Yevamos Chart #4

Chart for Yevamos Daf 11a-12b


(who definitely
Exempt (1) Exempt (1)
2 SOTAH D'RABANAN (2) Rabanan : Chalitzah
R. Shimon: Safek
Chalitzah or Yibum
(i.e., she is
suspected of sinning)
Chalitzah Chalitzah (3)
(according to the
first versions of Rav
Yehudah and of Rebbi
Yochanan's Safek)
RYB'K : Exempt (5)
Rabanan: Chalitzah (6)
RYB'K : Exempt (5)
Rabanan: Safek (7)
(according to the
second version of
Rav Yehudah's Safek)
RYB'K : Exempt (5)
Rabanan: Chalitzah (6)
RYB'K : Safek (8)
Chalitzah or Yibum(*)
(according to the
second version of
Rebbi Yochanan's Safek)
Rabanan: Safek (7) Rabanan:
Chalitzah or Yibum
5 MEMA'ENES Exempt (9) Shmuel: Chalitzah (10)
Rebbi Yochanan:
Chalitzah or Yibum(*)
6 AYLONIS (who was
known to be barren) (12)
Exempt Rav Asi: Exempt (11)
Rava & R. Yochanan:
Chalitzah or Yibum(*)

(*) This is the Halachic ruling at the end of the Sugya (12b).





(1) This is the opinion of RASHI and TOSFOS in our Sugya, who explain that the Sotah is exempt from both Chalitzah and from Yibum. Most of the Rishonim subscribe to this view as well. However, according to the RE'AH (cited by the Ritva), the Sotah and her Tzarah must do Chalitzah, although they may not do Yibum, according to Rav (see the Ritva there for an explanation of our Sugya according to this view). This might also be the intention of the RA'AVAD cited by the Rosh here (1:4).

(2) This refers to a married woman who married a second husband based on the testimony of a single witness that her first husband had died. When her first husband turns out to be still alive, mid'Oraisa, she has the status of an Anusah and is permitted to return to him (as long as he is not a Kohen), but the Chachamim decreed that she is prohibited to return to him, like a Sotah.

(3) This is according to RASHI and TOSFOS. According to the RE'AH (see fn. 3), the Tzarah of a Safek Sotah may do Chalitzah or Yibum.

(4) This refers to a case where the first husband remarried his wife after she had been married (with Nisu'in) to and divorced from a second husband. If she had only been betrothed (with Erusin) to the second husband, Rebbi Yosi ben Kifar permits her to remarry the first husband. Even the Rabanan, who prohibit her with a Lav to remarry the first husband, would not compare her to an Ervah (to prevent her Tzarah from doing Yibum) since the verse does not prohibit an Arusah with the term "Tum'ah" (see next footnote).

(5) The reason why the Gerusha she'Chazrah and her Tzarah are exempt from Yibum is because the term "Tum'ah" is used by the Torah to describe her, just like the term "Tum'ah" is used to describe Arayos. It should be noted that the view presented in this chart regarding the Sugya of Machzir Gerushaso is that of Tosfos (DH Tzarasah). However, from the words of RASHI (DH Tzarasah Mahu, DH Pesulah), it appears that the "Tum'ah" of Machzir Gerushaso only prohibits her and her Tzarah to do Yibum, but it does not exempt them from Chalitzah (MAHARSHA). This is also the opinion of the RAMBAN and the other Rishonim (on Daf 11a, 11b). Even though we find that when the Torah says "Tum'ah" regarding a Sotah it exempts her from both Yibum and Chalitzah, that is only because there is an additional verse exempting her from Yibum, "She shall be to another man" -- and not to her Yavam (Sotah 5b), as the Rishonim (ibid.) point out.

(6) According to the Rabanan who argue with Rebbi Yosi ben Kifar, a Gerusha she'Chazrah does Chalitzah but not Yibum -- either because (according to the first version of Rav Yehudah) some measure of "Tum'ah" applies to her (since it does say "Tum'ah" in the verse that discusses Machzir Gerushaso, and "Ein Mikra Yotzei Midei Peshuto"), or (according to the first version of Rebbi Yochanan) because of a Kal v'Chomer, that since she is prohibited to the husband to whom she was previously permitted, certainly she is prohibited to the husband's brothers, to whom she was previously prohibited.

(7) The Gemara is in doubt whether she may only do Chalitzah, or she may also do Yibum.

(8) According to TOSFOS (mentioned in footnote #5), the Safek is whether she is completely exempt from Chalitzah and from Yibum, or whether she can do either Chalitzah or Yibum. According to RASHI, the Safek is whether she does only Chalitzah, or she may do Chalitzah or Yibum. (The reason to say that she can do either Chalitzah or Yibum is because the verse says regarding Machzir Gerushaso, "To'evah Hi" -- she is a To'evah, but not her Tzarah.)

(9) (We do not find this Halachah written explicitly in Shas. In fact, it might be suggested that there is reason to suppose that she requires Chalitzah mid'Rabanan, since she looks like a real Yevamah at the time that her husband dies and she falls to Yibum.)

(10) According to Shmuel, a Mema'enes does not do Yibum, due to a Gezeirah of "Tzaras Bito Mema'enes." Tzaras Bito Mema'enes, in turn, does not do Yibum because she looks like the Tzarah of the Bas at the time that her husband dies and she falls to Yibum. (Rebbi Yochanan permits the Tzarah of the Mema'enes to do Yibum, because he holds that we do not make such a Gezeirah here because it is a Gezeirah l'Gezeirah.)

(11) Rav Ashi exempts the Tzarah of the Aylonis, because she is a Tzarah of an "Eshes Ach she'Lo b'Makom Mitzvah" (Rashi). Rebbi Yochanan, though, permits her (see Insights to 12b).

(12) If he did not know about her condition when he married her, everyone agrees that her Tzarah may do either Chalitzah or Yibum, even if the Aylonis was also an Ervah to the surviving brother (as our Mishnah says).