
TOSFOS DH di'Vrai l'Gavai

úåñôåú ã"ä ãáøàé ìâåàé

(SUMMARY: Tosfos shows that even R. Akiva could agree to this.)

åà''ú äà àîø ø' ò÷éáà ì÷îï (ãó ôà:) ãëì ãîéí ùäëðéñ ìôðéí ôñåìéï


Question: R. Akiva said below (81b) that all blood that enters inside is Pasul.

åé''ì ãùéøéí àéï îëôøéï ìøáé ò÷éáà åìà ÷øéðï áäå ìëôø á÷åãù


Answer: Shirayim are not Mechaper according to R. Akiva, and we do not apply to them "Lechaper ba'Kodesh."


TOSFOS DH Gag Yesod Lamah Li Kra Kal v'Chomer

úåñôåú ã"ä ââ éñåã ìîä ìé ÷øà ÷''å

(SUMMARY: Tosfos resolves this with the Gemara below.)

ä÷ùä ä''ø çééí ì÷îï ôø÷ äúòøåáú (ãó ôà.) àîøéðï âáé ãí çèàú ùðúòøá áãí òåìä ãôìéâé øáé àìéòæø åøáðï àîø àáéé ìà ùðå àìà úçéìú çèàú åòåìä àáì ñåó çèàú åúçéìú òåìä ãáøé äëì î÷åí òåìä î÷åí ùéøéí


Question (R. Chaim): Below (81a), we say about Dam Chatas that became mixed with Dam Olah, about which R. Eliezer and Rabanan, Abaye said "this is only regarding the beginning (i.e. blood for Matanos) of Chatas and Olah, but the end (Shirayim) of Chatas and beginning of Olah, all agree that (we throw it, for) it the place of [Matanos] Olah is the place of Shirayim";

ôéøåù ãàí ðúòøáå ùéøé çèàú áúçéìú òåìä ìëåìé òìîà éúðí ìîèä îï äçåè ãî÷åí úçéìú îúï òåìä ëùø ìùéøé çèàú åéæø÷í ì÷éø äîæáç åîàìéäí ùåúúéï ìéñåã åàéï ëàï ùðåé î÷åí


Explanation: If Shirei Chatas became mixed with the beginning of Olah, all agree that he puts it below Chut ha'Sikra, for the place of initial Matanah of Olah is Kosher for Shirei Chatas. He throws them at the wall of the Mizbe'ach, and automatically they drip to the Yesod, and there is no Shinuy Makom.

à''ì øá éåñó äëé àîø øá éäåãä ùéøééí öøéëéï àéöèáà


Citation (81a - Rav Yosef): Rav Yehudah said that Shirayim require a platform.

ôéøåù ùéùôëí òì ââ äéñåã îîù äòùåé ëàéöèáà åìà éæø÷í ì÷éø äæ÷åó ëîùôè òåìä


Explanation: This means that he pours literally onto the roof of the Yesod, which is made like a platform, and he does not throw them at the vertical wall [of the Mizbe'ach] like the law of Olah;

ãîùîò ãòåìä àéðä èòåðä ââ éñåã


Inference: Olah does not require the roof of the Yesod!

åé''ì ãäàé ãáòéðï äëà áúçéìú òåìä ââ éñåã ìà àúà àìà ìîòåèé àîä (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú) äúçúåðä ùì îæáç ùîï äàøõ òã äëðéñä


Answer: This that we require the roof of the Yesod for initial [Matanos of] Olah is only to exclude the bottom Amah of the Mizbe'ach from the ground until it recesses (the Mizbe'ach gets thinner at a height of one Amah);

àáì ÷éø äæ÷åó ùì îòìä òã äéñåã ôùéèà ãòãéó (áòåìä) îââ éñåã îîù ãçåãä òãéó îùåí ãáòéðï ùúé îúðåú ùäï àøáò


However, the erect wall until the Yesod, obviously it is better regarding Olah than the roof of the Yesod, for we require two Matanos that are four (i.e. Zerikah at the erect wall, on two opposite corners).


TOSFOS DH Limed Al Par Yom ha'Kipurim she'Ta'un Matan Damim li'Yesod

úåñôåú ã"ä ìéîã òì ôø éåä''ë ùèòåï îúï ãîéí ìéñåã

(SUMMARY: Tosfos questions this Tana's source for Semichah.)

ìòéì ôø÷ áéú ùîàé (ãó î:) âáé åòùä ìôø ëàùø òùä ãøéù ñîéëä åùéøé äãí áôø éåä''ë


Reference: Above (40b), regarding "v'Asah la'Par Ka'asher Asah", we expound Semichah and Shirayim in Par Yom Kipur.

