Mishnah 1
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(a)What do we learn from the Pasuk in Kedoshim "le'Ani ve'la'Ger Ta'azov Osam"? What may the owner not do?

(b)Based on the word "Osam", which two exceptions does the Tana cite? What is the reason for this ruling?

(c)Rebbi Shimon adds the fruit of a nut-tree to the list of exceptions. Why is that? Why does he refer to it as 'Chalikei Egozim'?

(d)Like whom is the Halachah?


(a)We learn from the Pasuk "le'Ani ve'la'Ger Ta'azov Osam" - that Pe'ah is left attached to the field for the poor to pick. The owner is therefore forbidden to distribute it, or even just to cut it.

(b)Based on the word "Osam", the Tana cites - grapes that are growing on a raised trellis and dates growing on a date-palm as exceptions to the above ruling, since it can be dangerous to climb them to pick the fruit.

(c)Rebbi Shimon adds the fruit of a nut-tree to the list of exceptions - because its trunk is smooth (which is why he refers to it as 'Chalikei Egozim'), and climbing it too, can be dangerous.

(d)The Halachah is - like the Tana Kama.


(a)What will be the Halachah if ...

1. ... all the poor prefer the owner to distribute the Pe'ah?

2. ... ninety-nine out of a hundred ask for it to be distributed and just one prefers it to be left still attached?


(a)If ...

1. ... all the poor prefer the owner to distribute the Pe'ah - then he is permitted (though not obligated) to distribute it, but it ...

2. ... ninety-nine out of a hundred ask for it to be distributed and just one prefers it to be left still attached - then the one prevails, since he conforms to the basic Halachah.

Mishnah 2
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(a)And what will be the Din if ninety-nine of the assembled poor ask for the owner to leave the Pe'ah on the raised trellis or on the date-palm, and the hundredth asks for it to be picked and distributed?


(a)On the other hand, if ninety-nine of the assembled poor ask for the owner to leave the Pe'ah on the raised trellis or on the date-palm, and the hundredth asks for it to be picked and distributed - the latter prevails, because here too, he is the one to conform to the basic Halachah.

Mishnah 3
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(a)What does the Tana say about a poor man who throws the Pe'ah that he picked onto some standing corn, in order to acquire that too?

(b)Why does he say 'Ein Lo bah Klum', and not just Ma'avirin osah Mimenu', like he says in the following case?

(c)If a poor man tries to acquire Pe'ah by falling on it or spreading his cloak over it, he does not acquire it. Why would we have thought that he does?

(d)The reason that he does not acquire the Pe'ah by falling on it ... might be because the Chachamim did not extend the Takanah to acquiring in somebody else's domain. Why else might he not acquire it?

(e)Is this ruling restricted to Pe'ah?


(a)The Tana rules that if a poor man throws the Pe'ah that he picked onto some standing corn, in order to acquire that too - he does not acquire it.

(b)And he says 'Ein Lo bah Klum' (and not just Ma'avirin osah Mimenu', like he says in the following case) - to teach us that we confiscate the Pe'ah that he picked legally, so that he ends up with nothing.

(c)If a poor man tries to acquire Pe'ah by falling on it or spreading his cloak over it, he does not acquire it. We would have thought that he does - because the Chachamim instituted that the four Amos that surround a person in a R'shus-ha'Yachid or a Simta (at the side of the road) are his (and acquire on his behalf automatically).

(d)The reason that he does not acquire the Pe'ah by falling on it ... is either because the Chachamim did not extend this Takanah to acquiring in somebody else's domain or because - by falling on the Pe'ah or throwing his cloak on it, he reveals that he does not want to make use of the Takanas Chachamim.

(e)This ruling is not restricted to Pe'ah - it extends to Leket and Shikchah as well.

Mishnah 4
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(a)What does the Tana say about the poor using scythes and axes (or spades) to cut Pe'ah?


(a)The Tana forbids the poor to use scythes and axes (or spades) to cut the Pe'ah - in case they come to fight over it, and cause each other grievous bodily harm.

Mishnah 5
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(a)What does the Tana mean when he lists three 'Ibayos' daily for collecting Pe'ah? What does 'Ibayos' mean?

(b)What are the three occasions?

(c)Why ...

1. ... the morning?

2. ... mid-day?

3. ... Minchah-time?

(d)According to Raban Gamliel, one is not permitted to subtract from this number, though one is permitted to add to it. What does Rebbi Akiva say?

(e)Like whom is the Halachah?


(a)When the Tana lists three 'Ibayos' daily for collecting Pe'ah, he means - that the owner is obligated to appear ('Ibayos' is a Lashon of revealing what is hidden) in the field, to allow the poor to enter and collect Pe'ah (see Tiferes Yisrael 20).

