

úåñ' ã"ä âáé úîåøä ì÷é âáé ÷ãùéí ìà ì÷é

(Summary: Tosfos discusses the text.)

åàéú ñôøéí ãâøñé 'âáé úîåøä ÷ãéù ... '.


Alternative Text: Some texts read 'Gabei (by) Temurah Kadosh ... '.

åìôé âé' øàùåðä îùåí ãùåââ ãúîåøä ì÷é ...


Implied Question:: According to the initial text, a Shogeg by Temurah receives Malkos ...

ãâæéøú äëúåá äéà - îùåí ãëúéá "éäéä" ìøáåú ùåââ ëîæéã.


Answer: Because it is a Gezeiras ha'Kasuv - since the Torah writes "Yih'yeh", to include Shogeg like Meizid.

åøáéðå áøåê åøáéðå ùîòåï ùàðõ àéôìâå áä äøáä àí éù îì÷åú áùåââ ãúîåøä - åîöàå áä ñôøéí çìå÷éí äëà.


Dispute: In fact Rabeinu Baruch and Rabeinu Shimshon from Shantz argue over whether Shogeg by Temurah is subject to Malkos - and they found conflicting texts here.

åáøéù îëéìúéï ôéøùúéå.


Reference: And Tosfos explained it at the beginning of the Masechta (See Daf 2a, DH 'Ha Gufa').

åîéäå áñîåê âáé 'ëñáåø ÷ãùéí ùðåìã ìäí îåí, ðàëìéï áìà ôãéåï', ìà îöéðå ìîâøñ 'âáé ÷ãùéí ìà ÷ãù' ...


Refutation of Text: The Gemara shortly however, in connection with 'They thought that Kodshim that developed a blemish can be eaten without being redeemed', we cannot rea 'Gabeo Kodshim Lo Kidesh' ...

ùäøé ÷ãåù åòåîã äåà îòé÷øà ...


Reason: Seeing as they are already Kadosh to begin with ...

àìà ä"â áéä 'âáé úîåøä ì÷é, âáé ÷ãùéí ìà ì÷é'.


Correct Text: Te text there must therefore be 'Gabei Temurah Laki, Gabi Temurah Lo Laki'.



úåñ' ã"ä àëðñ ìáéú æä ëå' ä÷ãéù ùìà îãòúå

(Summary: Tosfos disagrees with Rashi's explanation.)

ôøù"é ùáòì îçùáåú äéä, åìà äéä éåãò îä äéä àåîø.


Explanation #1: Rashi explains that he was a man with disturbed thoughts, who did not know what he was saying.

å÷ùä, ìîä ìå ìåîø 'àëðñ ìáéú (æä) ... '?


Question: Then why did he say 'I will enter this house ... '?

ìëê ðøàä ìôøù 'àëðñ ìáéú æä ... ' - ëìåîø 'ëùàëðñ ìáéú æä, úäéä áäîä æå úîåøä îéã, åæå úäéä ÷ãåùä îãòúéä ...


Explanation #2: We therefore need to explain that 'I will enter this house' means 'When I enter this house, this animal will immediately be a Temurah and this one will be Kadosh - with his knowledge ...

åðëðñ áä åäîéø åä÷ãéù ùìà îãòúå ...


Explanation #2 (cont.): And he then entered the house and made a Temurah and Hekdesh without his knowledge ...

ùìà àîø ãáø áëðéñúå åâí ìà çùá áîä ùàîø îúçéìä ...


Explanation #2 (cont.): Since neither did he say anything after entering nor did he think about what he said earlier ...

åðîöà ùçì äúîåøä åää÷ãù ùìà îãòú.


Conclusion: In which case the Temurah and the Hekdesh take effect without his knowledge.



úåñ' ã"ä àé äëé èøôä ðîé äà ÷øáä áîéðä

(Summary: Tosfos explains why the Gemara only asks from T'reifah.)

àáì îï äùàø ìà ôøéê ...


Implied Question: It does not ask from the other cases, because ...

