(a)Beis Shamai and Beis Hillel discuss 'Milb'nos ha'Tevu'ah she'bein ha'Zeisim'. What are 'Milb'nos ha'Tevu'ah'? Why are they called by that name?
(b)What do Beis Shamai mean when they say 'Pe'ah mi'Kol Achas ve'Achas'?
(c)What do Beis Hillel say?
(d)Seeing as this ruling applies equally to other trees, why does the Mishnah mention specifically olive-trees?
(a)Beis Shamai and Beis Hillel discuss 'Milb'nos ha'Tevu'ah she'bein ha'Zeisim' - brick-shaped rows of produce that are growing in a grove of olive-trees.
(b)When Beis Shamai say 'Pe'ah mi'Kol Achas ve'Achas', they mean - that one must leave Pe'ah from each row.
(c)According to Beis Hillel - it will suffice to leave Pe'ah from one of the rows to cover all of them.
(d)In spite of the fact that this ruling applies equally to other trees, the Mishnah mentions specifically olive-trees - to teach us that even olive-trees, which are themselves Chayav Pe'ah, do not divide the rows of vegetables, to require Pe'ah to be left from each row individually.
(a)We establish the Mishnah where the trees are planted ten to a Beis Sa'ah (fifty Amos square). What will be the Din if they are planted ...
1. ... further apart than that?
2. ... closer together?
(b)In which other case will even Beis Shamai concede that one Pe'ah will suffice for all the plots?
(a)We establish the Mishnah where the trees are planted ten to a Beis Sa'ah (fifty Amos square). If they are planted ...
1. ... further apart than that - Beis Hillel will concede that one must leave Pe'ah in each row.
2. ... closer together - then it is Beis Shamai who concede that it will suffice to leave Pe'ah in one of the rows.
(b)Beis Shamai also concedes that one Pe'ah will suffice for all the rows - if the ends of one rows runs into the other.
(a)Rebbi Akiva and the Chachamim argue over 'ha'Menamer Sadeihu' (someone who reaps patches of produce one at a time). Why does the owner do that?
(b)According to Rebbi Akiva, he must leave Pe'ah for each patch. What do the Chachamim say?
(c)What does the Mishnah say about a field of aniseed or mustard? Why is that?
(d)Seeing as vegetables are Patur from Pe'ah, why is one Chayav to leave Pe'ah for aniseed and mustard?
(a)Rebbi Akiva and the Chachamim argue over ha'Menamer Sadeihu' (someone who reaps patches of produce one at a time) - because they do not all ripen simultaneously.
(b)According to Rebbi Akiva, he must leave Pe'ah for each patch. The Chachamim say - it will suffice to leave Pe'ah in one patch (See Tiferes Yisrael).
(c)The Chachamim agree with Rebbi Akiva by a field of aniseed or mustard - that if the owner planted either of them in three places in the field, then he must leave three lots of Pe'ah, because it is unusual to sow a large field with these species, and each one is considered to be an independent field.
(d)Despite the fact that vegetables are Patur from Pe'ah, one is Chayav to leave Pe'ah for aniseed and mustard - because they are generally planted for their seeds, and therefore fall under the category of seeds (and not vegetables).
(a)What does the Tana say about someone who picks the moist onions (ha'Machlik [leaving bare patches in his field]), and retains the dry ones for the barn?
(b)What else might 'ha'Machlik' mean?
(c)The same applies to a vineyard. To which other vegetable does it also apply?
(a)The Tana rules that if someone picks the moist onions (leaving bare patches in his field) to sell in the market, and retains the dry ones for the barn - he must leave Pe'ah for each crop separately.
(b)'ha'Machlik' might also mean - that he divides (like 'Mechalek') the onions into two groups, selling some whilst they are still moist, and saving others to place in his barn when they dry.
(c)The same applies to a vineyard - and to beans.
(a)'ha'Madal' however, only leaves Pe'ah on what remains. What does 'ha'Madal' mean? What does it entail?
(b)What is the reason for this ruling?
(c)What does the Tana say about someone who is Machlik his field 'me'Achas Yad', which might mean that he picks all the onions for the barn or all to sell in the market?
(d)How does the Rambam explain 'me'Achas Yad'?
(a)'ha'Madal' however, only leaves Pe'ah on what remains. 'ha'Madal' means - removing one out of every three thickly-growing onions, allowing the remaining onions to grow better ...
(b)... because his objective is for the benefit of the onions that remain.
(c)The Tana rules that if someone is Machlik his field 'me'Achas Yad' (which might mean that he picks all the onions for the barn or all to sell in the market) - he only needs to leave one Pe'ah from what remains (because what he picked now is considered the beginning of the harvest).
(d)According to the Rambam however 'me'Achas Yad' means - that he picks all those that he intends to sell in the market from one side (rather than the bit from here, and a bit from there, in the Reisha).
(a)What are 'Imahos shel Betzalim'?
(b)Why does Rebbi Yossi exempt them from Pe'ah?
(c)What does the Tana Kama say about them?