(b)The three occasions are - early morning, mid-day and afternoon (at Minchah-time).

(c)The reason for ...

1. ... the early morning is - because that is when feeding mothers, whose babies are still sleeping, are free to go and collect Pe'ah.

2. ... mid-day is - because that is when the children tend to go and collect Pe'ah.

3. ... Minchah-time - for the benefit of the old men who walk on sticks, and who simply are unable to arrive earlier.

(d)According to Raban Gamliel, one is not permitted to subtract from this number, though one is permitted to add to it. Rebbi Akiva confines the restriction to - adding to three, but permits subtracting from it.

(e)The Halachah is - like the Tana Kama, who requires the owner to appear in the field three times, no less and no more.

Mishnah 6
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(a)What does the Tana Kama learn from the Pasuk ...

1. ... in Emor (in connection with Leket and Pe'ah) "u've'Kutzre*chem* ... "?

2. ... in Ki Setzei (in connection with Shikchah) "ki Siktzor Ketzircha ve'Shakachta Omer?

(b)Rebbi Yehudah obligates him to leave Shikchah. Why is that?

(c)The Pasuk in Ki Setzei refers to Shikchas Omer. What do we learn from "ve'Shachachta Omer ba'Sadeh"?

(d)What do the Rabbanan now learn from Shikchas Kamah?


(a)The Tana Kama learns from the Pasuk ...

1. ... in Emor "u've'Kutzr*chem* ... " - that a Nochri who harvests his field and then converts is Patur from Leket and Pe'ah.

2. ... in Ki Setzei "ki Siktzor Ketzircha ve'Shakachta Omer - that he is Patur from Shikchah, too (see Tosfos Yom-Tov, as to why we list them in what appears to be the wrong order).

(b)Rebbi Yehudah obligates him to leave Shikchah - because the Chiyuv Shikchah only takes effect at the time of the harvest, by which time he already converted.

(c)The Pasuk in Ki Setzei refers to Shikchas Omer (Shikchah of sheaves). We learn from "ve'Shachachta Omer ba'Sadeh" - that there is also such a thing as Shikchas Kamah (Shikchah of standing corn).

(d)The Rabbanan now learn from Shikchas Kamah (from which the Nochri is Patur after he converts) - that he is Patur from Shikchas Omer as well (since the Torah compares them in the same Pasuk).

Mishnah 7
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(a)From where do we know that Hekdesh is Patur from Pe'ah?

(b)That being the case, what does the Mishnah say about the Din of Matnos Aniyim with regard to someone who declares Hekdesh ...

1. ... standing corn which he subsequently redeems?

2. ... sheaves which he subsequently redeems?

3. ... standing corn which he only redeems after he has turned it into sheaves?

(c)What is the reason for this final ruling?


(a)We know that Hekdesh is Patur from Leket, Shikchah and Pe'ah - from the same Pasuk as Nochri.

(b)That being the case, the Mishnah rules that if someone declares Hekdesh ...

1. ... standing corn which he subsequently redeems, or ...

2. ... sheaves which he subsequently redeems - he is Chayav all three.

3. ... standing corn which he only redeems after he has turned it into sheaves - he is Patur from Leket and Pe'ah, whereas Shikchah is subject to the same Machlokes between Rebbi Yehudah (Chayav) and the Chachamim (Patur) as by a Nochri.

(c)This final ruling - is based on the fact that at the time of Chiyuv (i.e. the harvest), he is Patur.

Mishnah 8
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(a)Following the same principle as the previous Mishnah, what does the Tana rule with regard to someone who declares Hekdesh and then redeems crops that have ...

1. ... not yet reached the stage of Ma'asros?

2. ... reached the stage of Ma'asros?

(b)What is the definition of crops that have not yet reached the stage of Ma'asros?

(c)And what does he rule in a case where the owner declares them Hekdesh before they reach the stage of Ma'asros, and redeems them only after the Gizbar brings them to the stage of Ma'asros?


(a)Following the same principle as the previous Mishnah, the Tana rules that if someone declares Hekdesh and then redeems crops that have ...

1. ... not yet reached the stage of Ma'asros - they are subject to Pe'ah

2. ... reached the stage of Ma'asros - are likewise subject to Pe'ah.

(b)The definition of crops that have not yet reached the stage of Ma'asros is - crops that have not yet been flattened in the pile after winnowing.

(c)Whereas in a case where the owner declares them Hekdesh before they reach the stage of Ma'asros, and redeems them only after the Gizbar brings them to the stage of Ma'asros - he rules that he is Patur.