ãèåîèåí åàðãøåâéðåñ áøéåú îùåðåú äï, åäåé ëàéìå ìà ÷øá áîéðï ...


Answer: Tumtum and Androginus are freaks, and it is considered as if he did not bring from their species ...

åëê éåöà ãåôï úäé áä àéðùé, åäåé ëàéìå ìà ÷øá áîéðå ...


Answer (cont.): And in the same manner people are astonished at them, and it is as if he did not bring from their species ...

åëï ëìàéí îùåðä äåà, åäåé ëàéìå ìà ÷øá áîéðå.


Answer (concl.): Kil'ayim too, are uncommon, and it is as if he did not bring from their species

åëï ôøù"é.


Support: And that is also how Rashi explains it.




úåñ' ã"ä ìà îéáòéà áååìãåú ãìà îåãéðà ìê àìà àôéìå òã ñåó äòåìí ìà îåãéðà ìê

(Summary: Tosfos explains why 'V'ladan u'V'lad V'ladan; is not redundant, and reconciles Sugyos in Kesuvos and Yevamos with this Sugya.)

åà"ú, ìéúðé 'òã ñåó äòåìí', åìà ìéúðé 'åìãï ååìã åìãï'?


Question: Let it lean 'ad Sof ha'Olam' and not 'V'ladan u'V'lad V'ladan'?

åé"ì, ã'ìà æå àó æå ÷úðé', ùëï ãøê îùðä ìùðåéé äëé.


Answer: It is applying the principle 'Not only this but also that', which the Mishnah commonly uses.

åúéîä, ãáøéù äëåúá (ëúåáåú ôâ:) áòé ' ''ôéøé ôéøåú'' ãåå÷à àå ''òã ñåó äòåìí'' ãåå÷à àå úøååééäå ãå÷à?' - åäëà ìà äåä áòé äëé?


Question: At the beginning of 'ha'Koseiv' (Kesuvos, 83b) the Gemara asks whether ' "Peirei Peiros" or "Sof Kol ha'Olam" is Davka, or whether both are necessary', whereas here the Gemara does not ask that?

åé"ì, ãäúí áìéùðà äëúåá áùèø ãéé÷é, ãàéï ìëúåá áùèø ãáø ùàéðå öøéê ...


Answer: The Gemara there is discussing the Lashon written in a Sh'tar, and in a Sh'tar one does not insert anything that is not necessary ...

àáì áìéùðà ãîúðé' ìéëà ìîéã÷ ëåìé äàé.


Answer (cont.): Whereas one does not tend to be so fussy regarding the Lashon of a Mishnah.

åáøéù îñ' éáîåú (ãó á.) ìà ãéé÷ 'ëéåï ãúðà ''öøåúéäï åöøåú öøåúéäï'', ''òã ñåó ëì äòåìí'' ìîä ìé?' ëããéé÷ äëà ...


Implied Question: At the beginning of Maseches Yevamos (Daf 2a), the Gemara does not comment 'Since the Tana states "Tzaroseihen ve'Tzaros Tzaroseihen", why add "Ad Sof Kol ha'Olam"?' like it comments here ...

ãôùéèà ìéä ãëåìäå öøéëé ìîéúðé ...


Answer: Because it takes for granted that both statements are necessary ...

ãìà äåä ùîòéðï ãôèøé öøåú åöøåú ãöøåú, àé ìàå ãúðà ìäå ìëåìäå.


Reason: Since we would not have known that Tzaros and Tzaros Tzaros are Patur, had it not done made both statements.



úåñ' ã"ä ð÷áä ìøáåú äúîåøä

(Summary: Tosfos explains why this Pasuk is not superfluous and clarifies the difference between this D'rashah and the D'rashah regarding B'chor and Ma'aser.)

åàó òì âá ãëúéá (åé÷øà ëæ) "åäéä äåà åúîåøúå éäéä ÷ãù" ...


Implied Question: Even though the Pasuk has already written (in Vayikra 27) that "It together with its Temurah shall be Kodesh" ...

