé ëì ãîéí èòåðéï ÷øï îàé ÷ùéà ìéä


If all blood requires the Keren, what was the question?!


TOSFOS DH Yoser mi'Lamed Aleph Amos

úåñôåú ã"ä éåúø îì''à àîåú

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses whether there was a small ramp to the Sovev on the left.)

ôé' á÷åðèøñ ëùäéúä áîæøç äéä òåîã áñåáá ìôé ùáîæøç äéä ëáù ÷èï ùôðä òì ñåáá àáì áîòøá ìà äéä ìå ëáù ìùîàì ìôðåú áå ìñåáá åöøéê ìòìåú ìøàù äîæáç åìòîåã áîæøçä (äâäú ç÷ ðúï) ùì ÷øï


Explanation #1 (Rashi): When [Olas ha'Of] was in the east, he stood on the Sovev, for there was a small ramp that turned to the Sovev. However, in the west there was no ramp to the left to go to the Sovev, and he must ascend to the top of the Mizbe'ach and stand to the east of the Keren.

åäëé úðï áîñëú ñåëä (ãó îç.) âáé ðñëéí òìä áëáù åôðä ìùîàìå åìà úðï áäå åôðä ìñåáá


Support: A Mishnah in Sukah (48a), regarding Nesachim, teaches "he ascended the ramp and turned to his left." It did not teach "he turned to the Sovev"!

åðøàä ãàéï îùí øàé' ùìà äéä ëáù ìñåáá áîòøá


Rebuttal: That is no proof that there was no ramp to the Sovev in the west.

ãàí (äâäú öàï ÷ãùéí) ëï ëùäéä ðåúï àøáò îúðåú ùáçèàú åúðï ôø÷ àéæäå î÷åîï (ìòéì ãó ðâ.) ôðä ìñåáá âáé çèàú


Support (for Rebuttal): If so (there was no ramp to the left), when he put the four Matanos of Chatas, and the Mishnah (above, 53a) says that he turned to the Sovev regarding Chatas...

åëùäéä îâéò ì÷øï îòøáéú ãøåîéú äéä öøéê ìçæåø òì ò÷éáå


When he reached the southwest corner, he would need to go back [the way he came, for he could not step from the Sovev to the ramp, which was almost three Amos higher]!

åìëê ðøàä ãäéä ùí ëáù


Explanation #2: There was a ramp there.

àáì ÷ùä ãìà çùéá ìéä ìòéì (ãó ñá:) âáé ùðé ëáùéí ÷èðéí éåöàéí îï äëáù


Question: Why wasn't it mentioned above (62b) regarding the two small ramps that emerged from the [main] ramp? (One led to the Yesod, and the other led to the Sovev!)


TOSFOS DH Min ha'Me'ukalos ha'Penimiyos

úåñôåú ã"ä îï äîàåëìåú äôðéîéåú

(SUMMARY: Tosfos proves that these words were not taught regarding Yom Kipur.)

àåîø ø''ú ãâáé âçìéí ùì éåí äëôåøéí ìà âøñéðï îï äîàåëìåú äôðéîéåú ãäëà çùáéðï ìäå ãùï


Assertion (R. Tam): Regarding the coals of Yom Kipur, the text does not say "from the inner consumed ones", for here we consider them to be ashes;

åáéåí äëôåøéí åëï á÷èøú ùì ëì äùðä áòéðï âçìéí ãå÷à ëãàîø äúí âçìé àù éëåì òåîîåú


On Yom Kipur, and similarly for Ketores of the entire year, we require specifically coals, like it says there (Pesachim 75b) - "coals of fire - one might have thought extinguished..."


TOSFOS DH Tzavar Es ha'Gechalim

úåñôåú ã"ä öáø àú äâçìéí

(SUMMARY: Tosfos gives the source of this.)

îùåí ãàîø åùîå ùìà éôæø


Source: It says "v'Samo" - he may not scatter [them].


TOSFOS DH Dishun Mizbe'ach ha'Pnimi veha'Menorah

úåñôåú ã"ä ãéùåï îæáç äôðéîé åäîðåøä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses whether Me'ilah applies to different kinds of ashes.)

ä÷ùä øéá''à ëéåï ãúøåîú äãùï åãéùåï îæáç äôðéîé åäîðåøä ðáìòéí áî÷åîï àîàé îåòìéï áæä éåúø îæä


Question (Riva): Since Terumas ha'Deshen, and Dishun of Mizbe'ach ha'Pnimi and the Menorah were swallowed in their place, why does Me'ilah apply to one more than to the other?

