
TOSFOS DH Mei Kiyor Nifsalin l'Matirin k'Matirin

úåñôåú ã"ä îé ëéåø ðôñìéï ìîúéøéï ëîúéøéï

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that this is at sunset.)

ôé' ìãí å÷åîõ ðôñìéí îéîéå áù÷éòú [äçîä] ëîå ùäîúéøéï ðôñìéï áù÷éòú äçîä ëãàîø áàéæäå î÷åîï (ì÷îï ãó ðå.):


Explanation: Water [of the Kiyor] for the sake of blood and the Kometz, becomes Pasul at Shki'ah, just like those Matirin become Pasul at Shki'ah, like it says below (56a).


TOSFOS DH Kiyor Kivan she'Shak'o Ein Mailehu

úåñôåú ã"ä ëéåø ëéåï ùù÷òå àéï îòìäå

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses why we did not challenge this from Mishnayos.)

ìîàé ãñ''ã äùúà ãäòìàú ìéìä ôåñìï ìëì òáåãåú éù úéîä ãúé÷ùé ìéä ëîä îùðéåú ãîñëú úîéã (ãó ëç.) ùäéä î÷ãù ìúøåîú äãùï åàçéå äëäðéí ùäéå î÷ãùéí ëîå ëï áìéìä


Question: According to the current Havah Amina that raising the water disqualifies it for all Avodos, this is astounding! We should challenge him from several Mishnayos in Tamid that he was Mekadesh for Terumas ha'Deshen, and his fellow Kohanim were similarly Mekadesh at night!

åîéäå àéëà ìàå÷îéðäå ëø' àìòæø áø''ù åëîàï ãôùéè ìòéì ëîçìå÷ú áæå ëê îçìå÷ú áæå åäà ëøáé


Answer: #1: We could establish [those Mishnayos] like R. Elazar b'Ribi Shimon, like [Ilfa according to Ravin,] who resolved above (20a) "like they argue about this (whether Linah disqualifies Kidush), they argue about this (whether it disqualifies the water)", and this (R. Yochanan's teaching) is like Rebbi.

àáì ÷ùä àëúé äéàê äéå òåùéï úøåîú äãùï ìøáé


Question: Still, how did they do Terumas ha'Deshen according to Rebbi?

åé''ì áëäðéí éùðéí ùðéòåøå ëì äìéìä åàéï öøéëéï ì÷ãù


Answer #1: They did it with old Kohanim who were awake the entire night, and did not need Kidush;

åîúðé' ãéåîà (ãó ëá.) ãîåëçà ùäéä úøåîú äãùï áëäðé çãúé ã÷àîø òìä ãìëê ìà äåä ôééñ áúçéìä áúøåîú äãùï îùåí àåðñ ùéðä ëø' àìòæø áø''ù


Our Mishnah in Yoma (22a), which proves that Terumas ha'Deshen was with new Kohanim, for it says about it "therefore initially there was not a lottery for Terumas ha'Deshen, due to Ones of sleep (since it is hard to wake up early, few Kohanim will want to do it)", is like R. Elazar b'Ribi Shimon.

(äâäú ìùí æáç) åòåã éù ìåîø ãî÷éãåù úøåîú äãùï ìà ÷ùéà îéãé ãôñåì òáåãú ìéìä ãøáðï


Answer #2: Kidush of Terumas ha'Deshen is not difficult at all, for the Pesul of night Avodah is mid'Rabanan. (They did not decree about Terumas ha'Deshen, for there is no alternative. Other night Avodah is possible through Kohanim who were Mekadesh during the day.)

åéù òåã èòí ìäëùéø áúøåîú äãùï èôé îáëåìä ìéìä ëãôéøù á÷åðèøñ áñîåê


There is another reason to be Machshir [Kidush for] Terumas ha'Deshen more than [other Avodah of] the entire night, like Rashi explained below (21b, DH veha'Amar. If they raise the water for Kidush, perhaps they will not return it before dawn. This does not apply to Terumas ha'Deshen, which is shortly before dawn. Surely they will return it immediately!)

àé ðîé é''ì ùäéä ìäí îéí áëìé ùøú àçø ëãé ÷éãåù ùì úøåîú äãùï (äâäú ìùí æáç)


Alternatively, they had water in a different Kli Shares for Kidush of Terumas ha'Deshen. (They would not raise the Kiyor for it. They did not decree about this water, for there is no alternative, like Tosfos said.)