àöèøéê ÷øà ìøáåéé ã÷øáä.


Answer: We need a Pasuk to teach us that it is brought on the Mizbe'ach.

åà"ú, îàé ùðà ãäëà àéöèøéê ÷øà ìøáåéé ã÷øá, åâáé áëåø åîòùø ëúéá "äí" ãîîòèéðï îéðéä "äí", åìà ååìãåú åìà úîåøúå?


Question: Why is it that here, we need a Pasuk to teach us that it is brought on the Mizbe'ach, whereas by B'chor and Ma'aser the Torah writes "Heim", which we Darshen "Heim", 've'Lo V'lados ve'Lo Temuraso'?

åé"ì, àçøé ùëúåá îéòåè âáé áëåø åîòùø, àöèøéê äëà ÷øà ìøáåú.


Answer: It is after the Pasuk precludes it by B'chor and Ma'aser that we need the Pasuk here to include it.



úåñ' ã"ä ãàéëà ùí òåìä òì àîå

(Summary: Tosfos disagrees with Rashi's explanation.)

ôøù"é ëìåîø ãð÷áä ùééëà áòåìä - ùäøé îöéðå òåìú ð÷áä áòåìú äòåó, ãàéï úîåú åæëøåú áòåôåú ...


Explanation #1: Rashi explains that the concept of a Nekeivah is applicable to an Olah - since we find a female Olah by a bird, seeing as the requirement of Tamus (having no blemish) and Zachrus (being a male) does not apply to a bird ...

àáì âáé ååìãåú ùìîéí ãáòìé îåîéï, (ã)àéï ùí ÷ãùéí òì àîï - ãìà îöéðå áòì îåí ÷øá ùìîéí, ãäà ùìîéí òåó ìéëà. òë"ì.


Explanation #1 (cont.): Whereas with regard to the babies of a Shelamim that is blemished, the term 'Kodshim' is not applicable to their mother, since there is no such thing as a bird Shelamim (Until here is the wording of Rashi).

'áø ôãà àîø "ìøòéä åàìéáà ããáøé äëì'' ...


Quotation: 'Bar Pada says that it must graze according to all opinions' ...

ãàôé' øáé àìòæø ãàîø âáé 'îôøéù ð÷áä ìòåìä åéìãä', 'äåà òöîå é÷øá òåìä' ...


Clarification: Because even Rebbi Elazar, who says, in connection with 'Someone who designates a female for an Olah and it subsequently gives birth' that 'The animal itself is brought as an Olah ...

äééðå èòîà, îùåí ãàéëà ùí òåìä òì àîå - ôéøåù áòåìú äòåó.


Reason: That is because there the term Kodshim is applicable to the mother - i.e. by an Olas ha'Of.

å÷ùä ìôøù"é ãà"ë, ãîäðé ùí òåìú äòåó ãùééëà áàí ìäåìã; àí ëï, äôøéù ð÷áä áòìú îåí ìòåìä, åéìãä, äéä ìðå ìåîø ãäåìã òöîå ÷øá òåìä ...


Introduction to Question #1: According to Rashi, it transpires that the term Olas ha'Of helps from the mother to the baby; in that case if someone designates a female Ba'alas-Mum as an Olah, and it gives birth, we ought to say that the baby itself is brought as an Olah ...

ãäà àéëà ùí òåìú äòåó òì àîå ...


Introduction to Question #1 (cont.): Seeing as the term Olas ha'Of applies to its mother ...

åîùîò ãîîòè ëì åìã áòìé îåîéï?


Question #1: Whereas it implies that he (Rebbi Elazar) preclude all the babies of Ba'alei-Mumin?

åòåã, ãì÷îï îùîò ãìà îäðé ùí òåìä ãòåó ãàí ìåìã àìà ìàìåîé ëç äð÷éáä òöîä, ìîéçì òìä ÷ãåùú äâåó?


Question #2: Moreover, the Gemara says later that the term Olah by a bird of the mother only help for the baby to 'empower' the female itself, for Kedushas ha'Guf to take effect on it?