(d)According to the Chachamim, Milb'nos ha'Betzalim in a field of vegetables, have the same Din as Milb'nos ha'Tevu'ah in a field of olive-trees. What does Rebbi Yossi say? Why is that?
(e)Like whom is the Halachah?
(a)'Imahos shel Betzalim' are - large onions that one leaves in the ground for seeding.
(b)Rebbi Yossi exempts them from Pe'ah - because they are only fit to eat in case of emergency.
(c)The Tana Kama rules - that they are nevertheless subject to Pe'ah.
(d)According to the Chachamim, Milb'nos ha'Betzalim in a field of vegetables, have the same Din as Milb'nos ha'Tevu'ah in a field of olive-trees ('me'Achas al ha'Kol'). Rebbi Yossi holds - 'mi'Kol Achas ve'Achas', because it is not common to sow onions among the vegetables, so he considers it like another species, which interrupts, obligating Pe'ah to be taken from each section of vegetables (as we learned in the second Perek).
(e)The Halachah is - like the Chachamim.
(a)What does the Tana say about brothers who divide ...
1. ... a field that they have inherited?
2. ... the field and who subsequently enter into partnership?
(b)And what does he say about partners who purchase ...
1. ... a tree jointly?
2. ... a tree, one the north side, and the other, the south?
(c)If Reuven purchases the roots of Shimon's tree (see Tosfos Rebbi Akiva Eiger), what must he do as regards Pe'ah? Has he purchased the land too?
(d)How does Rebbi Yehudah qualify the Tana Kama's statement? In which case will Reuven be absolved from leaving Pe'ah at all?
(e)Like whom is the Halachah?
(a)The Tana rules that if brothers divide ...
1. ... a field that they have inherited - each brother must leave Pe'ah independently.
2. ... the field, and who subsequently enter into partnership - they only need to leave one Pe'ah between them.
(b)And he rules that if partners purchase ...
1. ... a tree jointly - they need to leave only one Pe'ah between them.
2. ... a tree, one the north side, and the other, the south - each partner must leave Pe'ah independently.
(c)If Reuven purchases the roots of Shimon's tree (see Tosfos Rebbi Akiva Eiger) - he must leave Pe'ah for each root (assuming that is, that he did not purchase the ground, too, in which case, one Pe'ah will suffice).
(d)Rebbi Yehudah qualifies the Tana Kama's statement - by confining it to where Shimon retained some roots for himself (because if he did, in addition to the fact that he already began harvesting before selling the roots, he would have to leave Pe'ah for the entire field (see Tosfos Yom-Tov).
(e)The Halachah is - like Rebbi Yehudah, who comes to explains the Tana Kama, and not to argue with him.
(a)According to Rebbi Eliezer, a field in which one can sow a Beis Rova (a quarter of a Kav) is Chayav ba'Pe'ah. How much is a 'Beis Rova'?
(b)Rebbi Yehoshua gives the Shi'ur as one that produces a Beis Sasayim. What size is that?
(c)What is the source of their Machlokes?
(a)According to Rebbi Eliezer, a field in which one can sow a Beis Rova (a quarter of a Kav) is Chayav ba'Pe'ah. A 'Beis Rova' is - approximately ten and half Amos by ten and a half Amos.
(b)Rebbi Yehoshua gives the Shi'ur as one that produces a Beis Sasayim (twelve Kabin) of crops - which is a little less than the size that Rebbi Eliezer gives.
(c)The source of their Machlokes is - whether the measurement is determined by the seeds (Rebbi Eliezer) or the crops (Rebbi Yehoshua).
(a)Rebbi Tarfon is more stringent than the previous Tana'im. What does he say?
(b)According to Rebbi Yehudah, the Shi'ur is 'K'dei Li'ketzor Ve'lishnos'. What does that mean? What does the Mishnah add after citing his opinion?
(c)Rebbi Akiva is the most stringent of them all. What does he learn from the Pasuk ...
1. ... in Kedoshim "Pe'as Sadcha"?
2. ... in Mishpatim (in connection with Bikurim) "Admascha"?
(d)This latter D'rashah pertains to Bikurim of wheat and barley. How will the Din differ by Bikurim of fruit?
(a)Rebbi Tarfon is more stringent than the previous Tana'im. According to him - six by six Tefachim is Chayav Pe'ah.
(b)According to Rebbi Yehudah, the Shi'ur is 'Kedei Li'ketzor Ve'lishnos' - which means if there is sufficient crop to pick two handfuls of corn. The adds 've'Halachah ki'Devarav' (though it does not necessarily mean that we follow this ruling).
(c)Rebbi Akiva is the most stringent of them all. He learns from the Pasuk ...
1. ... "Pe'as Sadcha" - that even a 'Kol Shehu' is subject to Pe'ah.
2. ... (in connection with Bikurim) "Admascha" - that the same applies to Bikurim.
(d)This latter D'rashah pertains to Bikurim of wheat and barley. Fruit is different, inasmuch as - one is only Chayav to leave Pe'ah if one owns at least a circle of sixteen Amos of land surrounding the tree.