òåã éù ìåîø ãðéçà ìéä ìîéôøê îãø' éåçðï àãø''é èôé îîúðéúéï ãúîéã îùåí ãàéëà ìãçåéé ãñáéøà ìéä ìîúðé' ãî÷øåú äâáø òã öôøà ìà ôñìä ìéðä àôé' áîéí àò''â ãñåâéà ãùîòúéï åãàé ìàå äëé ñáéøà


Answer #2 (to Question (a)): [The Gemara] prefers to ask a contradiction in R. Yochanan, rather than from the Mishnah in Tamid, because we could dispel it and say that our Mishnah holds that Linah does not disqualify from Kros ha'Gever until morning (dawn), even for water, even though surely our Sugya does not hold like this.

åìäàé ôéøåù ðéçà äùúà ãìà îöé ìà÷ùåéé îáøééúà ãìòéì ãôìéâé áä øáé åøáé àìòæø áø''ù ã÷úðé ÷éãù áìéìä öøéê ì÷ãù áéåí ãîùîò äà áìéìä îéçæé çæé:


Support: According to this, it is fine that we could not ask from the Beraisa above (19b) in which Rebbi and R. Elazar b'Ribi Shimon argue. It taught that if he was Mekadesh at night, he must be Mekadesh during the day, which connotes that the entire night he is proper [for Avodah]. (L'Shem Zevach - this belongs after the answer above that the Pesul of night Avodah is only mid'Rabanan. We could not ask from the Beraisa, because it discusses Torah law.)


TOSFOS DH Kiyor Kivan she'Shak'o

úåñôåú ã"ä ëéåø ëéåï ùù÷òå

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that this is only before it was disqualified.)

ôéøåù äàé ãîäðé ùé÷åò ìîéí äééðå ÷åãí ùðôñìå ãìàçø ùðôñìå àîøé' áô' ëì ùòä (ôñçéí ãó ìã:) ãàéï æøéòä ìä÷ãù


Explanation: Submerging in the water helps, i.e. before it was disqualified, for after it was disqualified, we say in Pesachim (34b) that Zeri'ah (connection to a Mikveh) does not apply to Hekdesh.


TOSFOS DH Kiyor she'Lo Shak'o

úåñôåú ã"ä ëéåø ùìà ù÷òå

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that we conclude that this is precise.)

äùúà ñ''ã ãìàå ãå÷à àìà àôéìå ù÷òå îòìäå [åî÷ãù] ìòáåãú ìéìä


Explanation: Now we are thinking that this is not precise. Rather, even if he submerged it, he raises it and is Mekadesh for night Avodah;

àìà øáåúà ð÷è äëé àò''ô ùìà äéä îùå÷ò áù÷éòú äçîä ëùø ìòáåãú ìéìä


Rather, it taught [when he did not submerge it] for a bigger Chidush. Even though it was not submerged when the sun set, it is Kosher for night Avodah.

àáì ìáñåó ãîùðé åîñé÷ ãàéëà áéðéäå âæéøú ùé÷åò ðéçà ãð÷è ùìà ù÷òå ãàí àéúà ãù÷òå àéï îòìäå òã úøåîú äãùï


However, at the end [the Gemara] answers and concludes that they argue about the decree about submerging, it is fine that it says that it was not submerged, for if it was submerged, he may not raise it until Terumas ha'Deshen.


TOSFOS DH Mai Ein Mailehu deka'Amar l'Avodas ha'Yom

úåñôåú ã"ä îàé àéï îòìäå ã÷àîø ìòáåãú äéåí

(SUMMARY: Tosfos gives two explanations of this.)

ôé' ùéäà ëùø ì÷ãù ìòðéï ùéåòéì ìå ÷éãåù ìòáåãú éåí ëâåï ÷åîõ åãí àáì ìòáåãú ìéìä ëâåï ìàéáøéí çæé


Explanation #1: [He cannot raise it] so it will be Kosher for Kidush, so the Kidush will help for day Avodah, e.g. Kometz. However, for night Avodah, such as limbs, it is proper;

åôøéê äééðå ãø' çééà áø' éåñó åîùðé àéëà áéðééäå âæøú ùé÷åò


The Gemara asks that [if so, R. Yochanan] holds just like R. Chiya bar Yosef, and answers that they argue about a decree of submerging;

ëìåîø ìø''é àñåø ìäòìåúå âæéøä ùîà éôùò åìà éçæåø åéù÷éòðå


I.e. according to R. Yochanan it is forbidden to raise it. This is a decree lest he be negligent and not submerge it again;

ãø' éåçðï àéú ìéä âæéøú ùé÷åò åìäëé ð÷è ùìà ù÷òå ãàí ù÷òå ìà éòìäå òã úøåîú äãùï ãìîà ôùò


R. Yochanan holds that there is a decree of submerging. Therefore it mentioned that he did not submerge it, for if he submerged it, he may not raise it until Terumas ha'Deshen, lest he be negligent.