åðøàä ìä"ø î"ø ìôøù ã'àéëà ùí òåìä òì àîå' - ëìåîø ã÷ãåùä ÷ãåùú äâåó àí äôøéù ð÷áä ìòåìä ...


Explanation #2: ha'Rav R. Mordechai that 'The term Olah applies to its mother' means that if one designates a female as an Olah it is Kadosh Kedushas ha'Guf ...

ãàéï ìä ôãéåï ìöàú ìçåìéï ëîåú ùäéà àìà öøéëà îåí ìôãåú ...


Explanation #2 (cont.): Since it is not subject to Pidyon to go out to Chulin as it is, but it must obtain a blemish in order to be redeemed ...

ãð÷áåú ìà äåé îåí ìôãåú òìéä, ëãàîøéðï ì÷îï.


Reason: Because Nakvus (the fact that it is a female) is not considered a blemish on which to redeem it.

åîù"ä ãéï äåà ùé÷øéá äåìã òöîå ...


Explanation #2 (cont.): And that is why the baby itself is brought on the Mizbe'ach ...

àáì áòìé îåîéï, ãìéëà ÷ãåùú äâåó òìééäå ëìì, àéï ãéï äåà ùé÷øá äåìãåú, àìà éøòå. äøî"ø îåøé.


Explanation #2 (conl.): Whereas Ba'alei-Mumin, on which there is no Kedushas ha'Guf at all, the babies are not brought on the Mizbe'ach but must graze (ha'Rav Mordechai Tosfos' Rebbe).



úåñ' ã"ä àé ãòåìä æëø äåà åìàå áø àåìåãé äåà

(Summary: Tosfos discusses the fact that the Gemara gives a different reason by Asham than by Olah and elaborates.)

åàé úîåøä ãéãéä, åãàé ÷øáä.


Answer to Implied Question: And if it is referring to the Temurah of an Olah - it is definitely brought on the Mizbe'ach;

åàé ãàùí, äìëúà âîéøé ìä ãìøòééä àæìà.


Quote from the Gemara: And if it is referring to the of an Asham, it is a Halachah le'Moshe mi'Sinai that it must be let to graze until it gets a Mum.

äåà äãéï ãäåä îöé ìîéîø æëø äåà åìàå áø àåìåãé äåà ëîå âáé òåìä ...


Implied Question: It could just as well have said 'An Asham is a male and cannot have children, as the Gemara said with regard to an Olah ...

àìà ðéçà ìéä ìîéôøê îîéìúà àçøéúé.


Answer: But it prefers to give a different reason.

åà"ú, ìôø"ú ãàîø äìëä ìîùä îñéðé 'ëì ùáçèàú îúä, áàùí [÷øá] òåìä', àîàé ìà îå÷é ìä áàùí?


Question: According to Rabeinu Tam, who says that Halachah le'Moshe mi'Sinai 'Whatever must die by a Chatas, by an Asham is brought as an Olah' (and it was the Rabanan who instituted that the Asham must be let to graze, and not brought as an Olah - see Tosfos 18a DH Nitak), why does the Gemara not establish that the Beraisa is discussing an Asham (since it is not let to graze according to the Torah, but rather it is sacrificed as an Olah)?

åé"ì, ãáäà ìà îöé ìàå÷åîé, ãôùéèà ìéä ãàéðå ÷øá áàùí, å"ø÷" îùîò ãîîòè ìéä ãàéðå ÷øá (á)[ë]÷ãùéí ãàúé îéðéä ...


Answer: It cannot be that the Beraisa is discussing the (Temurah of child of) an Asham, since it is obvious that one cannot actually bring it as an Asham (but, if anything, as an Olah), and "Rak" implies that one does not bring it like the Kodshim from which it came ...

åìäëé ìà àöèøéê, ãôùéèà äåà ãàéðå ÷øá áàùí.


Answer (cont.): And it is not necessary to teach us that point, since it is obvious that it is not brought as an Asham.