(a)Rebbi Akiva extends his Shi'ur of 'Kol she'Hu' to writing a Pruzbul. What is a Pruzbul?
(b)Who instituted it and why?
(c)What are the ramifications of this ruling?
(d)What final Halachah (regarding the Din of Kinyan) does Rebbi Akiva include in his list of 'Kol Shehu'?
(a)Rebbi Akiva extends his Shi'ur of 'Kol Shehu ' to writing a Pruzbul - a document handing over all one's claims to Beis-Din, enabling him to claim them in their name, even after Sh'mitah has cancelled all his personal debts.
(b)Hillel instituted it when he saw how, for fear of losing their debts, people were declining to lend money to the poor.
(c)The ramifications of this ruling are - that from with regard to the condition that the debtor must own land, it will suffice for him to own a Kol Shehu.
(d)And the final Halachah that he includes in his list of 'Kol Shehu' is that - in connection with the Din of acquiring Metaltelin together with Karka ('Metaltelin Agav Karka'), one can acquire any amount of Metaltelin together with a Kinyan on a Kol Shehu of Karka.
(a)If Reuven, who is a Sh'chiv-Mera, writes his property to Shimon, what distinction does the Tana draw between whether he keeps some land back for himself or not? How much land are we talking about?
(b)What is the reason for the ...
1. ... the former ruling?
2. ... the latter ruling?
(c)Is our Mishnah speaking where they made a Kinyan or not?
(d)If land in this and all subsequent cases until the end of the Perek is not meant literally, then why does the Tana mention it?
(a)If Reuven, who is a Sh'chiv-Mera, writes his property to Shimon - then, provided he keeps some land back (even a Kol Shehu) for himself, his gift is valid even in the event that he recovers, but not if he gives everything away.
(b)The reason for the ...
1. ... the former ruling - is because keep something for oneself indicates that the gift is a Matnas Bari and not a Matnas Sh'chiv-Mera ...
2. ... whereas the latter ruling - is, because we assume that a person would not leave himself with nothing.
(c)Our Mishnah is speaking - where they made a Kinyan (in spite of which the Sh'chiv-Mera may retract in the Seifa).
(d)Land in this and all subsequent cases until the end of the Perek is not meant literally, and the Tana only mentions it - because of the previous Mishnah, where, in the cases of Pe'ah, Bikurim and Pruzbul, it is.
(a)What does the Mishnah rule in a case where a Sh'echiv-Mera (see Mishnah Acharonah) bequeaths his property to his sons, giving a Kol Shehu Karka to his wife?
(b)What is the reason for this ruling?
(c)Rebbi Yossi carries this even further. What does he say?
(d)Like whom is the Halachah?
(a)In a case where a Sh'chiv-Mera (see Mishnah Acharonah) bequeaths his property to his sons, giving a Kol Shehu Karka to his wife, the Mishnah rules - that she loses her Kesubah ...
(b)... because the fact that she accepts the gift, without mentioning her Kesubah, indicates that she is Mochel (foregoes) it.
(c)Rebbi Yossi carries this even further. According to him - she loses her Kesubah even if the gift was given to her orally.
(d)The Halachah is - like the Tana Kama.
(a)If someone writes all his property to his Eved Cana'ani, the latter goes free. Why is that?
(b)Then why does he refer to him as an Eved?
(c)Why, if he specifically holds back some unspecified property, does the Eved not go free?
(d)So why did he give him the gift in the first place?
(a)If someone writes all his property to his Eved Cana'ani, the latter goes free - because the Eved is included in the gift.
(b)He nevertheless refers to him as an Eved - because until that moment, that is what he was.
(c)If he specifically holds back some unspecified property, the Eved does not go free - because we suspect that the Eved was included in the property that he held back ...
(d)... and the reason that he gave him the gift in the first place was merely - in order to flatter him.
(a)Assuming that all the master owns is the Eved and the field that he retained, why does the Eved not go free?
(b)What does Rebbi Shimon say?
(c)Why is that? In which point does he argue with the Tana Kama?
(d)In which case will Rebbi Shimon agree that the Eved does not go free?
(e)Why is that?
(a)Even assuming that all the master owns is the Eved and the field that he retained, the Eved does not go free - because since his initial statement 'Kol Nechasai' no longer stands (from the moment he said 'Chutz mi ... ', thereby negating it), the Eved cannot acquire himself either, since the Tana Kama does not hold of the principle 'Palginun Dibureih' (We divide his statement into two).
(b)Rebbi Shimon rules - that the Eved goes free (even if the owner possesses a lot of property) ...
(c)... because, as opposed to the Tana Kama, Rebbi Shimon holds, 'Palginun Dibureih', in which case the Eved at least acquires himself.
(d)Rebbi Shimon will agree that the Eved does not go free however - if his master specifically stated - 'Harei Kol Nechasai Nesunin le'Ish Peloni Avdi, Chutz me'Echad mi'Ribo she'Lahem' ...
(e)... because since he did not specify which property he had in mind to preclude from the gift, we suspect that he had in mind to leave over the Eved (even though he is really worth more than the one ten thousandths of his property that he stated).