(a)What does the Mishnah mean when it writes 've'Eilu Mafsikin le'Pe'ah'?
(b)The first six items that the Tana lists, he presents in pairs. What does he list together with ...
1. ... a river?
2. ... a private road?
3. ... a public path? What condition does he require (in both cases)?
(c)What is then the difference between a private road and a public one?
(d)Having taught us that a private road divides between the fields, why does the Tana find it necessary to add a public one?
(a)When the Mishnah writes 've'Eilu Mafsikin le'Pe'ah', it means - that when any of the following divide between two fields, one is Chayav to leave two lots of Pe'ah, one in each field.
(b)The first six items that the Tana lists, he presents in pairs. Together with ...
1. ... a river, he lists - a canal of water (that sends water along its tributaries).
2. ... a private road, he lists - a main road.
3. ... a public path, he lists a private path, both of which are used in winter as well as in summer.
(c)The difference between a private road and a public one is - in size; whereas the former is four Amos wide, the latter is sixteen.
(d)In spite of having taught us that a private road divides between the fields, the Tana finds it necessary to add a public one - because of the Seifa, where he will teach us that even a public road does not interrupt in the case of a tree, as we will explain there.
(a)What is the definition of a private path?
(b)Having taught us the Din by a private path, why does the Tana see fit to add the Din of a public one?
(c)The Tana includes in the list 'Bur, Nir ve'Zera Acher'. What is ...
1. ... 'Bur'?
2. ... 'Nir'?
3. ... 'Zera Acher'?
(d)What common Shi'ur do these three share?
(a)The definition of a private path is - one that is so narrow that one cannot place one's two feet on it side by side.
(b)The Tana needs to insert the case of a public path, despite having already taught us the Din by a private one - to teach us that even a public path must be regularly used in winter as well as in summer, before it can divide a field into two.
(c)The Tana includes in the list ...
1. ... 'Bur' - a field that is lying fallow.
2. ... 'Nir' - a field that has been plowed.
3. ... 'Zera Acher' - a field which lies between two fields and which is sown with different crops than they are (see Tosfos Rebbi Akiva Eiger).
(d)The Shi'ur of all three is - three furrows wide ('of the handle of the plow' ?) [See Tiferes Yisrael]).
(a)Rebbi Meir adds 'ha'Kotzer la'Shachas'. What does this mean?
(b)What is the basis of Rebbi Meir's ruling?
(c)What do the Chachamim say?
(d)What is their reason (see Tosfos Yom-Tov)?
(a)Rebbi Meir adds 'ha'Kotzer la'Shachas' - which means that someone reaped the crops from the middle section of his field before they have grown even a third ...
(b)... which he considers a break between the two fields. This is because, seeing as these crops are generally used to feed one's animals (see Tosfos Rebbi Akiva Eiger), he does not consider it part of the harvest.
(c)The Chachamim - agree with this only if the owner subsequently plows the field ...
(d)... because then it will have the Din of a Sadeh Nir (that we learned in the Reisha). Otherwise, they consider it the beginning of the harvest (in which case the owner needs to leave only one Pe'ah).
(a)What does Rebbi Yehudah mean when he says 'Amas ha'Mayim she'Einah Yecholah Le'hikatzer ke'Achas, Mafsekes'?
(b)In what way does he argue with the Tana in the previous Mishnah?
(c)What does the Tana mean when he says 've'Chol he'Harim asher be'Ma'adar Ye'adrun'?
(d)What does he say about it?
(a)When Rebbi Yehudah says 'Amas ha'Mayim she'Einah Yecholah Le'hikatzer ke'Achas, Mafsekes', he means - that if a canal runs through the field, then it divides the field into two only if it is sufficiently wide that if the owner stands in the middle and reap the corn growing on either bank, he cannot reach both sides simultaneously.
(b)He argues with the Tana in the previous Mishnah - who lists a 'Sh'lulis' of water among the things that divide the two fields, irrespective of its width.
(c)When the Tana says 've'Chol he'Harim asher be'Ma'adar Ye'adrun', he means - hills that are too steep for an ox with its plowing implements to climb, but that can be plowed by without it ...
(d)... which he nevertheless considers part of the two fields on either side - and therefore require only one Pe'ah (see Tiferes Yisrael).
(a)What does the Tana mean when he says 'ha'Kol Mafsik li'Zera'im'? What is he coming to include?
(b)What is the only thing that divides trees into two, to obligate the owner to leave two Pe'ahs?
(c)When will even that not divide the trees?
(a)When the Tana says 'ha'Kol Mafsik li'Zera'im', he comes to include a rock, provided it crosses the entire width of the field.
(b)The only thing that divides trees into two, to obligate the owner to leave two Pe'ahs - is a wall that is at least ten Tefachim tall.
(c)But even that will not divide them - if the branches of the trees intertwine above the wall.
(a)Under what condition does a wall between two carob-trees not divide regarding Pe'ah?
(b)Raban Gamliel cites his father, who used to give one Pe'ah for all the carob-trees that one could see in this way. What did he used to do as regards olive-trees?
(c)How does Rebbi Eliezer b'Rebbi Tzadok quote him (with regard to olive-trees)?