àáì àí ìà ù÷òå àå ù÷òå åäòìäå î÷ãù îîðå


However, if he did not submerge it, or he submerged it and raised it, he may be Mekadesh from it.

åø' çééà áø éåñó ìà âæø åñáéøà ìéä ãîòìäå ëì ùòä ùéøöä åìà çééùéðï ãìîà ôùò


R. Chiya bar Yosef does not decree. He holds that he may raise it whenever he wants. We are not concerned lest he be negligent.

åà''ú åìîä äéå îù÷òéï àåúå ëìì áòøá äéä ìäí ìäîúéï òã ñîåê ìòîåã äùçø ëãé ùéäé éëåìéï ëì äìéìä ì÷ãù ìàáøéí


Question: Why did they submerge it at all at night? They should have waited until close to dawn, so that they could be Mekadesh the entire night for limbs!

åé''ì (ãìîà) ìà øöå ìäîúéï æîï ùé÷åòå òã ñîåê ìæîï ôñåìå ãìîà ôùò åìà îù÷ò ìéä áòîåã äùçø


Answer: They did not want to delay the time of submerging it until close to the time when it becomes Pasul, lest he be negligent and not submerge it at dawn.

åä''ä ùäéå éëåìéï ì÷áåò æîï ùé÷åò áúçéìú äìéìä àå áàîöòä ãëãé ùéäà æëåø áòîåã äùçø


Implied question: Likewise, they could have fixed the time of submerging it at the beginning of the night or in the middle, [since the whole reason is] so he will remember at dawn!

àìà ìôé ùäåà æîï ôñåì îúéøéí ùì ãí å÷åîõ ÷áòå æîðå áòøá


Answer: Because [Shki'ah] is the time of Pasul of Matirin, i.e. blood and Kometz, they fixed the time [during the day, before] evening.

åìø' éåçðï àò''ô ùòì ëøçï éù ìäï ìäòìåúï ìúøåîú äãùï ìà ãîé ëãôé' á÷åðèøñ [ì÷îï


And according to R. Yochanan, even though they are forced to raise [the Kiyor] for Terumas ha'Deshen, that is different, like Rashi explained below (21b DH veha'Amar);

åæ''ì] ãìà ñâéà ìéä áìàå ÷éãåù æä ùæëä ìôééñ ùì úøåîú äãùï


Citation (Rashi): The one who merited in the lottery of Terumas ha'Deshen cannot manage without this Kidush;

åìâæéøú ùé÷åò ìéëà ìîéçù ãëéåï ùîöàå ù÷åò åäòìäå åòëùéå äâéò æîï äñîåê ìôñåìå ìà ôùò ìéä åäãø îù÷ò ìéä


We need not be concerned for the decree of submerging, since he found it submerged and raised it, and the time arrived close to when it is Pasul. He will not be negligent; he will submerge it.

åìà ãîé ìîòìäå áìéìä ùîðéçå ì÷ãù ëäðéí äáàéï úîéã ìä÷èéø åàúé ìîéôùò


This is unlike one who raised it at night. He leaves it to be Mekadesh Kohanim who come constantly for Haktarah, and he may come to be negligent.

åà''ú åéôñåì îéîéå åîä áëê åäà äùúà ðîé ëùîù÷òå áòîåã äùçø åçåæø åîòìäå áéåí ìà äéä éëåì ì÷ãù áîéîéå ìîúéøéï


Question: Let its water become Pasul! What is wrong with this? Also now, when he submerges it at dawn and returns to raise it during the day, he could not be Mekadesh with its water for Matirin!