Mishnah 9
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(a)According to Rebbi Eliezer, if a rich man collects Pe'ah on behalf of a poor one, the poor man acquires it. What do the Chachamim say?

(b)What is the basis of their Machlokes?

(c)Like whom is the Halachah?


(a)According to Rebbi Eliezer, if a rich man collected Pe'ah on behalf of a poor one, the poor man acquires it. The Chachamim say - that it must be given to the first poor man to turn up.

(b)The basis of their Machlokes is - whether we say two Migu's a. that the rich man could have declared his property Hefker and become a poor man himself, and b. that 'Migu de'Zachi le'Nafsheih ... ' (since a poor man can acquire for himself, he can also acquire on behalf of his friend [Rebbi Eliezer]) or not ([the Rabbanan, who hold of one 'Migu', but not two]).

(c)The Halachah is like the Chachamim.


(a)Our Mishnah considers the Leket, Shikchah and Pe'ah that a Nochri leaves in his field subject to Ma'asros. Why is that?

(b)The author of our Mishnah is Rebbi Meir. Which Rebbi Meir does this refer to?

(c)In which case will even Rebbi Meir concede that the crops of a Nochri are Patur from Ma'asros?

(d)What is the Halachah in this regard?


(a)Our Mishnah considers the Leket, Shikchah and Pe'ah that a Nochri leaves in his field subject to Ma'asros - because he is not Chayav Pe'ah, in which case there is no reason to exempt it.

(b)The author of our Mishnah is Rebbi Meir, who holds - that a Nochri does not have a Kinyan in Eretz Yisrael to exempt his property from Ma'asros (see Tosfos Rebbi Akiva Eiger).

(c)Even Rebbi Meir will concede however, that the crops of a Nochri are Patur from Ma'asros - if he declares them Hefker, since Hefker is Patur from Ma'asros.

(d)The Halachah in this regard is - that a Nochri does have a Kinyan in Eretz Yisrael to exempt his property from Ma'asros.

Mishnah 10
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(a)How does the Tana define Leket?

(b)What happens to grains that fall from the owner's hand due a thorn-prick?

(c)What distinction does the Tana draw between grains that fall, during harvesting, from inside the owner's hand or the scythe, and those that fall from the back of the hand or the scythe?

(d)If the grains fall from 'Rosh ha'Yad' or 'Rosh ha'Magal', Rebbi Akiva disagrees with Rebbi Yishmael, who holds that they are Leket. What is the basis of their Machlokes?

(e)Like whom is the Halachah?


(a)The Tana defines Leket as - grains that fall at the time of harvesting.

(b)Grains that fall from the owner's hand due a thorn-prick - belong to the owner.

(c)The Tana - considers grains that fall during harvesting, from inside the owner's hand or the scythe, to be Leket, but those that fall from the back of the hand or the scythe, to belong to the owner (because they fell be'O'neis [see Mishnah Acharonah]).

(d)If the grains fall from 'Rosh ha'Yad' (between the fingers of a full hand) or 'Rosh ha'Magal' (the edge of a scythe-full), Rebbi Akiva disagrees with Rebbi Yishmael, who holds that they are Leket - because he compares it to inside the hand (whereas Rebbi Akiva compares it to the back of the hand).

(e)The Halachah is - like Rebbi Akiva.

Mishnah 11
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(a)What is the Din regarding grains of corn that are found in the ant-holes ...

1. ... among the standing corn?

2. ... that are behind the harvesters?

(b)Under what circumstances do even the latter belong to the owner, according to the Tana Kama?

(c)Why is that?

(d)What is the definition of ...

1. ... the upper ones?

2. ... the lower ones?


(a)Grains of corn that are found in the ant-holes ...

1. ... among the standing corn - belong to the owner (since the poor have no business to even search there for Pe'ah.

2. ... that are behind the harvesters - is Leket.

(b)According to the Tana Kama - the lower ones of even the latter belong to the owner ...

(c)... because we assume it to have been there from before the corn was cut.

(d)The ...

1. ... upper ones are those which are still a whitish color.

2. ... lower ones are those that have already turned yellow from age (a sure sign that the ants picked them whilst the corn was still standing and brought them to their ant-holes).


(a)Rebbi Meir disagrees. On what basis does he grant the poor ownership even of the lower grains?

(b)How does he counter the Tana Kama's argument that the color is a sign of age?

(c)Like whom is the Halachah?


(a)Rebbi Meir disagrees. He grants the poor ownership even of the lower grains - based on the principle 'Safek Leket Leket'.

(b)He counters the Tana Kama's argument that the color is a sign of age - inasmuch as every granary contains at least a small percentage of yellow corn.

(c)The Halachah is - like Rebbi Meir.