ZEVACHIM 120 (30 Av) - Dedicated l'Iluy Nishmas Esther Chaya Rayzel (Friedman) bas Gershon Eliezer (Yahrzeit: 30 Av, Yom Kevurah: 1 Elul) by her son-in-law, Eli Turkel of Raanana, Israel. Esther Friedman was a woman of valor who was devoted to her family and gave of herself unstintingly, inspiring all those around her.

[120a - 43 lines; 120b - 6 lines]

1)[line 3]ëéåï ãäãø äãøKEIVAN D'HADAR HADAR- since it has returned [to outside the Beis ha'Mikdash], it has returned [and is no longer like Kodshei Bamas Tzibur and need not be brought back in again]

2)[line 9]ãçæé ìéä î÷ãùD'CHAZI LEI MEKADESH- it (the Mizbe'ach) sanctifies that which is fit for it

3)[line 17]ãìà îùìä áäï äàåøD'LO MASHLAH BAHEN HA'UR- where the fire of the Mizbe'ach does not take hold of them

4)[line 23]"[åéâéãå ìùàåì ìàîåø, äðä äòí çèàéí ìä' ìàëì òì äãí;] åéàîø áâãúí, âìå àìé äéåí àáï âãåìä""VA'YAGIDU L'SHAUL LEIMOR, HINEH HA'AM CHOTE'IM LA'SH-M LE'ECHOL AL HA'DAM;] VA'YOMER BEGADETEM, GOLU ELAI HA'YOM EVEN GEDOLAH"- "[And they told Shaul, saying, 'Behold, the people are sinning to HaSh-m by eating on the blood (eating Kodshim before the blood has been sprinkled).] And he said, 'You have transgressed! Roll over to me a large boulder'" (Shmuel I 14:33). See next entry.

5)[line 24]"åéàîø ùàåì ôÌåÌöåÌ áòí åàîøúí ìäí äâéùå àìé àéù ùåøå åàéù ùÒÀéÅäåÌ åùçèúí áæä åàëìúí, åìà úçèàå ìä' ìàëåì òì äãí; åéâéùå ëì äòí àéù ùåøå áéãå äìéìä åéùçèå ùí""VA'YOMER SHAUL PUTZU VA'AM VA'AMARTEM LAHEM HAGISHU ELAI ISH SHORO V'ISH SEYEHU U'SHECHAT'TEM BA'ZEH VA'ACHALTEM, V'LO SECHET'U LA'SH-M LE'ECHOL EL HA'DAM; VA'YAGISHU CHOL HA'AM ISH SHORO V'YADO HA'LAILAH, VA'YISHCHATU SHAM" - "And Shaul said, 'Scatter among the people and say to them: Bring to me each man his ox and each man his lamb and slaughter here, and you will eat and not sin to HaSh-m to eat on the blood.' And all of the people, each man, brought his ox with him that night, and they slaughtered there" (Shmuel I 14:34) (THE PEOPLE ATE ON THE BLOOD)

(a)The Jewish army had fought intensely all day and succeeded in a tremendous victory over the Pelishtim. Moreover, Shaul had forbidden the soldiers, with an oath, from eating the entire day. As a result, the people were ravenous. Hence, they took some of the sheep and cattle that they had captured from the Pelishtim and slaughtered them.

(b)Rashi (on verse 33) suggests that the sin to which the Navi refers when he says, "the people are sinning," is the sin of slaughtering a mother and baby animal on the same day. Rashi cites Chazal who explain it literally: after declaring the animals Shelamim, they proceeded to slaughter them and to eat them immediately, before the blood had been sprinkled. That explains why the Navi called for a boulder to be set up, so that it would serve as a Bamah on which to sprinkle the blood of the animals that they subsequently slaughtered.

6)[line 36]åëðåV'CHANO- and its base