ãëáø ðôñìå åìà îäðé ìäå æøéòä àìà ìàáøéí äéä éëåì ì÷ãù


[The water] already become Pasul, and Zeri'ah does not help for it. He could be Mekadesh only for limbs;

åîé äåà ùåèä ùéëåì ì÷ãù áéåí ÷éãåù âîåø ùéåòéì ìëì äòáåãåú åäåà òåîã åî÷ãù ÷éãåù ùàéðå îåòéì àìà ìàáøéí


Who is so foolish, that he could be Mekadesh during the day a full Kidush that will help for all Avodos, and he stands and does a Kidush that helps only for limbs?!

åé''ì ãëéåï ã÷éãù ìäå äîéí áëìé ùøú îöåä ìùåîøï ëùàø ÷ãùéí ùìà éôñìå ëãôé' á÷åðèøñ áäê ãùîòúéï


Answer #1: Since he was Mekadesh the water in a Kli Shares, it is a Mitzvah to guard it like other Kodshim, so it not become Pasul, like Rashi explained in this Sugya (21b).

àé ðîé ëãé ùìà éáåàå ìéãé ðåúø åéèîàå àú äéãéí åáùîòìéï àú äëéåø áéåí äéå îòøéï îéîéå áëìé ùøú


Answer #2: It is in order that [the water] not come to Nosar, and it will be Metamei the hands. When they raised the Kiyor during the day, they poured from it to a Kli Shares;

ãôòîéí ùî÷ãùéï äøáä ëäðéí áëì ããéï åîé ùéù ìå ì÷ãù ìàáøéí î÷ãù îï äîéí ùáëìé ùøú åùðéí òùø ëäðéí äéå (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú ëúá éã, åöàï ÷ãùéí) î÷ãùéï ááú àçú îï äëéåø ìöåøê äúîéã


Sometimes many Kohanim are Mekadesh at all the spouts, and one who needs to be Mekadesh for limbs is Mekadesh from the water in a Kli Shares, and 12 Kohanim were Mekadesh at once from the Kiyor for the need of the Tamid. (In such a case it is not foolish to do a Kidush that helps only for limbs.)

àó òì ôé ùäéä ôééñ ùì úîéã ÷åãí ò''ä ëãîåëç áîñëú úîéã (ô''à)


Implied question: The lottery for the Tamid was before dawn, like is proven in Tamid (1:2)!

î''î ìà äéå î÷ãùéï áìéìä òã ùäéä éåí åîòìéï äëéåø åðåúðéí îéîéå áëìé ùøú åîîìàéï àåúå îéí çãùéí åî÷ãùéí îäí


Answer: Even so, they were not Mekadesh at night, until it was day, and they raise the Kiyor and put its water in a Kli Shares, and fill it again with new water and are Mekadesh from [the new water];

ùäøé äéä æåø÷ ãí äúîéã åðôñìå îéîéå ìîúéøéï åìà îäðé ìäå æøéòä


[We must say so, for a Kohen] would throw the blood of the Tamid, and [the old] water was Pasul for the Tamid, and Zeri'ah does not help for it.

åäà ãôñìä ìäå ìéðä áîéí áëåìä ùîòúéï äééðå ëøáé åìà ëøáé àìòæø áø''ù ìîàé ãôùéè àéìôà ìòéì ëîçìå÷ú áæå ëê îçìå÷ú áæå


Explanation #1 (cont.): In our entire Sugya, Linah disqualifies water. This is like Rebbi, and unlike R. Elazar b'Ribi Shimon, according to how Ilfa resolved above (20a) "like they argue about this (whether Linah disqualifies Kidush), they argue about this (whether Linah disqualifies water)."

[åëåìäå àîåøàé ãìòéì îåãå ãìëì äôçåú ñôé÷à äåé åäëà îôùè ôùè


Support: All of the Amora'im above agree that it is at least a Safek, and here it is obvious (that Linah disqualifies, for here we discuss according to Rebbi).

åòåã öøéê ìåîø ãäà ãàîø àáéé ìòéì ãî÷øåú äâáø òã öôøà ìà ôñìà ìéðä äééðå ÷éãåù àáì áîéí ôåñìú


Consequence: Also, we must say that Abaye's teaching above (20a) that from Kros ha'Gever until dawn, Linah does not disqualify, this refers to Kidush, but it does disqualify water [of the Kiyor];

åäàé ãôñìä ðîé ìéðä áîéí àéðå àìà îãøáðï ãëéåï ãìà ôñéì á÷éãåù ìà ôñéì áîéí ãäëì [àçã] ëãàîø ìòéì ëîçìå÷ú áæå ëê îçìå÷ú áæå]


And this that it disqualifies water is mid'Rabanan. [Mid'Oraisa,] since it does not disqualify Kidush, it does disqualify water, for both have the same law, like it says above (20a) "like they argue about this, they argue about this."