(a)A wall between two carob-trees will not divide with regard to Pe'ah - if one stands by one of the trees and can see the other one in spite of the wall (because carob-trees tend to grow very tall [see Tosfos Yom-Tov]).
(b)Raban Gamliel's cites his father, who used to give one Pe'ah for all the carob-trees that one could see in this way. As far as olive-trees are concerned - he used to give one Pe'ah for all the trees that he owned on one side of the town (e.g. on the north side).
(c)According to Rebbi Eliezer b'Rebbi Tzadok however - he used to give one Pe'ah on all the olive-trees that he owned in the whole town.
(a)What does the Mishnah say about someone who sows his field with ...
1. ... one kind of crop, but who intends to gather two harvests?
2. ... two kinds of crops, but who intends to gather them both simultaneously?
(b)In which case will the number of harvests nevertheless determine how many lots of Pe'ah to leave?
(a)The Mishnah rules that someone who sows his field with ...
1. ... one kind of crop, but who intends to gather two harvests - leaves one Pe'ah for both harvests (see Tosfos Yom-Tov).
2. ... two kinds of crops, but who intends to gather them simultaneouly - leaves two lots of Pe'ah (because the Chiyuv Pe'ah is determined by the number of crops, and not by the number of harvests).
(b)The number of harvests will determine how many lots of Pe'ah to leave however - in a case where the owner sowed two different types of wheat (for example).
(a)What happened when Rebbi Shimon Ish ha'Mitzpeh sowed two types of wheat in the days of Raban Gamliel? Where did he go (see Tiferes Yisrael) to find out how many Pe'ahs he had to leave?
(b)Nachum ha'Lavlar (the Sofer), a member of the Sanhedrin, quoted Rebbi Meyasha who received the ruling from his (Nachum ha'Lavlar's) father. Where did he get it from?
(c)What ruling are we referring to?
(d)What is its ultimate source?
(a)Rebbi Shimon Ish ha'Mitzpeh sowed two kinds of wheat in the days of Raban Gamliel - and he went to the Sanhedrin ha'Gadol to the Lishkas ha'Gazis (see Tiferes Yisrael) to find out how many Pe'ahs he had to leave.
(b)Nachum ha'Lavlar (the Sofer), a member of the Sanhedrin, quoted Rebbi Meyasha who received the ruling from his (Nachum ha'Lavlar's) father - who in turn, received it from the pairs (as quoted in Pirkei Avos), who heard it from the Nevi'im (Chagai, Zecharyah and Malachi).
(c)The ruling in question was - to go after the number of harvests, as we learned in the previous Mishnah.
(d)The ultimate source of this ruling is - Halachah le'Moshe mi'Sinai.
(a)What does the Tana say about a field which Kutim (Nochrim) or robbers harvested?
(b)Does it make a difference on whose behalf the Kutim harvested the field?
(c)And what does he say about a field whose stalks of wheat have been cut down by ants or blown down by the wind?
(a)The Tana rules - that a field which Kutim (Nochrim) or robbers harvested - is Patur from Pe'ah ...
(b)... provided they harvested it for themselves, and not on behalf of the owner (see Tosfos Rebbi Akiva Eiger and Tosfos Anshei Hash-m).
(c)And he incorporates in the above list a field whose stalks of wheat were cut down by ants or blown down by the wind.
(a)What is the final case cited by the Mishnah?
(b)What is the Tana's source for all this?
(c)If the owner harvested half the crops and robbers the other half, the Mishnah exempts the owner from leaving Pe'ah. Why is that?
(d)What will be the Din if the owner himself harvested the entire field and made sheaves?
(a)The final case cited by the Mishnah is - one where animals broke the stalks.
(b)The Tana's source for all this is - the word (in the Pasuk in Kedoshim) "u've'Kutzr'chem" (implying that, in order to be subject to Pe'ah, the crops must be cut by the owner, and not by others).
(c)If the owner harvested half the crops and robbers the other half, the Mishnah exempts the owner from leaving Pe'ah - because when he cut the first half, he placed the entire Chiyuv Pe'ah on the second half (which was subsequently not cut by him).
(d)If the owner himself harvested the entire field and made sheaves - he is obligated to give Pe'ah from the sheaves.
(a)What is the Din in the reverse case, where robbers harvested half the crops, and the owner, the other half?
(b)And what if the owner cut half the corn, and ...
1. ... sold the other half?
2. ... declared the other half Hekdesh?
(c)What is the reason for these two rulings?
(d)What will be the Din if the owner sells half the crops and harvests the other half himself (see Tiferes Yisrael)?
(a)In the reverse case, where robbers harvested half the crops, and the owner, the other half - the owner is obligated to leave Pe'ah.
(b)And if the owner cut half the corn, and ...
1. ... sold the other half - the purchaser is obligated to leave Pe'ah.
2. ... declared the other half Hekdesh - the person who redeems it from Hekdesh, must leave Pe'ah.
(c)The reason for these two rulings is - because the Chiyuv Pe'ah takes effect on the second half, as we learned in the previous Mishnah (and it is self-understood that the owner cannot sell or be Makdish the Pe'ah, which is not his).
(d)If the owner sells half the crops and harvests the other half himself - each current owner is obligated to leave Pe'ah in his half of the field.