[86a - 53 lines; 86b - 53 lines]

1)[line 2]כל שהוא מלא תשא ולמטהKOL SHE'HU MI'LO SISA UL'MATAH- any Mitzvah that is less stringent than "Lo Sisa"

2)[line 5]בחורבB'CHOREV- when Moshe was begging for forgiveness for the sin of the golden calf while he was standing on Mount Sinai

3)[line 5]"ונקה [לא ינקה]""V'NAKEH [LO YENAKEH]"- "He clears the sins of those who repent [and does not clear the sins of those who do not repent]" (Shemos 34:7).

4)[line 22]"שובו בנים שובבים [ארפה משובתיכם]""SHUVU, BANIM SHOVAVIM, [ERPAH MESHUVOSEICHEM...]"- "Return, O wayward sons, [and I will heal your waywardness...]" (Yirmeyahu 3:22).

5)[line 27]ממרקיןMEMARKIN- complete atonement

6)[line 27]"ופקדתי בשבט פשעם ובנגעים עונם""U'FAKADETI V'SHEVET PISH'AM; UVI'NGA'IM AVONAM"- "Then I will punish with the rod their transgression, and with plagues their iniquity" (Tehilim 89:33).

7)[line 32]באתרא דלא תבעיB'ASRA D'LO TAV'EI- in a place where the butchers do not [go to the customers' homes and] ask [for their money]

8)[line 35]ועביד חושבנאV'AVID CHUSHBENA- and they made an accounting

9)[line 35]דמסגינאD'MASGEINA- that I go, walk

10)[line 36]שחביריו מתביישין מחמת שמועתוSHE'CHAVEIRAV MISBAISHIN MACHMAS SHEMU'ASO- his colleagues are embarrassed because of the rumors spread about him

11)[line 37]שרא ליה מריה לפלניאSHARA LEI MAREI L'PELANYA- so-and-so's Master should forgive him

12)[line 39]משאו ומתנוMASA'O U'MATANO- his business dealings

13)[line 46]מכועריןMECHO'ARIN- repulsive, indecent

14)[line 47]"[ויבוא אל הגוים אשר באו שם ויחללו את שם קדשי] באמר להם עם ה' אלה ומארצו יצאו""... BE'EMOR LAHEM, 'AM HASH-M ELEH, UME'ARTZO YATZA'U'"- "[They came among the nations to where they came, and they desecrated My holy name] when it was said of them, 'These are the people of HaSh-m, but they departed from His land'" (Yechezkel 36:20).


15)[line 5]"... וְאַתְּ זנית רֵעִים רבים, ושוב אלי, נאם ה'""V'AT ZANIS RE'IM RABIM, V'SHOV ELAI, NE'UM HASH-M"- "... Yet you have committed adultery with many lovers, but you may return to Me, says HaSh-m" (Yirmeyahu 3:1).

16)[line 15]"ובשוב רשע מרשעתו ועשה משפט וצדקה עליהם יחיה""UV'SHUV RASHA ME'RISH'ASO V'ASAH MISHPAT U'TZEDAKAH, ALEIHEM HU YICHYEH"- "And when a wicked man turns away from his wickedness and acts with justice and righteousness, he shall live because of them" (Yechezkel 33:19). "He shall live because of them" in order to continue doing justice and righteousness, as he has started (METZUDAS DAVID).

17)[line 22]מקניט את חבירוMAKNIT ES CHAVEIRO- angers someone

18)[line 22]מתפייסMISPAYEIS- he will be appeased

19)[line 26]פרי חובהPAREI CHOVAH- bulls that are offered as obligatory sacrifices, e.g. a Korban Chatas

20)[line 27]"אוהבם נדבה""OHAVEM NEDAVAH"- "I will love them gratuitously" (Hoshea 14:5) - A voluntary sacrifice is more readily accepted than an obligatory one.

21)[line 29]רב רמיRAV RAMI- Rav asks that there seems to be a contradiction between two verses

22)[line 30]"אשרי נשוי פשע כסוי חטאה""ASHREI NESUY PESHA, KESUY CHATA'AH"- "Fortunate is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered" (Tehilim 32:1).

23)[line 34]"הן כל אלה יפעל קֵל; פַּעֲמַיִם שלש עם גבר""HEN KOL ELEH YIF'AL KEL; PA'AMAYIM SHALOSH IM GAVER"- "Behold, HaSh-m does all these things; even two or three times with one man" (Iyov 33:29) - The Gemara interprets this verse to mean that HaSh-m forgives an individual two or three times. The simple meaning of the verse is that when a person sins, HaSh-m arouses his heart in a dream. If he does not repent, He afflicts him with suffering, even two or three times.

24)[line 38]"ככלב שב על קיאו [כסיל שונה באולתו]""K'CHELEV SHAV AL KEI'O, [KESIL SHONEH V'IVALTO]"- "Like a dog who returns to [eat] his vomit, [a fool repeats his foolishness]" (Mishlei 26:11).

25)[line 40]נעשית לו כהיתרNA'ASEIS LO K'HETER- to him it becomes as if it is permissible

26)[line 44]פרנסיםPARNASIM- leaders, guardians

27)[line 45]יכתב סורחניYIKASEV SURCHANI- my offence should be written

28)[line 47]פגי שביעיתPAGEI SHEVI'IS- unripe figs of the Shemitah year

29)[line 49]החנפיןHA'CHANEFIN- the hypocrites; sinners who act in public as if they are Tzadikim

30)[line 49]"ובשוב צדיק מצדקו...""UV'SHUV TZADIK MI'TZIDKO..."- "And when a righteous person turns away from his righteousness and acts corruptly, I will place a stumbling block before him..." (Yechezkel 3:20) - Rashi explains that the stumbling block is a conspicuous sin that broadcasts his hitherto hidden wickedness.

31)[line 50]תשובת המוחלטיןTESHUVAS HA'MUCHLATIN- the repentance of notorious sinners

32)[line 51]והרשות מקברת את בעליהVEHA'RASHUS MEKAVERES ES BE'ALEHA- and high office buries its occupant (causes premature death)

33)[line 52]למידן דינאL'MEIDAN DINA- to judge a court case

34)[line 52]בצבו נפשיהBI'TZEVU NAFSHEI- of his own free will

35)[line 52]לקטלא נפיקL'KETALA NAFIK- he (Rav himself) is going out to [perform an action for which he might be punished to] die

36)[line 52]וצבו ביתיה לית הוא עבידU'TZEVU BEISEI LEIS HU AVID- and the needs (lit. desire) of his household he is not doing (he will not profit from judging the case)