åøáéðå ôé' áòðéï àçø åæä ìùåðå åîàé àéðå îòìäå ã÷àîø îùåí çùù òáåãú äéåí


Explanation #2 (Rabbeinu): What does it mean "he does not raise it"? It is due to concern for Avodah of the day;

ùàí éòìäå ìòáåãú ìéìä ÷åãí úøåîú äãùï éäéå ñáåøéí äòåìí ùîù÷òéï àåúå áù÷éòú äçîä ùìà éôñìå äîéí ìîúøéï å÷åãí äùçø ùìà éôñìå ìàáøéí


If he raises it for night Avodah, before Terumas ha'Deshen, people will think that they submerge it at Shki'ah so the water will not be Pasul for Matirin, and before morning, so it will not be Pasul for limbs;

åéáà ì÷ãù îîðå ìîçø ìîúéøéï àó òì ôé ùìà äéä îùå÷ò (îëàï îòîåã á) ëì äìéìä ø÷ áù÷éòú äçîä åáòîåã äùçø


They will come to be Mekadesh from it tomorrow for Matirin, even though it was not submerged the entire night, rather, only at Shki'ah and dawn.


åäééðå âæéøú ùé÷åò ã÷àîø áñîåê ãâæøéðï ùéäà îùå÷ò ëì äìéìä òã úøåîú äãùï ëãé ùéãòå äòåìí ùìà ù÷òåäå îáòåã éåí ëé àí ìäéåú æëåøéí òì éãé ëê ùé÷åò ãñåó ëì äìéìä


This is the decree of submerging that it says below. We decree that it be submerged the entire night until Terumas ha'Deshen, so everyone will know that they submerged it before night only so they will remember through this submerging at the end of every night;

ùëùéîöàåäå (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú) îùå÷ò áùòú úøåîú äãùï éçæøåäå åéù÷òåäå ÷åãí äéåí


When they will find it submerged at the time of Terumas ha'Deshen, they will return and submerge it before day (dawn);

ëé àí éòìåäå ìàçø ù÷éòú äçîä éù ìâæåø ùîà éàîøå ùìäëùéøå ìòáåãú îúéøéï ìîçø ùé÷òåäå áù÷éòú äçîä åëùø ìîúéøéï àó òì ôé ùéòìäå ìàçø ù÷éòú äçîä


If they would raise it after Shki'ah, we should decree lest they say that they submerged it at Shki'ah to be Machshir it for Avodas Matirin tomorrow, and it is Kosher for Matirin even though they raised it after Shki'ah.

åôøéê àé äëé äééðå ãøáé çééà áøáé éåñó ùôåñì ìîúéøéï áù÷éòú äçîä


Explanation #2 (cont.): [The Gemara] asks that if so, [R. Yochanan] holds just like R. Chiya b'Ribi Yosef, who disqualifies it for Matirin at Shki'ah;

ëé ìøá çñãà ùàéðå ôåñì ìîúéøéï àìà áòîåã äùçø ìà àéëôú ìï áîä ùéëùéøåí ìîçø ìîúéøéï ëé áùé÷åò ãòîåã äùçø îúëùø àôé' ìîúéøéí


According to Rav Chisda, that it is Pasul for Matirin only at dawn, we are not concerned that they will be Machshir it for Matirin tomorrow, for submerging at dawn permits even for Matirin.

åîùðé àéëà áéðééäå âæéøú ùé÷åò ãøáé éåçðï âæø ìäùäåúå áùé÷åò ãù÷éòú äçîä îùåí ùé÷åò (äâäú öàï ÷ãùéí) ùàðå öøéëéï àæ ìù÷òå ëãé ìäæëéø ùé÷åò ãñåó äìéìä


[The Gemara] answers that they argue about the decree of submerging. R. Yochanan decrees to leave it submerged in the submersion [done] at Shki'ah, because the submersion we require then is to remind about submersion at the end of the night;

ùìà éàîøå ùàéðå ìäæëéø àìà ìäëùéø ìîúéøéï åìëê öøéê ìäùäåúå òã úøåîú äãùï ëãôøéùéú


People should not say that it is not to remind, rather, to be Machshir for Matirin. Therefore, one must leave it [submerged] until Terumas ha'Deshen, like I explained.

