Mishnah 1
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(a)What does the Tana say in a case where someone moves the sheaves in his field to a location of Pe'ah, making a haystack at a spot where the poor have not yet collected?

(b)Why is that?

(c)What if the sheaves comprise barley and the location is one where wheat is growing?

(d)What will be the Halachah in a case where the wind scattered the sheaves together with the grains of corn that were there?

(e)Raban Shimon ben Gamliel is more specific. What does he say?


(a)In a case where someone moves the sheaves in his field to a location of Pe'ah, making a haystack in a spot where the poor have not yet collected, the Tana rules that - whatever is touching the ground belongs to the poor ...

(b)... as a penalty for depriving the poor of collecting there (see Tosfos Rebbi Akiva Eiger).

(c)And this ruling applies even if the sheaves comprise barley and the location is one where wheat is growing.

(d)In a case where the wind scattered the sheaves together with the grains of corn that were there - the Tana requires the owner to assess how much Leket there would have been, and give that to the poor.

(e)According to Raban Shimon ben Gamliel - the Chachamim already assessed that Leket comprises four Kabin per Kur (a hundred and eighty Kabin or thirty Sa'ah).

Mishnah 2
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(a)The Mishnah discusses a case where the owner leaves one stalk uncut, the top of which reaches to where the cut corn is growing. In which case does it belong to ...

1. ... the owner?

2. ... the poor?

(b)What must the owner do if one stalk of corn falls into the hay-stack?

(c)Why is that?


(a)The Mishnah discusses a case where the owner leaves one stalk uncut, the top of which reaches to where the cut corn is growing. It will belong to ...

1. ... the owner - if he is able to pick it (with his hand) together with the standing corn. Otherwise, it belongs to ...

2. ... the poor.

(b)If one stalk of corn falls into the hay-stack - the owner is obligated to Ma'aser one stalk and give it to a poor man who comes to pick Leket ...

(c)... because it is forbidden to give the poor crops that require Ma'asering.


(a)Seeing as the owner has not yet performed 'Miru'ach', what is the point of Ma'asering his crops?

(b)How does he then go about Ma'asering the stalk?

(c)What does the Yerushalmi say to allay our suspicion that perhaps the second stalk is the one that is Leket?


(a)Even though the owner has not yet performed 'Miru'ach' - the Ma'aser that he takes is effective, like a Levi who arrives 'at the stalks' to receive Ma'aser.

(b)He then takes two stalks from the hay-stack and declares on one of them that if it is the Leket that fell into it, then that's fine; and if it is not, then its Ma'asros are fixed in the second stalk.

(c)And just in case the second stalk is the one that is Leket - the Yerushalmi says that he does the same with it using a third stalk.


(a)What problem does Rebbi Eliezer have with the previous ruling, according to the Rabbanan in the previous Perek (who forbid a rich man to take Pe'ah on behalf of a poor one)?

(b)So what would the owner have to do according to Rebbi Eliezer in the Rabbanan?

(c)How do the Rabbanan counter Rebbi Eliezer's Kashya? On which principle is their ruling based?


(a)Rebbi Eliezer's problem with the previous ruling, is that according to the Rabbanan in the previous Perek (who forbid a rich man to take Pe'ah on behalf of a poor one) - how can the owner switch one stalk for another without the permission of the poor man (who did not acquire it yet).

(b)According to Rebbi Eliezer in the Rabbanan - the owner would therefore have to first be Mezakeh the poor man the entire haystack (a Matanah al M'nas Lehachzir), and then Ma'aser one stalk and give it to the Ani (before taking back his haystack).

(c)The Rabbanan counter Rebbi Eliezer's Kashya - by referring to the principle 'she'Asu es she'Eino Zocheh ke'Zocheh' (i.e. the Chachamim instituted in this case [among others)] that it is as if the poor man would have acquired the stalk).

Mishnah 3
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(a)Rebbi Meir prohibits harvesting Tofach together with other crops. 'Tofach' might define a kind of legume. What else might it be?

(b)What is the reason for the prohibition?

(c)Why then, do the Chachamim permit it?


(a)Rebbi Meir prohibits harvesting Tofach together with other crops. 'Tofach' might define a kind of thin legume. Alternatively - it might be a kind of seed similar to barley.

(b)The reason for the prohibition is - because some of the Leket that ought to have dropped from the other (superior) crops is likely to fall from them instead (see Tos. Yom-Tov), causing the poor a loss.

(c)The Chachamim nevertheless permit it - since we can assume that the Leket from the other kinds will fall proportionately.


(a)Alternatively, 'Ein Megalg'lin be'Tofach' means that it is forbidden to draw water from the water-pit to water the field or to settle the dust before the Aniyim arrive to collect Leket. Why does Rebbi Meir then forbid it?

(b)In that case, why do the Rabbanan allow it?