åúéîà ìäàé úðà ñîéëä îðà ìéä åùí ôéøùðå


Question: According to this Tana [here], what is his source for Semichah? There we explained (40a DH li'Semichah. In Toras Kohanim, it expounds "v'Samach Al Rosh ha'Par", to include Par Yom Kipur for Semichah.)


TOSFOS DH u'Mah Mi she'Ein Nichnas Damo Lifnim Chovah

úåñôåú ã"ä åîä îé ùàéï ðëðñ ãîå ìôðéí çåáä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that this is not the real source.)

úéîä îä ìôø ëäï îùéç ùëï îëôø òì òáéøú îöåä éãåòä ëãôøéê ìòéì ô' áéú ùîàé (ãó î:)


Question: You cannot learn from Par Kohen Mashi'ach, for it atones for transgressing a known Mitzvah, like it asks above (40b)!

åé''ì ãñîéê àäàé ãàúé á÷ì åçåîø îùòéøé øâìéí åùòéøé øàùé çãùéí ããáø äìîã áäé÷ù çåæø åîìîã á÷''å


Answer: He relies on this that it comes through a Kal v'Chomer from Se'irei Regalim and Se'irei Roshei Chodoshim, for something learned from a Hekesh returns to teach through a Kal v'Chomer.


TOSFOS DH Yachol Ye'akvenu

úåñôåú ã"ä éëåì éòëáðå

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why we suggest this.)

ãìéú ìï ìîéîø èøç åëúá ìä ÷øà ëì ëîä ãàéëà ìîéãøù:


Explanation: We should not say that the Torah toiled to write a verse [even though it is not needed at all] when it is possible to expound it.



TOSFOS DH Osah she'Nasan Damah l'Ma'alah v'Lo Osah she'Nasan Damah l'Matah

úåñôåú ã"ä àåúä ùðúï ãîä ìîòìä åìà àåúä ùðúï ãîä ìîèä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos resolves this with the Gemara above.)

åà''ú à''ë äéëé ôøéê ìòéì áøéù áéú ùîàé (ãó ìç.) àéîà åëôø àò''ô ùìà ðúï ìîòìä àìà ìîèä


Question: If so, how did we ask above (38a) "I can say that v'Chiper even if he did not put blood above, rather, below"?

åé''ì ãäåä ãøéù àåúä ìãøùà àçøéúé ëããøéù ìòéì áô''÷ (ãó é:) àåúä ìîòìä åìà àçøú ìîòìä


Answer #1: He would expound "Osah" for a different Drashah, like it expounds above (10b) "[Chatas] is above, and another is not above."

à''ð äåä îôøù àåúä éàëìðä àáì ìîèä ìà éàëìðä åìòåìí ëéôø


Answer #2: He would expound '"Osah" he will eat it, but [if he put the blood below] he will not eat it', but in any case he atoned.

åìà ùééëà ëàï ãääéà ãùîåàì (ìòéì ã' ëå:) ãëéåï ùäâéò ãí ìîæáç ðúëôø


Remark: Shmuel's teaching above (26b) "once blood reached the Mizbe'ach, he atoned" does not apply here.


TOSFOS DH Mah Damim ha'Amurim l'Matah Im Nasnan l'Ma'alah Lo Kiper

úåñôåú ã"ä îä ãîéí äàîåøéí ìîèä àí ðúðï ìîòìä ìà ëéôø

(SUMMARY: Tosfos questions Rashi's source for this.)

ôéøù á÷åðè' ãáçèàú äòåó ëúéá äéà ùàí ùéðä áä ôñìä


Explanation (Rashi): Regarding Chatas ha'Of it is written "Hi" - if he deviated, he disqualified.

åúéîä äà ááäîä ðîé ëúéá äéà åðéîà ëîå ëï ùàí ùéðä áä ôñìä


Question: Also regarding Chatas Behemah it is written "Hi". We should likewise say that if he deviated, he disqualified it!


TOSFOS DH Tomar b'Nisnin l'Ma'alah she'Sofan l'Matah

úåñôåú ã"ä úàîø áðéúðéï ìîòìä ùñåôï ìîèä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos asks why we do not say so about Olas ha'Of.)

úéîä îòåìú äòåó ùñåôï ìîèä åúðï ì÷îï áô' çèàú äòåó (ãó ñå.) òùàä ìîèä ëîòùä ëåìï ôñåìä


Question: Olas ha'Of, [its blood] is destined to drip below, and a Mishnah below (66a) teaches that if he did them below, in any way (like Chatas ha'Of or Olas ha'Of) it is Pasul!

åîéäå äéà âåôä ìà éãòéðï îðà ìï:


Remark: This itself, we do not know the source (that below, in any way it is Pasul).