åôøéê (äâäú öàï ÷ãùéí) åäà''ø éåçðï ÷éãù éãéå ìúøåîú ëå'


Explanation #2 (cont.): [The Gemara] asks that R. Yochanan taught that if one was Mekadesh for Terumas [ha'Deshen, he need not be Mekadesh again after dawn]!

áùìîà ìøáà ãîå÷é ìéä ìääéà ëøáé àìòæø áø' ùîòåï äà ëøáé àéëà ìîéîø ãñáéøà ìéä ìøáà ãìøáé àìòæø áøáé ùîòåï ìà ôñìä ìéðä áîé ëéåø


Granted, Rava, who establishes this (teaching that he need not be Mekadesh again after dawn) like R. Elazar b'Ribi Shimon, and this (teaching that once he submerged it, he does not raise it) like Rebbi, we can say that Rava holds that according to R. Elazar b'Ribi Shimon, Linah does not disqualify water of the Kiyor;

ëîàï ãàîø ìòéì ëîçìå÷ú áæå ëê îçìå÷ú áæå åìà ëääéà ãìà ôùéè ìéä ìòéì


This is like [Ravin,] who said above (20a) "like they argue about this (whether Linah disqualifies Kidush), they argue about this (whether it disqualifies the water)", and unlike [R. Yitzchak bar Bisna,] who did not resolve this above (there);

åìîçø àéðå î÷ãù ãáîéìúéä ãàéìôà àéðå öøéê ì÷ãù ÷àîø ëøáé àìòæø áøáé ùîòåï åìà ÷àé àîé ëéåø ìôåñìí ìîçø ëé ëùøéí äí ìøáé àìòæø áø''ù


"He is not Mekadesh the next day" that Ilfa said, he means that he need not be Mekadesh in the morning, like R. Elazar b'Ribi Shimon. It does not refer to the water of the Kiyor to disqualify them tomorrow, for it is Kosher according to R. Elazar b'Ribi Shimon.

àìà ìàáéé ãîå÷é ìä ëøáé ÷ùéà ãøáé àãøáé


Distinction: However, according to Abaye, who establishes [also that teaching of R. Yochanan] like Rebbi, Rebbi contradicts himself!

ãîàé ùðà áäà ãëéåï ãù÷òå ùåá àéðå îòìäå ãîöøéê ìù÷òå ëãé ìäæëéø ùéù÷òåäå áñåó äìéìä


Why is this different, that since he submerged it, later he may not raise it - he requires submerging it to remind that they submerge it at the end of the night...

åîàé ùðà áäà ã÷àîø ãëáø ÷éãù îúçéìú òáåãä ãîùîò ãúøåîú äãùï úçìú òáåãú äéåí ùîùí åàéìê òñå÷éí áòáåãú äéåí áìà äôñ÷ åëì ùòä î÷ãù åòåáã ëì äáà ìòáåã îùí åàéìê


Why is it different from this that he said that he was already Mekadesh at the beginning of Avodah, which connotes that Terumas ha'Deshen is the beginning of the day's Avodah, that from then and onwards they engage in Avodas ha'Yom without ceasing, and constantly he is Mekadesh and serves, everyone who comes to serve from then and onwards?

îùîò ãìà îù÷ò ìéä àçø ùäòìäå ìúøåîú äãùï ùàí ëï éù äôñ÷ áãáø


Inference: He does not submerge it after he raised it for Terumas ha'Deshen, for if he did, there is an interruption!

åîùðé äà ã÷øé ìéä úçéìú òáåãä ìàå îùåí ãìà îù÷ò ìéä ãåãàé îñì÷ ìéä åäãø îù÷ò ìéä


Explanation #2 (cont.): [The Gemara] answers that the reason he calls it the beginning of Avodah is not because he does not submerge it, for surely he raises it and submerges it.

å÷öú éù úéîä áéï ìôé' æä áéï ìôéøåù àçø ìéùðà ãîñì÷ ìéä ãäà ðîé äéä éåãò ãîñì÷ ìéä åàéï ÷ùä ìå àìà îùé÷åò (ãáúøà)


Question: Both according to this Perush, and the other (Explanation #1), the expression "he raises it" is difficult, for also [the Makshan] knew that he raises it. His question was only from submerging;

îàé ùðà äëà ãîù÷ò ìéä åîàé ùðà äúí ãìà îù÷ò ìéä


Why is it different here that he submerges it, and there he does not submerge it?