(c)How, on the other hand, will the owner recuperate his losses (caused by not watering the field), according to Rebbi Meir?


(a)Alternatively, 'Ein Megalg'lin be'Tofach' means that it is forbidden to draw water from the well to water the field or to settle the dust. Rebbi Meir forbids it - because it is difficult to collect Pe'ah from a field that has just been watered, and causes the Aniyim a loss.

(b)The Rabbanan nevertheless allow it - because it is possible to assess the Aniyim's losses, which he will then be obligated to pay.

(c)According to Rebbi Meir, on the other hand, the owner will recuperate his losses (caused by not watering the field) - by assessing them and charging the poor (though how much will have to pay to each Ani according to the Chachamim, and how much they will have to pay him according to R. Meir, is unclear).

Mishnah 4
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(a)Under what condition does Rebbi Eliezer permit a Balabos who is traveling from one place to another to take Leket, Shikchah and Pe'ah?

(b)What does he obligate him to do, when he arrives home?

(c)What do the Chachamim say?

(d)Like whom is the Halachah?


(a)Rebbi Eliezer permits a Balabos who is traveling from one place to another to take Leket, Shikchah and Pe'ah - provided he needs to.

(b)When he arrives home however - he obligates him to repay his loan to the poor.

(c)The Chachamim - completely exempt him from paying (see Tosfos Rebbi Akiva Eiger) on the grounds that he was a poor man at the time that he picked it.

(d)The Halachah is - like the Chachamim.

Mishnah 5
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(a)With reference to someone who exchanges his own crops with those of a poor man, what does the Tana mean when he says 'she'Lo Patur, shel Ani Chayav'? What is he Patur and Chayav from?

(b)On what grounds is the former Patur?

(c)What concession does the Mishnah make with regard to two Aniyim who are joint Arisim (share-croppers) in a field?

(d)Why is each one not permitted to take Ma'aser Ani (see Tosfos Yom Tov) from his own half? From which Pasuk do we learn this?


(a)With reference to someone who exchanges his own crops with those of a poor man, when the Mishnah says 'she'Lo Patur, 'shel Ani Chayav' - means - that he is Patur from Ma'asering what he receives from the Ani, but Chayav to Ma'aser what he will give to him.

(b)The former is Patur - because we assume that whatever the Ani owns is Leket, Shikchah or Pe'ah (which are all Patur from Ma'asros).

(c)The Mishnah permits two Aniyim who are joint Arisim (share-croppers) in a field - to give each other the Ma'aser Ani from their respective half.

(d)Each one is not permitted to take Ma'aser Ani (see Tosfos Yom Tov) from his own half - on account of the juxtaposition of the words (Semuchin) in the Pasuk Kedoshim "Lo Selaket ... le'Ani" (including the Ani landowner in the Isur).


(a)What does the Tana forbid someone who is Mekabel a field to do?

(b)How does Rebbi Yehudah qualify this ruling? In which case is he permitted to do so?

(c)Why is that?

(d)How will we reconcile this ruling with Rebbi Yehudah himself (in the previous Perek), who obligates a Ger to give Leket, Shikchah and Pe'ah?

(e)Then why is he nevertheless Patur from Leket?


(a)The Tana goes on to forbid someone who is Mekabel a field - to take any of the Matnos Anitim for himself.

(b)Rebbi Yehudah qualifies this ruling - by confining it to where the owner stipulated that he receives as payment, a half, third or quarter of the yield each year, but not where he receives a percentage of what he cuts ...

(c)... because then he is not Chayav to leave Leket, Shikchah and Pe'ah, and is therefore not considered an owner.

(d)Rebbi Yehudah himself (in the previous Perek) nevertheless obligates a Ger to give Leket, Shikchah and Pe'ah (even from what is detached - because he is considered the owner of the field.

(e)Despite that, he exempts him from Leket - because the basic obligation comes during the harvesting, at which time he was not yet Chayav.

Mishnah 6
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(a)Under what circumstances does is someone who sells his field permitted to take Leket, Shikchah and Pe'ah, but not the purchaser?

(b)Why, if he sold only the produce, but retained the field, are both of them forbidden to take Leket, Shikchah and Pe'aht?

(c)Why does the Tana forbid someone to hire a laborer on condition that his son collects Leket behind him?

(d)Based on the Pasuk in Mishlei "Al Taseg G'vul Olam" (which we read as if it was written "G'vul Olim"), what does the Mishnah say about someone who prevents the poor from taking Matnos Aniyim, who allows one Ani to take, and another one, not, or who assists one of the Aniyim who have come to collect?

(e)What is the significance of 'G'vul Olim'?


(a)Someone who sells his field is permitted to take Leket, Shikchah and Pe'ah, but not the purchaser - provided he sold him the actual field, but not if he only sold him the produce but retained the field ...

