Yevamos Chart #1
Chart for Yevamos Daf 4b-5b
1) | Vayikra 19:19 | |
a | U'BEGED | The word "Beged" teaches that the prohibition of Sha'atnez applies only to wool and linen (according to Tana d'Vei Rebbi Yishmael). |
b | KIL'AYIM | |
c | SHA'ATNEZ | The Gemara originally posits (4b) that "Sha'atnez" is used for a Gezeirah Shavah. (According to the conclusion of the Gemara on 5b, this word is not used for a Gezeirah Shavah (1).) |
Not only is Levishah (wearing) of Sha'atnez prohibited, but even Ha'ala'ah (placing it upon one's body) is also prohibited. |
2 | Devarim 22:11-12 | |
a | LO TILBASH | Ha'ala'ah is prohibited only if it provides for the person the benefit of warmth, like Levishah. |
b | SHA'ATNEZ | The Gemara originally posits (4b) that "Sha'atnez" is used for a Gezeirah Shavah (with 1:c, above). (According to the conclusion of the Gemara, 5b, the word is written to teach a Derashah through Semuchin, and also to teach the requirement of "Shu'a, Tavi, v'Noz" (2).) |
c | TZEMER U'PISHTIM | The Gemara originally posits (4b) that, according to Tana d'Vei Rebbi Yishmael, these words were written to teach through Semuchin that an Aseh is Docheh a Lo Ta'aseh (3). (According to the conclusion of the Gemara, 5b, these words are needed to teach that the prohibition applies only to a mixture of wool and linen and not to any other two materials (4).) |
d | YACHDAV | Two garments, one of wool and one of linen, which are joined by two stitches are considered Kil'ayim |
Tzitzis must be made from four threads, doubled over to eight (5). |
(1) According to the Gemara's conclusion, the word "Sha'atnez" in Vayikra cannot be used teach a Gezeirah Shavah to the word "Sha'atnez" in Devarim (because in Devarim, the word "Sha'atnez" is needed to teach several other Halachos; see 2-b above). Therefore, the words "Tzemer u'Pishtim" in Devarim are not extra according to the Maskanah, because they are needed to teach that the prohibition of wearing Kil'ayim also applies only to a mixture of wool and linen and not a mixture of other materials, as was the Havah Amina on 4b. (TOSFOS Shabbos 27b)
(2) How can one word be used for two different Derashos? The answer is that the Halachah of "Shu'a, Tavi, v'Noz" is learned from the fact that the Torah did not use the normal word "Kil'ayim," but instead used the unusual word "Sha'atnez" (Rashi 5b). The word also teaches to be Doresh Semuchin, since the Torah used the word "Sha'atnez" and did not say outright "Shu'a, Tavi, v'Noz" (TOSFOS 5b DH Kulah).
(3) According to the Rabanan, who do not interpret the word "Beged" to be referring specifically to wool and linen, the Torah had to write these words to teach that the prohibition of Kil'ayim applies only to wool and linen.
(4) This is true even according to Tana d'Vei Rebbi Yishmael. According to the Maskanah, the word "Sha'atnez" is not used to teach a Gezeirah Shavah from Vayikra to Devarim. Therefore, it is not possible for them to learn that the prohibition of Levishah, wearing Kil'ayim, applies only to Tzemer u'Pishtim by learning it from a Gezeirah Shaveh to the prohibition of Ha'ala'ah in Vayikra (where it says "Beged"). (TOSFOS 4b, DH Im Ken).
(5) The rest of the words in this verse are also used for various Derashos (see Tosfos 4b, DH Michdi).