ãáúøåîú äãùï îåòìéï ëãàîø ìòéì ñ''ô á''ù (ãó îå.) åáãéùåï îæáç åîðåøä úðï áîòéìä ãìà ðäðéí åìà îåòìéí


Me'ilah applies to Terumas ha'Deshen, like it says above (46a), and a Mishnah teaches about Dishun of Mizbe'ach ha'Pnimi and the Menorah "one may not benefit, but Me'ilah does not apply"!

åé''ì ãùàðé úøåîú äãùï ãâìé ÷øà åùîå


Answer: Terumas ha'Deshen is different, for the Torah revealed "v'Sam'o" (there it will be buried).

åëé úéîà ëéåï ãðáìòéï äéëé îùëçú áäå îòéìä


Question: Since they were swallowed in their place, how could Me'ilah apply to them?

ùîà ìà äéå ðáìòéï îéã


Answer: Perhaps they were not swallowed immediately.

åø''ú àåîø ãúøåîú äãùï ìà äéä ðáìò îãìà çùéá ìäå áéåîà (ãó ëà.) áäãé àéðê ãðáìòéï ãéùåï îæáç äôðéîé åäîðåøä


Assertion (R. Tam): Terumas ha'Deshen was not swallowed, since it is not listed in Yoma (21a) with the others that are swallowed, i.e. Dishun of Mizbe'ach ha'Pnimi and the Menorah. (Note: This is not an alternative answer. Tosfos still needs the above answer to explain why it was taught that one may not benefit from Dishun of Mizbe'ach ha'Pnimi and the Menorah, but Me'ilah does not apply.)

åàåîø ä''ø éåí èåá ãàéï æå øàéä ãä''ð áú''ë (ñãø åé÷øà ô' è) ãçùéá á' áúé ãùðéí äï àçã áãøåí ãîåøàä åðåöä åãéùåï îæáç äôðéîé åäîðåøä åìà çùéá úøåîú äãùï àó òì ôé ùäéúä ùí ëãúðï áúîéã:


Rebuttal (R. Yom Tov): Also in Toras Kohanim it lists two Batei ha'Deshen, one in the south of innards and feathers [of Olas ha'Of], and one of Dishun of Mizbe'ach ha'Pnimi and the Menorah, and it does not list Terumas ha'Deshen, even though it was there, like a Mishnah in Tamid teaches.



TOSFOS DH Chatas ha'Of Keitzad Haysah Na'asis

úåñôåú ã"ä çèàú äòåó ëéöã äéúä ðòùéú

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why Chatas was taught before Olah.)

îùåí ããí çèàú ÷åãí ìòåìä îôøù çèàú úçéìä


Explanation: Because [we throw] Dam Chatas before Dam Olah (if both are waiting to be thrown - 89a), it explains Chatas first. (Otherwise it would explain Olas ha'Of first, for it is more Kadosh, for it is almost totally burned on the Mizbe'ach.)


TOSFOS DH mi'Gufah Shel Chatas

úåñôåú ã"ä îâåôä ùì çèàú

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains how we learn this.)

îãëúéá åäæä îãí äçèàú åìà ëúéá åì÷ç ãîùîò áëìé


Source: It is written "v'Hizah mi'Dam ha'Chatas", and it is not written v'Lakach, which would connote in a Kli.


TOSFOS DH Ochez b'Rosh uv'Guf u'Mazeh

úåñôåú ã"ä àåçæ áøàù åáâåó åîæä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos questions why only in Chulin we asked about this.)

úéîä ãìà áòé äëà îàé ÷àîø ëã÷áòé ô''÷ ãçåìéï (ãó ëá.)


Question: Why didn't we ask here "what does this mean?!", like [the Gemara] asks in Chulin (22a)? (It seems that Tosfos explains like Rashi there, that we ask what is the source that he must hold both. Shitah Mekubetzes (9) explains that there, we ask because it says that the same applies to Olas ha'Of. Haza'ah does not apply to Olas ha'Of! This question does not apply here, for we discuss only Chatas.)


TOSFOS DH v'Eizeh Zeh Kir ha'Tachton

úåñôåú ã"ä åàéæä æä ÷éø äúçúåï

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains how we know this.)

ãàé ÷éø äòìéåï ôòîéí ùäåà îúîöä ìñåáá àí òåùä ìîòìä îï äñåáá ã÷éø äòìéåï äåé îï äçåè òã ä÷øðåú


Explanation: If it were the top wall, sometimes he squeezes onto the Sovev, if he squeezes above the Sovev, for the top wall is from the Chut [ha'Sikra] until the Keranos.


TOSFOS DH Kemitzah v'Chafinah

úåñôåú ã"ä ÷îéöä åçôéðä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that also these are called difficult.)

áëåìäå úðéðà òáåãä ÷ùä:


Explanation: Regarding all of these, it is taught "this is a difficult Avodah."