(b)... in which case, the seller will be forbidden to take Matanos - because it is considered "Sadcha", and the purchaser - because it is considered "Ketzircha".

(c)The Tana forbids someone to hire a laborer on condition that his son collects Leket behind him - because we assume that, as a result, he will pay less rental (at the expense of the poor [See Tiferes Yisrael[).

(d)Based on the Pasuk "Al Taseg Gevul Olam", the Mishnah refers to someone who prevents the poor from taking Matnos Aniyim, who allows one Ani to take, and another one, not, or who assists one of the Aniyim who have come to collect - as someone who steals from the poor.

(e)'G'vul Olim' either refers to those who came up from Egypt (meaning that one should not change the prohibitions that were given to the Olei Mitzrayim') or is a refined way ('Lashon Sagi Nahor') of saying 'G'vul Yordim' (with reference to the poor, who have come down in the world).

Mishnah 7
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(a)What will be the Halachah regarding a sheaf that the workers forgot in the field, but not the owner, or vice-versa?

(b)How do we qualify the first ruling? In which case will the sheaf be considered Shikchah, even though the owner did not forget it?

(c)And what does the Tana say about a case where the Aniyim stand in front of a sheaf, blocking it from the view of the workers or the owner, causing them to forget it, or if they cover it with straw?


(a)A sheaf that the workers have forgotten in the field, but not the owner, or vice-versa - is not Shikchah.

(b)We qualify the first ruling - by restricting it to where the owner is in the field together with the workers, but if he is in town, the fact that he has a certain sheaf in mind, will not prevent it from becoming Shikchah, should the workers forget it.

(c)If the Aniyim stand in front of a sheaf, blocking it from the view of the workers or the owner, causing them to forget it, or if they cover it with straw - it is not Shikchah either.

Mishnah 8
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(a)The Mishnah exempts sheaves that are made 'le'Kova'os, u'le'Kumsa'os, le'Chararah u'le'Omarim' from the Din of Shikchah. If 'le'Kova'os' means sheaves from which one makes a form of tall hat to be worn, what does 'le'Kumsa'os' mean?

(b)And what is the significance of a sheaf that is made 'le'Chararah'?

(c)Alternatively, it is a matter of location, as the above are all arranged in one place before taking them to the threshing-floor. In that case, if 'le'Kova'os' refers to the sheaves that are arranged above the ground in the regular manner, what does ...

1. ... 'le'Kumsa'os' mean? What is the root of the word according to both interpretations?

2. ... 'le'Chararah' mean?

(d)Why are all the above Patur from Shikchah? How do we learn it from the Pasuk in Ki Setzei "Ki Siktzor Ketzircha be'Sadcha ve'Shachachta Omer ba'Sadeh"?


(a)The Mishnah exempts sheaves that are made 'le'Kova'os, u'le'Kumsa'os, le'Chararah u'le'Omarim' from the Din of Shikchah. 'le'Kova'os' means sheaves from which one makes a form of tall hat to be worn; 'le'Kumsa'os' - a hat that bends downwards (before coming to a point).

(b)Whereas a sheaf that is made 'le'Chararah' - refers to a method of sheaving whereby one harvests a little and immediately makes a sheaf with the intention of baking little cakes on coals.

(c)Alternatively, it is a matter of location, as the above are all arranged in one place before taking them to the threshing-floor. 'le'Kova'os' then refers to the sheaves that are arranged above the ground in the regular manner ...

1. ... 'le'Kumsa'os' - to sheaves that one arranges in a ditch below ground level. According to both interpretations, the root of the word is 'Kamus' (which means 'hidden'), and ...

2. ... 'le'Chararah' - in a circular fashion (like a mill-stone).

(d)All the above are Patur from Shikchah, because the Pasuk writes (in Ki Seitzei) "Ki Siktzor Ketzircha be'Sadcha ve'Shachachta Omer ba'Sadeh" - which teaches us that (just like the harvest, which is not followed by another harvest) so too, does the Chiyuv Shikchah pertain exclusively to where no further sheaves will be made.


(a)What will be the Din if one forgets a sheaf whilst transporting the sheaves ...

1. ... from one of the above to the granary (i.e. the threshing-floor)?

2. ... to the haystack where he intends to thresh them?

3. ... from the haystack to the granary, after changing his mind?

(b)What is the principle that governs these rulings?


(a)If one forgets a sheaf whilst transporting the sheaves ...

1. ... from one of the above to the granary (i.e. the threshing-floor) - then it is subject to Shikchah, and the same will apply if he is transporting it ...

2. ... to the haystack where he intends to thresh them.

3. ... from the haystack to the granary, after changing his mind - then he is Patur.

(b)The principle that governs these rulings is - that if he is taking sheaves to the place where the work will be concluded, Shikchah applies; from it to the granary, it does not. Whereas if he is transporting it to a place where the work will not be concluded, Shikchah does not apply; from it to the granary, it does.