TOSFOS DH Iy Meshake'a Lei

úåñôåú ã"ä àé îù÷ò ìéä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains the question.)

ùäéä ìîòìä åëøá çñãà åîåøéãå (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú) ìáåø äìà àéï ÷åìå ðùîò


Explanation: [If] it was above, like Rav Chisda, and he lowers it to the pit, it would not be heard.

åà''ú ìéùðé ãðùîò ÷åìå ã÷úðé äééðå áäòìåúå


Question: We should answer that it was taught "its sound is heard", i.e. when he raises it!

åé''ì äééðå ã÷à àîø ãîù÷ò ìéä áâìâìà (ëâåï) ìáåø åä÷åì ùðùîò äééðå áäåöéàå îï äáåø åîòìäå


Answer #1: This is what he said, that he lowers it through a pulley, and the sound that is heard is when he takes it out of the pit and raises it.

åàé áòéú àéîà ãîù÷ò áçåîøúéä ãäéä áâìâìà àó äùé÷åò ëãé ìäùîéò ÷åì äøáä áäåøéãå åáäòìåúå


Answer #2: He submerges it through the pulley so that the sound will be heard greatly when he lowers it and raises it.


TOSFOS DH Hagahah Ika Beinaihu Gezeiras Shiku'a

úåñôåú ã"ä äâä''ä àéëà áéðééäå âæéøú ùé÷åò

(SUMMARY: Tosfos concludes that they argue about the Pesul if it was not submerged.)

ôéøù øù''é îù÷òå áòøá ùìà éùëç ìù÷òå áòîåã äùçø àáì ìéìä àéðå ôåñìå ëìì ìòáåãú ãí ìîçø àí îù÷òå áòîåã äùçø åìøáé çééà ìéìä ôåñìå


Explanation #1 (Rashi): He submerges it before night, so he not forget to submerge it at dawn, but night does not disqualify at all for Avodas Dam tomorrow if he submerges it at dawn. According to R. Chiya, night disqualifies [the water].

å÷ùä àí ëï àéëà áéðééäå èåáà ãìøáé éåçðï ìéìä àéðä ôåñìú åìøáé çééà ôåñìú


Question #1: If so, there are great differences between them. According to R. Yochanan, night does not disqualify, and according to R. Chiya, it disqualifies!

åòåã ãìéôøê îéã äééðå ãøá çñãà


Question #2: Also, it should ask immediately "this is Rav Chisda's teaching!"

åòåã ãáñîåê ôøéê îëç ìîçø àéðå öøéê ì÷ãù àìîà ìîúéøéï çæé äééðå ãøá çñãà


Question #3: Below, we ask based on "tomorrow, he need not be Mekadesh." This implies that it is proper for Matirin. This is Rav Chisda's teaching!

îùîò ãáìàå ääéà ãìîçø åëå' ìà äåä îöé ìîôøê îéãé


Inference: Without "tomorrow..." he could not ask at all!

ìëê ðøàä ìé âæéøú ùé÷åò åàí ìà ùé÷òå éäà ôñåì îãøáðï ìòáåãú ãí îùåí ìéðä (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú) àôéìå ù÷òå áòîåã äùçø åìø' çééà éäà ôñåì îï äúåøä


Explanation #2: [They argue about] the decree of submerging, and if he did not submerge, it is Pasul mid'Rabanan for Avodas Dam, due to Linah, even if he submerged it at dawn. According to R. Chiya, it is Pasul mid'Oraisa.

åìëê ôøéê ìîçø àéðå öøéê ì÷ãù àìîà àôéìå îãøáðï ëùøä ìòáåãú ãí åàéï ìéìä ôåñìï åàí ëï äééðå ãøá çñãà


Therefore, we ask based on "tomorrow, he need not be Mekadesh." This shows that even mid'Rabanan, it is Kosher for Avodas Dam, and night does not disqualify. If so, this is R. Chiya's teaching!

å÷àîø àéëà áéðééäå îöåú ùé÷åò. áøå''ê:


[The Gemara] answers that they argue about the Mitzvah of submerging. This is from R. Baruch.