Yevamos Chart #24
Chart for Yevamos Daf 80a-b
Note: The words in [brackets] apply to females.
1 | WHEN TWO HAIRS GREW PRIOR TO AGE 13 [OR 12] (3) | (He is a Katan) | (He is a Katan) |
2 | WHEN TWO HAIRS GREW BETWEEN THE AGES OF 13 [OR 12] AND 20 (1) | At the appearance of two hairs (4) | At the appearance of two hairs |
3 | WHEN TWO HAIRS GREW BETWEEN THE AGES OF 20 (1) AND 35 | At age 20 (Shmuel) At age 13 (5) (Rav) |
At the appearance of two hairs |
4 | WHEN TWO HAIRS GREW AFTER AGE 35 (OR NO HAIRS GREW AT ALL) | At age 20 (Shmuel) At age 13 (5) (Rav) |
At the age of 35 and one day |
(1) This follows the view of Beis Hillel who maintains that the age of adulthood for both a male and female with signs of a Seris is 20. (Rebbi Eliezer rules that the age for a female is 18. Beis Shamai rules that the age of adulthood for both a male and female with signs of a Seris is 18. The RAMBAM and SHULCHAN ARUCH rule like Beis Hillel.)
(2) The signs of a Seris of a male include: lack of facial hair, limp hair, soft flesh (he lacks bodily hair). Other Tana'im add other Simanim, and the RAMBAM records all of them. The Beraisa also mentions the signs of a Seris of a female (an Aylonis). Rav Huna and Rebbi Yochanan disagree whether one must have all of the signs to be considered a Seris or just one of them. (The Gemara adds that all Amora'im agree that if one has at least two hairs in his beard, he needs all of the signs of a Seris; see Insights.)
(3) Even if hairs that grow before the age of 13 remain past the age of 13, they are not signs of adulthood. Rather, we assume they are mole hairs. (There is an opinion in Nidah (46a) that if two hairs grow during the thirteenth year (or twelfth year for a female), when the thirteenth (or twelfth) year is completed the hairs are considered to be signs of adulthood because of the principle "Toch Zeman kil'Achar Zeman.")
(4) Although he has the other signs of a Seris, since he grew two pubic hairs before the age of 20 he is not a Seris. Rather, he is considered an adult at the time his hairs grow. (This is based on the Beraisa's words, "If a person reaches age 20 and has not grown two pubic hairs." According to the VILNA GA'ON (in Hagahos ha'Gra here and in Mishnayos Nidah, end of Perek 5), it appears that this is true only when the child has some, and not all, of the signs of a Seris. When he has all of the signs of Seris, then even if he has two hairs he is a Seris (at least according to Rebbi Yochanan; see footnote 2 above) and is considered an adult from the age of 13 according to Rav and from 20 according to Shmuel.)
(5) That is, according to Rav he becomes a Seris when he reaches age 20 without growing pubic hairs, retroactively from age 13. (This is true only when he also has signs of a Seris, as the Gemara explains.)